VOTERS OF COUNTY HAVE FOUR BALLOTS struction: Clyde A Erwin, Democrat Calvin Zimmerman, Republican. For attorney general: A. A. F. S< well. Democrat; Fred D. Hamrick, For Commissioner of Agriculture; W Kerr Scott, Democrat; John L. Phelps. Republican. For commissioner of labor: A L. Fletcher, Democrat; David T. Vance, Republican. For insurance commissioner: Dan C Boney, Democrat; Herbert F Sea well. jr. For associate justices of supreme court. George W. Connor and Wil liam A. Devin, Democrats; Vonno L Gudger and William G. Bramham, Republicans For judge superior court, 10th dis trict: Mar&liall T Spears. Democrat; Thomas C. Carter. Republican. For judged superior court. 15lh district: Frank M. Armstrong, Dem ocrat; H. S. Williams, Republican. For United States Senator: Josiah W. Bailey, Democrat; Frank C. Pat ton, Republican. For Member of Congress, flrst congressional district* Lindsay C. Warren, Democrat; John Wilkinson, Republican. Presidential Ballot For President and Vice President of the United States: Franklin D. Roosevelt and John N. Garner, Dem ocrats; Alfred M Landon and Frank Knox, Republicans. Constitutional Amendments 1. For or against amendment to the judicial section of the constitu tion. 2 For or against exemption from taxation of homes to the value of one thousand dollars ($1,000). 3. For or against classification of property. 4. For or against increasing limi tation of income tax to 10 per cent. 5 For or against limitations upon th eincrease of public debt. HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS By Mm ORA K. FINCH. Home Sarrica Director Virginia Electric Oysters To Tour Liking Oysters contain a large percentage of water. They are liked especially for their flavor, although they do contain a small amount of mineral, fat, carbohydrate and protein Oysters Rockefeller 24 medium-sized oysters in shell, 1 Tbsp. butter, 2 Tbsp. butter, 2 Tbsp. chopped parsley, 1-4 cup cooked spinach, 1-3 cup bread crumbs, Salt, pepper, paprika. Remove oysters from shells, plac ing on a towel or napkin. Wash deep shells and fill each with an oyster. Mix onion and parsley with half the butter, and spread on oys ters. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Top with flinely chopped spinach and bread crumbs. Dot with remaining butter and brown in hot oven about 10 minutes. Serves four. This dish can be prepared in ovenproof platter instead of in shells Oyster Salad 24 oysters, 4 cups diced celery, mayonnaise and paprika. Boil oysters in oven liquor five minutes, drain and chill thoroughly on ice. Mix oysters with mayon naise and celery and sprinkle with paprika. Garnish with lettuce. Oyster Cocktail Sauce 4 Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 Tbsp. horseradish, Celery salt, Tabasco sauce. Allow 2 tbsp, sauce for each serv ing of 6 oysters. Arrange the oys ters on lettuce in a circle around the cup of cocktail sauce. a a a mal DOO ??? MALARIA Days COLDS Li*aid. Tablets drat day ~ Salve, Noae Drops Headache M neia Try "Kub-My-Tum"?World'* Wants FOR RENT: 4ROOM APARTMENT and 1 room for one or two gen tlemen, in convenient and desirable location. Mrs. J. A. Everett. o23 2t WANTED TO RENT A FARM OF 125 acres with at least three dwel lings Must have about 30 acres for tobacco. Applicant has 20 years' ex perience In tobacco farming. Re mainder in general crops of cotton, peanuts and corn Write or see L. G. Ange, Route One, Plymouth, N. C. o27 6t FOR RENT: 5-ROOM APARTMENT west Main Street, near business section. First floor. Available im mediately. John W. Green. It LOST IN WILLIAMSTON: A Real Silk club pin, with small diamond setting. Finder please return to En terprise and receive reward It ICE CREAM SANDWICHES, Fresh daily, 5c. They are delicious. We make our own ice cream. Telephone 9113. J. C. Leggett. ol3 tit CAJLD or THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Bil Bowers take this opportunity to publicly thank all those who were so helpful during and after Ore destroyed their home m Hamilton recently. WHITE CLEAN BAGS WANTED: Struip or woolen rags will not be accepted. We pay 5c pound (or rags in good condition. The Enter, prise Publishing Co. U NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of J. S. Peel, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un der signed or her attorney within one (li year from the date of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 26th day of September, 1936. Mrs J. S. PEEL. Administratrix of the estate of J. S. Peel, deceased. Elbert S Peel, attorney. William - ston. N. C. s29 6tw NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County; In the Superior Court. Mary Belle Williams vs. Oeorfe The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been cjmmenred in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce based upon two years' separation, and the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to iw?t before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County within thirty (SO) day* and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de rnanded in rani mm plaint This the 2nd day of October. 1?M L & WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court, gt 4tw Martin County. Nones or uu Under end by virtue at the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by the un dersigned Trustee, dated 27th day of December. 1934. of record in the Register of Deeds Office Martin County in Book 1IJ, page 457. to secure certain notes of even date therewith and the stipulations not Dr. C. J. SAWYER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ? ian 2 te 5 T. M. DR. SALNDKR-S OLD OTT1CE N. C. the request of tiie bolder of said bonds, the undersigned Trustee will an the 3rd day of November. 1936. at 12 o'clock Noon, in front at the rmifthonnc door Martin County of tar tar sale to the highest bidder, i or cash, the following described First Tract: Eight acres of land adjoining the lands of Noah Slade et al and bong the same and iden tical lands described in a deed of recced in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book 111. page ai. said reference being made to said deed for a more perfect de Second Tract: Eight a land formerly owned by Williams and being the described in a deed at Book FTF, at page 103. Public Reg istry of Martin County, reference being made to said deed for a more perfect descnotion. This 3rd day at October. 1936. WHEELER MARTIN. oc-6 4tw Trustee. Channel Drain Roofing Positively Leak-Proof on the Flattest Roof We have been selling it for six years and never yet have we seen or heard of a roof of it that leaked. In fact, you cannot force water through the laps or joints with 150 lbs, water pressure. LARGE STOCK ON HAND Williamston Supply Co. WE HAVE THE ANSWER TO OIL-THIRSTY CARS TV ^ "runrvudi'd film" doti a! NEW I TEXACfl MOTMoiJ a change to NEW TEXACO MOTOR OIL Central Service Station "Chick" Manning Back of Every Good Business Is A Good Bank As a customer of the Guaranty Bank & Trust Co., you are entitled to business counsel and information, all the facilities and services of the bank, and such loan ac commodations as are warranted by your credit standing and relations with us. Our offices are constantly at the service of Williamston business men. At any time they will be glad to discuss with you your present banking requirements. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Company What, No Life INSURANCE What a tragedy for a widowed mother with children, without money for their education and future. Honor and respect fails for a man who fails to protect his family and have Life Insur ance.?; ; W. G. PEELE The Old Reliable John A. Manning Is Again on the Peanut Market Here This Year This is to advise my farmer friends that I will again be in the market for your |>eanuts this year. I sineerelv < " m appreciate your past favors, and hope vou will give me the opportunity of serving you again this season. * I am not seeking special favors, and do not expect you to do business w ith me unless it is to vour advantage to do so. 1 have always dealt fairly, paying as much as the market will |>erniit. and I believe it will pay you well to let me see vour crop before you sell. With my new warehouse, corner of Haughton Street and Marshall Avenue, I will be in a better position than ever before to serve you. See or call me before you sell your peanuts. LARKY POWELL Bethel, and SHERWOOD ROBERSON and MAYO LITTLE. Robersonville. Representatives PEANUT COMPANY Telephone 124 Williamston, N. C.