HMD THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 82 Williamston. Martin County. North Carolina. Tuesday. Oetober 13.1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 PRODUCTION AND SALE CONTOOLQF LE AF IS PLANNED Compact Bill To Be Ready For Legislative Action Within Short Time Plans far the production through stale j compacts are going forward n inglnti. reports ima Ihrn a bill will be ready for early i ment by the latuies. AAA officials lation of the measure asserted thai j control of production is satisfactory i to all producer croups indorsing the) compact theory and was inser the bill only at the latter s race It is planned that state cm administering the propuoed lawJ ed will be a highly sxm of the compact act passed by the Virginia legislature, which al ready has a marketing control pro vision. Federal agricultural officials have just reported thai they have almost completed drafting the meas ure; and it should be ready for the various legislatures within a eery As the situation now stands fin fie inot Mil i I a can sell only the amount of tobacco specified in his individ ual marketing quota. Should he de ne to make sales in excess of this maximum, he must purchase addi tional "sales certificates" from his state commission, and the price he pays for such certificates is aihnit tedly of a prohibitory nature. Under the present system, officials contended, these is nothing to pre vent a farmer from taking ius ex tern tobacco into another Jiate?: one not governed by a compact? and sell it with no fear of puush roent For when he ciunet a state line with his tobacco, he ts. under law. operating in interstate com I therefore; beyond state It is felt thai should the state hare authority to tell him how much to plant as well as sell, this loop-hole will be cfaeed. m that the producer's production and kcttng quotas would be similar he would hare no excess crop what | socrrr Therefore; the prmision outlined heretofore has Ixyi insert ed m the model bill. Th? compacts pr'.ir i iaed by one offma At the request of greasmen. both the hi ate hare already pasai lution. specifically, does three I (1) Authorizes states far the Old Cannon Dug Up Here After 38 Years [ POWER LINES | $392 IN DON ATION TO ROOSEVELT FUND REPORTED ? r Only Three Districts Have Reported Contributions Up Until Present Martin County people are strong far Roosevelt and are expected to turn out a record vote for him the 3rd of next month, but they are not so hot when it comes to supporting the campaign with cash, according to the latest' report filed today by canvassers for the reelection cam paign fund. With a goal of $1,000 set for this county, the can vessels continue their drive for funds, and today reported a total of U92 The work is going forward fairly rapidly m Williamston. Griffins. Goose Nest and a portion of Bear Grass, but reports have not been re ceived from other distorts in the comity, it was pointed out. How ever, it is umlentood that communi ty canvassers are working in all dis tricts and that the fund will pass the $SOT mark as the work progresses. Battling against an overflowing Republican campaign cash pot. the Roosevelt forces are drrccting ap peals for aid to every community, urgrng a donation frum everyone As election time nears. there appears ? uncertainty at Mr. Roosevelt's reelection The haltle. as far as Norti. Caii. concc.iied. :> con sidered won. but the fireworks are underway on a big scale in some of the western states and also in a number at those in the North. Contributions, raised in this coun ty. an ndeby I appear as follows: $S contributors S & Lilley. J. Eason Lilley. Dr. W C. Mercer, J. W. Watts, jr., VanDyke Furniture $2 contributors: A friend, J. G. Whitfield, J. C. Boas. G. W. Griffin. Sylvester Peel. Dr. Jos. Eason. $130 contributor Ira F. Griffin. SI and less: R W. Boodurani. K I_ Hyman, R T. Johnson. W. O Daniel. G. W Barrett. W D Smith. T C AUsbrooks, J- P Faithful. L T riipii. ji w r Tumi r n ? rell. B. F. Lilley. John E. Griffin. Alex Peel. R H Peel. D. T. Gnffin. C W. Cur kin. John A. Gnffin. W. K Parker. D V. Clayton. Jos. W. Grif Oak City Negro Is Injured in Crash! Richard C Jones, rejpected c and farmer at the Oak City section, had his right lag iimkil and m Used Principally To Celebrate Victory of Democrats at Polls, Weapon Recovered Sunday After Being Buried for Thirty-eight Years An old Civil War cannon, with a history a yard kmc behind it. was recovered here last Sunday morn ins after remaining buried on the J S. Rhodes property just ofi Smith wick Street for nearly 38 years About its use as a weapon of death id destruction, little is known. Old lifan Pompey Williams. a former slave with an able memory, declares the was brought here by the Confederates during the Civil War from Roanoke Island Apparently the weapon was cast long before the War Between the State*, the can non being of the type in general use years before 1861. in later years, older residents of the town state it was used by the Dem ocrats to celebrate victories over the Republicans, and in this connection there is a unique and exciting rec ord. ft was only on few occasions that the Democrats had an oppor tunity to celebrate a victory between 1863 and 1898. but in the latter year a big time was reported. The Dem ocrats ousted the Republicans in the State, and conservative merchants here joined in the celebration that locked the town. The old cannon was fired at least SO times that mem orable night, the vibrations from the shots actually jarring out the kero sene burners in those neighborhoods where the celebrants chose to fire The late Wheeler Martin, a staunch Republican and as good a loser as he was winner, was given a two-shot salute, and it was he who brought the "whoopee" to an end. Answering the salute with open arms. Mr. Martin is said to have walked out on his front porch and said, "boys, come on in. There's plenty of food, and 1*11 get y?*i re-| freshments." According to the story , the Demos, starved out after long years of political suffering, deserted the cannon and rushed in on their old friend, all relegating to the four winds any and all political ill-feel ?ng that ever existed between them Mr Martin fed his tormenlers well, and they took care of the refresh ments in such manner that in a short while there was no one left capable of handling and firing the old gun. One of the group is said to have wandered up the street with a hunk of cheese in his hand Finally reach ing Carstarphen's old store, comer Mam and Smithwick Streets, the recent guest sat down to eat. Feel ing into his pockets he found a plug of tobacco and pulled it out and, thinking it was a jumbo cake, he sandwiched it with the cheese. He was later carted home in a small push-cart used at that time for haul ing the mails The gun had been used prior to that time, but the former celebration details are not well remembered The reports have it that one staunch IV*woqat had imbibed too freely of the spirits and tried to ride the weapon in the thick of battle. Both led were broken and he was hurt mighty badly, the off-record de-' Following the November, 1898, eel cbration, Frank Rhodes, Henry Cook Herbert Pope, C. B. Hassell. and Wiley Clary took tha old cannon and buried it on the Rhodes prop erty just back of a horse stable. While visiting bar* the past week end from Montgomery. Ala.. Mr. Rhodes talked about old tunes and. with an elect inn near at hand, re called the days of the cannon, and he and others decided to dig for it. While all the landmarks had been ! (moved. Mr. Rhodes came within 3 feet of the buried cannon in the i n placed on display in front at the City Hall Local Democrats are of the belief hat it will be appropriate to fire xtbe aiapisi again on November 3, but rust has eaten the iron badly tha daring youth of yesterday ?sat here today, so the dangerous will hardly be included in the FARM BUREAU TO ST AGE DRIVE FOR MORE MEMBERS Plans for Campaign Now Being Formulated By Organization Officials Preliminary plans are .feeing for- , mutated far an extensive drive in j this county for Farm Bureau mem bers. an official of the organization , said yesterday The membership campaign, no* going full force in a number of counties, w ill jralnbl^ i get underway in Martin surne time next week, it is believed There are already several hundred members in this county, and it Is planned to add several hundred more Pitt County has nearly every one of its more than 5.00 farms rep r won ted in the ?orgamjat k?n. and membership drives are underw ay in Edgecombe and Nash Cuunties this] When it X rwimnlu-riftt lh?t lh<> | National Farm Bureau FederaUon was the driving power behind the | demand for Federal farm legislation and recognition and That tobacco profited probabfer more than any other crop, it is believed that farm ers in this county and other tobacco areas will readily offer their support j by joining the organization and sup porting it in the future. | Details of the membership drive Ihkr ?milium I j oy tbe comity bureau president. Mr 11- S. Everett, within the next few days, it is un derstood In the meantime, farmers i are urged to consider the undertak ing and line up support for the movement. Jamesville Ionian Hit bv Automboilc Mrs. H M Wright. Jamesvd* Township citizen, was painfulv but not scrkntshr hurt wrf-en struck bv an automobile driven by a hit and run driver near Dardens Sunday afterniM?n Suffering an injured shoulder and other bruises, Mr Wright is recovering at her home Mrs. Wright, walking alc?ng the highway a short distance this side of Dardens. was struck when a car. traveling toward Dardens. swerved off the hard surfaced road a few inches in passing an approaching machine. Beaufort County Fair Gets Underway In Washington The Beaufort G?unt> Fair, open ing yesterday, ? reported running full blast over in Washington today-, with thousands of school children flocking the midway and enjoying the amusements furnished by the St rate's Shows, With ideal weather conditions ex isting. Martin County people are ex pected to attend the exhibit Km in large numbers during all of this week. Local High School Band Parades at the State Fair Going to Raleigh reltfday 35 members strong, the local high | grand parade ftw the Capita to the State Fair ground* The young sters, accompanied by Director Chas L. McCullers and Piofessor Larry Wade, made a eery favorable ?? nunwai and enjoyed the fair quests of the management I raving here at 1 o'clock yester day afternoon, a fern of the boys were until early this morning get. | JiDCJunc I FIVE O'CLOCK SOUP) Going down about 5 o'clock last rangements for the formal open ing of his rew gimety store. Mer chant Dallas Frank found a tiny colored boy sitting on the curb waiting for ton And a Ink the merchant was surprised to find a customer up an hour before the sun made its appearance, he was even more surprised to learn that the little fellow wanted a can of chicken soup The tot, hardly large enough to name his wants, did not explain why he wanted chicken soup and wanted it so early. Probably the young on his bed to get nek mesnber of the I ably he was i Local Market Has Its Best Sale of Season With Official Average of $28.61 for Over 188,000 Pounds State and National Ballots Received by Election Board While the party leaders are whoop ing it up for the big battle of ballots, officials have oiled up the machinery and are gelling tlie tickets ready for the election the 3rd of next month. M?'io than 8.000 national and state t ickets have been delivered to Mr. Sylvester Peel, chairman of the Mar tin County Board of Elections, and an order lias been placed for the county tickets Three regular bal lots untt be placed before the voters lor the consideration in addittion to' llie one carrying several proposed amendments to the state constitu tion. Voting wil be quite easy this year.' the national* ticket carrying the] names of the presidential candidates! themselves instead of the names of 1 -the electors, as heretofore. In or t der to vote a straight party ticket. j all the voter has to do is make a mark in the circle near the top of the ballot, just under the party designation. Ballots will be delivered to the poll holders just a few days before I the election. Notices of 1936 Taxes Are Mailed in County 1 IVr Cent Discount Is Allowed If Paid During This .Month' Levy of About $181,000 Is j Slightly Larger Than For Year 1935 ?Nearly 8.000 Martin Cuuntv prop erty owners are being notified this week that their 1936 iaxc& are due and payable at the office of the sher iff in Williamston or at the several ] hanks li the county. Already, those who have the wherewithal are making settlement of the new taxes, the office of the sheriff reporting more than $500 col lected yesterday. While some are paying the new accounts, about 700 property owners are still battling with their year-old accounts. The delinquent list is being reduced gradually, the collector reporting 18 names removed yesterday Indica tions are that the sheriff will have] the rmallest number of account lp| handle at his final sale the first Mon day in November of any time in re cent years. The total amount of the 1936 levy has not been definitely determined, the auditor's office explaining that one or two small corporation valua tions had not been certified by the | State. The levy will amount to ap proximately $181,000. or about $2.0001 more than that in 1935 The 1936 tax accounts are being | paid this month at a discount of per cent. In November, the dis count is reduced 1-2 of 1 per cent, and taxes are payable at par during December and January After Jan uary a penalty of 1 per cent is add ed eartt month to the tax accounts | tit rough May Sister of Local Man Dies Suddenly in Portsmouth! Mrs. J. E Shackleford. tinr <4 Mr B. S Courtney, of Williamston.' died suddenly at her home in Ports mouth. Va . this morning at 6 o'clock. She was sick only three hours. e? here during the week end and ap peared in splendid health She wa? 57 years old and is survived by her husband and Ave children. A sister. Mrs. J. W Bowden. of Portsmouth, also survives. Mrs. Shackleford was a native of Virginia and had lived in Portsmouth more than 35 years. Funeral arrangements had not been completed at noon today, but it is expected that the. last rites will: be conducted Thursday, interment ( following in a Portsmouth cemetery j Jamesville Faculty To Give' Play There Friday Night! The Jamesville school faculty, coached by Miss Sneede Lecson. is presenting a play. "The Mill of the Gods.** Friday evening at >15 in t school auditorium This drama in' three acts, by Eugene Todd, is green] under the auspices at the teacher organization for the | [SQUIRREL hunting 1 .7*" "**? season is atlrartiag man, hunters i. u,is ~ "?mrrs in Uir y_',kr* days. reports sUI tax that the tree climbers are in . *** ,,irl> Urge nun. ,7" 'N?hers huntrrs get ?ke?r bag limits, and probably e to spare. ' ** ???her and high waters *?she last winter ma *"""J diseased the number **?? .*?' ?*?simuUly one of ?be beet animals is brought Poslal Hircipts for Quarter IiHTcasc Itetawtme er,^ receipts of $4 333 56 for the I turd quarter, the l?. e p"slon'"' had the largest busi. HIKs l..r -vs.. . . Ol ness for any similar per.od in its " ' ^???niar period in its history. Postmaster I. T Fowden ?<d yesterday The income for the tnarter^omhoK the 30th of 1?m namth was 533150 greater than for the third quarter. 1935. .t was point ed nut The local office income so far this year is greater than for the firs, three-quarters of 1935 when an all Ume buauwss record was ?Uh lished Postmaster Fowden believes ?t recordwill be passed this year To Hold Exam for Everetls Postmaster __ ? The position of postmaster made vscnnt by the death of J S. Peel, at veretU tl?e 18th of last month, will he filled by the Civil Service Com mfc-sam wnhin the neiTfewr weak*. " 15 "ndrestood Th.~e .o, ?? is undresl,?} Those ^ suuir in Blr am-liralioni for the b.h are being notified lo have their re quests before Ihe eommission in D C-not later than the Z3rd of this month DiUon C. Peel son of the former postmastei. was rfmnimiuuiioi I . Hwonsier, wa< by Congressman Lindsay C Warren to fill the off,ce temporarily. .?r until the Civil Serv tee Oanrnissirai oiHiM hold examina tm& ??? --- -? ? No date for holding the examina uora has been determined, hut they are IiL-?lv i minert, t>ut the are likely lo be given in the Wil liamston High School Building a '"lit November 7. Holiday lor Firemen Here Is Interrupted Yesterday Starting by a spark from a flue UupjU'ihJ the Combination was! h?U~ *l Mrs Myrtle Harris on Haughton Stree yesterday morning at II 30 o'clock Calling out the volunteer Are com. Pony, the owner, using a small gar. *? ???? ? ?x. lit C Wf control when the firemen rr^hed '!r,Zn^S ^ ^ver """ in the ?" ? CM*?f structure, but ,hr d-nate was very u?n 'I fW? mil -- a* a "?/ amau. ik!^ T ,hr ""t received by ul ^ Bre since nine. teenth of the year so Ear. 11.1.000 Pounds Here Today With Prices As Good as Monday Block Sales Yesterday Are Cleared Today As Sales Continue at Rapid Pace Prices on (hg Will lamston Tobacco Market soared to r.ew levels yester day. making for one of the best sales not only this tutjun but for several seasons past Farmers were better pleased than *>n a^.y day tliis season; in fact, they were happy With bet ter grades being offered in larger quantities, the market reports its bast average, >26.61. of the season. Sales blocked late 111 the afternoon, the 188.539 pounds sold bringing $53.925 41 Prices are holding up well hxlay. reports this morning 'in dicating that the average will equal and probably pass the record-break -et^ established Yesterday.?Muie than? pounds of the leaf are on the floors today, but the block will be cleared. So far this season, the market has sold 3.131.950 pounds, with the price averaging about 3 cents a pound over that of last year Individual reports from the mar ket are the most encouraging of any heard in several seasons. Johnnie Hardison, Griffins Township farmer. | explained that he received a dollar a stick for 174 sticks of tobacco. Two entire -rows?in one house averaged * more than $40 a hundred, and farm ers were really astonished A spirit of happiness pervaded the market atmosphere yesterday, and the smiles and conservations at the warehouse* here were equally as cheerful today as the sales pro gressed. No record-breaking averages were reported ??n the market yesterday, but the averages between $40 and $50 were numerous, some going higher and few under $30. Prices [ of inferior grades, while considered a bit stronger, still do not compare with those being received for tobac cu~thal has any quality at all. The fai mers, for the most part, are real izing this situation, and many are holding back the poorest quality grades for use as fertilizer on their farms Just what percentage of the crop has been sold is a matter of guess work. Some believe between 00 and 65 |ht cent of the crop has been | sold Others believe that the mar keting activities are hardly more than half completed. Many farmers, however, are selling their last barns this week, while others have just tompleted the marketing of their lugs and tips. Tlie September government report for the tobacco markets in this and two other belts shows a marked re u, |M,u!t*iage harvesUxl and M?kl during the period as rum pared With the satn?? month a yMir ^ September sales, while averaging a bout 3 cents a pound higher, brought the farmers in the three belts $17,. 468,714.64, as compared with $?, 816,772.60 last year. During the same month of 1935 the three belts sold 211,005.683 pounds, as compared with 150.562.995 pounds sold in the same period this year, or a tion of about 6o.0o0.o00 pounds. ? Gotton Ginnings Martin County farmers ginned nearly Ave times as much cotton from the current crop up to October I as they did during the same period a year ago. a report released by the Department of Commerce through its special agent, Luther Hardison. show* Last year there were >05 bales of cotton ginned in this coun ty up to the first of October, at com pared with 900 this year. The report, while pontine hi a bumper cotton production m this county, indicates that fanner* are harvesting . and ginning the crop faster than they did a year age. Some actually believe the total pro. duction will hardly exceed that of

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