THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 35 ~ Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. May 1.1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 BUND SURVEY IN COUNTY TO GET UNDER WAY SOON Distribute Cards To School Children Over County Early Next Week The turvey which wu to have been conducted through the Martin County schools for the State Com miaaion for the Blind has been un avoidably delayed several weeks. However, Supt. Manning will dis tribute the survey cards to the prin cipals at their meeting here today. An effort will be made to send a survey card to practically every school home by the children. Par ents should write the names and ad dresses of every one they know who has seriously defective sight or is blind on the cards and return them to the schools by the children. It is hoped that this will be done promptly, as the cards will be re turned to Supt. Manning's office in a week or 10 days. The commission classifies as "blind" any one who is unable to read ordinary newsprint, even with the aid of glasses. Those with "ser iously defective sight" may still be able to read, though sight is rapid ly failing. Or, they may badly need treatment for cateract dr similar eye disorders. The survey includes both chil dren and adults from the youngest to the oldest, and both races. Since the commission has services to of fer all economic groups, one's abil ity or inability to provide for him self financially should not be s con siderstion in reporting his eye con dition. , The returns from the survey will be followed up as soon as possible, and the commission's program of work for this county based on the findings. The commission can train blind persons in trade* and profes sions in which they may make a living and supply machinery and materials for those already trained, if these help them in their work. It also can arrange clinics for those badly in need of eye treatment and can have operations performed when they are likely to improve or restore sight Should anyone fail to receive a survey card, he may report cases of seriously defective sight at)d blind ness by writing: State Commission for the Blind, 405 Agricultural Building, Raleigh. Start Transplanting Tobacco In County Early Part of Week No Great Damage Caused By Blue Mold So Par . In This County Tobacco transplanting got off to an early and (airly good start in this county this week, reports from Robersonville stating that the far mers in that section were among the flrst, if not the first, to start the work. Transplantings were report ed in the county as early as last Tuesday, and since then farmers in Qrlffins, Williams, Cross Roads and possibly one or two other districts have started transplanting the crop. Fearful that the blue mold will damage their plants, many farmers are making every effort possible to get the transplanting work done as soon as possible. It is believed by the latter part of next week, trans planting will be underway on an extensive scale. Blue mold nas already been re ported in nearly every section of the county, but the damage so far is not considered serious. While the disease is not expected to re sult in a curtailment of the crop, unless it proves worse this year than it was in the past one or two seasons, transplanting activities will likely be delayed a week or ten days as a whole, fanners say. Representative reports now indi cate there'll be no increase in the crop In this county this year. There are a few exceptions, however. It must be remembered that a bumper crop was produced last year, mak ing any increase unnecessary and unwanted, but there Is a world of reasons why the crop should be considerably reduced. Respected Colored Man Died Here This Week Ed Ormond, agad colored man, died at his home here last Monday evening. Funeral ? services were conducted yesterday afternoon. . M years old, was highly among all people. He was an Industrious and hard work er, and despite afflicition he con tinued active until lust a short while before his death. Listing Period Ends; No Provision for Extension Tax-listing tune in this county closed yesterday, with from S to 10 per cent of the property owners failing to give in their holdings for taxation, according to estimates coming from several of the list takers late yesterday. Those who failed to list their property are sub ject to certain penalties under laws governing the work, Tax Supervisor Joshua L. Coltrain stating yesterday that no provision had been made and none would be considered for extending the time for listing prop erty. While action rests with the board of commissioners, the taxing authorities are considering asking that those (ailing to list their prop erty be penalized. Each year, the listing work drags and drags, and when an extension is granted many wait for another delay. Accurate reports on the trend of values listed this year are not avail able, bur Supervisor Coltrain stated yesterday that he was certain the values would be decreased by 10 per cent over the county and pos sibly the loss would be even great er than that. Williamston and Rub ersonville were said to be holding their own, with a possible increase in values at Williamston and Rob ersonville. Bear Grass Section to * Secure Power Service GUANO MOVING Delayed by unfavorable wea ther and bad road* during the early part of the year, the fer tiliser season came into Its own a few days ago and reached a climax this week, unofficial re ports state. The three-unit plant of the Standard Fertiliser Company here has had a huge task Ail ing thousands of orders over North Carolina and sections of other states during the past few days. At one time this week the company had 100 trucks run ning, and the vehicles were loaded and sent away on an av erage of one every minute and a half during the day and night. Large shipments were being handled by rail in addition to deliveries by truck and wagon. PRE-SCH00L AGE CLINICS CLOSE IN COUNTY TODAY Examine Colored Children | In Schools of County Next Week The last of a series of pre-school clinics in the white schools of this county are being held in Oak City' and Hamilton today, reports stating that most, if not all of those already held were very successful. While the attendance upon any of them held prior to today was not as large as it was a year ago, the findings have been very encouraging. In ad dition to the pre-school clinic work, more than 100 regular school pu pils have been vaccinated against smallpox. At Bear Grass Wednesday morn ing, 18 children were examined, 12 of them having one or more physi cal defects. Seventeen of the num ber were vaccinated. Thirteen had defective teeth and 12 had diseased tonsils, according to a report filed by Mrs. Sloan, who is heading the valuable work in this county. Wednesday afternoon, 18 children were examined at Everetts and on ly 8 had physical defects. All of the little ones were vaccinated. Four had defective teeth and 8 had dis eased tonsils. No defective vision was found among any of the chil dren either at Bear Grass or Ever ett#. Reports from other clinics held at Robersonvnie yesterday, Oak City this morning, and Hamilton this aft ernoon are not available at this time. Next week examinations will be held in the colored schools for pre school children. W. T. Thomas Dies At Hamilton Home W. T. Thomas, prominent farmer of this county, died at his home near Hamilton last night at 8 o' clock from paralysis of the throat. Ha had been in failing health for some time. Mr. Thomas, M years old last March, was born in Edgecombe County, the son of the lata Rome and Annie Stalls Thomas. He mov ed to this county a number of years ago, and was highly regarded by all who knew him. Mrs. Thomas, Miss Gertie Everett before mar riage, survives with Ave children, W. F. and H. T. Thomas and Mrs Clancy Carson, of Hamilton, Mrs. Garland Baker, of Oak City and Mrs. M. F. Stalls, of Parmele. Funeral services will be confluct ad at the lata home Saturday aft ecnoon at 2 JO o'clock by Elder Wm Grimes Interment wUl- follow in the Hamilton Cemetery. Citizens Contract With V. E. P. To Furnish Current Definite Plans for Project Pending Action On Part Of Other Groups An electrification program for the town of Bear Grass was virtually assured last Wednesday evening, when citizens of that town and com-! munity met in the schoolhouse there and contracted with the Virginia Electric and Power Company for service. Plans for the program are still underway, however, and it will be probably some time next week before details in its connection arf completed. The Bear Grass Town contracted around $90, leaving c tber prospect ive customers along the William ston-GrifTins-Bear Grgss . route to raise around $120, a problem that is receiving attention by those along that road. Pending a decision of those prospective customers on the proposed Washington road line ex tention, Bear Grass citizens and sev eral oiffer home owners joined to gether to contract sufficient revenue to guarantee the construction of an, extension from the Everetts trans mission line, near the town of Ev eretts, to Bear Grass via what is known as the Bailey road. Ease ments are being obtained along that route by interested parties at the present time, but a definite route for the line is being delsyed pending action by those people living along the Washington road and others in Griffins and Bear Grass Township, it is understood. Work on the proposed project is being advanced by interested par ties in each section, and definite ar rangements for constructing the pow er line will likely be handled some time next week. Possible line extensions are pos sible either from the Everetts trans mission line, near Everetts, to Bear Grass, and then from Bear Grass to the hard-surfaced road near R. L. Perry's, and on to Lilley Broth ers' in Griffins Township. An ex tension from the line at the Wash ington-Bear Grass road to Corey's store has been mentioned. The oth er proposal is to run the line from Williamston to Bear Grass, via R. L. Perry's, with extension to Lilley Brothers and Corey's Store or cross roads. News of Interest at School in Everetts On Monday night, April 27, the Everetta parent-teacher aaaociation had a very interesting talk by Mr. W. C. Manning, of Williamston. He ?poke on the subject of his recent trip to the Holy Land. The larg est attendance of the year was pres ent to hear Mr. Manning tell of the many interesting places and people vialted on his trip. One of the most interesting things related by Mr. Manning was the fact that the Holy Land, once a scene of many wars and much bloodshed, is now enjoy ing more peace than at any time in the past thousand years. Preceding the talk by Mr Man ning waa a short business meeting, at which plans were discussed for a school picnic and pre-school clinic Work on Street Project la Progressing Rapidly Work on widening Williamaton's main street at both ends is going forward rapidly. The contractors are expected to complete pouring one-half the concrete this week, and complete the project within about two weeks' time. 20 PLAYERS SIGN UP TO TRY OUT WITH TE AM HERE Eight Pitchers To Bid For Places on Hurling Staff Here This Season Selecting playeri from five states, Mississippi, Virginia, Georgia, Okla homa, and North Carolina. Manager D. C. "Peahead" Walker, of the lo cal club, will be ready to start play ing ball when the curtain rises on the Coastal Plain season the 2nd of next month. Twenty players have been tentatively signed, club Presi dent Pete Fowden explaining today that he was certain Williamston will find a cracker-jack team of 1$ men from that number. The return of several contracts is expected daily, and just as soon as they are re ceived, announcement of the line up will be made, Mr. Fowden said. Eight prospective pitchers are bid ding for places on the local club's hurling staff. Five bids are in for the infield positions, and five more are ready for try-outs in the out field posts, the prospective line-up carrying a number of new faces. Manager Walker and several play ers are to report here the 18th of this month, when final arrangements will be made to start playing ball at the start. New suits for the players have been ordered, and plans for sup porting the organized sport are moving along rapidly. A canvass for funds will get underway next Monday, and it is the opinion of the leaders that a substantial support will be freely offered. Hydrants and Hose Here Changed To Standard Thread Southeastern Underwriters Aiding In Nation-wide Standardization Plan Continuing a nation-wide move ment to standardize the size' of threads on Are hose couplings and hydrants, Mr. Ballard, of the South eastern Underwriters, Atlanta, was here Wednesday and yesterday sup ervising the change in the local sys tem Handled at the expense of the Southeastern Underwriters, the change was made at very little cost to the town. Special machinery and tools were brought here to rethread the couplings and hydrant connec tions, the underwriters representa tive employing a number of men to handle the work rapidly. Questioned as to the advantage of standardizing the threads, Mr Bal lard explained that there were sev eral hundred different threads, that it was very difficult to maintain uni formity and that considerable prop erty had been destroyed by Are throughout the country when new hose was purchased and a difference in threads was discovered too late. He added that when all Are com panies had standard threads on their hose couplings it was possible for one town to send its Are-Aghting equipment to another and render aid when necessary. The threads on hose couplings here were not uniform, the repre sentative found, but the difference was only slight. He explained how ever, that it was more difficult to effect connections unless the threads were strictly uniform. Snake Bites Young Man at Jamesville Bitten by a snake while paddling a boat in the Roanoke at Jamesville yesterday, Harry Martin, young Jamesville white man, is reported very ill in a Washington hospital today. The snake, believed to have been a poplar leaf moccasin, struck the young man on the^hand, pierc ing two Angers, causing the hand to swell to a large extent. He was removed to a hospital several hours later, and while his condition is a bit serious, he is expected to re cover, reports reaching here today indicated. e Town Commissioners Call For Survey Timberlands Meeting in special session here last Tuesday, the local town com mis sioners ordered a survey of the a vailable supply of pine timber and pine timber acreage in this section, the action being taken in the inter est of a large pulp mill that is said to be considering locating a sizeable plant here. Attorney H. D. Hardi son was employed to make the sur vey, and the information desired will be available early next week. Reconsider Agriculture Building Project; Commissioners Buy Lot And Structure Will Be Erected County Board Expected To Delay Sale for Taxes An uneventful session of the Mar tin County commissioners is in pros pect for next Monday, reports from the courthouse stating that only rou tine matters are scheduled for con sideration A jury list for the one week June term of superior court will be drawn, but so far no import ant matters have been placed on the business calendar. But for a local law passed by the last legislature, the county?and town, too?would be directed to or der the advertisement of land for delinquent taxes. Martin County and the town of Williamston were exempted from early land advertis in^ and sale, but as far as it is known the provision is limited to these two political divisions. Un der the terms of the law, the com missioners have authority to delay tax sales until the first Monday in November. However, it is possble for the authorities to order the sale of land for delinquent taxes the first Monday in June, but it is pot likely that they will take any action before next September or October, at the earliest. The use of the profits derived from the sale of legal liquor will get consideration if too much time isn't required in handling other business, it is understood. SOIL PROGRAM IN COUNTY MOVING ALONG STEADILY Time for Sign-up Ordered Continued Through Next Monday The campaign for participation in the federal government's soil conservation program, started in this county last Monday, continues at a steady but fairly slow pace, according to reports coming from the office of the county agent here today. Approximately ' 25 ,percent or about 4000 farmers had already signed up until yesterday, indica tions pointing to a sign-up close to 50 percent of the farmers by late tomorrow. Considerable time is re quired to handle the applications or work sheets" and the committee men have asked that the time for handling the sign-up be continued through next Monday. The exten sion has been granted for the day, but after Monday, it is planned to handle the work only in the office of the county agent here. Up until noon yesterday, Jatnes ville, Bear Grass and Williamston were leading the county in the movement. Robersonville was re ported trailing at that time, but it is expected to come across and oc cupy a position close to the top in the program. Reports coming from the several districts yesterday give I the following number of signers up to that time: Jamesyille, 45; Griffins, 30; Bear Grass, 40; Cross Roads, 20; Ruber- 1 sonville, 20; Williams, 20; William ston, 53; Hamilton, 20; Hassell, 30; Oak City, 30 In addition to that number more than 50 contracts of a combined nature have been pre pared in the office of the agent. Arrest Second Man On Burglary Count Rufus Andrews, young Roberson vilie negro, and partner of Charles Howard, jr., in staging a robbery at the home of John Stephenson, county farmer living near Rober sonville, last week, is being held in the county jail for trial next month in superior court. He was denied bond at a preliminary hearing. Andrews, arrested in Tarboro just as he was said to be boarding a train for other parts, has admitted his part in the crime, and Mr. Stephenson reoovered his trousers, stolen from his home by Howard. ? Probation Officer Starts Work Here Next Week e Appointed probation officer for this county, Miss Glover, ot Salis bury, is expected here some time next week to begin her work, it was learned from the Martin Coun ty Welfare Department. _ The officer will handle juvenile delinquents in their running helter skelter without proper guardian ship. It is generally agreed that a valuable work can be done in this Held in Martin County. The officer was interviewed by Mesdames J W. Andrews, Wheeler Martin and Superintendent J. C. Manning, of the county welfare division, in Ral eigh yesterday. Rev. Luther Ambrose To Preach At Maple Grove Rev. Luther Ambrose, of Roper, will preach at the Maple Grove Christian Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, it was announced to day. SPEAKER LATE Detained in Washington this morning, Wm. H. Griffin, can didate tor a seat in the United States Senate, arrived here too late (or a scheduled address to the voters of this section in the interest of his campaign. The man would have had a lair sized audience of those who are anxious to vote against the present senator, Joslah Bailey, it was said. A strong supporter ol the President, Mr. Griffin and his wile spent a short while here speaking personally to a num ber of local and county people. ) SaiIl>oat Comes L[ River To Return With Load Lumber Skipper Brings Two Mast Boat Up Crooked River Under Own Power The old windjammer, "Maine," traveling under the same power used by Columbus in plowing the Atlantic in 1492, loaded out with a large lumber cargo at the Form ville-Woodward dock here this week The old sailboat, with one of its two masts reaching 120 feet into the air, carried away about eight car loads of- lumber for the Philadel phia market Captain Harris, with a crew of three?and one of those was his wife?sailed the boat up and down- the crooked Roanoke with one mishap. He grounded the schooner at Jamesville for a short while, but no serious damage was done other than delaying Hshing operations at the Jamesville fishery. Battling high and swift water in the Roanoke on his trip up week before last, Captain Harris reached a point in sight of the fertilizer plant when the wind suddenly changed and he had to anchor for two days. Early on the third morn ing a favorable wind pushed him around the bend and to the lumber company's dock. * While a few sailboats continue to come up the Roanoke, it is a rare thfng for one to use its sails to nav igate the stream. Ordinarily this type of boat is towed in and out of the Roanoke and then left to use its own power in the sound and on the Chesapeake, but Captain Harris employed his many years of exper ience to snatch power for his ship out of the air. Several Cases Tried In Mayors Court Mayor John L. Hassell handled several cases in his court here this week, but the actions, for the most part, were of very little conse quence. Floyd Briggs, charged with as saulting Elisha Mitchell with a deadly weapon and then closing the man's eyes with his bare fists, was bound over to the county court un der $100 bond. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs in the case charg ing Geiyge R Brown with assault ing William Rogers. Said to have maliciously indicted Walter Brown for an alleged attack upon her with a deadly weapon, Annie Brown was taxed with the cost and the man was freed. Evi dence in the case indicated there were not sufficient grounds for the action against Brown. Cost, Including Site, To Be About $11,800; To Begin Work Soon One-story Structure To Be Located on Knight Lot Next To Courthouse Hope that was abandoned a few days ago for an agricultural build ing in this county was renewed yes terday with bright prospects for approval of the project on a larger scale than was first anticipated. Members of the Martin County Board of Commissioners announced the project cancelled early this week when they were unable to get a site for $1,800. The authorities later found it possible to purchase the Knight lot next to the courthouse for $1,800, and the WPA represen tatives reconsidered the project, and late reports state the plans for the $10,000 building have been proper ly approved. Preliminary construc tion work is expected to get under way within a short time, it is un derstood. It could not be learned just what type of structure would be built to house the agriculture division for this county, but the cost, including the site, will be around $11,800. The county has agreed to furnish the skilled labor, the employment bu reau explaining that only common labor is available on the relief rolls just flow. The skilled labor will cost approximately $1,200, that fig ure plus the site cost amounting to $3,0007 which the county will ad vance as its* part in the undertak ing. The delay and near cancellation of the whole project came kbout when ' federal authorities turned down at the last minute the plans for an addition to the county court house for use by the agriculture workers. Democratic Precinct Meeting To Be Held On Saturday, May () Foundation for State-wide Organization Will Be Started in Districts -< ? Plans for holding Democratic precinct meetings in the 12 voting districts in this county are being formulated by the Martin County Democratic Executive committee this week. The district meetings will be held on Saturday, May 9, at 2 o'clock, the county convention to follow the next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. A state-wide conven tion of the Democratic party will be held in Raleigh on June 12. While the precinct meetings at tract very little attention in this county, Attorney E. S. Peel, chair man of the Democratic Executive Committee in this county, explains that the foundation for the county, state and national organization is laid at these meetings and that they should be well attended. Mr. Peel further explained that the precinct meetings should elect a committee of five active Democrats, one of whom shall be a woman, and that the committee elected should then elect a chairman and a vice chair man, one of whom shall be a wom an. The placing of women on these committees is required by the plan of organization as amended by the state committee. Following the pre cinct organization, delegates to the county convention are named, the number being determined by the size of the vote cast for governor in the respective precincts at the last general election in November, 1932. When the county convention is held, business of the party is han dled, and delegates to the state con vention are named. Editor To Speak In Local Colored Church Sunday W. C. Manning, Enterprise edior, will address the people of the col ored race Sunday, May 3, at 3 p. m. in the A. M. E. Zion Church on Rhodes Street. He will speak on his visit to the Holy Land. F. L. Allen, steward of the church, said he hoped a large number of the col ored people would attend to hear the address, and in behalf of the church he extended a cordial invi tation to every one to hear Mr. Manning. .

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