WORKS SHEETS TO BE USED IN FARM PROGRAM Must Be Filled Out as Basis For Determining Acre age to Various Crops Every farmer who expects to ap ply for a soil-conservation grant un der the new farm program must fill out a work sheet showing the acre ages and yields of his various crops. The work sheets are being distrib uted to county farm agents and will be available to all farmers in the State, said John W. Goodman, as sistant director of the State College extension servi The work sheets will be used in setting up the bases of each grow er's soil-depleting crops except to bacco, cotton, and peanuts, which will continue the bases established nder the AAA. They will also show the acreages of soil-building and conserving crops on the farm last yearT and will serve as a guide in carrying out provisions of the new program, Mr. Goodman stated. On the work sheets will be shown the maximum acreage of (oil-de pleting crop* on which the grower can receive payment for diverting into foil-building or conaerving crops. ?V These sheets will also be used by the county committees later in the year when they check up on the growers' performance to determine the amount of payments for which they qualify. In some of the counties, Goodman said, certain days will be set aside for farm agents, committeemen, and members of the agents' office staffs to aid farmers All out their work sheets. Before going in to fill out a work sheet, a farmer should set down on a piece of paper accurate figures showing the acreages and yields of all crops he grew in 1935, Goodman pointed out. It is important that the work sheets be filled out as son as pos sible, he added. a Club Members Are Setting Trees In Haywood County Club members and demonstration farmers of Haywood County are setting white pine, black locust and black walnut seedlings rhis spring. PROFIT TWICE! When you put part of your" crop money into a Savings Afccount or a Certificate of Deposit with the GUARANTY, the assured interest that you receive is like a second profit on your to bacco. A safe investment since 1901?and now insured up to $5,000 by the Federal De posit Insurance Corporation. ?*f " Deposits Over $6,000,000.00 Capital Over 500,000.00 Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Company This Ad Moved a House A strange sight? Pfcrhaps. But a familiar one to everyone who knows the pulling power of advertising in this newspaper. Not only houses, but businesses and bassinets and baby grands show fast action when they're listed in the advertising sections. And that's only because the advertisements have an interested audience . . . peo ple who've learned that they can make their incomes do more by shop ping through the advertising section. You'll enjoy it, and ave . .. and you'll find this newspaper an inexpensive medium for all buying and selling, always! SE~ Just Telephone to Iruert your git in the The ENTERPRISE State College Extension Service Issues Bulletin on Farm Program for N. C A comprehensive agricultural program (or North Carolina, incor porating the latest developments of scientific research, has been worked out by the State Cpllege agricul tural extension service The program is based primarily on good crop rotations, planting crops on land to which they are well adapted, more soil-building and erosion-preventing crops, more food and feed crops, higher yields and better quality, more livestock, and balanced farming This program will work well in 1 connection with the new federal soil-improving program, said Dear 1. O. Schaub, director of the exten sion service. A detailed presentation of thi state program has been set forth ir a 70-page bulletin, extension circu lar No. 208, "Agricultural Program for North Carolina." With the bul letin is a map showing crops suited to different areas. Free copies of the bulletin and may may be obtained from the ag ricultural editor at State College Raleigh. HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS By Mist ORA E. FINCH, Home Service Director Virginia Electric And Power Company V- ' an inexpensive supper dish which can be prepared in advance for last-minute cooking or heating, try the two delicious recipes given below: Fish Marguerite This is a last-minute dish which may be made in a hurry, particular ly if you keep white sauce in your refrigerator. 4 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons fat, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon pep per, 2 cups milk, 1-4 cup sherry (op tional), dash Worcestershire sauce, 1 to 2 cups salmon, lobsters, tuna or shrimp, 1-2 to 1 cup peas, 6 to 10 sliced stuffed ojives. Melt the fat in a saucepan, add the flour and seasonings and finally the milk a little at a time. Cook until thick before adding fish, peas, etc. Serve in toasted croustades, or oven-hot biscuits as a shortcake, or white toast points. It may also be poured over cooked rice or noodles, the top sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in a 450 degree oven un til the cheese is slightly browned. Makes 6 to 10 servings. Salmon Loaf When the main dish is ready most of supper preparation seems over. Combine this in the morning and bake at night: f tall can sqlmpj^ .1 cup bread crCyrfbs, 1-2 cup liquid from salmon, 2 tablespoons melted fat and milk. 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 table spoon pickle relish, 1-4 cup finely sliced celery, 2 eggs, pepper to taste, 1-2 teaspoon salt. Remove skin from salmon and flake, add all but the eggs, reserv ing them until they have been beat en. Place in a buttered baking dish in refrigerator until supper time. Top this with soft buttered bread crumbs. Bake in a 450 degree oven and serve with a tomato sauce or a white sauce seasoned with Worces tershire sauce and dish with diced hard cooked egg. Apollo Artists In Concert At Baptist Church Here * The Apollo Artists, appearing in a special concert in the Baptist church here last evening, played to a large audience. The ?program was greatly enjoyed. Throughout the program, the au dience heard some of the outstand ing classical, popular and modern songs, also some beautiful piano compos it io ns. Slgnor^ Sperandeo'S gorgeous lyric tenor voice was high ly praised. Mr. Jack Oates, pes sessor of a marvelous baritone voice sang with ease. Mrs. Eslie Speran deo played the accompaniments with understanding and feeling and adequate in support of every song. Numbers of those hearing the program were from out of town. Wants YOUR PERSONAL NEW-BONE Corsetiere brings you exclusive figure analysis free. Get in touch with Mrs. John S. Cook, Church Street, Williamstoh, N. C. m5 4t GUARANTEED FLY SPRAY?100 per cent active ingredients. Will not stain. 1-2 pint can 10c, pint 20c. J. C. Leggett. ,, a21 6t NINE CARLOAD8 TEXACO WILL be unloaded this week. It's the finest quality gas and motor oil to be found anywhere at ai\y price. Harrison Oil Cotppany. CARLOAD OF THE NEW TEXACO Motor Oil arrived on today's boat. This new motor oil is different from the ordinary motor oiL Try it. It still sells for 25c quart. Harrison Oil Company. CARLOAD OF HAVOLINE MO tor Oil?the 100 percent Pennsyl vania oil?will be here today on the Texaco boat. There is no finer quality motor oil to be found any where. Highest quality, but still sells for 30 cents a quart. Harrison Oil Company. STRAYED: REGISTERED MALE hog, weighing around 330 pounds, strayed from the Mobley farm ten days ago. Finder please notify L. B. Harrison, Williamston. my.19-2 POPPY DAY WILL BE OBSERVED IN COUNTY MAY 23 John Walton HasselJ Post Auxiliary Will Handle Sale in This County Poppy Day in Martin County this year on Saturday, May 23, when memorial ppppies to be worn in hon or of the World War dead will be distributed throughout the city by the John Walton llassell unit of the American Legion Auxiliary The auxiliary women are making exten sive preparations for the observ ance of the day under the leader ship of Mrs. H. L. Swain, Poppy Day chairman. - The poppies, made of crepe paper by disabled veterans, will be offered on the streets by volunteer work ers from the auxiliary unit and co operating organizations. "Poppy girls" jarill distribute the flowers in the business district throughout the day and will also work in the out lying shopping centers. Contribu tions for the welfare of the disabled veterans and needy families of vet erans and needy families of veter ans will be asked in exchange for the flowers. "Wearing the-poppy is a personal tribute to the men who gave their lives in the coyjitry's service By having a poppy oh the coat Poppy Day, all can show that they still re member and honor the sacrifices made for America during the World War. The poppy is the flower which bloomed on the battlefield." wheie they fell, and on Poppy Day it blooms again over the patriotic hearts where they sfre remembered, "Wearing the poppy also gives the wearer a part in the vast work car ried out by the American Legion and Auxiliary for the war's living victims; the disabled, their families and the families of the dead. Every penny contributed for a poppy goes to the support of this work, the bulk of the money being used lhere in Martin County Accidents of Freak Nature Take Lives Of Number People ??? West Virginia Firemen Are Unable To Save Their Own Station A New England youth, Albert Robie, decided to commit suicide by inhaling gas He turned it on and then decided to smoke a final cig arette. He was blown through the door by the explosion and landed safely in the yard. During a cold spell in Pennsyl vania, Richard Pitten broke three ribs when he caught his toe in his trouser cuff while dressing. He fell against a hot radiator and suffered severe burns before regaining con sciousness. < ! ->i<} r/r ?.'*?? G. M. Bilbrey escaped unhurt when his car became unmanageable and crashed in to an Oklahoma bridge. But he was seriously in jured when he stepped from the tar in the darkness and fell to lite river bed 20 feet below. It would seem that the pedes trian is never safe even if he stays on the sidewalk. A stone caught between the dual tires on* a passing bus was thrown free, striking and fracturing the arm of a Pennsyl vanian, Chester Yeater. A man named Black witnessed a California traffic accident in which an automobile, driven by Green, struck Mrs. Brown who was taken to a hospital by White. No doubt the mishap left Mrs. Brown black and blue. Jasper Lycominb, Nebraska hard ware store clerk, was showing the latest styles in chisels when one slipped from his grasp, struck him on the foot and severed his little toe. A sneeze which overcame C. Baker, an Arkansas barber caused him to break three ribs. Baker was less excited than the man he was shaving. "AT West Virginia building burned to the ground because an onrush ing train ri?n over and severed the water hose laid across the tracks. The building? It was the Weirton fire station. California*s sunshine is fine, but its ocean waves are rough. One shot Darrell Hoopes as he rode his motorcycle along a beach. The wave upset the motorcycle, throw ing Hoopes off. As he struck the ground a revolver in a belt holster was discharged, its bullet lodging in his' body. \ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF| PARTNERSHIP This is to notify the public that Dr7 J. H. Saunders and Dr. W. F. Evans are no longer associated to gether in the practice of medicine. DR. J. H. SAUNDERS, DR. W. F. EyANS. A California furniture repair man, Frank Matthews, was smoth ered to death while repairing a fold ing bed. Te bed folded up, clamp ing the footrail down on his neck and forcing his face into the bed linens. Too much caution against injury resulted fatally for a seven-months old baby in Illinois. A feather tick placpd on the floor by his bed to break a possible fall smothered him whbi he rolled off and fell face downward. A young lady who was very much ih love with her Tennessee sweet heart demonstrated her affection by sitting on his lap. Her weight discharged a revolver in his pocket, the bullet lodging in her own body. A forgotten gun stowed away in a suitcase brought an end to a Harvard professor's Western vaca tion before it began. As Milman Parry was unpacking, the weapon was discharged when it become en tangled in some clothing and sent a slug into his chesti Harold Shaner was probing his ear with a friction match while watching fellow Pennsylvanians play basketball. A wildly tossed ball struck his hand, driving the match into his ear igniting it. He Crosses Corn and Gets Large Yield Increase W. W. Warden, of Laurel Springs. Alleghany County, crossed Reids Yellpw Dent on Clarage Yellow Dent corn and, increased the yield of the Clarage by 30 percent at the same time he secured a corn that will mature ten days earlier than the Reids. IN GIRLHOOD Un O. H. Barrett of IS Burdettc St., Green ville. S. C., my: "When I wu younger 1 Buffered from female weaknetB and lost weight and color At period lime* I would be in bed for days at a time, too weak to ait up. Diacy headaches added to my misery. I took Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite I'rcsci iption off and on for a year and it improved my appetite, 1 gradually grew stronger and had no more trouble." Father Time is an easy task master. He never warns us when the last tick of the clock will strike for us. It is best to anticipate the future, by paving regularly for LIFE INSURANCE which will save those we leave behind us from fac ing poverty and debt. W. G. PEELE INSURANCE ID SUMMARY OF ELECTRIC COOKERY! THINK of it! Cvery feature of mod. em Eleelrie Ranges U designed lo save you lime and trouble, work and worry, mistakes and money! First, an Electric Range save* yon hours or time because of its automatic control and the cleanliness of electric heat. Second, it saves you money by help* ??* to eliminate cooking failures. Your best efforts can be duplicated regularly on an Electric Rapge. Third, it saves precious vitamins and valuable'1 minerals in foods because Electric Cookery can be practically waterless. Then, its accuracy meat >s less fuel consumption. You can me usure your heat just as accurately as yt m measure the other ingredients wbfc rk go Into your rooking. Too, it points the *ij lo marketing economies beranee you ran get better reaulta from leaa expensive meata and vegetables. Eleelrir Cookery preserves tbe flavor and iaereaaea Ibe tenderness of faode. Yea, true eeonouiy la a two-word aummary of Eleelrir Cookery. Yet, it la but one of the many features. Other* Include coolness, cleanliness, roar co operating costs are sasaU (thanks lo clump electricity). So don't t tbe nc AS I I ITI.i; 4 .? mow \ VIRGINIA ELECTRtC & POWER COMPANY