Williamston Merchants and Business Establishments Extend Every Good Wish for the Christmas Season mm Ti m U Unta thm VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 103 William ft an, Martin County. North Carolina, For Friday. December 25. 1936 ESTABLISHED II ONLY SLY CASES TRIED LN COUNTY COURT TUESDAY First Session of Court Since December 8; To Change Day To Monday Judge H- O. Peel handled sue cases in the county court Tuesday, the docket being unusually small, considering the .fact that it was the first sitting of the court since the Mh of this month. Beginning in January, the court will hold its weekly sessions each Monday, the clerk explaining that the change is being made to accom modate members of the legislature. Ordinarily the legislators are at home every Monday, and by hold ing the courts on that day, it wiU be unnecessary to continue numbers of the cases. The Monday schedule will be followed for about six months, with the possibility that it will became permanent. Cases disposed of Tuesday are as follows: Jjudgment was suspended upon payment of the cost in the case charging Bertha Rives with violat ing the liquor laws. A. D. Baremore. charged with reckless and drunken automoi. ile driving, was fined $50, taxed with the cost of the case and had his driv ing license revoked for one year Charged with violating the liquor laws. Clinlo Reaves and Herbert Reave.: were found guilty, the court continuing player for judgment. John Reaves and James Finch, de fendants tn the case, were found not guilty. Charged with drunken driving. Louis Basmght was fined $50. taxed with the cac costs and had his li cense io operate a motor vehicle re voked for one year. Herbert Brown, charged with con spiracy to coounitt larceny, was sen tcnccd to the roods for three months James Walston and Jack Lanier, de fendants in the case, were found not guilty. Found guilty of simple assault. Grover Dickens was sentenced to the roads for 60 days. Necessity of Old-Agej Assistance Stressed In Actuary's S|)eech Figures Show Few Make Provision for Age and Unemployment Richmond. Va?With great num bers of American workers saving in sufficient funds to provide for their retirement, measures such as are contained in the social security act are essential. William R. Williamson, actuarial consultant for the Social Security Board, iiid here recently in an address before the Virginia Bankers Association "The problem of old-age depend ency." Mr Williamson declared, "is becoming steadily more important j because of the growing number of persons who are 65 years of age or older, and because the need of those who are older and who are econom ically dependent is recognized as more acute under prevalent urban conditions than in earlier years in a predominantly agricultural society." He said Bureau of Census figures revealed that, in 1860. persons 65 years or old constituted only XT per cent of the total population of the country. By 1930 the percentage was 54 By 1980 it is estimated the percentage of persons 65 years of age or older will have reached 11.1 Citing as a basic assumption in the past the idea that "each citizen has a job or sufficient income op psrtimily to provide fur-all his day by-day needs, and. in addition, to provide income during unemploy ment and to protect his own old age." Mr. Williamson said that the facts do not bear out his ability to do an. He quoted figures from a study by the Brookings Institution. Indi cating "an average monthly income to the a age earner in 1939 of about (100. This means, he asserted, "that proportion come below this Regular Meeting of Boy Scouts Is Postponed iar meeting of the local troops will not be THE SAME OLE WISH Prom Everyone of Us To Everyone of You? "MERRIE CHRISTMAS" And the Joys of the Season THE ENTERPRISE SHORTEST DAY ml Ikta week, I the oCicial tntwht ml whiter, was the lhartcst day ml the year, the m l lih t at 1M aad set tins at tit Accerdiac to the caleadar waken, shlu tcps at 72* that I naM| to hold forth aatil March M. Last wta ter.it is i he red. was a severe oae aad there is hove the oae aow aa as will act he sa had. 750 APPLICATIONS ARE FILED FOR SOIL PAYMENTS Approximately 200 More Being Rushed To State Office for Approval Between TOO and 000 applications (or soil conservation payments have been forwarded to Raleigh for Mar tin County farmers by the office of the county agent, and work on the approximately 200 remaining ones is being rushed to completion, it was learned. Reports ? from Raleigh state that this county u well advanced with its applications, nearly all other having hardly more than started sending in the applications for. the soil conservation payments. Every one of the 700 and more applica tions entered at Raleigh have been approved and sent on to Wa.~h:ng ! ton, where checks will be drawn for ! the farmerv [ There are approximately 250 farm | crs in this county who failed to em | ply with the provisions of the soil conservation act. and they will not be eligible to participate in the dis tribution . f t?.e benefit payments I Agent Brandon could not say just when the checks would be ready for . distribution, but he did ?ay ll-at the machinery for handling the checks | had been speeded up and that the 'money should reach the fsrmei; . without any long delay. VanDyke To Build $15,000 Store Here Plans for the construction of a 115.000 store building for the Van Dyke Furniture St ret here were announced complete' this week. Mr Garland Woolard, the manager, atatmg that work on the building would be started early next! spring and possibly before that time. The building ia to be located on the lot bclanu the Atlantis Hotel and the Guaranty Bank It Trust Co. on Main Street. It will be two stories and will have a width of 41 feet and a depth of about 130 feet. Mr. Woolard said. The project ia one of several planned for the wing year, arrange merits now pe ndtag for the cs t ion of a numl iot of homos he re dur iM 1337. Pimm ^icstsaa point to much build -f - ondur AROUND 1,000 NEW PLATES BOUGHT BY AUTO OWNERS Operators of Cars Warned No Extension of Time Will Be Granted Warned there would be no exten sion allowed and that the use of old numbers after the first of the year would subject operators to ar rest and prosecution, automobile owners in this section are buying 1937 State automobile license tags just about twice as rapidly as they did a year ago. reports from the bu reau in the Williamston Motor Com pany building this week indicated. Approximately 1,000 tags have al ready been sold, and by Friday of next week it is believed most cars will have the black and yellow plates attached. Members of the highway patrol have been instructed to arrest all drivers whose cars carry old tags after Thursday of next week Noj excuses will be accepted, the patrol members stating that the new tags will be displayed on the very first day of the year if the cars are op erated. Patrolmen will not be al lowed to take money for plates ex cept in those cases where the dis tricl license bureaus are unable to issue the plates, it was clearly point ed out by W S. Hunt, patrolman who is stationed here Credit Croup Will Have Office Here A branch office of the Washington Production Credit Association will be opened here the Int rf next month, according to information re leased this m-eek by Messrs. Car starphen and Harrison, employees of the association. Complete detgitsj for opening the branch have not1 been effected. Mr. Harrison stating that Ales containing records of all loans made in this county would probably be transferred from Wash ington here the latter part of next week or the early part of the follow ing week. The office will probably be tem porarily located in the Rranrh Banking and Trust Company budd ing, r. Harrison stating that perma nent quarters are not available just j at this time Cotton G innings I Reach New High Cotton ginnings reached a new for the first according to a lepust released Hub week by the Bureau ot the 1 through its special agent, Mr. Luth er Hardison. of Jamesville. Up to the Arst ot thta month. LTOJ ot cotton had boon ginned froa IMS crop, aa compared with 1,015 TT IS HOLIDAY SATURDAY TV*- attention of (he public is again called to the I corral hol iday that will he observed hy Saturday ml this week. r?ah| hetwera Christmas Day aad Saaday. the ZSth was de rlaied a holiday by signed art* meat rirroiated among local bus teem houses aa Monday of this week. The arrangement will make possible a hot holiday lor those who seldom have aa opportunity to jet away Irani their reenter tasks Stores in near-by towns and over the state generally are sns TOBACCO SHORT COURSE LIKELY TO DRAW MANY Will Be Held In Raleigh Third Week of Next Month Hundreds of tobacco growers are expected to flock to State College for the tobacco short course which will be held January 18-22. The work will consist of lecture and discussions supplemented by laboratory practice and demcnstia tions says Dr J B. Cotner, pi" fessor of plant breeding at State College. The morning programs will be devoted to lectures, demonstrations, and discussions with the afternoons given over to practice in grading to bacco Those enrolled for the course will be given actual practice in grad ing work. No tuition will be charged lor the short course, but a fee of $1 will be made for registration and a certifl cate of attendance. Pr Cotner saw ? Specialist from the State College School of Agriculture, the Extension Service, and the Expeiunent 3la lion, as well as representatives fiom the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, will instruct the various classes and conduct the demonstrations. One or more evenings will be de voted to entertainment with music being furnished by student musical organizations under Uie direction of Major C D. Kutchinaki. director of' the State College Music Department facilities for lodging on the carn T rs are limited, declares Dr. Cotne', and only about 40 can be accommo dated in the college Y M C. A. Oth era are being urged to secure lodg ing from rooming houses and hotels in Raleigh. Christmas Services at Episcopal Churches Rev E F. Moseley. rector Christmas Eve, 11:30 p. m, Chor al Eucharist. Day. 11 a- B, Holy Christmas Day. T a B. RECORDS SHOW! DEATH PENALTY NOT USED OFTEN Georgia Youth Is First To " Death Sentence Since 1929 Of^DlS0^ h*t* bCen inV,CM*l -jrscrunes-anj m,M rlh their Uves for oini mitting such crimes in this county dunng the pas, quarter of , ccfl(ury ?hurried of the rourt I sWj1 C"rk L ? Wynne's off,re Since the grim business of taking hves was shifted from the county qUar,N a century ???. it is- understo i that only one man. Brad Baglev colored, paid ? ith his life for the murder of Po Wilhams,on. Sex cral have been sentenced to die. ^m?? <3CaPed U'e ^P'-cme pun ishment one way or another r iii li, ,, he first man. electrocuted at the State prison The records ..r ni trUl aL " ^ his trial ami execution do no, agree. T L k * " lhe prLst'n at He "T m*n executed appar Z > ,ng "> <" ?he date UnTeJUT f^ " ,he Member. ,erm ot Martin County Super Z?" 'Y 'he murder, and Z tenced by Judge Charles M Cooke ^ by electrocutam The ^ 2 eZTKX,t'"" " unJ" 'late thr? . " 191 '? or ahout three months before he was tr.ed m?,rV^ ,he Cr,me he cm mitted W Thomas Bost, veteran newspaper man who has missed on leieh 1 executions in Ra eigh was one of the 12 men sign ing the certificate of execution , now"." SW>er" Wh? " u"rlcrs,ood to be petitioning for a parole *'S .""tenced Mart.n Super,o; Court in .September. 1929. ,o Jw. for near Ev D|??on, near Ev - rctts. on July 26. I929 waj ^ ,m*n itemed m die m this ! "? *m*umu to die m thr -unty unllI A. w Waison was CT>n ?cted m the court las, week. Saw cLZ reP?r,tt' '? have been de |^d insane ami ?caped the death to the tune the execution tZZ r*5 "nlered Raleigh. !rar,Hta ^ 3 han?,A? every m>w and then in this county and half a century ago a year hardly rr' ,ha' "ne man at 'e-'? Jost hi, life o? ,he scaffold in Mar Critically Hurt When Hit y Cur Tuesday Night Dawson Manning. 60 vear-oln Roberso.nilV manias cXal and possibly faulty hurt Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock when ? by J a" aulom?hiIe driven wile 1, ak" of Roberson Wile Manning ? sa,d have s| into the vir?~*?i ....j ? , the Hni~ suddenly near , . le gran,mar school huUdmg. ami was impossibleZ Mr James to avoid Urikmg him. ac ' ?? rep?r,s reaching here shortly after the accident ZZZZ"" " a,tmdln? doctor ,olZ ^ had ",Ue c ha rice Mrs. Hattie Ellis Dies Tuesday Night Mrs. Hattie Ellis, widow of joihua Cllio, d:ed at her home in Griffins Tow nsliip Tuesday afternoon short ly after 5 o'clock from an attack of pneumonia suffered the Thursday before. She was 67 years old and a life-long resident of the Farm Life Mrs Ellis was Miss Hattie Moore before her marriage to Mr. Ellis a Iki died tjuile a nurnbei nf years ago. She was highly respected by all who knew her and had many friends in that section of the coun ty She was a faithful member of the Primitive Baptist church for a long number of years, and was a thoughtful and giod neighbor. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Ira Hardison, and four sons. Msears Charlie. Lawrence, Alfred and Nat Goodwin Ellis, all of this county. Funeral services will be conduct ed at the home Wednesday after noon. and interment will follow in the family plot nearby. J '??. L..kjon, manager o." Lie D:ckx>n-Tharp apairy in Transyl vania County, reports a profit of HU from 53 colonies of bees this of supplies and Report Expected Soon On Boundary Dispute SEND GREETINGS Appreciative of the patronage ircwM them and desiring to offer a take* of good will, local merchants and other business firms here air eilradint (recl ines to all people of this sec tion through the columns oI this paper today. A new hope and a (renter un derstanding are created at Christmas time, and to enhance the value of these, the business forces of this town express, in a most sincere way. their wishes lor a Merry Christmas and a llappy New Jfear Read the lit tle messages, without which Christmas would be no more lhan just another day in the year, and know that these firms are interested in your bappi ness al all times, and especially at Uus glad season of the year. LUCKS* LAWYER SEEKING WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Probab'e Demand for Hear ing Will Be Made for Him and Wife | Habeas corpus proceedings were , being considered late Tuesday in the ? case against A1 Lucks, arrested in' j Robersonville on the 10th of this I month for allegedly impersonating {officers- Milton Smith. New York I attorney, ^s understood to have ad vised Lucks that he would start the proceedings about that time in an ? ffort to force a hearing in the case. It is probable that a hearing with also be demanded for Lucks' wife, who also continues in the Martin jaiJ A Federal warrant is being pre pared and is expected to reach here shortly. The nature.of the charges; was not disclosed, however. Fed tcrai agents were to have the wai - jrant or warrants drawn in Florida and sent here for serving, but some ui.foreseen happening delayed the action. In the event the Federal warrant i> not received bc:ore the habeas corpus proceeding, are started. Lucks will be given a hearing in the case charging him wiUr imperson ating an officer, it is jdnderstocxL Henry Berrham. arrested with Lucks but w ho late: gaine.t his f:ee d- m. has -not retimed here for hi* automobile. lie left for New York l?Nt Thursday night, bu? was refured \ \ -c ssession of the car hivau " he had it licensed under an alias. To Distribute Toys J On TJiristmas Eve Arangcnients are just about com plete for the distribution of hun dreds of second-hand toys, confec tioneries. food, fruits, and a few articles of clothing to the needy families of this community on Christ mas Eve Hundreds of appeals have been received, and it will be impos sible for the Christmas Cheer drive to reach all of them, but every ef fort wi!l be made to aid the most destitute cases. I?cal people have responded lib erally to the call made in behalf of the less fortunate, and those partici pating in the movement are assured that some needy urchin will bubb> over with happiness that could hard ly be expected this Christmas tithe. frank. the Sanitary' Grocery, materially aided Hie move-' ment when he placed an e^pty bar ivl in Ins -one and asked anyone [ carmg to do so to leave various ar- ? titles in it. Almost a full barrel of articles was collected A SI cash do-! natron was made by W. H. Carstai -. phen and Mrs Urbin Rogers contrib' uted $2 since other donations were acknow lodged Baptists Announce Services lor Sunday The Sunday school will convene ?1 the usual hour. 9:45 o'clock Sun day morning, followed by regular worship at 11 a. m No evening service will be held in the Baptist church, the pastor. Rev. James H Smith, inntttintrd The B. K U. meets at the i Taking of Evidence Is Completed Here At Session Monday Tobe Connor, of Wilson, Is Preparing Terms of Settlement A settlement in the iioi-ndir, line controversy between Martin and Beaufort Counties is expected al most momentarily, the commission named some time ago to investigate the matter havir." complete 1 the taking of evidence early this week. A repoit carrying a final decision is n< w being prepa.ivt by Attorney Tcbe Con.ior, cf #1 n one of Use ' Ti n 11. ii Imn nl Lii a iiiiiinuaaa?r~ I ut just what the group did in lo cating the line could .lot bi learned. Evidem e was offi el i-y this county during a greater par* of last M rrij. ,-ie oral u. -timony placing the line at wha*. is kr.'-wr, a- tew - ltd cyirtss in -h.- old Jamesville ar.d M. shington tract There is rcn e ?,.Lt as to vcller the evl iPced or*'- o. m' ct. of i< vill le tcceptabie accordance w. ii tli. la**, h i* * e... no alt has been mund i a \ ? > 1 a: i !y r. he c. - ? it is und i stood. The mmissiiii. Mossrv Cononr. 1- j !'? rton. ?>? Marti - and Wil liam B Rodman, ir of Beaufort, last month determined the location of the line from Turkey Swamp, where it joins Pitt, to the Jamesville and Washington Road. No change in the line to that point was made, both counties agreeing to the loce tk u. However, from that point the Beaufort representative maintained the line should hold well to tlie left, giving the neighbor county between 800 and 1.000 acres of timber land now owned by L. S Thompson, of Wisconsin, and which are entered ? ?ii the tax Lcoks of this county. It is understood that both coun ties have agreed to accept the de cision of the commission, and thai | no appeal will be considered. During the early part of the last century, the stale legislature planned to have the boundary between the two counties located, and legislation [was passed authorizing the appoint ment of a commission to handle the task. No commission was ever ap pointed. and no legal action ens ever taken to locate the line until Beaufort interests made a claim to hundreds of acres in the old J. and W tract and a named. Credit Association To Hold Annual Meet January 20 All Members Are Urged To Attend Sessions at Williamston The annual meeting of the ' ington Production Credit tion wil be held in Williamston at the Martin County rouKhouse on Wednesday morning. January 10, 1937, at 10 o'clock, according to an announcement by J. B. Patrick, praa ident of the association, who states that every member of the amocia tion is expected to be present this year. At the annual meeting complete and detailed reports will be made by officers of the association on its operations this year, directors will be elected, and plans made for con tinuing the efficient credit service the been offering the farmers at this I tion- . Last year there attendance upon the annual muting and this year Mr. Patrick says the awocialKHi h ber will be the officers of the hoi he satisfied with i of a 100 per cent If there is any < operations of the i information about the credit service which the i offers that is dasirad by will be supplied at the mm tog of the The Washington ] it Association i tin, Washington, Tyrrell and Counties, and this yam ma* loans for a total af

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