? * THE ENTERPRISE t? Owm VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 84 Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday, October 20,1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 SEVERALCLUBS ARE ORGANIZED AT HIGH SCHOOL First Edition High School Included In Extensive Building Program Students in the local high school are now busily engaged in the or. ganization of clubs in which they are taking considerable interest. Miss Nancy Glover and a group of 20 stu dents are at n-ork on the first issue of a schdbl newspaper of the year which is being printed by The En terprise. The students have done all the actual work at soliciting ads and writing the news articles. Miss Emma Gay Stephenson states that interest in debating is consid erable and she has had little trou ble in organizing an enthusiastic group for that type of work. The first meeting was held last week, at which time four students debated on the question of whether boys are more expensive to their parents than girls. The topic for this Thursday night, when the club meets in the high school auditorium is: "Resolved That Radios Are More Educational Than Moving Pictures." Miss Stephenson also states that she hopes to begin soon with the work on the triangular debate subject: "Resolved. That the Utilities Should Be Owned by the Government." Each year the leading high schools of the state debate some important subject, with winners representing their school at Chapel Hill. As a means of creating interest in leadership and scholarship, a group of boys and girls have made appli cation and been admitted to the National Beta Club. There are only 10 chapters of this club in the State, and the local boys and girls feel proud that their application was ac cepted. All members are required to average well above 85 in their school work, and they must be leaders in various school activities. Charter members are Mary Helen Boykin, Grace Chesson. Grace Barn hill, Wilbur Culpepper, Addie Lee Mcador, and Reg Manning. For the students of the eighth and ninth grades. Scouting is being planned, and Mr. Milton Grid in and Mr. James Smith have been select ed as leaders. For some years lo cal groups have been organized but have had no connection with the school. All boys above the age of 12 and under 18 will be considered for membership. Campaign Fund Is Steadily Mounting Martin County people continue to rauy their suppui 1 in thei for President Roosevelt's reelection, the canvassers reporting $638.50 col lected. Several districts are yet to be heard from, and it is believed the drive will net close to $1,000. the Coal set for this county. Contributions not previously ac knowledged: A friend. $10; Jesse Harrell $1. Shields & Co. Inc.. $5; T. B. Wheel er, $2; Frank S. Pittman, $2: J. T. Mizelle, $1; A friend. $1; J. T. Vick. $1; Clyde Beach. 50c; P. B Bell flower, 50c; E. T. Smith A Bro. $2; N. W. Hyman. $1; R. R Thompson, $1; T. L. Roberson. $1; Haywood Harrell $1; S. P. Hyman. $1; W A Coffield. $1; H. A. Early. $1; J. T. Moore, $1; W. B. Harrington, $1; Mrs. C. T. Roberson $1; Jordan G. Peel. $1; H. L. Manning. $1; Stephen Manning 50c; P. E. Getamger, $1; J. L. Coltrain $1; Williamstrm Hard ware Co.. $5; T. S. Critcher. $2 Several Cases Are Tried by Mayor Mayor J. U nassrll had a busy week-end in his court here, the trial justice reporting more cases tried during the period than at any other time in about a year. Russell Pei i J. the man who com camp just recently, was fined $230 and taxed with the easts for being drunk and disorderly, and Robert 0*Mary, charges, were fined $230 taxed with the coats. Charged with being drunk and disorderly, James Bawls eras given a 30-day road upon payment at the coat. Henry Bodges. < disorderly i another with a deadly weapon, was bounds over to the county court for trial Louis Boss, a Canuck. was booked an a an faction charge, the erne be ing ache ior cour duled tor trial fa the sepw Local High School To Stage "General Election" Tuesday Plans are underway now for the Williamston High School students to hold a real election, based on the general election to be held Novem ber 3. School authorities hope this will be a means of teaching the ac tual mechanics of voting and will instill in the students interest in lo cal, state, and national affairs. Mr. Milton Griffin, teacher in the high school, has charge of planning the procedure. On Thursday of this week, several students of the history and civics classes will present in chapel a resume of both major na tional party platforms and concise histories of all candidates. On Fri day the registration of all students will take place, students being in charge, and on Tuesday, October 27, the students win register their pref erences on real ballots or fac similes of the real. Local authorities have been asked to contribute several hun dred genuine ballots if that many can be spared. Due to the local sentiment in Wil liamston for the democratic candi. dates, it is certain that the election will result in a big majority for botn Roosevelt and Hoey REORGANIZE P. T. A I > i ?? The reorganization of the Wil liamstoa Parent- Teacher Asso ciation will be perfected Wednes da; afternoon at ]:M o'clock In the high school building, the president. Mrs. J. F. Thigpen, an nounred today. All parents and others interested in the advance meat of the local schools are cor dially invited and urged to at No program has been planned for the meeting, the scheduled activities to center around the reorganization and dicussions of a work program for the current LARGER LIST OF FARM CHECKS TO BE DISTRIBUTED However, Increased Num ber Is in Other Sections; Smaller in South Washington?A 7survey of AAA reports indicates that many farmers in the northeast and north central regions would receive federal bene fit payments this year than last, while checks would go to fewer in the south. Regional allotments of the $470, 000,000 to be distributed under this year's soil conservation-subsidy pro gram remained a secret, but a study of work sheets filed by farmers un der the program gave a rough idea [of the number expected to receive benefits in different sections They indicated that six times as many northeastern producers are participating in the present program than in previous AAA programs, and more than twice as many in the north central region. This was explained by officials as partly the result of the inclusion of dairymen for the first time this year and of the conservation plan's in clusion of small general farmers. Some northeastern farmers who raised none of the basic commodi ties on which payments were based under the old AAA program could not qualify at all for benefits. Oth ers who had only a few acres in the basic commodities were eligible for such small benefits that they cbh sidered the necessary bookkeeping more trouble than it was worth. _ A factor cited in explanation of !the indicated decline in number of payments in the South was that many producers there had been un able to qualify under two or three different programs in the past, since they raised both cotton and other basic commodities, while only one program is offered under the soil conservation law. Two kinds of payments are sched uled to be made, starting some time this month, under the present single program. One is for shifting acre age from cotton, tobacco, wheat, [com, and other crops which the gov eminent classifies as "soil-depleting" to clover, alfalfa, grasses and other crops classified as "soil-conserving" practices, which range all the way from fertilizing and terracing land to killing prairie dogs. The number of work sheets filed by farmers under the conservation plan totaled 1272,4(4, compared to UM.Hl AAA contracts signed by farmers in 193$. Officials have es timated the number of persons ac tually receiving checks will be Sr 000,000 in comparison with about $, 000,000 last year. Only one work fo reach farm, al operator, tenant and share-cropper may share in the pay ;e Number Homes Built Here This Year Several New Houses Under Construction In Town at Present Twenty-five New Homes Homes Are Included In Extensive Program With 17 structures already com pleted. 8 others under construction and 3 or more certain to be built, Williamston is experiencing another great building boom this year. While ihe totrft cost is expected to establish no new record, the number of proj ects will exceed others started in any single year here, it is believed. Since the first of the year, con struction work has been started on 17 new homes here, not to mention renovations to other homes and the addition of apartments. The pro gram, calling for expenditures ap proaching $150,000, does not take in to consideration projects just out side of the town limits, where sever al new homes have been built dur ing the year. The several new homes built by colored residents and small structures built by others are not in cluded in the survey. Homes have been constructed by Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Darden, Miss Kate Philpott. Mr and Mrs Dallas Frank, Mr. and Mrs Luther Cul pepper, Mrs Emma Thompson, Mr and Mrs. Marvin Britton. Mr Her bert Cowen and Mr J S Whitley, some of them building several homes for rent Construction work was started recently on homes by Mr and Mrs. Clyde Hardison and Mr. and Mrs Coy 1 "mm. The Hardi ?on home is to be located on Elm Street, and Mr and Mrs Lamm are building on Grace Street on the Rhodes property near the high school building. Mr and Mrs J. C. Norris are starting a new home on Marshall Avenue this week: and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chesson are having a home built on West Main Street op posite Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roberson Other structures under construc tion are an agricultural building for the county, an American Legion hut on Watts Street, and a fertilizer peanut warehouse which is being built by J. A. Manning and M D. Wilson on Marshall Avenue and Haughton Street. Included in the list of buildings already completed are a river ware house, two stores on Haughton Street, an addition to the Baptist church, and a new primary school nmr Another Tobacco Theft Is Reported Another tobacco theft, the tenth In the county so far this at?on. was reported Monday morning by Farm er Arthur Modlin. whose packhouse was raided in the Jamesville sec tion the night before Around 300 pounds of tobacco valued at 30 cents a pound were stolen. Unable to un cover v single flue, officers reported little progress in the case today. Last Thursday night robbers en tered the packhouse of R. E. Turner, Robersonville farmer, and stole a barn of tobacco valued at $500 Tobacco thefts have presented a baffling problem for officers of the county to face this season, and while they have worked night and day on the robberies they have been un able to effect a single arrest. Ex tensive investigations have been made and many suspects have been watched and questioned, but they I-J ? - ? - ICQ nOWnH*. Another theft eras unofficially re ported by a Jamesville Township farmer last week, but details could not be FARMERS TURN TO DIGGING CROP SWEETPOTATOES Harvest of About 175,000 Bushels Expected This Season in County I Their peanut harvesting work a Ibout completed, Martin farmers are taking more time from tobacco grad : mg to start digging their sweet po I tatoes, reports stating that very lit : tie of the work has been done so far in this immediate section. Those few farmers who have dug their crops state they are getting fair yields and medium quality po tatoes. Cultivating about 1.500 acres. Mar tin farmers are expected to harvest about 175,000 bushels of sweet pota toes this year or about the same number of bushels as were grown last season. According to County Agent Brandon more potatoes will be cured in specially constructed | barns this year than ever before. Sixty-eight curing barns are ready for operation, the average having a capacity of about 500 hnshels J. G. Staton has already started filling his 28,000 bushel capacity barn in Wil liamston. Vance Roberson will again operate his 10,000-bushel capacity barn at Robersonville. D. G. Mat thews has a barn with a capacity of 3,500 bushels at Hamilton and W W.j Griffin and J. E. King have barns that will handle about 1.500 bushels each. There are a number of oth ers with about 1,200 bushel capacity, but the others hardly exceed a ca pacity of 400 bushels L The average* production for the county will hardly exceed 110 hush, els to the acre this year, early re ports indicate. County I onian Dies in Hospital Mrs. Elma Davenport, wife x?f Kelly Davenport young farmer liv ing near Williamston. died in a Wash ington hospital last Friday morning, following an illness of only a few days' duration. She was entered in the hospital for treatment the day before she died. A native of Pitt County. Mrs Dav enport had lived in this county only during the past three years. She was the daughter of Mrs. Maggie Paramore and husband. , and i$ sur vived, besides her husband and I five small children, Bennie, Joseph, William, Leona, and Mary Alma Davenport. She was 33 years old. She also leaves four sisters. Mrs. W. D. Harris, of Enfield; Mrs. J. D. Bland, of Greenville; Mrs. Mike Moskin, of Norfolk; Miss Mamie - Paramore, of Greenville. and nno brother. Major Paramore. of Green, ville. Services were conducted at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o' clock by Rev W. D. Nobles Inter ment was at Parker's Chapel in Pitt County. Negro Farmers of County Vi in Prizes Several Martin County negro farmers and students in the Par mele vocational agriculture depart ment were awarded prizes for farm and club exhibits at the district fair for negroes in Ahoskie a few days ago. _ The students and farmers prc pared their exhibits under the di rection of Oliver Carter, negro farm agent for this county, and A. B. Wynne, teacher of agriculture in the Parmele Training School; and it was through their efforts that 13 prizes, 4 firsts, 8 seconds and 1 third, were won. Carter has done a splendid work among farnura of his race in the upper end of the county, handling on an extensive scale the vaccination of hogs against cholera Young People Install New Officers lor Coming Year Following an impressive candle light service by the pastor. Rev R. R. Grant, the young people's division of the local Methodist church in stalled new officers at 8:45 Sunday evening The new officers who will serve during the coming year are: President. Geraldine Humble: vice president. Wilbur Culpepper: secre tary and pianist, Mary Helen Boy kin: treasurer, Helen Mishoe: rep resentative to local board of Chris tian education. Frances Humble; so cial leader. Elva Mae Mishoe; as sistant social leader. Virgil Ward. Department superintendents: John Thigpen. Jerry Clark. Elsie Gur ganus, Mary Kate Swam. Advisor*: Ora E. Finch. Mrs. John F. Thigpen Homestead Exemption Being, Fought by All County Boards Martin County's board of com. missioners went on record as oppos ing the proposed amendment to tbe State constitution allowing a maxi mum of $1,000 exemption on cer tain classes of real estate. In a tel egram forward to the governor last week at the direction of Chairman John E. Pope, the commissioners cit ed the objections advanced by the State Association of County Com missioners of North Carolina. Some of the objections advanced by the commissioners' association are: (1) Counties and cities will be forced to raise tax rates; (2) rents will be increased; (3) owners of va cant property will be put at a great disadvantage. <4? the counties will find it virtually impossible to oper He wifliih the 15-cent general rate allowed by the constitution; (5) both counties and cities will find it diffi cult. if not impossible, to borrow money for necessary improvements. And. as a reminder, the association 1 adds. ~A vote for the homestead amendment is a vote to cripple the power of counties and cities to erect school buildings and other improve ments. even when authorized by the t voters.? Local Market Makes 26c Average Monday Prices Are Stronger Today; 7"> Per Cent Crop Believed Sold Sales As High As 70 Cents Reported on Warehouse Floors Here Today Although prices for the best types were considered somewhat weaker than they were last week, the local tobacco market yesterday sold 171. 742 pounds for an average of $26.36. Supervisor of Sales McFarland re ported this morning. Sales were continued until 4:30 in the afternoon and two hours were required this Morning to clear the block. Reports this morning indicated?-the- prices were somewhat stronger than yes terday, the top reaching 70 cents. To date the market has sold 3. 597,076 pounds, numerous reports stating fhat 75 per cent or more of the current crop has been sold. Grif fins Township farmers will just a boiit complete the marketing of the crop this week with few exceptions. Rev. W. B Harrington. Farm Life man, said this morning,. In the up per part of the county the crop is hardly more tlian half sold. Mr | Luther Davenport explaining that farmers there had been busy pick ing cotton and digging peanuts, leav ing little time for preparing the to bacco for market. The general be lief is that the crop, as a whole, is I just about gone and that it will be gone in its entirety before one hard^ ly realizes it. ? Picker O|)crators Getting Licenses The peanut harvesting se ason just a few days off, picker operators start ed this week getting their operating Jicenses from the register of deeds office in this county, the first a licenses going to picker owners in the upper part of the county. 1935 State laws, all peanut packer operators are supposed to procure an operating license from the regis-' ter of deeds. The picker operators are directed to make reports of their activities to the register of deeds, who forwards them to the commis sioner of agriculture for publication Several hundred of the licenses vvere issued in this county year be | fore last or before the law was j changed, but there were not so many I last season, it is understood. * Christian Church Calls OS Wednesday Prayer Meeting e No prayer service will be held in the Christian church here tomorrow evening. The members of the church and others are invited to attend the religious meeting in the Methodist church. Bumper Seed Crop Washington.?The condition of the market for seeds and oils in China at present indicates 1936 production will exceed 1935 production at ing oilseeds, including sesame, peanut, cotton, perilla and linseed, according to the I REGISTRATION v Very few names were added to the list of eligible voters in this rowuty during the past two the registration reports from several preeinrts stale. The books will rlose next Saturday evening, and those who have not registered and are qualified to register should do so if thev .wish to participate in the elec tion week after next. Club Cornell Viill Meet in Farmvilie The women of the FifteenthDis triot of the North Carolina Feder at ion of Clubs will meet in Farm ville Tuesday. October 27. Mrs. C. W. Beasley. district president, will preside over the meeting which will be held in the Methodist church be ginning at 10 o'clock that morning Mrs Geo K Marshall, state presi dent. and Mrs John I). Robinson, second vice president, will be pres ent. With Mrs Marshall. Mrs. Rob inson and Mrs Beasley. taking part on the program, we can be fully as sured that It will be of unusual in terest'? and full of helpful informa tion. All club women of the district are not only ?n\ ited but are urged to attend, for the district meetings are really federation meetings In minF ature They are the back l?one of the State work. As goes the dis trict work, so goes the State work. Each club woman attending will gain much help for the coming year"s work Let every woman, who possibly can, come and help make this a great day in the club ? Dr. W. T. Gibson Locates For Practice in famesville Di W T Gibson is locating today m Jamcwville forthe general prac... tice of medicine, the physician to oc rup> tfie offices of the Talc Dr J. E. Sn.ilhw ick.?beloved county?doctor there for a long number of years. Formerly located in Koper. Dr. Gib p is mo vine from Severn, where he has successfully practiced during the past year or two, and he goes to tl?e new post highly recommended as a doctor and citizen. I>r and Mrs Gibson and family will occupy the MayoTyiizelleTiome. World War Veteran Dies At Home Near Hassell Thurman Weathers bee, World War eeteran and fanner living near llassell. died at his home there Mon day afternoon He was 37 years old an dis survived by his widow and seven children. Alice. Stanley, Mary [VIla. Katherine. Elbert. Lillian and Hazel Weathersbee Funeral services are being con ducted this afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will follow near Pal myra. Conducting Meeting At Sweet Home Church Rev D W Arnold is conducting a niiu at religious meetings at Sn-eet Home Church this week, the minuter holding services each eve ? Josiah Bailey, Lindsay Warren And Rivers D. Johnson To Make Democratic Speeches in County Bailey To Speak At Robersonville Tomorrow Night State-wide Precinct Night Will Be Observed In the County October 29 The Democrats will open their campaign in this county tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, when Senator Josiah W. Bailey speaks in the high school auditorium at Robersonville. The Senator will be followed next week by well-known party leaders, including Hon Rivers D. Johnson, state senator from Duplin County, and Hon Lindsay C. Warren, first Jistrict-cungiessmari, of Washington. The battle will be centered in eight of the county's twelve precincts on Thursday night of next week, when local speakers take the stump in be half of President Roosevelt's reelec tion and the election of a complete itatc Democratic ticket. Senator Bailey, while he will re view the activities of the present administration, is expected to center his speech on an attack on the Re publican party. The Senator has not delivered a political speech in this county since he supported A1 Smith on the Demci ratio ticket far President in 1928 A large crowd is expected to hear him. Wednesday night of next week. Rivers D. Johnson will address the voters in the county courthouse at Williamston, where a large crowd is expected to hear him. Mr. John son. a leader in the North Carolina Senate during several terms, is an orator of note and one who will have interesting things to say and who will say them in an interesting wav. Thursday night of next week the? Democrats will start firing at their opponents from all angles, the coun-? ty party leaders having drafted speakers for speeches in 8 of the 12 precincts at that time. Assignments have not been announced, but At torneys B. A Critcher, II. G Hor ton. H. L Coburn, Paul D. Roberson, II L. Swain. H. D Hardison. E. S. Peel and J. L^Hassell. Williamston mayor, will carry the Dem'icratic word to the voters that night. The assignments will be announced the latter part of this week, Elbert S. Peel, chairman of the county Demo cratic executive committee, said to day. Arrangements for an address by Hon. Lindsay C. Warren in Oak City on the night of October 30 are pend ing. definite announcement to follow the Taller part of this week, Mr. Peel said. ? ? I)r Ralph W. McDonald, candidate for governor in the June and July primaries: will not be able to appear in this county in behalf of the state and national Democratic tickets, it was learned today after invitations had been planned to bring him to this section. The Republican campaign con tinues at a standstill in this county, the proposed visit of Gilliam Gris som, Republican nominee for gov ernor, at Bear Grass failing to ma leriallze. Reunion Held at Trinity School in Chocowmity Holding their first reunion in many years, former students of oM Trin ity School at Chocowinity held quite a celebration there last Sunday, a number of the old boys attending from this county. Suspended tor a number of yean; the school graduated men who are prominent in county, state and even national affairs now. Services were held at Trinity Chapel that morning by Rev. N. Col lin Hughes, D. D. former principal. Dinner was served at Trinity Par ish. Mr Sylvester Peel, of this county, was the oldest alumnus at the re union He was in the class of 18SS. Pete Fowden, Jim Leggett, and Kim Saunders were among other alumni attending the reunion from this county. Rev. C B. Mashburo Holds Meet In Jamesville Church Rev. C. B. Mash bum. former coun ty minister, is conducting a I services in the Jamesville < Church this week. Mr. is pastor of the FarmviOe and the public is invited to hi

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