Cteb Society and Personals I or WILUAMSTON ud MAIT1N COUNTY PHONE Aaythlaf far TKia Dcptrtmeiil 46 Here Sunday Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Hardison, of Plymouth, visited Mrs. Bettie Pope here Sunday afternoon. In Town Monday Judge J. C. Smith was here yester day from Robersonville attending to business. Leaves for Florida Mrs. J. L. Robertson left Monday for West Palm Beach, Ha., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. J. O. Bowen, for some time. ? In Hew Bern Miss Mariah Brinson, teacher in the local schools, spent the week end at her home in New Bern. Home for the Week-End Jack Manning and Oscar Ander son, jr., were home from Campbell College for Jbe week-end. from Elisabeth City Judge I. M. Meekins, of Elizabeth City, visited here a short while Sun day afternoon. Visitor Here Sunday Ralph Hardison, of Jamesville, was here Sunday. I In Richmond Monday K. i). Worrell was in Richmond yesterday attending to business. Visits His Mother Here Mr. I.eRov Anderson, of Emporia. Va., visited his mother, Mrs. J. W. Anderson, here Sunday. In Chapel HiU Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark and Miss Sarah Freeman Cone visited in Chapel Hill Sunday. ? From Jamesville Mr. Herbert Lilley was here yes terday from Jamesville. Headquarters for Garden Seed Plant That Early Garden Now For a quarter of a century we hare sold the high est grade seed obtainable. When better seed are grown, Clark's will soli them. BEWARE OF CHEAP, UNRELIABLE, UNKNOWN SEED! CLARK'S DRUG STORE to Business for Yoor Health PHONE U ALL That Is NEW FOR THIS SPRING YOU'LL FIND RIGHT HERE The Mannish Suit The Swagger Suit The Finger Tip Suit Apd a Complete Assortment of Blouses and the Accessories To Go With Them COATS For the Miss and Matron. In the new tweeds and solid colors. They're here, too. SELBY SHOES In all the new styles and color ings, and in the widths that make fitting perfect?AAA to D. H&TS by DERBY That la All That Is Necessary YOURS TO PLEASE, Mltirgolis Bros. In Raleigh Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Barnes were called to Raleigh yesterday by the illness of Mrs. Barnes' father. In Town Yesterday Messrs. E G. Anderson and Vance Roberson were here yesterday from Robersonville attending to business. ? From Griffins Mr. A. I). Griffin was here yester day from Griffins attending to busi ness matters. ? Here Saturday Abbie Clark, of Chapel Hill, spent Saturday night here with his par ents. Return From Wilson Mrs. E. S. Teel atYtl Miss Cora Lee Robrrson returned Sunday from Wilson, where they visited relatives for several days. 1 I isiting in Farmvilte Mrs. J. C. Manning and son, Asa, are spending a few days with rela tives in Farmville. ? Yisiting in Richmond Mrs. Z. T. Piephoff is spending several days in Richmond with friends. Here Yesterday Mr. D. E. Jones, special salesman lor Swift Fertilizer Company, of Norfolk and Kdenton, was here yes terday. Will Return Tonight I>r. Spencer wil return tonight from Washington City, where he has Iteen attending the-Five-State Den tal Association meeting which was held at the Georgetown University in that city. In Town Monday Mr. R. Grady Johnson, speaker of the State House of Representa tives, was here yesterday front War saw. Here Sunday Miss Mary King Ellison visited here a short while Sunday afternoon en route from Hertford to her home in Belhaven, where she was called by the sudden illness of her father, Mr. W. A. Ellison. MRS. R. C. JORDAN IS HOSTESS LAST FRIDAY Jamesville.?Friday evening Mrs. R C. Jordan was hostess to the Kil Kare club. Contract was played at ihree tables. Attractive prizes were given to Miss Emily Smithwick, the holder of high score, and to Mrs Charlie Davenport, for low score. Following the game a congealed salad and coffe were served to Mes dames A. J. Holliday, J. T. lizzie. J. E. Smithwick, jr., Charlie Daven (>ort, and MisSes Sneede Leeson, Ra chel (lodwin, Rachel Carson, Mar garet M. Everett, Fannie L. Mar tin, Louise I'axton, Opal Brown, Em ily Smithwick and Dorothy Carson. SARAH FRANCES IIARDISON HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Sarah Frances llardi son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. \Y. Hardison, entertained a number uf her friends Saturday evening from 2 until 5 o'clock in honor of her sixth birthday. The little hostess received many useful presents, including one from her grandfather, Mr. Simon Hardi son. who now lives in Gainesville, Fla. After the children had enjoyed the afternoon playing games, Mrs. Har ning and Mrs. J. S. Anderson, served dison, assisted by Mrs. John Man candy and apples. WOODWARD - BROWN WEDDING SATURDAY On Saturday, March 7th, at noon, at the home of the bride on Church Street, Miss Myrnie Woolard Brown and Mr. Richard Delver Woodward were married by Rev. Edwin Mose ley, rector of the Church of the Ad vent. There were only a few frieiufs attending the ceremony. The bride wore a maize suit with fox collar and brown accessories. She carried yellow ophelia roses. ~/rc Sab _ smob ^artteS H "I always smoke Camels for digestion's sake," says Frank Duck, famous wild animal collector. "I rec ommend Camels for flavor," be contin ues. "They are rich and mellow. And they are a delightful help to digestion." CAMELS SIT YOU RIGHT! Tbey are a friendly aid to digestion. No matter bow many you smoke, Camels never get on your nerves. C4MCLS ticM/o&iceot/ Agent for SWIFTS RED STEER FERTILIZER Before bilging your FERTILIZ ER, let us quote you prices. If you are not acquainted with the marvel ous crops Swift's Red Steer produced in 1935, talk to your neighbor or see your local authorized Swift Agent. F. W. Sparrow Mrs. Woodward U the only child of Mrs. Myrtle Woolard Brown and the late Mr. David Brown and is descended from some of the oldest families in this state. She studied at the Woman's Col lege of the Uni versity of North Carolina, after com pleting her course in the local high school. She is a very lovely and charming young woman and is very iwpular here, being actively identi fied with the church and social life of the town. Mr. Woodward is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lafayette Woodward, of Suffolk, Va , and (or some time was manager of the Farm ville-Woodward l.umlier Co. here. He graduated front Virginia Poly technic Institute with two degrees. Bachelor of Mechanical engineering and Bachelor of Industrial Kngineer ing. He is also a graduate of Fork Union Military Academy in Virginia. At present he is in the lumber busi ness, with headquarters at Rich mond. Immediately after their marriage they left by automobile for New \ork and other northern cities. They will return here next week and will be at home in the l'ar Heel A|>art ments. The following announcements have been mailed to out-of-town friends: _ "Mrs. Myrtle Woolard Brown an nounces the marriage of her daugh er, Mvrnie Wuolard, (o Mr. Richard Delves Woodward, un Saturday, the ?eventh of March. 19)6, William ton, North Carolina. "At home, Tar Heel Apartments, iVilllamston, North Carolina." MEN WANTED: FOE UWLUGH route of <00 families in Beaufort, Washington, and Hyde Counties. Reliable hustlei should start errning $25 weekly and increase . rapidly. Write today. Kawleigh, Dept. NCC -251 S., Richmond, V*. mr% 4t With the Best of Your Investments ?here it is that a Guaranty Savings Ac count or Certificate of Deposit belongs It is safe?insured up to $5,000.00 by the Feder al Deposit Insurance Corporation and safeguard ed 100 per cent by management of time-tested soundness. It earns interest that compares favorably with that obtainable on high-grade securities. Deposits Over $6,000,000.00 Capital Over 500.000.00 Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Company HARDWARE AT YOUR OWN PRICE Since repairs and renovation of our store building are rapid ly nearing completion and our new stock will soon be here, we are forced to throw the remainder of our present stock on the market for whatever it will bring at PUBLIC AUCTION g A qn ONE DAY 9A 1 ? Only Mar. Starting at 9:00 A. M. A.T THE Farmers Warehouse Prize Packages to be Sold We are dividing our stock up into lots and have secured the services of a good auctioneer. These lots will be laid out on the floor of the Farmers Warehouse and sold to the highest bidder. After the sale by lots has been tabulated, the entire stock will be offered in bulk, and we reserve the right to accept the offer most advantageous to us. This is the chance of a lifetime, coming right at the height of the hardware season. You can buy your hardware needs for a Jong time, to come absolutely at your own price. We do not expect to get even the cost of these goods out of this sale, but we do expect to dispose of our entire stock at some price, so that we can open in our new store with a brand new stock. In the Meantime, Our Stock Is Still Being Sold at Fire Sale Prices Remember ? Our entire stock, including all Paints, Harness, Farm Supplies and Hardware of all kinds, goes 011 sale to the highest bidder on Saturday 1D n J morning, March 14, at 9 a. m., in Farmers Warehouse CULPEPPER HARDWARE COMPANY -WILLIAMSTON, N. C. MAIN STREET