The Enterprise l?T Taaadar and Friday by UN ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA W. C Manning Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) ~ IN MARTIN COUNTY On. year $IJ0 Six month* .11 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY On* yaar S2.06 Six month. 1-00 No Sabacription Received (or Lcaa Than < Month Advertiunc Rate Card Fnrniahed Upon Request Euleicd at the poit office in Wil!i.m.ton, N. C., a. second-class mltter under the act oi Conarei. of March 3, 1879. Addresr all communications to The Enterpriae and not individual members of the firm. Tuesday, May 26, 1936 Untrue Statements /" This is going to be one year in which many peoplg will have to take back many of their statements, be fi.ii.-ii ih?y haif ma.!>? ?/. many untrue remarks. They are saying things that are entirely untrue in nearly every instance, and the worst of it is that many peo ple know they are lying, but their only idea is to car ry their own [xiints at the time, regardless of the method. This kind of politics often keep the best men from offering their services to the public, while the offices go to many of the "slummiest" fellows of a commun ity who are not fitted for office from any stand|xiint and who generally draw their crowd of the same ilk to push them through. Even our law-making bodies too frequently contain such men. We need to be diligent in selecting honest, sensi ble, capable men to serve us in any capacity. Cracking the Lash Is there anyone in politics in North Carolina so common, vile and corrupt that he will stoop so low as to intimidate an humble laborer by threatening the loss of his job unless he votes for the [lowers in au thority? k A few years ago it was the common practice to turn the workers in the Highway Commission from the roads to go out in the service of one particular candidateThis year only a few cases have been spotted where such tactics have been practiced. In some cases the lash has been cracked. Some employees of private business concerns have been quietly reminded that wages would probably go low er if certain candidates are elected, and some workers in the administration set-up are getting the word that their jobs "are dependent upon themselves. Perhaps those workers are not aware that if headquarters should bear of any .such threats or intimations the makers would them-alves be immediately dismissed. Everyone should remember that he has the guaran teed right to exercise his freedom in his own way, particularly where the ballot is concerned. If he gets a threat or a discharge, he should not fail to re|xjrtit. An Opportunity Lost ? The nations of the world have lost their oppor tunity. At the time when Italy was feeling them all out and pressing for the opportunity to go forward with her Ethiopian campaign, most of the nations, feeling that they, were dealing with a civilized country and in a spirit of saving themselves from war and possibly a world disturbance, permitted Mussolini to wage his cruel war, the nations ap|>arently thinking more of their Italian trade relationships than they did of the welfare of the poor, lienighted *nd helpless Ethiop ians. Perhaps the main trouble withlhe world is that we love trade more than we love our neighbors; we had rather sell bullets for profit than to enjoy peace. It is good that we do not hate people. On the oth rr hand, it is bad that we are willing to-stand by and see the big fish eat the little fish provided we can ujst get our share of the little fish. . Nobody believes for a moment that Germany's in vasion of Belgium was the cause of the World War. It was the knowledge that the Germans were bent on bestiging Paris, annexing France, then crossing the channel to seize the British navy and then probably sail west bent on further conquests. That was the reason the allied forces rushed to the aid of Belgium. No one knows now which country Italy wants to take next. It may be Greece or Switzerland or it may lie Palestine and Egypt. Of course, she is count ing the cost of a new Roman Empire, and it means much bloody war. . Justice and Politics The chief Federal detective and leading G-man of the country, J. Edgar Hoover, struck the keynote plumb and square when he said recently that politics is public enemy No. 1. This will be found to be very true whenever an attempt is made to try to enforce the law. The law is required to be enforced by po litical judges, political lawyers, witnesses who have Iriends guilty ol similar crimes, and jurors, many of whom are in like condition. It is generally hard to mete out justice under such circumstances ALL LEADING BRANDS at wkite shoe polish and cleaners. Shu Milk. Griffin's Shu-Shine, Ermine White Way and Whittmore; bottles and tubes, 10c and 25c. Willard's Shoe Shop. alO tf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP This is to notify the public that Dr. J. H. Saunders and Dr. W. F. Evans are no longer associated to gether in the practice of medicine. DR. J. H. SAUNDERS, DR. W. F. EVANS. Notice of Summons and Laborer's and Mechanic's Lien North Carolina. Martin County; Williamston Township: Before J. L. Hassell, just of the peace. H. V. Wheeler and J. 8. Whitley vs. Frank D. Taylor The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 23rd day of May, 1936, by J. L. Hassell, a justice of the peace for Martin County, N. C., for the sum of $122.50 due said plaintiffs by contract for labor and material furnished in building dwelling house and other outhouses on the land of the defend ant in Williamston Township. Mar tin County, state of N. C? which summons is returnable before said justice at his office in the town of Williamston, Williamston Township, Martin County, N. C? on the 23rd day of June, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. The defendant will also take no tice that a notice and claim of lien was filed against the property of said defendant, which said notice and claim of lien was duly filed on the 23rd day of May, 1936, in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Martin County. The defendant is therefore, re quired to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This 23rd day of May, 1936. J. L. HASSELL, m26 4tw Justice of the Peace. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $3, >00 SANITARY SEWER BONDS Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Robersonville, being the governing body of said Town; Section L That the Town of Rob ersonville issue its bonds, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, as amended, in an amount not exceed ing $3,000 for the purpose of extend ing the existing sanitary sewerage system of the Town, the same be ing a necessary expense. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the Clerk and is open to pub lic inspection. - Section-, 4. That this ordinance shall take effecL thirty days after its first publication "unless in the mean time a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under said act and that in such event it shall take ef fect when approved by the voters of the town at an election as pro vided in said act. The foregoing ordinance *u pane)] on the 29th day of May. 19M, and waa first published on the 26th day of May. 1836. Any action or proceeding ques validity of said ordi tioning the nance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. R. L. SMITH. m26 2tw Town Clerk. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 15, 886 WATER BONDS Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Robersonville. being the governing body of said Town: Section 1. That the Town of Rob ersonville issue its bonds, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, as amended, in an amount not exceed ing $5,000 for the purpose of extend of^the Towm'the same being a nec essary expense. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the Clerk and is open to pub lic inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication unless in the mean time a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under said act and that in such event it shall take < feet when approved by the voters of the town at an election as pro vided in said act. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 25th day of May, 1936, and was first published on the 26th day of May, 1936. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordi nance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. R. L. SMITH. m26 2tw Town Clerk. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $42, 888 STREET IMPROVEMENT PARmO DUni/9 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Robersonville, being the governing body of said Town: Section 1. That the Town of Rob eraonville iaaue its bonds, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act. as HMMM, in an amount-not exceed ing $42,000 for the purpoee of con structing or reconstructing the sur face of roads, streets or highways in said Town, including, if the gov erning body of said Town should so order, the contemporaneous con struction or reconstruction of aide walks, curbs, gutters, and drains, and grading, at least one-fourth of the cost of which improvements, exclusive of the cost of paving at street intersections, is to be spec ially ii mi a siW. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of Hie debt of the Town has been nieff with the Clerk and is open to pub lic inspection. ? Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was gasse^r^h^5tl^da^^4ay^fl38. and was first published on the 26th day of May, 1M& Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity ot said ordi nance must be commenced sithin thirty days after its first publication. a L. SMITH. m26 2tw Town Clerk. The?e Attractive ICED TEA GLASSES IPTON'S TEA YfllOW IABI1 1 FREE with 141b.. 25c Sanitary Grocery NEW CORNED HERRINGS $8.00 per Thousand Farmers Supply Company The Kin*'. Choice. had nothing to do with the King'* comfort. Did they? See Page 4 Insure Your Tobacco AGAINST HAIL* 1 through K. B. CRAWFORD "THE OLD RELIABLE" Prompt Service on Losses Phone 49 Candidates' Cards FOR STATE SENATE I wish to announce to the Demo cratic voters of the Second Sena torial Distrist that I am a candidate for re-nomination as the party's choice for State Senator. I feel that my experience in this capacity will permit me, if nominated and elected, to render to you service of a higher order than ever before. I am deeply appreciative of the support that has been accorded me in the past, and sincerely hope that I may be so favored again. Four others are candidates, all of whom are gentlemen of the highest type. Every voter may vote for two. It is my appeal that you vote for me, together with your choice of the others. It is my desire to person ally contact as many of the voters as possible, and shall make efforts to do so. I will sincerely appreciate your support. ? CARL L. BAILEY. FOR STATE 8ENATE I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection to the State Senate, subject to the Democratic primary in June. I will appreciate any support giv en me, and if elected I pledge my best efforts to properly represent the people of my district. ROBERT L. COBURN. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I take this method of announcing myself a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination as representative from Martin County in the North Carolina General Assembly, subject to the action of the primary on June 6th. I will sincerely appreciate any support accorded me and pledge my best efforts to the performance of the duties of the office, if nominated and elected. O. W. HAMILTON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER To the Democratic voters of Wil liams and Jamesville Townships: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commiation I assure you that if nominated and elected, that I will give my best efforts to properly perform the duties of the office. Ri epsi I full j. C. C. FLEMING. Jamesville, N. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Cotnmia sioner to succeed myself, subject to the will of the Democratic voter* of Jamesville and Williams Towndhlp, at the June primary. This May 1st, UK JOSHUA U COLTRAIN. FOR STATE SENATOR To the Democratic Voters of the Second Senatorial District: I hereby announce my candidacy for the State Senate, subject to the Democratic primary to be held in June, 1936. Respectfully, WILLIAM B. RODMAN, Jr. FOR STATE SENATE I wish to announce as a candidate for the State Senate from the Sec ond Senatorial District and solicit the votes of members of the Demo cratic party. T. B. ATTMORE. For HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection to the Slate House of Representatives, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary on Juno 6th. I will appreciate any support giv en me, and if reelected, pledge my very best efforts to properly repre sent Martin County in the 1937 Gen eral Assembly. HUGH G. HORTON. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court. David Keel vs. Essie Perry Keel The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear be fore the clerk of superior court of Martin County on the 8th day of June, 1936, at Williams ton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said com plaint. This the 8th day of May, 1J38. L. BRUCE WYNNE. Clerk of Superior Court myl2 4tw of Martin County. A CHECKING ACCOUNT Gives you safety, convenience and the security of receipted trans actions all in one. It keeps your funds safe in the bank, lets you pay bills safely by mail and guards you from paying twice. Why Not Play Safe?Open a Checking Account Today Branch Banking & Trust Company SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE FOR EASTERN CAROLINA (Political Advertiainc) Democratic Primary ? June 6th FOR STATE AUDITOR: . 13 GEO. ROSS POU THE IDEAL CANDIDATE A father, and a life-long friend of the schools. A farm-owner who knows the fanners' needs. A business executive of proven ability. (This advertisement paid for by World War Vet erans who served in the World War with George Ross Pou.) Mi Ju YOU JUST TURN AMJMT 'N" 11' i*i:u moviii fHANGE to this modern way ^aud you'll never change back to old-fashioned methods of heating water! Onr Trial Plan will convince yon far more than anything we might aay about heating water etociricaUy! This plan makes it so easy for von to learn?right in your own home?the many, many advan tages of an automatic. Electric Water Heater. So come in not# for mil the facts! i uMri VIRGINIA EL$CTISIC&POWER CO.

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