The Enterprise ?nd Frici?y ky ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WOXJA1UTOM. WORTH CAROLINA w. c SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cak in Mruw) IN MARTIN COUNTY Oh ymt $LM Sis moHiha J? One peer WO Sis months IM No Sobecripbon Received lor Lass Than ? Month Adeertining Rats Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamaton, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of Msrch J, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Tuesday, September 29, 1936 Time Now To Act Another marketing season for peanuts in this sec tion is near at hand, the growers passing by any and all opportunities now to make selling profitable in the future They are waiting their time to complain Aould prices prove cheap.?But now is the lime to act even though no one knows definitely what can be done to assure fair returns for this goober crop. Over in the jieanul sections of Virginia,.Farm Bu reau federations are already prqiaring appeals to the federal agricultural authorities asking thai a portion of the crop In- converted into oil and other measures taken, if possible, to hold up prices this fall and winter. The .farmers in the neighboring state, fully realizing the |mwer in concerted action, are up and doing now 11 at -1heir rights might be protected when they go to market with their current peanut crop With some possible?exceptions, farmers in this section continue to sit back and the most they do is grumble almut the low price of tobacco, peanuts and cotton. 'Che Farm Bureau, sad to relate, is receiving poor supixirt in its first efforts to organize the far mers into a body that the right of agriculture might claim its right, place in the sphere of industry and lecognition in the legislative halls of Slate and Na tion Apparently there is more satisfaction to be had by howling loud and long than higher commodity prices will afford. There is no doubt but what a single appeal from an organized farm luidy in this county and from other organized bodies in every peanut growing county in the belt would cause officials to sit up and lake notice of the claim for fair prices. But. we hold back and refuse to'juin a movement That*-c<>sts $2 because we can't see immediately in front of us a return one Hun dred times two dollars. The present national administration has done much for agriculture these past two or three years, but be fore much more is to be had we must do something for ourselves. ?AtmI ?? ' ? ? ? ? . . ? . . ; 2:00 P. M?Featuring Some of the Fastest Horses in the Country Thursday ? Everybody's Day HARNESS HORSE RACING, 2:00 P. M. Friday?Harness Horse Races 2:00 P. M. Sat.?Professional Auto Races 2:00 P. M. Grandstand Attractions Afternoon and Evening. Featuring every night The Winter Garden Revue." We promise- our patrons the finest Grandstand Attractions ever appearing in Eastern North Carolina. _____ ? Celtin and Wilson Shows On Midway?Presenting Modern Rides, Clean Shows and Concessions $1,500 Offered in Agricultural Exhibits COME TO The Williamston Fair All This Week "RAIN OR SHINE" SPECIAL?WEDNESDAY Farmers Day, Admission, 25cUntil 1:00o'QockP. M. Congressman Lindsay Warren PRINCIPAL SPEAKER