Give Local Merchants First Chance With Your Christmas Shopping?Hundreds of Bargains Await You SI THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 101 IVilliamston. Martin County. North Carolina. Friday. December 18. 1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 JURY FOR CASE OK WATSON CALLED FROM BEAUFORT Special Venire of 50 Men Ordered Summoned by Judge Barnhill Armed with an order handed down by Judge M. V. Barnhill. pre siding over the December term of Martin County Superior Court here this week. Sheriff C B Sheriff raid ed Washington and parts of Beau fort County late Wednesday after noon and signed up 50 good and true citizens for jury service in the case of State against Alvin W Wat son. young Georgia man. charged with the cold-blooded murder of Thomas HoUiday. young white man ?n RobersonvOie the 22nd of last month Deputy Marsh lander, of Beaufort, worked late into the night button holing the special venire of 50 men and heard all kinds of excuses, but anything short of death was not ac ceptable. Tagging two firemen_ the deputy excused one but pointed out that the other one would have to attend court here explaining that Wiliamooi might have a big lire and need help All the men showed up except Charles Hoyl George Webster mis understood the order and reported for service at the courthouse in Washington, lie came in later, how ever. and was excused when he said he did not believe in capital punish ment on account of his religious be liefs Incidentally, he was one of the 5 cut of T8 called Tuesday and : >,? I. ? ??V Who did not believe in capital punishmttr.t Leo than an hour was required to fill the box. the state and defense examining 23 of the special venire of 50 men \ before selecting the twelfth juror The names of the jur Cet. I Keys. Washington hotel man T S. Payne. Wa.-hington fire agent. J?A?C Alligouel. fanner of near Bath. S F Alligood retired ice man: Frank Wynne. Washington cat J E Hodges, farmer of Washington H K Brown, a native of this county bat now ope rrator ot a Washington cafe; M. F McKee. jr, hardware merchant. Taylor Wallace Washington Daily News employee C. O. Tankard, pool rtoen and soda fountain operator; and B F Whitfurd, drug store op erator The Sate did not challenge a sin gle man. and the defense rejected only six The names of those who were examined and excused or re jected are George Howard. James Russ George Webster Vernon Free man. W F Cherry, W. T. Cratch. George Taylor. H. H. Satterthwaile, John H Singleton. Jesse Raw Is Start Vi ork on Radio Station Near Here for the struct* n of a radio station near here was started yesterday morning. I when 70 Civilian Conservation! Corps young men began clearing the site adjoining the county home just acruss from Mickey's Inn. The work wfll ho conleled within the next fair day*. Const ruction of a heme for the broadcasting equipment and the five station operators will get underway Jmmabd^jLlttJatnet: system will be the most modern of any in the country when completed, engineers say $49 Reported Collected la Christmas Joy Fund Answers to appeals to make this Christmas a happy one for the less fortunate in the community are craning in fairly rapidly as time for the thoughtful las rapidly to a close. Considerably needed, however, to reach, in a small way. the hundreds who face a bleak holiday seas ? At noon today, the fund Contributions rere made by are, as follows: J & Whitley. *!?: Davis' Phann cy ?10. A Friend. ?10. U ? Mrs A R Dunning. $1; Office Employees. >1. Jury Finds Bullock Is Not Guilty of Murder GAINS FREEDOM Willis Bullock, chaired with (he murder of Thomas Hollidajr. was (reed la Superior Court here Wedaeaday. the deteadaat i ia? a jovial two-day trial. Main Street Store Robbed Last Night The store of the Norfolk Under - sellers on Main Street here was rob bed last night the rnhhw Raining an entrance from the roof through a skylight. Charlie Frank discov ered the robbery this morning when he opened the store at the usual lime for business Piecing together several old bar rel hoops, the robber attached the crude rope to a brace and lowered himself into the store. Finding both doors padlocked, the man had to nimD a w ire to get out, and it is be lieved he was unable to carry many articles with him. The robber, un able to climb the bare wire, opened a bolt of cloth and wrapped the An old pair of slippers was left in the store and several suits of clothes and a number of pairs of shoes were found on the floor Roy Davis. 27-year-old colored man. was arrested this afternoon by local police in connection with the robbery, reports coming from police headquarters indicating that others including a woman, would likely be implicated. Several blankets, a number of shirts and other articles were miss ed from the store, it was revealed followihg a hurried inventory by the store owners. ^ oman Fatally Hurt In Bertie Accident Mrs John White. 36, of ?ectie County, was fatally injured and Iter 3-year-old son. Thomas White, was critically hurt in a three-truck wreck about two miles this side of the Chowan River bridge early last eve ning. The child, removed to a Wind sor hospital, was lepurted not ex pected to li ve. Roy E Littleton and Lee Jones^ of New Bern, operating a fish truck, and Jim Hendricks and Els berry, of WHW. ml Unlit HkmU. o? ikx folk. riding in an egg truck, were hurt but not badly, reports received here stated The fish truck was said to have been stopped on the highway while the operators repaired a fiat tire Mrs White, driving a pick-up truck, approached from the rear and did not see the truck until too late to stop She turned to the left and crashed into the egg truck driven by Hendricks, it an 5 SHOPPING DAYS Jury Out Less Than Hour; First Degree Verdict Was Asked Trial Attended by Largest Crowds in Years; Ended Wednesday Willis Bullock. 26-year-old Rob ersonville man, charged with the murder of Ibomas Holliday. young white man, at a filling station in RobersonviUe on the morning of September 22, was found not guilty by a Martin County jury in court here Wednesday evening, marking the close of a case that attracted the largest crowds to the old hall of jus tice in 11 years The jury had the cast- a little less than an hour. A first-degree verdict was urged by the Male, and Judge M V Barn hill charged the jury that it should find the defendant guilty on that carge or not guilty In other words, the man was guilty of first-degree murder or he was not guilty, the jury refuting the testimony offered by the state's star witness. Alvin W Watson^ co-defendant, and freeing Bullock. Under the conditions, it j was agreed by court observers and others who had kept up with the trial in one way or another that the ' I evidence offered by the prosecution ( was not sufficient to send amanlo his death. The case, the first tried in this county in i*ecent years carrying the death penalty h%d conviction result ed, required two days. Three hours were spent selecting a jury, and the proceedings were handled carefully and slowly. Evidence for the Mate was completed at 11:30 Wednesday, and a recoas was called at 1 oYl.nk. after fiu llock took the stand in his own defense. Three witnesses were called that afternoon, the lawyers con pi ,ing their speeches shortly a^ei 4 o'clock. Judge Barnhill com pleted his charge in about 40 min utes, and the jury took the case at 5 o'clock. Numbers of spectators, expecting the deliberations lo last for several hours, left the courtroom and only a comparatively small crowd was on hand to hear the ver dict returned just before 0 o'clock j The case was Defense Attorney Paul D Boberson's first case to go to a jury since the young man start ed practicing law here a short while, ago I PROCEEDINGS IN martLnCOUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Expected To Adjourn This Afternoon; Working on Pinal Case The December term of Martin County Superior court is expected to adjourn by mid-afternoon today following the completion of the trial of the case charging Thomas A. Spencer with reckless and hit and-run driving The court has been in session all week handling a docket that was not so long as far as case numbers are concerned but which attracted attention from all parts of the county. Interest in the proceedings abated considerably following the completion of the murder trials of Willis Bullock and Alvin W Watson Today there were very small crowds in attendance up on the court. Completing iHe case against A. W Watson yesterday afternoon, the court started the trial of T. J. Jack ' son, young Robersonville man. charged with robbery. He was found guilty and sentenced to the roads this morning for 18 months, the judge stating that the defendant would be required to finish 15 months of a previous sentence im posed for the alleged robbery of | James* store in Robersonville How j ard Roberson, a customer of Gray's Cafe in Robersonville when Jack son attempted the robbery, was a star witness in the case. He pomt ' ed out that Jackson lost his nerve when he (Roberson) told him to cither shoot or take that gun out of I his face. Kader Brown pleaded guilty of ! unlawful removal of crops, the court suspending judgment upon payment of costs. Grover Bland was sentenced to the roads for 12 months, and hll wife was given a six months sus-1 pended jail sentence in the case tharging them with the theft of to bacco from a Hober. <mvdie ware house floor Henry Thomas, charged with forgery, was found guilty, and was sentenced to the roads for 12 months. Robert Edmondson, co defendant in the case, was ordered held that his case might be re-sub mitted to the grand jury Local Man Escapes Injury in Auto Wreck George Harrison, jr . escaped with minor bruises and scratches about 11 o'clock last night when his car. j a sport roadster, turned over about two miles this side of Windsor. T^ie' machine was wrecked. The Final Appeal (.In Editorial) Appeals, pitiful as can be and de-quieting in this section of plenty an I self-daimed humanity, are coming in rapidly daily, the appealers plead ing their cases before the Christmas Joy Campaign workers, ami express ing earnest hope that their little children will be rememliered this Christ mas time. Pathetic falls short in describing the pleading heard by the sp?n sors of the joy movement At the present time, cash contributions are far from adequate to meet, even in a small way. the actual needs existing in this community. Near crop failures, adversity in one form or another are cited by those who hesitate to beg hut who realize there will not be a single article in their homes this Christmas time indicative of the holiday season unless a thoughtful people remember them. "My husband failed farming this year, lie is now working for $5 a week, an amount too small to even feed our several children,' one report reads. "If you have anything left over, well be mighty glad and thankful if you will let us have it,' the mother pleaded. There are nearly 100 people living in this county who receive %l or $3 a month, and they live on that amount, plus what a gracious people may be inclined to give them. For them the fast ap|>roarhing Chri-tmas season is just another period of the year, a period devoid of all hopr and happiness There are many fatherless homes with many children entirely depend ent upon others. There are those who are mentally deficient, and who are a place in institution- There are those who are afflicted and who bear their suffering without complaint, hoping against a hope long gone that they may enjoy the blessings that you and I efljoy. A growing list of appeals is taking form day by day, the list carrying the names of nearly 200 little children, not to mention older people who are Sufficient toys have been received, it is believed, to go around, but the people of this community have not responded even half-heartedly with cash contributions, and the last appeal is being made today. If you have not already made a contribution, and if you think it humanly possible to par ticipate, won't you leave a small donation for the cause at The Enterprise today? Fleas for old clothes are also bring heard, and while the Joy Cam paign sponsors did not plan to include the collection and distribution of any wearing apparel, the need is so great that the original task has been t. If you have any old clothes that can be spared and you wish to spare them, just call The Enterpriw and a messenger will be sent lor the Watson Found Guilty of Murder And Sentenced To Death in Gas Chamber on Friday, March 5th Resume Hearing on Disputed Boundary Line Next Monday The dispute over 4he yboundary line location between Beaufort and Martin Counties will again be up for consideration next Monday morn ing at 9 o'clock, when the special committee and representatives of the two political divisions meet in the courthouse here Oral evidence will be received during most of the day probably, there being some doubt as to wheth er the committee and representatives will venture into the woods to find a certain cypress tree. The dispute, pending for more than a year, is due for quick settle eral hearings have been scheduled, but only one or two of them were held, the committee continuing the work first on account of snakes in the woods and then on account of weather conditions . or for other causes. Beaufort County has offered all its oral evidence, sod it IS almost cer tain that a settlement can be ex pected after Martin offers all its oral testimony. Attorneys William B Rodman q! Washington; 11. G. Horton. of Wil liamston; and Tobe Connor, of Wil son., are on the committee named to ment following the hearing here on jr.ntlo the dispute?E. S. ifroel is rep next Monday, u is understood. Scv-' it renting Bus county. n-Sr-lfeel-j '? J' Release Two oi Two Arrested Last Week Jaileujaml Berham French Hold For Federal Ollieers Federal Agents Expect To Complete Investigation Within Few Days I Arrested in Robersonville a week ire.. Albert bucks. nalne Austrian .who w inters in Miami. continues 111 the county tail awaiting his trans ler to Florida, where he is reported wanted for alleged violations of Federal laws His two companions. Louis Jailer and Henry Bcrnham. of New York, arrested with bucks, were released yesterday following Ian investigation by FBI agents The nature of the charges bucks is to face in Florida was not revealed by officers, who stated that the man would be transferred from the Mai tin jail to Miami, probably Hie early part of next week Luck's wife, taken into custodv tast Friday, is being drtamed in the jail here pending the rompletion "f an investigation now thought to be rearing a close, the investigators ...ting that her release could be ex pected within the next day or two officers also explainer! that bucks Wile, a Miss Whichard before mar i lage and formerly of Robersonville, . nd Other girls from this county, were not wanted in the case that is tw ing developed against bucks An investigation proved them jnnocent. and those now detained are merely i t.cing held while the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents complete their work in the case Reports, founded on investigations, were very favorable to Lucks' wife and others directly or indirectly implicated by family connections, officers pointed "It's my first trip South and my last." Jailer said yesterday after noon following his release from the county I*? JMW& ? HIT ??= ter in New York, and during the past few weeks he explained sweat shops recently opened in small cen ters had reduced work for him and others in the trade in New York City He met bucks through his iriend Bernhain only a few days ago. and when invited gladly accept ed a ride down to see North Caro lina "We reached Robersonville Wednesday .noon, and I wrote my wife I'd be home Saturday buckily. I did not say which Saturday." He was last seen uw yesterday wilt ing money by wire from his wife to buy a ticket home Hedum while enjoying his own freedom here, could not get his car released because he had it registered and licensed under an alias Mem bers of the highway patrol explained to him that he would have to get hU identity rtrttghtened out b< fore he could get the car Car of M. L. Barnes Is H| Recovered in Windsor The Ford coupe stolen from County Agent M L Barnes from in front ol his home on Haughton Street here last Sunday night, was recovered in Windsor this wae! TO DIE MARCH 5 Adjudged guilty in superior court here yesterday of the murder of Thomas llolliday in Rohersonville on November ZZ. Alvin W. Watson 21, was sen tenced to die in the gas cham ber, Raleigh, on .March 5. 1937. by Judge .M. V. Karnhill here this afternoon. Movie Queen" To Arrive Tomorrow Arrange ments are complete for receiving Wiiliaiinston's "Movie Queen" when she arrives here to* morrow afternoon at 2 30 p m at the bus station on Maint Street. The public is invited to participate in the welcome Firms who will be represented for the welcome ceremony and pa rade are: Peele. Jewelry Company. Kader Crawford. Insurance. Clarks' Drug Store, Davis' Drug Store, Van Dyke Furniture Co.# B. S Courtney Furniture Co., Williamston Hard* war<*> Co.. Ford Motor Cq? Chevro let Motor Co, Harrison Wholesale C... Colonial Oil Co, V. E P Co.. Fowden and Simpson, Insurance, Sinclair Service' Station, Home Se curity Insurance, "Hawk" Peel, Cul pepper Hardware Cp, (lood and Bad Furniture Co., W. D. Ambers Press ing Club, J E Pope Insurance, Mar golis Bros. Edgew??od Dairy. Im perial! Life Insurance, Metropolitan Cife Insurance Co Harrison and Car.tai phen Insurance, Barnhill Bios., Dr. W. C. Mercer, Texaco Service Station. Cap York - - OPEN NIGHTS Startin next Monday. Williamston stores will open nights for the conve of shoppers in this section, and will remain open evenings until Christmas. There has been same talk a bont rlosing the stares here an next week, giving emptor ce* a Uiree-day holiday ? Christmas day, Saturday and Sunday. Na jury rrom tseautort County Delil>erates LessThan Half Hour ? ? C, Mercy Recommended Due To Youth of Defendant; No Appeal Indicated A special jury of Beaufort Coun ty citizens found Alvin W Watson, young Georgia white man. guilty of murder in the first degree here yes terday afternoon in superior court. Judge M V Bamhill this afternoon sentencing the youth to die in th gas chamber at Kaleigh for Killing Thomas Holiiday. young white man at a nping station in Robersonville_ on Sunday morning, November 2T Friday. March 5, was the date se* for execution And thus cm* of the most dastardly killings ever report ed in this section- was brought to a close today, as far as this county and its courts are concerned, the doomed man's atloriu'y indicating that no ap peal would be taken for a new trial. In rendering its verdict, after hold infi the man's life in balance for only 25 minutes, the special jury recom mended mercy. While evidence in tl.e case made imperative a verdict of guilty-, the jury, of sympathy for the defendant's youth, addressed its sympathetic appeal to the court. Powerless to act in behalf of Wat son. Judge Barnhill pronounced the deatcli sentence this afternoon, after he explained yesterday that any ap peals could only be addressed to JEdwin Gill, commissioner of par dons. Raleigh. with tears in his eyes, still main tained that Willis Bullock, co-de fendant in the case, did the actual killing. Public sentiment, pointed at fii si to the guilt of both Watson and llullock. switched to some extent after Bullock gained his freedom in tlie court just 22 hours earlier. The final outcome of the case, as it has to do with Watson's Jife, rests large ly in the hands of the public, the trial jury, and the prosecution, the general opinion being, however, that little can be done in the man's be half wlieri the evidence is remem bt red The trial of the case was hardly ,?m?? e than mere formality, and did I not attract as large crowds as were present for Bullock's plea for free dom during Tuesday and Wednes day Fight witnesses, J. B. White hurst. Leslie Riddick, Dr. J. E Ward G D Carraway, Chief W. H. Gray, of Robersonville; Sheriff C. B. Roe buck. Patrolman W. S. Hunt and Linwood Bland were used by the *tate in presenting its case. The fu *1 evidence was heard Uy aft cr 10.30 yesterday morning^ the court recessing for lunch at 12:50. The state called one new witness that afternoon and rested its case about 2 30. Not a single word was spoke in defense of Watson, who had no witnesses and who exercised the right not to take the stand in his own bchslf. , The state did not use its expert witness, J J McCarthy, of the Fed . .-.I Hiire.,11 ..r Ineasligalla. labor atones, Washington, indicating the I lood found on Watson's clothes was found not to match that found on Holliday's shirt. In less than an hour, Pros-ctj'O' Dunnell Gilliam and Defense Attor ney Henry D. Hardison made their addresses, which were very brief, and Judge Barnhid completed his charge. Attorney J. C. Smith, of the private prosecution, did not ad dress the jury. Taking the case at 3:30, the jury was out 10 minutes before it re turned. and some misunderstanding resulted. The jury said the defend ant was guilty of being at the *'"-f station, the spokesman first failing to add. "and therefore we find him guilty of murder in the first degree, but recommend mercy." It was quite apparent that the jury had just found the man guilty of being at the filling station where Holbday was killed, and Judge Barnhill re viewed and offered additional k, struct ions The jurist explained that it made no difference who dM the actual killing, that if Holbday was killed while Watson was rob bing the station, than a verdict ml (l

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