The En terprise ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO Win IAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA w. c I SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in AdnntiJ IN MARTIN COUNTY you IIJO nonms ___c J? OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY Oh yn> $2 0( Stx bomN IJOD No Sufcecnptioc- Receded foi Leu Then t Menu Advrmun* Raw Card Furnwiwr! Up-n Rnjuc. Ertrrcd at Iht tf-i? u. v\ ! \ t ?> -?c* ud-iu? ??? ?Jr- *hr 4 r.^rr Ol Mac* J IH7V \ >d'r~?? ? t: ?? i ?nd n ?? *t'? ? i. fir-T. ?? ? ? r Tuesday. December 1, 1936 Not a Luxury lust Vhit 4 <>r what tsn t a luxury mav never b dft -IT -ed bu" The Knterpr'se in its (":ri tmis Chee pr far last u.r i niluiled w :h thr aid of i bera c t arm- learned that a to> and almost any k rd ?? toy. at that wa> iust about a- necessary from a peyc' ola(t a' sundpoint to the seH-re-giecl of a chil 1 as three meal- a day or several changes o. clothe are to his body. To be sure, the Christmas iberr undertaking wasn't much but ;l wa- enough and its results were suffic ient to make u- want to attempt a similar undertak ing again this Chr.stma- season Then there have been anxious inqu rles from those who occupy, un deservedly and possibly deservedly, i>os t.ons in th ragged end of c.v .ligation, if it can be called civiliza lion, humbly that tbry be remembered again this Christmas No survey has been attempted or even a-ked for in antic pa:.on of extending a speck ol human k.nd ness into the hearts ol th.s community's needy chil dren th_- com ng c hristmas but before one is made, and one will lie made, it is a'most certain that the e are ch.ldrrn. ai.d qu.le a number of them. too. who, through no fault of their own. face the 1930 ma> season empty handed, their happiness to I* mea ured by the gracious goodness of understand ng hu manity. Real./ing the many obligation that are to be met the Christmas season. The Knterpri-e force, in the movt;n be happy. Special Session Needed Governor J r B hhr.ngbaus is again on the spot Th.s the tobacco :armers watch from the side lines while i-tber- po.nt out the urgent need for a specod -essein ol the North Carolitj legislature to pa-.- nece--ary laws that would qualify this State to partic.pate in unemploymerit in.-urance provisions un drr the will security act. North Carolma, it fa est'mated, will lose around two and a half m-Ukm dollars should it fail to bold a special session of the legislature and past certain laws twice* January 1 | qualifying it to participate in the unemployment iund. | A short crop of tobacco was the result of weather ! conditions this year, but the fact that no efforts were HLde toward control cost Eastern Carolina fanners thousands of dollars this year. No ooe knows how successful those efforts proposed under the compel I tan would have proven, but at that time the only open was through a special session of the legislature. Independent dealers wouid have paid more for tobac co this year had there been a promise of cootrol for the neat crop. Now the state stands to lose $2,500,000 if a special scss on is not held and certain laws passed. Remem ber ng the fiery action of the governor earlier th's r - :-r *:r opinion that no sp r at ses- on of th ? rt< - iju ? ak ng body ? il t* field to save a mere two and a hal m.llion dollars. It the gather ng of the legislature is so dangecou-, then why hold a session next January? Hr- jnenm; iwvti d d r e pi am to the satrsfart O ' < u.oi farners who he reluwd to call a special n of the a--embly back yonder Probably he . .n upport h - ccmrse when he acts or fails to a t r. t e need of a special session now. Preparing for Another Crop The itose ? the 1956 tobacco marketing season rl- iT-et- ? tyis county mak ng preparat ons for rop No one knows definitely how much ' e w II planl to tobacco, but it is certa'n tha" ? er - era rally are plann ng plant beds on a r rale t' _n ever before. Seed are bring cleaned an icy i . ;> in ing and the early prrparat on o j-1 led- mil be attempted with few except ons, ? e ? teaming l i-t season that the crops' transplant d it: m beds prepired late did not do as well as those lant- grown in old beds. I arr er- in this county, with few exceptions, are gi> -n favor of sin* type of control for the crop l ist x a-in Much has twen said about control, but o tar nut one th ng has been accomplished toward :.j- rod And the prediction just now is that a large . ? o;i v .1 be undertaken in 1937. It b possible that Tc ore type of control will be handed the fanner, but tlr tews n to believe that the fanner as an irdivldual and fanners as a group will cooperate in >n eti -rt to in-tire themselves aga.nst a bumper crop r 1 57 and resulting starvation prices. I -n* type of control is not advanced, every ,.rm.r w.ll do well to cut his tobacco crop next year B;. il ng iu-l that he is certain that his losses will be !<>-. and the possibility that be will make more. - IK rea-ed. It i> a bit dislurliing that farmers over the tobacco belt have nut joined hands already and prepared to pre- nt an apfieal to'the law-making bodies of stale and nat on for jwotection. Pitt County has made .? nobir effort along that line, but this and other coun 1 1- have made i .he mi is en en t First Step for Peace The trend away from guns and ware equipment in toy land ih.s -ea-on b about the soundest movement toward (iracr of any rejiorted in recent years, includ ?n :b | . .> ib reported out of Geneva. The desired rr-ult may not be immediate, but surely in years to cone the training centered around a harm less toy one that exemplifies peace and merriment albrr than murder and destruction?will make itsell ielt In all countries. Forty-four Million Votes In Election Forty-four million flve hundred twenty-three thousand and five hun dred and seventy-nine votes were ??* in the general election held the third ?f last month, last reports re ''?wd show?In sunt states, the 1 names of only two candidates for' the presidency appeared on the tickets, and while the absence of their names possibly held down the ?re of the vote for some candidates there is no doubt but what the out-1 eome would have been just as it I was. President Roosevelt's plurality over Governor Aif M Landon is to.r23.S7T votes, incomplete re turns for the major parties and .ewer returns on the minor party candidates, compiled up to the I F'?ent time showed: ( I Roosevelt, 27.lw.428; Landon. 1MQ.451; larnke (Union Party lanuidatei. 742.513; Thomas (So Ciaiiau. 129,044; Browder (Com munist,. 60.255. Colvin (ProhibiUon ist), 22.950. Aiken, (Social-Labor it), 8.735; Scattering, 67,203, mak ? total of 44.523.579 votes. CARD OF THANKS It is with all the sincerity in our "arte that we make known -ow great appreciation to the many, many friends and the public in gen eral for their sympathetic expres sions and arts of kindness during the recent tragedy thpt befell u Each kind act and/^xpression of sympathy will long be cherished in our memories.?W. H Holliday and family. Wants CORN WANTED: J. G. STATON. Williams ton, N C. n20 3t OUTSTANDING MOTOR oils for 1930 are Havoline, a 100 per cent Pennsylvania Motor Oil. and the New' Texaco. Harrison Oil company 80UD CARLOAD. l,l#? (,ALLONS lexaco rue-cnief Gasoline, un loaded today It is the best gaso line every sold Try a tank full. Central Service Station "Chick" Manning. TEXACO HRC-CHItF GASOLINE had the greatest increase in sales ^n>_5aso'"1{ America during There must be a reason why O a tank full and you, too. will nnd out and use Texaco regularly Harrison Oil Company OF ADMINISTRATION^ "dmimstratnx V'- Ki?yg. deceased oliL th County, North Car. l? n0,lfy a" arsons ?lid^lrr^T, i"a'1"S' ,he estate of ^rierd^T! ,u e^'b" ",? the t^i n ?? fier home at R. F D J?jnesv,lle. North Carol,na on or the 3rd day of November ^baTof to n?t,Ce wUI ^ P'eaded' oar of their recovery. All ner sons indebted to said estate will ^ finmedmte payment ,9* ay of November, n3 6tw "^KENCE KEYS. Hiirh r-ExirtJ lz of C c Keys. Hugh G. Horton. attorney. ? t NOTICE this day qualified as exec. F%W a^te_?f ,he late William will ,fr~ed' under the last Tml^. 'e^nment of the said W E Tice. notice is hereby g,ven all per. Dr. C. J. SAWYER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ?Mrs: Itoir.M ML SArVDEK'S Oi.Ii OFFICE 1' Williamson. N. C. ?oni holding claims against the es tate of said decaasad. lata of Martin County, North Carolina, to present them tor payment to the undersign ed on or betore the 10th day of Oc tober, 1937, or this notice will b* pleaded in bar of recovery of the same All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment of th esame. This October 30, 1936. n3 6tw NOAH T. TICK, Executor of the Will of W. E. Tice. I ?wut> ,? North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by W H. Hopkins and wife, Addie Hopkins, on the 30th day of December, 1922, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book N-2, at page 345. said deed of trust having been given for the pur pose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, de fault having been made in the pay ment of said note, and the stipula tions contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the own er of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 26th day of December, 1936. at twelve o' clock noon in front of the court house door in the town of William - ston, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Adjoining the lands of Elizabeth T Green, N. R. Griffin, J. W. Hop kins. O. S. Green, containing 40 acres, more or less, and known as the Griffin Place and being the same land deeded to Elizabeth J. Green by Elbert S. Peel, trustee, by deed dated March 1st, 1922. and of rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in book K-2, at page 3. This the 23rd day of November. 1936 ELBERT S PEEL, n24 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by R. B Brown and W. A. Brown on the 26th day of February, 1920, and of record in the public reg h try of Martin County in book C-3, at page 540. sgid deed of trust hav ing been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, aod default having been made in the payment of the said note, and the stipulations contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, the bid at prior sale having been raised, the undersigned trustee will, on Sat urday. the 19th day of December, 1936. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C-, offer for sale t i the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: Bounded on the north by the lands of J. H. Roberson; on the east by the lands of John L. Whitfield, and being the same lands recovered by the Brown heirs in a suit against J L. Whitfield, which said suit was tried and judgment signed therein by H. A. Townsend, judge presiding at the October special term, 1927, of Martin County's superior court, the said lands being fully described in DR. V. II. MKWBORN OP-TOM-E-TR1ST in office. Peele Jewelry Cie, Monday. Dec. 21. Robersonville office: Robersonville Drug Co., Tuesday, Dec. 22 Bethel office, Rives Drug Co. Wednesday. Dec 23. Plymouth office, Liverman Drug Co., Thurs., Dec. 10, Thur., Dec. 24. Eyes Examined ? Glasses Fitted I Tarboro Every Saturday A Three Days Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get re lief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you can not afford to take a chance with any ? tiling less than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed membranes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first Ivn'tlo *"\W. ( Aflv ? Mid suit and judgment, and said judgment and court records an here by isdmiad to and made a pert of< this description, said tract contain ing 40 acras, more or laaa. A deposit of 10 par cant wOl be required of the purchaser at the mla Thie 24th day of November. 18M. K. L. SMITH. n24 2tw Truatee. Elbert & FW. cttaraey at lew. Williamfton. N. C. NOTICE OF LAND SALE FOR TAXES I. J. A. Rawls, tax collector for the Town of Oak Citv, N. C., ha-e 'h's day levied on the following tracts of land, and will aell same at public auction in front of the old Bank of Oak City Building in the town oi Uk City. N. C? on the second Monday in December, 1930, it being the 1 'th day, at 12 o'clock noon, for taxes due and unpaid the town of Oak City, N. C., for the years 1934 and 193S, unlets said taxes, penalty and costs are paid on or before that date. In addition to the amounts shown below, which represent the taxes, there will be added penalty and costs of sale. This the 2nd day of November, 1936. J A. RAWLS, Tax Collector Town of Oak City, N. C. nlO 4tw White 1934 19~5 W. V. Darnel $10.63 $10.84 C. L. Etheridge 69 .73 E. L. Harrell 52.18 f?S S. E. Hines 5.58 5.18 T. E. Johnson, Gdn 7.00 14.28 A. L. Mays = - 8*4 9rt?? A. J, Walters Est., 1.04 1.' 4 J. S. Whitehurst 3.13 14. 4 Mrs. S. E. Hines 8.25 8.2 - Rosa bell and J. W. Hines 6. 7 S. E. Hines 5.58 Colored 376 3.84 2.97 2J 35 .55 20.44 2 ..0 .69 .70 3 83 2.!. 4.87 4.83 .35 36 .55 55 4.72 4.7 1.28 1.23 2.92 4.6 75 17. 23 2.76 1.84 1.74 .35 .. 5 841 M i LAST CALL ONLY 18 MORE SHOPPING DAYS and YOUNG MERCANTILE CO WILL CLOSE ITS STORE IN WILLIAMSTON. As we stated be fore?ITS A COMPLETE SELL-OUT TO THE BARE WALLS. December the 24th is the deadline. We must vacate?so HURRY, rain or shine, to Young's Friday morning. Our remaining stock has been re duced to prices unbelievable?just think you still have a chance to share in this gigantic close-out sale?new fall merchandise at practically your own price. Be sure and see our HOUR SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday. All Sales Final. Be Here. Nothing Reserved. All Goods Must Be Sold. HOUR SPECIALS FRIDAY 10 to 11 a. m. FATHER GEORGE L L Sheering 5< Limit !? YaiRs 1 yJ U> Cast I. FRIDAY 11 to 12 a. m. CMMnm'i ?MH Lmm STOCKINGS Ite VikK 5c pr. FRIDAY 3 to 4 p. m. 46 iii. OIL CLOTH It GKADB?SSc Tiht lOcyd SATURDAY?10 to 11 A. M. Best Grade 27 in. OUTING 5c yd* SATURDAY?11 to 12 A. M. Ruffled Curtains 25c Young Mercantile Co. WILLIAMSTON. N. C CARLOAD CHANNELDRAIN Roofing ARRIVED THIS WEEK Buy now. Price is same, but will soon advance. Positively leak-proof on the flattest roof. Williamston Supply Co. Insure A Merry Christmas Your Christmas will be merrier if you insure your Life and HEALTH for your FAMILY, and if you insure against FIRE and accidents to your car. IN SURE?do not let everything "go up in smoke." J. E. Pope Let US Write YOUR Insurance Telephone 79 and It-J WILLIAMSTON. N. C. Let Us Explain the Se nsationalNe wFeat ures OF THE 1937 General Electric Focused --RADIO Once you see and hear the New General Electric "Focused Tone" radio, you'll agree it's the outstanding radio of the entire field. You'll like its tone, its selectivity, and the way it brings in stations from all over the world. And you'll like "Focused Tone," the marvelous new invention that automatically?and visibly?tunes the station you want to hear to hair-line accuracy. Should you tune a .station and fail to get it tuned correctly, "Fo cused Tone" moves the dial to the correct point! GENERAL ELECTRIC Prices From $29 JO Up WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ^