THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 51 Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Friday. June 26. 1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 30 CASES CALLED BY RECORDER AT WEEKLY SESSION Large Crowd Attend Court | After Lay-Off of Onr Week Handling a large docket that had accumulated during an extra week while the superior tribunal was in session, the county recorder's court attracted large crowds to a long si sion Tuesday. About 30 cases were called, the court disposing of 21 and continuing the others. The attend ance was larger than that upon the superior court early last week. The case charging James Glover, jr., with bastardy was cleared from the docket when the defendant a greed to pay $80 to the prosecuting witness and pay the cost of the ac tion. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the cost in the case charging Joe Bell with simple as sault. Willie Hopkins, charged with op erating ' a motor vehicle without proper lights, was found not guilty. Lucy Whitehurst, charged with disorderly conduct and attempted assault with a deadly weapon, was sentenced to two years in the farm colony at Kinston. ? The woman is said to have fired upon citizens in Bear Grass Township several weeks ago, but did no personal damage. The case of Evernal E. Williams, charged with bastardy, was contin ued until July 7 when he demanded a trial by jury. Judgment was suspended upon the condition that the defendant leave the county in the case charg ing John Henry Mills with larceny. James Jones was sentenced to the roads for six months in the case charging him with carrying a con cealed weapon. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the cost in the case charging Arthur Vail with violat ing the motor vehicle laws. It was brought out that Vail had permit ted his son, IS years old, to operate a car without license. Abner Bennett, Williamston regu-1 lar street beggar, charged with for cible trespass, was bound over to the higher court for trial when evi dence indicated he had broken into a house. Jack Oakley, charged with an af fray, was found guilty and sen-1 tenced to the roads for 60 days. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the cost of the action in the case charging Cleo Jackson with an affray. Bob Wimbush was sentenced to the roads for four months for car rying a concealed weapon. Wim bush now faces trial for stealing the pistol. The case charging Thurman Beach with drunken automobile driving, was nol prosaed. Tom Beach was found guilty of driving drunk, and he was fined $80 and taxed with the cost. The two Beach boys were in the car when it left the highway and ran off an embankment near Sweet Water Creek several weeks ago. It was almost certain that Thurman Baach was driving, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. In the meantime, Tom is said to have claimed he was driving, and a warrant wm issued against him, but withheld until he testified in the case against Thurman. When he admitted be was driving, officers served the warrant on him and his trial was held. Will Purvis was sentenced to thel roads for six months on a larceny I charge. James D. Snowdon, Norfolk man, was fined $80 and taxed with the cost in the case charging him with drunken automobile driving. David Freeman was sentenced lo| the roads for six months on a non support charge. The case charging C. M. Burden I with passing a worthless check wai| nol prosaed. Will Rollings was fined $80 and! taxed with the cost for alleged | drunken automobile driving. Charged with selling liquor, Wor-| ley James was found not guilty. Thomas Hyman was sentenced tol the roads for five months on a die-1 orderly conduct and a tempted a sault charge. Two Hurt In Wreck At Robersonville Yesterday \ Mrs. W. B. Knox, of Bear Grass, was hurt internally, and her hus band was bruised but not badly yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock when their car was struck by another driven by Jack Heatb, colored, of Greenville, at the highway-main street intersection in ltc Heath and Archie Bilbro, owner of I the car Heath was driving, escaped | without injury of consequence. Heath was charged by higlfway I patrolment with operating a car at eaeeasive speed Both were badly damaged. Many County Veterans Are Converting BonrfsTnto Cash Martin County World War veter ans are said to be gradually con. verting their bonus bonds into cash, late unofficial reports indi cating^ that the former soldiers have drawn around $43,000 in cash. Up until yesterday the veterans had re ceived checks only for bonds turned in early last week. Other conver sions will be made shortly by the pay office in Raleigh, it is under stood. Several checks were received here today, but the money is com. ing back a bit slowly. The distribution of bonds con tinues, but it will likely be several weeks before some of the $50 cer iflcates are delivered, the authori ses explaining that much time will he required to handle corrections >f errors made in filing the appli ?atjons. While the mam rush to convert he bonds into cash is apparently >ver, some few Martin veterahs are laily sending in their bonds and tsking for cash. So far bonds have been delivered o 143 veterans by the Williamston jostoffiee Bonds, amounting to $38,000 have seen returned through the local of Ice to Raleigh. Walker Returns To Manage Local Fair HUT DONATIONS Contributions amounting to several hundred dollars have been advanced (or the construc tion of an American Lesion Post building or hut in this county by veterans, it was learn ed today. Most of the dona tions lyive been made during the past few days or since many of the veterans converted their bonds into cash. Indications now point to a sizeable building fund, It was pointed out by a leader of the John Walton Hassell Post, the organisation sponsoring the pro posed project." Organization of Soil Program Groups Is Progressing Rapidly County Tobacco Committee | Also Being Formed In This County The organization of a soil con servation program control body is progressing rapidly in the county, Assistant County Agent M. L. Barnes announced this morning. The individual organizations for the various districts will probably be formed by the latter part of next week, and a county committee will be formed immediately thereafter, /ir nhoi11 Cnlnrdnif tKa nifitnt coirl t/t tnyuut tyatuiuu/, nit njtiit miu. Last Tuesday evening a joint I committee for Williamstom and | Poplar Point Townships was elect ed. Fred Taylor was made chair man, Walter Halberstadt, vice chair man; John R. Peel, member, and L. G. Taylor, alternate." About 50 far mers attended the meeting, and | much interest was shown in the or ganization and the soil program. No I members of the old organization | were retained. "Wednesday evening at Bear Grass another interesting organization ses sion was held, but acording to un official Information, a misunder standing in the count of votes re sulted. The misunderstanding was not thought to be of any serious consequence, however. A. B. Ayerj was retained as chairman, and W. M. Harrison was made vice chair man^ H. U. Peel, member, and Sid ney Beacham, alternate. Hassell reported a good meeting for Hamilton Township last night when D. R. Edmondson was made chairman of the committee for that district. C. L. Nelson was elected vice chairman; Frank L. Haialip, member, and W. Y. Beach, laternate. Other meetings are being held to night at Oak City; at Robersonville tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock; at Holly. Springs over in Williams Township Monday evening; at Farm Life Tuesday evening; at Everetts on Wednesday evening; and at Jamesville on Thursday, July 2. All meetings with the exception of the one at Robersonville, will be held It 8 o'clock p. m. In addition to the agricultural organizations, the districts appolnt ed special representatives for to bacco growers. The names of the tobacco representatives elected to date are, J. G. Staton, Williamston; C. U. Rogers, Bear Grass, and J. W. Eubanks, Hassell. These represen tatives will hold a meeting m July to name a chairman and delegate to attend a state-wide meeting of tobacco growers in Raleigh the lat ter part of July. Heretofore, these taking part in mass meetings in Ral eigh were charged with being self appointees and not representatives of the tobacco farmers. Now the farmers are picking representatives from their qjyp ranks lead them when occasion demands. Will Be Held Early This Year; To Start On Septeml)er 28th 'Lucky" Teter Is Booked For Return Engagement Here This Season Announcement was made today by Norman Y. Chambliss, of the N C. Fair Operating Company, that Mr. Harvey Walker, of Raleigh, had again been appointed resident man ager of the Williamston Fair and he has arrived here and established his office at the fair grounds. Anonuncement was also made by Mr. Chambliss that the date of the Williamston Fair this year would be the week of September 28th, the 'change being made in view of the fact that the management of the Williamston Fair was well pleased with the patronage accorded the fair last year, even under bad wea ther conditions. Mr. Walker man aged the fair in 1935 and made num erous friends. The first work of Mr. Walker at Williamston will be getting out the premium book, and he will immediately confer with Mr. Brandon, county agent, as well as Miss Lora Sleeper, home demon stration agent for Martin County. An elaborate program is being ar ranged for the Williamston Fair this year, which will Include a return engagement on the part of "Lucky Teter," who made sue ha big hit at Williamston in 1935, TheXetlin & Wilson Shows will occupy the mid way this year, this show having played theiGreensboro Fair in 1935 as well as several other large fairs. It will be the policy of the manage ment to have a clean midway and legitimate concessions. l/nder the tentative program Lucky Teter will probably play in Williamston on Wednesday and Fri day, but definite announcement will be made later. Mr. Chambliss states the people can positively depend on a wonderful grandstand show in 1938, as well as agricultural exhib its. Mr. Chambliss made the definite statement also that all premiums, as well as other bills, were immediate, ly paid after the fair at William ston in 1935. Unfortunately, the ag ricultural exhibits were not what Mr. Chambliss desired in 1935, but he is hopeful there will be quite un improvement this year and urges .the. formers., to get ready, now for their Williamston Fair exhibits. Gets Bonus Late Tuesday; Lands In Jail Thursday Receiving his bonus late Tuesday, Guffie Mason, Bear Grass Town ship colored man, bought a second hand automobile, got drunk, wreck ed his newly-purchased machine and landed in jail here yesterday morning. Driving rapidly near Gardner's Creek, Mason lost control of the car and turned it over, but escaped with only a minor hand injury. He righted the Ford, and was contin uing on his way when patrolmen arrested him. Orthopedic Clinic To Be Held in Tarboro Monday] The Tarboro Rotary club will con duct another orthopedic clinic in the Presbyterian Sunday school rooms there next Monday after noon at 1 o'clock The club will al so conduct a neuro-psychiatrlc clin ic for nerve injuries, mild mental cases and retarded and behavior problem children. Martin people, needing treat ment, are invited to attend the clinics. I ELECTION SNARL AT HAMILTON ISi STILL IIP IN AlS Final Action Being Delayed Pending Instructions From State Board Investigating complaints directed against John A. Davenport, Hamil ton precinct registrar, the Martin County Board of Elections at an un official hearing held in Hamilton last Tuesday postponed action in the case pending instructions from the State Board of Elections, it was learned from Mr. Slyvester Peel, chairman of the county board. In an effort to eliminate as far as pos sible all friction and at the same Ume maintain election rules and regulations, the board is doing all in its power to find a satisfactory solution to the snarl. At the pres ent time, the board is not contem plating Mr. Davenport's removal, certainly not before the second primary next week, it was indicat ed. Chairman Peel said yesterday that the board was considering the appointment of an assistant poll holder for the second primary to serve the present officials. How ever, this action depends on in structions from the State board, he pointed out. Mr. Peel also said that an official hearing would be held before final action is taken to dis miss the registrar in the event the State Board recommended the change. A careful study of the petition, drawn 'and signed by 20 citizens oi the precinct who asked Mr. Daven port's removal, reveals no concerte charge against the man as far as the actual holding of the election is concerned. The petition is more in in the form of a general attack, charging, "He is not of the charac ter that is expected of a person that is filling a position which he is hold ing'? The failure of the paper to cite a definite and concerte infrac tion of the election laws is believed to have prevented definite action by the county board last Tuesday. However, it was pointed out at the hearing that Voter L. H. Rouse was ordered from the polling place be fore he finished voting. It is un derstood, however, that the voting was a long-drawn out task, but Chairman Peel assured Mr. Rouse that he would be allowed two hours or more to mark the ticket on July 4th. Efforts to have Mr. Davenport voluntarily resign probably in favor of his daughter or son-in-law fail; ed, the chairman of the board, so anxious to restore peache and harm ony, telling him that he would ad. vance from his own pocket the sal ary the positons draws. Mr. Dav enport stood his ground, and hastily advanced a petition carrying the names of 43 persons favoring his re tention. Mr. Peel explained yesterday that if not definite instructions are re ceived to dismiss Davenport, he would go to Hamilton Munday ami appoint an assistant poll holder, one whose appointment would meet with favor by the Davenport op position, but whether this will seC tie the controversy is considered by soma to be very doubtful. Unofficial rumors directing com plaints against the clciUnn uffiuals in Poplar Point Township were de clared unfounded by Mr. Peel fol lowing an investigation in that dis trist last Tuesday. The petition presented the board of elections by 20 well-known citi zens in Hamilton Precinct reads, "We the undersigned do hereby petition you to remove Mr. J. A. Davenport from the pestron as judge of elections or as poll holder of Hamilton Precinct. "Reasons: 1. He is not of the character that is expected of a person that is fill ing a position which he is holding. "2. The township is not casting the votes it should on account of his altitude in general. "We invite an investigation of Mr. Davenport's character which will verify our contentions." CHURCH OF THE ADVENT Rev. E. F. Moseley, Rector Hply Communion, 7:30 a. m. Church school, 9:43 a. m. 8L Martin's Hamilton Church school, 10 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon at 11 g. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock. Two Carried Before Court For Using Bad Language Charged with using improper language in public, John A. Daven port and John Ayers, Hamilton men, were carried into court there a few days ago. Judge C. L. Nel son, goving over from Haaaell to Hear the chasga, suspended judg ment upon payment of the costs of about $3 each. Both men are said to have pleaded guilty. WALTERS, WADE FEATURE 2-1 WIN WER SNOW HILL Wade Holds Visitors To Three Hits; Walters Wins with Homer I Rainy weather took most of the games in the Coastal Plain loop this week, the Martins finding it pos sible to squeeze in a lone exhibition up until today. But what an exhi bition they did stage when the wea ther finally opened up. Snow Hill and Klnston worked while all the remainder of the teams remained idle Wednesday afternoon, but yes terday all the clubs went into ac tion. the activities leaving the stand ings of the three top clubs un changed. with Greenville leading the Martins by half a game, and Williamston leading Ayden by the same margin. Rated as one of the best games of the season, the Snow Hill-William ston contest here yesterday after noon unloosed some perfect ball playing that was capped with an ex citing and very fitting climax in the tenth inning. Larry Wade was head ed for a record-breaker, but ad verse breaks in the eighth inter fered. Until that frame he had turned back the mighty Snow Hill swatters without a hit. The visi tors had not yet located first base, but the umpire failed to hear a foul ball report and gave a visitor what appeared to be an unearned trip to first. Bugg. next man. struck out. Robinson then singled to ac count for the first hit of the game off Wade, and Parrish, following, smacked a double to score Ingram. During the first seven innings, the visitors hit only five ground balls, the others being pop-ups, high flies to the outfieldT and strike-OCits. Hampton, pitching for Snow Hill, twirled a good game and allowed 7 hits. Gaylord and Walters did the heavy work with the stick to tfiSlfe the hits count. While Gaylord made three hits in a row and got a free pass, Walters featured the attack in the third, when he hit a double to score from second, which the local left-fielder had stolen a minute or two before. The climax came in the tenth when Walters won the 2-to-l game with a home run on the gymnasium. Earp and Corbitt an nexed a hit each to push the count to 7. Both teams went the route with out an error, and played one of the best games ever seen on the local diamond, Two Wives Arrive To Visit Man Held In County Bastile | Refuse Advice To Flip Coin That Ownership Might Be Determined Happenings were taking plufib rapidly down around the Martin County hoosegow last Tuesday aft ernoon when Dennis Whitaker white man, was placed there to answer for the alleged violation of his Affile, &na ms two wives down to see him. Whitaker, . peek-1 ing through the bars of a third story window, talked first with one and then the other, the two women nudging each other from the most advantageous position on the ground just below the window Regardless of what he might have been, and ignoring what he is now the tww wives strongly malnramrrt their right to the man, and refused at the suggestion of some one, to flip a coin to determine ownership. No settlement was reached, but the two women left in the same auto mobile for an unannounced desti nation. Whitaker goes back to the roads to settle an old debt with Ha state. The young man married his sec ond wife upon release from jail just a short time ago, and there was peace until a few days ago when he took back Wife No. 1 and order | ed his second one to vacate. Just how the tangle will be finally straightened out and who will get i the man cannot be predicted, but kt ts a settled fact that neither uf the wives will possess him until the State finishes with him, and it is possible the federal authorities will call him to answer one of their pa role violations. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Regular morning service at 11 o' clock. Young people's service at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 o'clock. BAPTIST CHURCH Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, worship, g o'clock. McDonald Heard by Big Gathering Here BIBLE SCHOOL and students of .the Daily Va cation Bible school, a coopera tive effort on tfie part of the various relifious bodies in Wil liamston. wish to cordially In vite the public to attend the commencement exercises to be held this eveninf in the Memor ial Baptist Church. Following an inspirational worship period. the several groups will give a program of songs, stories of Jesus, and a playlet. "Mrs. Oldfangled's Con version." in which the daily ac tivities of the school will be briefly summarised. A work er will reproduce, "A House That Speaks In Many l.angu ages," recounting the ex per iences and influence of Jane Addams, the good neighbor. rYPHOID DRIVE IS RETARDED BY RAINY WEATHER Present Indication Is That Around 12,000 People Will Take Vaccine Unfavorable weather during much ?f th week has interferred with he anti-typhoid fever campaign in his county, but the activities to lay indicate for the movement con iderable success. The number tak ng the vaccine is running well into he several thousands, the health iff ice here having no complete rec >rd on th campaign at this time. Reports from five of the dispen aries show that more than 2,000 >eople have taken the vaccine. The ive clinics are located in strictly ural areas, but on the basis of the ictivities in those communities, the otal for the county should run a ound 12,000 or more. Large numbers were reported at he clinicsj here and at Koberson 'ille today. Next Monday, the schedule in ef ect this week, will be started for he second time, the health-authori ties urging aH lhdse who failed To let the vaccine this week to start he treatment at their nearest clinic, fery few people are asking for in- | iividual attention, and when they lo they offer feasible excuses for tot taking the treatment at the linics. The protection is offered free to ?very person in the county, and the ippearance of typhoid fever in lear-by counties already this sum ner should be sufficient warning or everyone to take advantage of he protection this year A pure vater supply is not adequate pro oction against the fever, for it is i recognizee! fact thai those v lave had typhoid in years gone by lie carriers of the germ, as a rule. 514,000 A Noted lor Clearing Roanoke U|> To Hamilton 3rojcct Plans Call for Tetv Foot Channel from the Mouth To Hamilton Upon recommendation of army ngineers, the government has just dinted $14,1)00 for dredging the toanoke River to a depth of 10 eet from the mouth to Hamilton, iccordlng to irsfoFHjsiion received icre this week. It cguld not he learned definitely, lut this dredging project is thought o be separate from a proposed im irovement program announced by he government some time ago. Bids lave already b^n asked for widen ng a cut in the stream a few miles lelow here and the removal of two ir three sandbars between William ton and Hamilton. However, no ?ontract has been let, as far as it ould be learned here today. Two government boats are now forking up stream removing snags nd sunken htge. Th* project,-eoth ng around $50,0011, will be com peted in about four months, re torts state ? .. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Preaching at TT a .m.?Subject: Two Laws of Spiritual Health." Evening service at 8 o'cjock? iubject: "Teat of Fellowship with ted." ' Sunday school at 8:45 a. m. Strong Attack Made By Candidate on Hk Op|)onent in Race ? Pays Cordial Respects To Late Political Opponents Graham and McRae "I come today to take the long tail coat off Clyde Hoey and show all the shams thereunder." Dr. Ralph W McDonald told a crowded court auditorium here yesterday in ad vancing his candidacy for governor of North Carolina through a muddy - and a suggested libelous second .primary campaign. Before turning his guns on the veteran in the race, the psychology professor paid his very cordial respects to his late po litical' opponents, Sandy Graham and John McRae. Not until the last did he venture a new political stand or reiterate an old one. but for the greater part of an hour he lambasted with loaded dynamite Hoey. Ehringhaus. Gard ner. and wealth. After claiming malicious lies of the most deroga tory nature had been unloosed a gainst him during the last two days of the first campaign. Dr. McDonald mentioned the advice given him by his fatiier, which in effect was, "Aft er exhausting al-Hneans to be decent ^ to anybody and you fail, then take your coat off and lick hell out of them. His first attack centered around Max Gardenr, "the No. I lobbyist in the United States, who gets as much as $100,000 for a single case, and he is the head of the machine in this state.'* Continuing, the speaker said, "When James Gray went to Raleigh there was^a tax on Reynolds Tobac co Company stock, and when he left there was no tax on it. Ehringhaus refused to call a special session of the legislature, making a tie-in of C1 ardner-Ehringhaus-Hoey as plain as day, and Ehringhaus has served wealth even better than Gardner. Mr. McDonald took time out to tell a little story about hand pick ing candidates, but he would not vouch for it, he explained. Accord ing to the story. Mr. and Mrs. Eh ringhaus would try to keep the mansion in Raleigh?looking?clean ? and nice until Clyde came along in 1937 1 sense'tvoidd^ vuu? fo^ h' ^ ""MTl JOTT aid charged. "There's power money in lloey's pocket," the speaker said in point irig out his opponent's lobbying ac tlvities. And then I)r. McDonald I went on to outline Hoey's sources of 'support The power companies are behind him. The tobacco companies are behind him. The Liberty Lea Iguers are for Clyde "Ring" Hoey. I The lobbyists are for Clyde "Ring'* Hoey. The ring politicians are for politicians ace for Clyde "Ring" Hoey. "If Hoey is such a good Democrat, then why didn't he car ry something besides Republican counties in the west, and why did % Graham and I carry the east," he asked. "You can find a long-haired lob byist and put a long tail coat on him but that won't make him a preacher," McDonald pointed out in connection with Hoey's religious ac tivities, and- at the sumc-time ex-? plaining that he himself had taught a Sunday school class. "It isn't a pleasant task tp expose crookedness of our state political machine, but if you want four more years when tobacco companies will dictate the policies of state, you can get them with Hoey," McDonald continued. In short, he summed up about all of what Hoey said as so much hooey. "Hoey says he is not tied up with Gardner; that's hooey His remarks on the old-age pension system, increased appropriations for schools are hooey," the speaker said. According to Dr. McDonald^ Hoey would lose about two million dollars {Continued on page tlncc) One-wan Parade Champions Candidacy R. W. McDonald ? Led by "Shorty" Corey, who", on ly about ft feet S, a one-man parade formed in the intereit of Candidate McDonald, attracted much attention in the Jameaville community thta week. Reports reaching here aUU ed that 'Tip" Blount carried a Mc Donald banner white Corey manip ulated a drum to attract attention. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs, of High Point, visited his mother, Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs, here this week.

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