THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 67 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 21,1936 RSTARi.TRHRn 1109 DELAY HEARING ON REQUEST FOR PAVED HIGHWAY County Citizens Go Before Commission Today for Paved Road Scheduled to appear _ before the State Highway and Public Workj Commission in Raleigh yesterday in connection with the proposed sur facing of the Jamesville-Washington road, citizens of Griffins, Jamesville, and WUliaaaton were asked to wait until today for a hearing. Members of the patttkmiiM committee left this morning lor Raleigh, headed by Mrs. G T. Roberson, of Griffins. Re ports indicate there will be other delegations from various parts of the state seeking hearings before the commission in the interest of pro posed road projects in their respect ive territories. The delegation is pointing out the need for an adequate outlet for one of the county's finest sections, and where travel is exceedingly diffi cult nearly ever winter and almost impassible during winters like thp one recently ended. Said to be finding citizens oh the ' south end of the route fsvoring the location of a road across Albemarle Sound via Plymouth aud on into Washington, the delegation today is only asking a surfaced road from the Martin-Beaufort line, wherever that is, to Jamesville./ It was first proposed to pave or ntflface the road from Jamesville to Wi While no other d< peering before the com this county today, it is1 understood that petitions have been presented to the commission in thq interest of improvad roads in the War Grass and Hsssell sections. In connection with a bridge across the Albemarle, the Plymouth news paper, Roanoke Beacon, today said: Realizing that the fight had been in vain to secure a span to connect the north and south sides of the Al bemarle Sound to be constructed near Plymouth, Z. V. Norman, local civic worker, has been authorized to make public the information that they will leave the location of the bridge to the State Highway and Public Works Commission. A wire left Plymouth Tuesday to Cepus M Wayntck, chairman of the State Highway and Public Works Commission, reading as follows: Plymouth realizes it has fought a losing fight. Am authorized to ad vise that Plymouth withdraws op position to sound bridge and leaves location to highway commission. We request nearest possible location to Plymouth and urge immediate ac tion on construction." A second telegram was sent to E. W. Spires, mayor of Eden ton, where a meeting was held Tuesday after noon to get the people united in a concerted action to get the location settled and work started. The two telegrams were almost identical in In relinquishing their fight, the people of Plymouth, in an amiable effort have joined their friends m the same county, Roper and Cres well. in getting the bridge located within the domain of Washington Qpunty. ft looks now hke Tt will cross the Albemarle from Leonard's Point to 8endy Point This loaves Tyrrell County, with the town at Columbia, as the sole holdouts on the proposition, as Plym outh deserted. Already Ropar and CresweU were for this location. A total at $1,000,000 has been appro priated. but it is estimated that $400, 000 more will be needed. Report on Tobacco Stocks Issued July II A report just released by the United States Department at Agri culture shows an increase in tobacco stocks for the Cast Carolina Flue cured type at 29.823,000 pounds, as at July 1, compared with the inven tories on the same date a year ago. To offset this increase, consumption was inrrsaaing rapidly, the report pointed out On July 1, 1935. t Carolina stocks inventoried Willi ST.UUlOO pounds the Bret of Stoeks at all Bus cured tobacco en hand July 1, IBM. were 747,00X000 pounds, compared with 841,840*00 pounds on July 1, 1836, an increa at 105*55,000 pounds over the hold ing> a year ago. During the period from April 1, 1MB, to July 1, 1938, 138,753, 0ti at 1838 of Type 11 an July 1, MM 1U?88 pounds; Type IX 337,11X880; Type IX 118.948*00 pounds; Type IX 4TXK088 Hunting Season Gets Under Way in Section September 15 is almost warden that the officially sets underway the ISth of next month, when it will be lawful to take deer. Mr Abbitt reminds hunters at the bad limit, the law allowing one person to take not more than three deer during the Following clone behind the open season for deer, the squirrel season opens on October 1 with a bag limit of 10 each day during the i The renl season gc1 November SO, when it will be law ful to take turkeys and quail The ison tor these birds opens a few days earlier than it did tot year. "Coon and 'possums may be taken with a doc an or after October 1. but the trapping learon does m open until the Brst of November. Licenses, selling at the same price they did last year, will go on sale in several places ova the county within a few days. Warden Abbitt pyp^inin|- that COmbuatMXk hunting sale for the convenience of Boundary Line Survey Is Deferred This Week TOTAL 16 CASES TRIED IN COUNTY COURT TUESDAY Fines Levied at Session Held This Week Total Over $200 Following a week'* holiday, the Martin County recorder'! court went into aAioo Tuesday and disposed of IS cases, carrying several over un til next Tuesday Fines levied by Judge Peel amounted to $21)0. and there were numerous road sentences some calling for as many as i vehicle while his driver's license was revoked, James Donaldson was given a six-month road sentence suspended upon the payment of a $56 fine and costs Judgment was suspended upon payment of the cost in the case charging W P. Sinealh with speed ing. Johnson Corey was given a three months road sentence, suspended up on payment of the cost and a $50 line in the case charging him with drunken driving and operating a car without a license. The $2& cash bond put up by Oliver Lane was forfeited when the defendant faded fb appear and an swer in the case charging him with allowing an unlicensed driver to op erate his car. Ismnie Young, driver 01 the car. was SI Minced to the roads for 30 days for driving a car without a driver's license. Lane is a Boat on negro, and Young is from Norfolk. Loiuut Rubemn was given a four months' suspended road sentence and required to pay a $25 One and costs in the rase charging him with violating the liquor laws. Charged with receiving stolen goods, I Jllian McClain was found not guilty. ril|*r Taylor eras sentenced to the roads for six months for receiving Charged w ith violating the liquor laws, Milton Puree was fined $50 and taxed w ith the cost, the court M three-month road se ? the ns with the transportation of li quor, the court suspending his driv ing Is ruse tor one : Charged with zelle with a flashlight, Edgar Ayers to the roads far six net guilty with d*s /. L Perkins and Son Ren Main Street Store Here Evidence Is Taken From Records at Washington Meet Arbitration Committee and Others Turn Back At Last Minute The investigation planned effort to settle a dispute over the lo cation of the Mart m Beaufort boun dary line ranched a sudden but ex pected end for the tune being last Wednesday morning, when the arbi tration committee and others faced the ordeal of making a ground suT very of the raltlesnake-ihfested ter ritory Evidence was taken from records introduced by the Beaufort County representatives at Washing ton that day, but further activities necessary to locating the line were delayed until the last week in Oc tober, when the snakes will have hibernated for the winter "We were planning on making the ground survey," County Attorney E. S. Peel and H. G. Morton, attor ney representing the county as a member of the arbitration tee, said today, "but we were mighty glad the inspection tour through the snake territory' was delayed.' they added. Evidence offered by the Beaufort representatives from records has not been made public, members of the arbitration committee withholding any comment. To complete the find ings and settle the dispute the com mittee now plans to visit the dis puted territory and heard record evidence to be offered by this coun ty, the hearing of Beaufort evidence having been completed- However, new evidence might be offered by the neighboring county. Attorney Hoi tun explained, and should that develop the hearing will be opened probably in Washington No further action is expected until the last week in October, however The controversy drags on, the dis pute rapidly bacoming a i in the conservation at those Martin residents living along the route Most of the older citizens in the territory where the dispute ? tered. maintain the Beaufort it unfounded, but the can they support their aaerrtinn with facts? They ay then can, was learned following an interview with a number of the good citizens of that community yesterday after the ground survey had been post poned. "We believe we can I our beliefs," they said, "and we don't want to live in Beaufort," one or two of them addad I Jamesville Farmer Still Confined in Hospital Seriously burned when he fell into a tobacco barn furnace I bis farm near Jamesville on day of last week. Fanner hospital Reports received here this week state that the man had k the ught of one eye and that >t w feared he would lose his sight in the other eye Fire Company Called Out At I O'clock Thia Morning MARTINS HOLD 1-2 GAME LEAD WITH BUT 3 DAYS TO GO Post Season Series To Get | Underway Here Next Monday Afternoon Completing the regular schedule next Sunday, the four tops clubs in the Coastal Plain League will pair off next Monday in a 3-out-of-S game aeries for places in the little wrold series later in the week, the first and fourth position teams play ing each other, while the second and thud place clubs work for a place in the finals As the club stand now the WilUamston Martin will meet the Kins Ion Eagles here Monday afternoon, ana Ayaen wtn play Greenville at Greenville. However, the standings are too close to de termine the schedule for the prelim inaries just now. The Monday games will be played on the grounds of clubs holding first and second places in the JngNLStanding at the close of the season Sunday. The post-season schedule is cal culated to attract large crowds, and since the battle continues hot in the regular standings, the remainder of the regularly scheduled games are also expected to attract fans in large numbers Only 1 1-2 games sep arates Williamston, Greenville, and Ayden. Ay den is playing William ston today, while the Aces and the Greenles will tie up Saturday and Sunday and anything can happen. Loral club activities on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were featured by heavy batting attacks, the Martins accounting for 13 safe ties off Weldon and Brooks to win over the New Bern Bears at New Born, 13 to 7. last Tuesday. When the attack was completed here Wed nesday, the Martins had 15 more hits to their credit and a 10 to 1 win was recorded in the book for the locals Over in New Bern last Tuesday, Gay lord, Sudduth, Black and Fer rell, with 3 hits each, led the batting attack, Livengood adding color to it with a single all his own. Sud duth and Black hit round-trippers. Dean started the game but retired in the fourth after allowing 4 hits and 2 runs. Livengood look over ?n that frame and was relieved by Armstrong in the eighth. Gaylord Walters and Sudduth made three hits each to feature the l&hit attack here Wednesday against the Bears, Gaylord's three all being doubles. Sudduth hit 3 for 3 to bat 1.000. Qorhjtl hit a dmi. Iilr and a triple. Yesterday, with the mercury push nig up and up, the Martins took a lest at bat and lost to Ayden 0 to 2. Corbill had a couple of doubles and Douglass poled out a homer What ley hit two homers for the Aces and Knowles also got one. The loss did not alter the standings, but it brings Ayden up as a close- contender for the second and even top position. Greenville lost to Tarboro to con tinue trailing the Martins by half a For the semi final and nnal games beginning next Monday, the fol lowing prices will be in effect: chil dren up to and including those 12 years of age, general admission, 10 renli. and grandstand, 15 cents; men, general admission, 50 cents and grandstand 15 cents, ladies, gen era! admission 50 cents and grand stand free. Colored children will be entered for 10 cents and colored a dulta for 35 cents. Gate receipts wilt he shared equally by the two Man Hurt While Working On WPA Offices Today Ferlie LiUey, Griffins Township farmer-carpenter, was painfully but not seriously hurt on his head while working on the new offices for the Works Progress Administration in the City Hall here this morning. An iron crowbar fall the distance of one story and struck the man on the hand. Three stitches were tak en tc close the wound and the man soon returned to work. Entertainment At Local School Monday Evening The "Blue Ridge Buddies,' 'radio broadcasters featuring Wade, Zeka, Hillbilly Kid, Si, Sicero and Uncle 1th, will appear on the high school aditanum stage here next Monday evening at I o'clock. The program also includes a big mirth sho "Crazy Capers," trick banjo and fiddling, singing and yodeling. The entertainers come here spon sored by the Holly Springs Metho dist Church Missionary society. A will he asked, the to the society. Since recant rain; Polk County amen believed they will get at seal M per cent of a normal corn No Further Developments in Connection With Pulp Mill Developments in connection with the location of a puis mill an Roan oke River here reached a standstill this week after the project had vir tually been settled, according to un official information learned yester day. Owners of the company plan ning to locate a branch here inspect ed the site and territory a few days ago, and at that tune it was believed arrangements would be started on the extensive project at once. The ( ranking officials returned to their main office last Friday, leaving two1 here to continue plans for locating the mill. A survey of a 50 acre site just be low the ferl ilner plant was made early Uus week, and while the facts surrounding the survey have not been mode public, it is understood the representatives do not consider them very favorable Other obsta cles have been eliminated, and it is believed a close study of the pro posed site will show it suitable for the location of the mill, it is un derstood that the owners will likely ? eturn here between now and the middle of next month for a further study of the site and other features that are to receive consideration be fore Anal action is taken. itinerary Is Outlined For Good - Will Tour Will Advertise Local Tobacco Market and Fair for Two Days Unique Entertainment Has Been Planned for Visit In Four Counties Leaving here early next Friday morning a large number of local warehousemen. Williamston Fair representatives and other citizens of the town will start a two-day good will tour into sections of four coun ties, the committee announcing last evening that a unique program had been prepared and that around tWo dozen cars would be used in making the trip m the interest of the Wil liamslon Tobacco market and fair. The Hrst stop will be made in Ev eretts Friday morning at 8 o'clock, the caravan swinging to the left there and going to Cross Roads for a 10 minute stop at 8:20. From there the party will visit Bear Grass at 8 40; tlardison Mill at 9:10; James vtlle 9 55. Hardens 10; Plymouth, 10:20; Roper 10:45; Acre Station, 11:55; and Pinetown at 12:15 Con tinuing their trip, the party will visit that afternoon at Bath, Yeatsville, Douglass Station, Chocowinity, Blount's Creek. On Saturday, August 29, the party accompanied by the Williamston High School band iiiembeis special entertains, will stop in Ham ilton at 8 o'clock; Oak City, 8:20; Hobgoud, 8:45; and continue in Hal ifax County to Scotland Neck at 9 10; and then into Bertie, as fol lows: Koxobel, Kelford, Lewiston, Aulander. Askewville, Powellsville, Trap. Wynne's store. Barrel Isville, Colerain, Perry Town, Mount Gould, Merry Hill, Green's Cross, Windsor, at 4:40, and home. The program, planned by llarvey Walker, resident manager of the Williamston Fair,~co-sponsor of the good-will trip, includes a three min ute talk, band numbers, and added entertainment. Favors and souve nirs will be distributed to the kid dies and others, and it is believed the trip anil meet with a homly I spouse N K. Harrison is signing up the- personnel, and as many as 24 cars are expected to be used Roberson Buys Sausage Plant David M Roberson, operator of HoOaiauii'a Slaughter ' Home near here, thia week purchaied the sau sage manufacturing plant of Saun ders and Cox at Washington Hie plant, to continue in operation at Washington, will be handled in con nection with the slaughter house business here, it was learned The local plant, handling the butrheiing end of the business, will supply the sausage plant with meats, the com bined units to employ around W men regularly. The Saunders and Cox meat plant was told that Ur. Cox, partner in the Saunders and Cox lumber busi ness firm, here, might give his un divided attention to the local mill Oil Roanoke River. He plans to move here at ooce and locate his family in Williams ton as soon as Plans To Build New Home On Marshall Avenue Soon ?? V Mr. P. G. Hughes, owner and op erator at the Williamston Machine Works, is planning the construction of a new home on Marshall Avenue, jual off Ha ugh ton Street. A survey of the lot was made this week, and Mr. Hughes plana to start work on the tmihfing some time about the NEW OFFICES ARE BEINC OCCUPIED BY DR. SAUNDERS Doctor Recovering at Home Here from Operation Of Few Weeks Ago Following the completion of the building several weeks ago, equip menf ^?g just recently been in stalled in the offices of Dr. Joseph H. Saunders on Smith wick Street here and made ready for the doc tor's return to practice just as soon as he fully recovers from an opera tion performed in a Richmond hos pital last month. While confined to his home here. Dr. Saunders is grad ually improving, and he hopes to return to his practice within a few weeks, he said yesterday. His offices and equipment are modern in every respect, and will adequately meet the needs of this community. His hundreds of pa tients anxiously await his complete recovery and the time he will be able to re-enter his work that has figured so prominently in the relief of human suffering for a number of years. Dr. Saunders has had installed modern X-ray machines, added lab oratory articles and other equipment to make his new quarters the most modern in this section The hnild ing. houses two reception?rooms, consultation rooms, laboratories, all equipped wtili modern conveniences The physician explains that he* is not able to say at this time just when he plans to open his new build ing, but he did say that he wijl re turn to his practice just as soon as his health permits. Neighbor Croups Aid Debt Relief In Many Sections Burdened Farmers Saved From Foreclosures bv Friendly Committee Activities of voluntary farm debt adjustment committees working with the Resettlement Administra tion have resulted in the adjust ment of 400 farm debt cases in North Carolina, many involving threatened foreclosures, according to a report by J. P Greenleaf, su pervisor of the work in Uus section. Since September, 4036, when Re beltlemenl took over the job of helping debt burdened farmers, debt cases totaling 31,336,000 have been handled in this State, with the work of the adjustment committees resulting in reductions totaling $337,000 for the farmers, Greenleaf said. In addition, he reported, $35. 000 in taxes that otherwise would have remained delinquent have been paid to local governments. "The voluntary farm debt ad justment committees, frequently friends and neighbors of the man whose rase is being adjusted, bring the fai mei and hts creditors to gether in a friendly and neutral at mosphere to work out a settlement satisfactory to all concerned," the supervisor slatad. "In some casas an extension or lower interest rate is obtained, or a new schedule of low er payments worked out. The com mittees have no legal authority to enforce their recommendations bqt every effort is made to satisfy both sides snd st the same time save the farmers from the distress of fore closure." Any one interested in this adjust ment work in this county, will be given complete details upon appli cation to Miss Katharine Fatson, secretary. Resettlement Administra tis. Willis?slnn. N. C. HEARING WAIVED BY AGED NEGRO IN PHELPS CASE W. H. Sykes, Charged with Murder, Awaits Grand Jury Action William H. Sykes. 7g-year-old col ored man charged with the brutal killing of Wiley Phelps, white man, near Jamesville, last Sunday morn ing, waived his right to a prelimi nary hearing here yesterday. Ar rangements to hold the hearing be fore Justice J L. Hassell were com pleted by Sheriff C. B. Roebuck on Wednesday, but Attorney H O. Horton, representing Sykes, mid one ufpn'H mi asked continues in the county jail, wh he was placed soon after the killing last Sunday. No new evidence has been un covered by officers in the case since shortly after the killing. The State is summoning a number of witnesses to utter evidence in connection with facts leading up to the tragedy, it was learned. Said to have lost his land through legal foreclosure pro ceedings, Sykes is aUeged to have caused the purchaser trouble on sev eral occasions, but his action never reached serious proportions until the attack was made on Phelps last Sunday. Placed in charge of a tract of land with a grapevine on it near the home of Sykes, Phelps went there Sunday morning to pick grapes. The presence of Phelps on the land is believed to have angered the old colored man and the attack follow ed. Phelps, white man about 52 years old, was slabbed and cut in the neck and died along the road side after crawling several steps from the Held. The case wiU be placed before the Martin County superior court, when it convenes here the 21st of next month. County Farmers Put In Orders for Over 1,000 Western Pigs Representative Now In the West Making Purchases For Delivery Soon ? Twenty or more Martin County farmers have placed orders for more an i.uuu leeoer pigs lo De shipped within tiie next few days from east ern South Dakota and Kansas, Coun ty Agent T. B. Brandon said this morning. A special representative of the farmers from the Extension Service left Raleigh last Saturday for the pig belt, and he will inspect and handle the purchases direct with the selling farmers, Mr. Bran don said. Facing a short corn crop in the main hog producing belt, farmers are turning to the South for a mar . ket for their feeder pigs More than 200,000 of the young swine are ex pected to reach farmers in this sec tion of the country. While Agent Brandon is taking no additional orders just now. It may be possible that the shipment will ha enlarged to rare for any extra de mand,, he-explained Two farmers in this county are said to have purchased a carload apiece of the feeder pigs, the other 350, or carload, to be distributed a fniong about IB farmers. More Rooms Needed tor WPA Office Employees With phtts available tar around SO of the WPA workers locating here the last of this month. Mayor J L. tlassell said that morning that 20 or more rooms are still neces sary to house the headquarters personnel. Available apartments for light house keeping are unusually scarce, the mayor pointing out, that he had only one left on his UsL Any one having an apartment or extra rooms for rent are again ask ed to get in touch with the mayor at once. Offices for the combined district headquarters of the organisation are almost certain to be randy for mviipsnpy by the first Of 1 workmen having virtually pie ted construction work a second of the three-story Dr. J. E. Smithwick Quite III In Durham Hospital Dr. J. E. Smithwick, a landing physician in this county tag many years, continues quite ill in a Dur ham hospital. The doctor, widely known throughout this sscthm at the state, has been in failing health for several mats. The antra ? of his trouble determined.

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