I THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XL?NUMBER 3 Williamston. Martin County. North Carolina. Friday. January 8.1937 ESTABLISHED 1899 MARRIAGES LAST YEAR IN COUNTY SHOW INCREASE December Issuance Smaller Than In Any December During Five Ytifl to white and 17 to colored the marriage license bureau in this county showed a gain of 7 points duriu 1936 user bmmwi in 1935. J Sara Getsinger reporting 353 li censes issued in 1935 and 359 during the year just ended. The number of licenses sold in the county last month was below the average for the period in quest ion. the number exceeding only one isnianre for the particular period since 1931. Dur ing 1939 there were 111 licenses is sued to white and 143 -to colored couples in this county Licenses were issued last month to the following couples Harry B- Brown, of Raleigh, and Beatrice Boyd, of Washington. N. C Pgwiei Marvin Grlffm and Mar garet Vida Harris, both of Martin County. I W. H. Harrell and Rebecca Bond, both of Windsor. t Charlie G. Forbes and Harriet f both of the ronnty Marvin Cohiain and Carrie Lee Lilley. both of Wilhamston. James and Ruth Grimes, both of Roberaonvilte James Raymond Gurkin and Mary '-.iw both of Uus county. Levi Edmondson and Ethel l.iHey. both of Martin County Wm Bruce Johnson and Loca i?. Griffin, both of this county Julms A Roberson and Bertha Bland, both of this county Howard Vandeford and Gladys Taylor, both of Robersonville 11?Perry, of Jamesville and t i.wy Moore Price, of Henderson Wm. R- Cordon, of Fort Monroe. Va, Sarah Elizabeth Cooper, of this eounty. Luther David Peel and Hard a Lilley, both of Martin County. Clarence Grady Godard and Paul me Davis, both of this county W. C. Hopkins and Irene Gardner, both of Martin County. 1 _ Wm. Hubert Biggs and Louvenia Lilley. both of Martin County. C a Roberson and Velera Hardi son. both of Martin County James Robert Hipps. of Kannapo hs, and Susie a Jenkins, of Rob Fred R Collins and Lois Hliter, both of Washington. N. C. Ernest L. Owens and Clara Rob erts. both of Creswell Johnie L Godard and Naomi both of Martin County, a C. """v* and Morrlla DanieL hot bof Martin County. General Jones and Hattie Cradle, both of Martin County. Ctee Daniel and Mary Dell Wool aid, both of this county. Walter Jooes and Agnes Rogers, both of. this county Alfred White and Clara Outland, both cf Wmdaor. ia. Lee Chance, of Pitt County, and Hattie V. Rogers, of Martin County. Henry Wilhford and Came Whit more. both of Martin County Son Quhnerly and Elizabeth Dan ieL both of Jaenesvilte. Keubin Brown and Mary Rober son. both of this county. Joe C"n?r* and Ernestine An-1 dra^^TS Martin County Charlie Hinton and Pattie Ruth SpruiU. both of Martin County. Geo. Horton and Add* Via both of Palmyra i ? Slade and Ruth Carr. both of Martin County. Wilhaen E Fields and Roxanna Brlant. both of Martin County. both of Health Report For Last Month FEW EVICTIONS NEED IMPROVED SWEET POTATO SEED IN SECTION Inferior Seed Are Exacting Toll of 25 Cehts Bushel From County Farmers "Huey Long certainly did one good thing before they killed him. and that was to improve, over a period of five years, the sweet po tato seed in Louisiana." L N. John son. who is in this section purchas ing potatoes for the Corbitt Pack ing Company, said a day or two ?S2 "Louisiana sweet potato growers are averaging ZS cents a bushel more for their offerings than grow ers are receiving for their in this section." Mr Johnson explained, pointing out the need for improving the seed here. Mr Johnson said that Clemsuo Agricultural College bought and d.s tribiited a carload of the Louisiana seed for South Carolina farmers?a. year ago. Not a single bushel of the potatoes raised from those seed was placed on the markets. Sir Johnson explaining that farmers buying from the Louisiana seed car had sold their entire crop to neigh boring farmers for seed this com ing season. It is firmly believed growers in this section would find it profitable to purchase cooperatively a ship ment of the seed potatoes from Louisiana or from some other sec tion where the seed have been im proved. A meeting of Martin County sweet potato growers is being con sidered for a discussion of the pos sibility of making such a purchase, but no date has been mentioned as yet far :the meeting ... $15,000 Allocation For Roanoke River An appropriation of $15,000 has been recommended by Army engi neers to Congress for the mainte nance of Roanoke River during the current year, the total appropna lions asked for the maintenance of; all rivers and harbors in the state amounting to more than $1,000,000 The appropriation asked for the Roanoke will hardly more than keep fallen trees out of the stream. The] item will not meet the expense of any dredging that may be needed in the channel at the mouth of the river. Host of the appropriations are asked for the maintenance of proj ects at or near Wilmington. O Special Jury Drawn For Case In County Court A special jury, of six men was drawn Wednesday afternoon to hear the case charging LeRoy Roberson. Major Lloyd, Jim CofTleld. Vance Andrews, and Louis Slade with i sault and larceny. Messrs. D. K tin and Joseph P. Pender, at Wil Hamston; N. R Peel and William Hugh Daniel, of Griffins: Mack L James, of Cross Roads; and Jack T. Taylor, of Robersonvilel, were drawn to serve as jurors when the case called next Monday morning Judge tt o. reel's mart. The defendants are alleged to have tl 1 ,iwt mSI^I , yrwnmn w~mr Robaraonville during the Christmas holidays a Small Child Passes In Cross Roads Thursday Taylor. Ave years pit? of her mother in Cross Township yesterday after at 1J0 o'clock from a The child, da ter of Mrs. Manira Taylor and late Sam Taylor, had been m I (8 CASES CALLED IN RECORDER'S COURT MONDAY First Session of New Year And First Time Court Held on Monday I an accumulated docket ??Trying 73 eases. Judge H. O. Peel Solicitor W. H Cobum. and Clerk :L ?- Wynne had a busy time han dling the first session of the county 1 recorder's court in the new year (last Monday The tribunal was in ! session a greater part of the day. the i fnrfeiture of bonds featuring the out i """c of the proceedings during the day. / The cases charging Berry Thomp son and Guy Rollins with reckless driving were nol prossed Wynne, charged with vio lating the liquor laws, was sentenced to the roads for six months Charged with violating the liquor laws. Herbert and Clinton Reaves were each fined $10 and taxed with the costs. Baker Council was found not guil ty in the case charging him with vio lating the liquor laws. A three-month road sentence was suspended upon payment of the cost m u>e charging Edward G. liai iell with an assault. *"hn Pnlnv n v.- f.?nna guilty of violating the liquor laws t Thomas Burns, charged with shoot ing la-Roy Roberson in the arm. failed to appear for trial and for fetled his bond. A motion was made for a jury trial, and the case charging LeRoy , Roberson. Major Lloyd. Jim Coffield I \ ance Andrews, and Louis Slade ? * ith larceny and assault was con tinued I The case charging Buck Bonner and Dennis Evans with an affray nol prossed. A three-month road sentence was suspended upon payment of the cost ?n the case charging Charles Henry Young with an assault with a deadly weapon. Judgment was suspended upon p->meni of the cost in the case cl.arging Floyd Williams with an assault With a deadly weapon i The $100 bond was forfeited in the ease charging Mrs. Lockie Williams with drunken automobile driving ITiargcd with being drunk. Will Sawyer was found not guilty Charged with abandonment and non-support William Gray, colored. ?as directed to pay $2 a week for support of prosecuting witness's child. Player for judgment was contin ued in the case charging W. E Brewer with drunken driving Durwod Sadler, charged with -pceding failed to answer when called to trial. Judgment was suspended upon Payment of cost in the case charg ing J Elton Andrews with operating a motor vehicle with improper brakes. ?-???-' " Grover Phillips was fined $50. taxed with the cost and had his H-j sense revoked for one year in the case Charging him with drunken driving The case charging Gus Coffield with reckless and careless driving was continued under prayer for judgment until February 1. Charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. Mary Bennett was found not guilty. An unuasal case, and the first one of its kind to reach the courts of this county was the one charging Francis Carson, young white boy, with failing to yield the right of way to ' vehicle sounding a siren. He fined $10 and taxed with the Carson was traveling toward V ?h?n Patrolman Hunt sounded his motorcycle siren and started to pass him. Carson is said to have turned out to pass a car about the same time, sending the patrolman off the road and into a Pine thicket The officer rode the and miraculously injury. I Dire at Cold Point Mrs. Annie B Griffin, widow of Htouk Gnffin died at the home of her nephew. J. A. Powell, near GoM Point, last Tuesday night at II o' clock. She had been in declining . health far about a year and heart trouble eras given as the immediate caae of her death. She wee M had lived in the Gold ail her life She BAD ROADS Pittsburgh Minister To Preach Twice at Church Here Sunday Rev. Jas. M. Pcrrv Resigns Pastorate Locafll Church: Continues Ministry I Rev Charles S. VanWinkle. Pitts burgh minister, will occupy the pul pit in the Christian church here next Sunday morning and evening, it was announced today The visiting min ister comes here subject to call by the local church to fill the position tniade vacant by the recent resigns tain of Rev. James M ftny. The Public is cordially invited to hear Mr VanWinkle at either or both the services, and the members are urged to be present The visiting minister is expected to arrive here tomorrow. Rev Mr Perry, pastor of the lo cal church for the past five years or more, resigned his duties with the local church that he might devote more lime to his churches at Hob er?nville, Jamesville, and Oak City Mr IVrry made many friends both in and out of the church here, and it is with regret that the people of the community learn of his resig nation. He will continue in close touch here however, as his work will.be confined to churches in this county. Poultry Dealers Truek Is Si recked O. G. Lofnn. Portsmouth chicken and egg dealer, was scratched about the face and bruised on his right leg when his light Ford truck turned over with him near Corey's Cross Roads on the Washington Road yes terday afternoon Property dam age. including the breaking of about 3.000 eggs, was considerable A B Ore. colored man. was driv ing a muie toward Washington and the animal became frightened and wheeled into the side of the truck that Loft 111 had driven to the side of the road The machine skidded and turned over cm the highway, the eggs painting a sizeable square of the highway yellow. The mule, unhitched in the accident, ran for home, more than a mile away. Ore and his brother, riding in the cart, escaped unhurt, and Uce mule, while slighlty cut. was believed not badly injured Five crates of chickens were on the truck, and most of those releas ed in ihe collision were recovered. Warns Against Hunting During High Waters Now that high water is flooding Ihe Roanoke swamps. County Game Warden Abbatt is warning hunters of the law prohibiting hunting there during freshets The law provides a fine of 360 in tboee cases where game is taken, either by gun or dog in the low lands during periods of high water, when game has no means of escape. : ? Regular Services at Piney Grove Sunday Morning Rev. W. B Harrington will con duct the regular II o'clock service Sunday morning in the Piney Grove Baptist church, the pastor extend ing a cordial welcome to all to at tend. Belk-Tyler To Open Now Store Here Next Friday rapidly for the opening Belk Tjrrr'i new store in the Apartment of modern design are being plated in the large store at the puut tee. Manager C. A. >e of the larg this section will be and ready for the big one week from today. The of the most mod Manager Ptyler shortly. WOMAN FATALLY HURT, STRUCK BY SOLICITOR'S CAR Funeral for Mrs. Claudia Manning at Fairview Saturday, '? P. M. Mrs Claudia Haridson Manning died in a Tarboro hospital this morn m( at 12 30 o'clock ftrm injuries received when struck by an auto mobile driven by Solicitor Donne! Gilliam at Holly Springs church, near here, on the Jamesville road last Tuesday afternoon about 5 o' clock. She suffered a crushed icg. broken hip. and internal injune The accident was the first fatal one reported in the county this year, reliable reports indicating that it was unavoidable. Mrs. Manning, wife of John E Manning, was crossing the highway when she saw the car coming from toward Jamesville She is said to have started to turn back, appar ently' changed her mind and con tinued mi her way into the path of the car. which was traveling, wit nesses say. between 40 and 45 miles an our She had just visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hardi son and was returning to her home next to the Holly Springs church when the accident took place. The front part of Gilliam's car was slightly damaged, but it was nut thrown out of runnnig order. He picked the victim up and rushed her to a doctor's office here, and a short while later removed her to a hospital in Tarboro Every atten lion possible was given her. it was learnyd / The solicitor prosecuting the Washington County Superior Court docket earlier that day. was return ing to his home in Tarboro. the ac cident forcing him to bed at his home, reports stating that he was1 taking the tragedy unusually hard Mrs Mantling was the daughter of the late Joe and Mary Bensley Hardtson. She was burn in Wil liams Township 52 years ago and had lived in that section all her life. She mamed John E. Man ning 27 years ago and he with four children. Mrs. Elvah Pate. Mrs Carrie Louise Cherry. Earl C. and Wendell Manning, the youngest 8 years old. survives. One brother, Leander Hardtson. of WiUiamston. survives. She was a faithful member of I the Fairview Church since her early |childhood, and had many friends in1 | her community Funeral services will be conduct I ed Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock 1 I by Rev D W. Arnold in the Fair view Church. Interment will fol low in the old family-cemetery. a| short distance from the church in Williams Township. Congress Getting p p Down To Business The 75th Congress. convening last Tuesday noun, ann perfected its working organisation and settled down to business Hundreds of bills vnw introduced the first day. inrlud ing more than 1,400 for pensions. A review of the House proceedings in Tuesday's Congressional Record is almost enough to make one be lieve the national congress had tak en over the task of assigning old age pensions The electoral vote was counted and the President no tified of his re-election, all of which was just mere formality. Much attention was given the neu trality bil. the motive behind the altered act being to prohibit ship ments of war materials to Spain. In addition to that sufficient bills were introduced during the first two days to keep the Congress busy for days. t The high spot in the Wednesday session was President's Roosevelt's message to Congress Money Being Raised In Behalf Convicted Killer Money is being raised in of the county to support a plea for the commutation of Alvin Watson's death sentence, it was hai lied here today. Petitions are also reported in circulation in behalf of the youth on March I by the Martin County Superior Court here last month f the murder of Thomas Holliday. young Roberaonville man. on t morning of November 22. No definite plan to push the plea or any details surrounding the or culatmn at the petition in Watson's behalf have been announced by H. D Hardtaon, attorney appointed by Election Law Reforms Proposed in Assembly ROANOKE RISING Fed bj rains in Lbc be Kit er treat ?at of its bub here this week. ? from the weather stx tMBs indicaliat the stream will ?*h ? nat abaat next Man tta river is afnM to ?? three feet over it* buks before it Marts falling. Reports from tVeldoa today stole* the river was falliac rap Ml> there after reaching a crest to about 41 task Lectin* operations ia the Ro s*an.ps have already i. hat river tragic DR. J. S. RHODES IS NEW MEMBER HEALTH BOARD No Action Taken for All ?Tim# Health Set vice In This County The reorganization of the Martin County Board of Health was per fected at a meet iii* held this week, the board appointing Dr James S. Rhodes. of Williamston. a member to fill the position made vacant by the death of Dr. James E Smith wick. Dr V. A. Ward of Robcrsun ville. and Dr W. C Mercer, of Wil liamston. were reappointed, the law auluenaticaUy placing J. E. Pope, chairman of the Martin County ?Bonn! of Commissioners. J. L Has | sell, mayor of WiUuunston. and J C Manning, superintendent of county schools, on the board again. On three members of the board were present for the meeting held Wednesday, and business was limit ed to perfecting a reorganization of the group. A special meeting w ill be" held in I I the courthouse next Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock, when a county health officer will be named No definite action has been taken to get an all-time health officer and trained nurse for the county since the legislature prohibited the set up in the 193S session However, Rep resentative H. G Horton stated be 'ore leaving for Raleigh this week that he would introduce a bill im mediately to have the law repealed as it affects Martin County As M*>n as the law is repealed, it tw-lieved action will be taken to establish the much-needed service in this county The proposed service was ap proved by the Martin County com missioners about two years ago. but the law, unintentionally passed to include this county, stopped the pro gram before it was established Mrs. Emma Bunting Dies Near Jamesville Mondaj Funeral services were held fix Mrs. Emma Bunting at the hoim near Jamesville last Tuesday after noon by Darnel Hardison Buria waS in the family cemetery, neai R-bersony die Mrs Bunting was the wife ol Gary Bunting, and he. with four lit tie children, survives The oldest of the children is about 10 yean old, and the youngest around 1 years of age. In Ul health for some time, Mrs Bunting and the family had exper ?eneed many hardships, authentic re ports stating that the children art m dire need of attention Few Civil Suits Are Being Filed In Superior Court Only one civil suit has been filed "i 'he superior court of this county ?? fkr QHt ytr. Clerk of Court L. Bruce Wynne said this morning. Or dinarily, several actions are placed on Uie civil tateMM before~lKS tone in a new year. The suit filed a day or two ago is to Utile importance, the clerk point Rf out mat it involved a ami o only $200 Many Farmers Having Tobacco Seed Cleaned Farmers in large numbers are having their tobacco seed cleaned in the office of the county agent here at the present time. The clean ing operations are well advanced compared with those a year ago, re Martin farm to Absentee \otiiia and Markers Prohibited I nder Terms of BiJl Hoey Outlines Objectives In Inauguarl Address To Legislature Thursday The 1937 N .r,h Carolina General ^ TUoday a. noon, turned | immediately to the clfJ. ???*?. R^nutivct^r Mr!W!Hn ^tu..Uy cast their '^r.ri-K-2 rri " "* uimimguuu ut i*adrf rihJnd ~n",e and ?ctting Jdl "* '"-"^aUons on Thura . ?TOWds """"^cd the capital yes terday when Clyde R Zy Ck -er the reins of for The next four ?-*5 ^ C"Ued 'egisla nl .!? SPW,,k' a"U 10 ,ho ceo ilrUt,Ure ?f the 1*? J*? ?* say anything had honed i Unds" 35 claimants 1 ^h^l he,WOU,d d" h? 5P~ch me new governor advocated in his inaugural address I ?r?- Public school textbooks. c^R^ewl of the ^IesUx on.^ ?ihw:vTra,,on ?f ^ su,? lUghway Commission for greater at o the ,_ls ?f ,???? ^Cheaper automobile 1,cense h.eh I>,SC,T""Uaniv of diversion of X " "-*? ?*? ??" p * W"h ,hc other houih AtlantK States ,n the pass tion ' igrK"Ul,Ural cof'tol legisla lrJ^,jL?"rX''n"Km ?f lhe w?rk of the lion educational admmistra ? Restoration of teacher salaries, to vocational training. uiat ton rz^r^-ng oi working conditions >1 A careful study of the liquor ?a-mmission report, w.th no leg?Ia -am ,^r,*a"?n ot Ptohibition unUl another opportunity ,s g.ven for , and fair expression of pubhc opinion at the ball,., box " ?2 A life-Time program of in. creased fae.l.ties at sUte chxr.Uble institutions fvine legislation, ampli coZes^.^ "nd u "employment reeula,|ons adopted at brlc^r" Sesslon- i* cm brace the entire Federal Social Se lurity program M A national exposition, along toll Texas Centennial to advertise North Carolina to the IS. A balanced budget lb Reappci tionment of legislative representation. + Change Recorders Court To Mondays A law unto itself, the Martin County Rwuidn's Court held its first Monday session this week, brush ing aside the formality of asking the county commissioners, creators of the tribunal, to change the day for holding its sessions from Tuesday. Since it was established In July. t***- ll? iuilil on Tuesday, but for the convenience of county attorneys who will be oc iu|insl a nli duties ui tlic hgislature durmg the next several months and probably longer, the sessions were ordered held on Monday. m Claims for Gas Refunds Must Be In by January IS Claims by peanut picker oper ators for tax refunds paid on gaso line used in the machine engines must be filed before Friday of next week. Mr G. H. Harrison, of the Harrison Oil Company, said today He pointed out that all peanut pick er operators are entitled to the gaa otine tea refund, but railed atten tion that the M.