: : ?- ? __ STARTS Thurs. SEPT. 17 8:00 A. M. r/fV Mr. Garland Woolard, manager of this store, has just returned from the market, where he bought the nj |)urchased for this store, or any other store for that matter. Several carloads were bought for the Williams event, and in buying in large quantities we naturally bought it at prices that will give us and our custome niture. We bought the best money could buy, yet it will be sold during this sale at prices so cheap almost ? If you need good furniture at prices you can well afford to pay, make your plans to attend this big sale, agree with us that we have the best furniture bargains ever offered in this section of the State. Everything Cash During this Sale V* hen the doors oj>eii, the first 500 people to enter the store will m eh r a RAG RUG, 2 by 3 feet, ABSOLUTELY FREE, whether they make a purchase or not LOOK AT THIS SPECIAL ? ? t (Ur... M High Grade Cotton Blankets JO a Size 611>\ 76 jF^r \j rJ tot m y 50-Pound W ROLLED EDGE r COTTON MATTRESS $5.85 This Is a Better Cotton Heavy Wt. 2-Inch Post IRON BED EVERYTHING CASH DURING THIS SALE 1 Sale Starts Thurs. Sept. AXMINISTER RUGS Seamless model Ax minister Rugs. You can appreciate this value. Size 9 x 12, at? $23.95 AND UP Stool CEairs Double Cane Bottom Solid No. 1 Oak - Only 97c BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES Full size drop-leaf ta ble and 4 chairs. Built well. Only? $8.95 PILLOWS A. C. A. Tick Guaranteed all chick en feathers, 17 x 24, while they last, each? An Honest Value 79c Better comfort is gotten only from mat tresses with springs in the mattress- Very special at only? $19.50 Three-piece Maple or Walnut Bedroom Suite, consisting of heavy 4-poster bed, beautiful vanity with triple mirror and chest The style of this suite will appeal to every housewife. As shown? $44.50 A URGE No. 818. Suitable 200 pounds. Your neij Reduced to? $1 100 PER CENT LA With Heavy This is a great hp this very special low pi $9