Society and Personals \ Or WILLUMTOM aad HABTIN COUNT* | Visiting m Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Gavlord Harnsor and children. Babbie and Nanette are spend ing Christmas with relatives is Henderson. Mr Edmondsim Improving Mr John T. Edmondson. who suf . farad injuria in .1 laii n' the office several weeks ago. is improv ing. Spending Holiday Her Misses Kathleen Prior. Lorraine Weaver, Evelyn Mob ley, and Bol ton Cowen arrived Wednesday from Raleigh to spend the holidays here with their parents Visiting in Farm villi Mrs. Bettie Teel is spending some time with friends in Farmvilk Professor Ut* Home Professor D X H.\ after under going treatment at .sanatorium dur ing the past several months, returned home tii weel and i; yetting al 'tic \erv Weill From Farmville Mr. and Lewis (iodw in. of Farmvillc- Visited friends and rela tivei here this week Mrs Meadows !mpr<>:,? Mrs. W I" Meadow- who suffer er! a light stroke several wieks ago. is improving Visiting in II inton Miss Catherine Faison is s|iending the holidays with relatives in Win ton. /? Korfolk this wtck. Mr. and Mrs I tam ftetsingrr and son visited relatives in Norfolk this week _ Returns To St. Mr. Harry Vogd his borne in St Louis, Mis. Vagal remaining here to be near her father Mr. Alexander Getsinger, who is in a Washington hospital. In Tom Tku IVert Af;?tow IV" i >. ?? ?riv eted from a srverai weeks illness. was here this week rorr. Bear Grass Township. 11'mfrnf m Bwitor Miss Anne Jones is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mr: H. B Jones, in Buxton Visitmg i* Oxford Mr and Mrs. W S Hunt and son are visiting relatives in Oxford. Visitor Here Tuuday Mi ? Effie Waldo of ' was here shopping Tuesday after I noon i Visitors llrrr Tins ll'eel Mr ai.d Mrs. Harry Proctor, Har [r> Proctor, jr. and D \ I>ay, of I Baltimore, visited Mr. and Mrs. B \ Critcher here during the week end while enruute to Florida to spend the winter from H ilson Mr. H B Griffin of Wilson, vis ited friends here Sunday Attrnds Program in U dsom Miss Alvareta Wearer attended the Christmas program jaesented at the Christian church in Wilson Sun day night. Sprnd Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs Tom Morris, of Mar '?n-ville Va are here spending the holidays with Mrs. Morns' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Perry From Roanoke Rafids Mrjoe T. CI**, vk ai the Virginia Electric & I^iwr Co., of Roanoke Rapids, was in I this watk to attend the Christmas banquet held by local employees of the company 7r Richmond This Week Mrs. Rotter Oitcher and Miss Millie Biggs are planning to spend Christmas in Richmond with Mrs. Warren Biggs, who is in a hospital there for treatment. Will Return Friday Mrs. James E. Griffin. who has been on the tobacco market at Har rodsburg, Ky., is expected home Fri day for the Christmas holidays. In Elstabeth City Mr. Luther Culpepper spent Mon day in Elizabeth City?? Mr and Mrs. Garland Coltrain visited in Wa.-hingt'm Tuesday eve ning Ri turn From Roek Hill Mr. and Mrs. Colon Martin re turned from Rock Hill, S. C., this week where they had visited Mr. Martin's brother, Wheeler Martin. Viators Here Tuesday Mr. Sam T. Everett, of Roberson ville, was a business visitor in Wil liamston Tuesday. Attend Hearing Here Messrs. Ben Manning. W. C. Whit ley, and W. G. Ilardison attended the hearing of the Martin Beaufort county line controversy Monday. Among other witnesses called were James R. Corey, A. R. Corey. John R. Coltrain. J J Robersoo. O. B Rawls, Allen Baynor, W. D. Daniel, W. C. Manning and Marion Hodges From Jamesville Mrs. <). \V Hamilton. important on read clay soils and on fields where there is vegetation to be turned under, he continued A rough, freshly plowed ?lso absorbs and retains more mois ture for next spring's crops ih.n foes land with a hard compact sur face. Blair also pointed out that winter freezes kil! insects in great num |bere?-The killing action is more ef-1 ; fee Live in freshly plowed land, a* tlie insects are more exposed In . the coastal plan, he added many farmers do not realize the im portance of turning under early SUrh rirnne - .L . such crops as soybeans, cowpeas, velvet beans, and com and cot Iran etnlLa ton stalks. If they are turned under early m December, they will be well rot ted in the soil by planting time next spring. This means that the soil will be filled with rich organic 1 "creases the amount at riant food in the land and helps It abaorb more moisture and rear-.: erosion. But this Will not be the case if plowing is delayed until next spring lust before time to plant corn, cor ton and other crops. Place Fresh Mash for Hens la Feed Hoppers Each Day For best results, fresh mash should be placed in the feed hoppers eech day for laying hens. This will ro j?*lt in more feed being consumed end will also give the poultry man Jan opportunity to check on the ? mount consumed and to regulate feeding before any drop in egg I production is noticeable. ft is a I ;?ood practice to add this fresh mash ?t some definite time each day as this has a tendency to increase con sumption. Before adding however, the mash that remains in the hop per from previous feeding should be removed. Guernseys Sell for Average Of S155 a Piece fn Wilson The S3 pure bred Guernseys sold at Wilson recently by the North Carolina Guernsey Breeders Aaad atsui brought an averse at SISft A Three Days' Cough Is Your Danger Signal isSieVea Cold Weather Cuts Cotton Crop In Cleveland County treats and freezes in Cleve land County injured late cotton bolls just beginning to open a the crop will be leas than was I licipated two months ago. Some 40 hcane-raised animals were exhibited at the recent Iredell Colt show and sale. IWHEt OF RALE Dialer and by virtue of the power at sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Tom Mills and wife. Cherry Mils, dated 29th day of Sep tember, 1934, of record in the Mar tin County Public Registry in Book H-3, page sax, to secure certain notes of even date therewith, and the stip ulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the hold er of said bonds, the under-igned trustee, will, on the 21st day of Jan uary, 1937, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door Mar tin County, offer for sale to tne high est bider, for cash, the following de scribed land: Bounded on the north by the lands oi Spencer Burnett on the east by the lands of W K. Harrell and Joe Staton, on the south by Conoho Creek; on the west by the lands of Spencer Burnett; and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the Sher rod Mill Road; the same being the corner of the lands of Spencer Bur nett; thence S. 13 1-2 degrees W. 2475 feet to the run of Conoho Creek thence along the ran at in a southeastern direction 3165 teel to a point appaaite ? " ~ ' " thence a straight line te gums and horaebeam: thenoe N. It degrees and MT E. 1U1 leet to a forked poplar just east at the run at Long Branch; thence along the run of said branch 3764 feat in a northerly direction ?f roes the Sher rod Mill Road to a large black gum in the run of Long Branch; thence N. T5 degrees aid IV W. 1967 feat to a small branch; thence along the said small branch 218 feet in a sou therly direction to the Shared Mill Road; thence along the aaid road N. 75 degrees and 35' W. 934 feet to the beginning. Containing 300.33 > JohnT by Ham* V. Dan Victoria Daoiai) in the public rag tj in book W-S, paga tH Thia 18th day at * WHE1 4M Mm Headquarters for Christmas Gifts CLARK'S DRUG STORE In Busiitess for Your Health It's our family's whiskey, neighbor? and neighbor, its your price! Neighbors dropping by for egg nog That's bk wimm the rtg Mf mJ b| brother in lew Torn web hie beck feeing jroe My Aether William u sort of keg ssttmg ea the wni. Coming le thedooe-that's Larry Burkes. It's sU Net Weeks with his ^ heed in his pocket. The ^ party with the pipe, folks yje?' srseedhsrsjestceUCap. ?f Harry E. Wilkee There's no egg nog I know of near so tasty as our Family's Whiskey makes! I thought maybe you'd like to know whet us dialilWtn thank is the wey at mixing a egg nog that's gut a t satinets lake nutlwig staa. It's made of the exact same whiskey as is used by us distillers far our egg nogs. Our own Family's Whnkey?made ansa fang to the personal Family V Brripr of us Wilkcna?tut famdy hnrmc baan distilling fctks ever since anybody can remember. You jawtaak far Tbs Wilken Family Wbaakey. And here's the way yunaafatyuuragg sag. COG NOG?I Sum or I* Rock Cocdy Syrup. I Ituh Kq lc?. I tU?? Wrikuo Pamly WM>f. FlU up with uu* t TAKE wM ?irP Qoodc J t