The Enterprise ir *? ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WTTIH1TOM. mm CAROLINA SUBSCRIPTION RATES i la AJwim) m HAITI* COUNTY 9LM Ji MM as. ? - iftft ?ft. ? ft. i .t? m ??? id ftnr Lm TIbmb 1 Month * ' Cm* Phn*M Upoo Reqoeat 3 mIicV x7^T",r' Addma -? ' En la Willimitoa. N. C, later the act ol Coafrcai caboas to The Katcrprtec ul aot MinM m hen ol the iia Tuesday, February 23,1937 Recall or Kick Him Out The general will of the people in this part of the slate is to have Senator Josiah W. Bailey recalled, some going so far as to say that they had rather see him kicked .wit. The senator, without doubt, is simp ly failing in a big way to represent the people. His actions now are such as to create the belief that he would have campaigned against Franklin Roosevelt in the last contest if his own political hide had nut been at slake. Mr. Bailey favored the enlargement of the North Carolina Supreme Court a few months ago, but he now says it is dangerous to increase the personnel of the U. S. Supreme Court. Only last October, Mr. Bailey, encroaching upon the people by going into their own schoolhouses and court auditoriums, sweet talked the voters, told about the removal oi the Hoov ercarl from the highways and what great accomplish ments loilowed under the leadership of President Roosevelt. He praised the President then because it meant his own reelection. Now, he leads the oppo sition, an opposition little different from that directed against the President in the last campaign. His words of a few months ago are remembered with great dis gust by the masses, ti^e masses one Josiah Bailey is suppnsed to represent. His actions now make the people who sent hi mlo the senate wish there was some way to call hun back or kick him out bodily. Losing in the November, 1936, elections, the massed wealth of this country is now advancing a far greater campaign against the President and tbe people be rep resents than they advanced a few short months ago. The battle is removed from the hands of the common people and centered in Congress for tbe Bulwinkles, the Byrds, the Gums, and the Baileys to play traitors' roles. The common people of this nation are fast lemm ing that the United States Supreme Court is not sent down from heaven. The common people of this na tion are rraliring more than ever that the Supreme Court is not answerable to the people?or to anyone else, for that matter. And if the matter was referred to them they would not only reorganise the body but make it answerable to the people. Examining Servants for Diseases The SouUohvm Sum The Republic of Nicaragua seems to have stolen a march oo many states of the more advanced United States, including North Carolina, by requiring that all servants must be examined by public health oftiicials before they can obtain employment. A law to that effect was passed a few years ago in New jersey. Shortly afterward an arrest was made under it, the defendant, or defendants, sentenced, and an appeal was taken to higher courts. There, if mem Dcy serves, the mattrr remain-, becalmed in the fuggy stillness of constitutional law. Nicaragua's forward step in the direction of better health conditions was announced a few weeks ago by Or. Roberto Go males, minister of public health, who added that free treatment for the cure of certain dis eases would be provided for those requiring it. This action, Dr. Gonzales explained, was aimed at typhoid, dysentery and social diseases, but no doubt it will prove beneficial in improving the tuberculosis situation in that country and will likewise aid in gen eral health improvement. Dr. McCain touched upon a phase of the servant problem in North Carolina, and the problem in this state, of course, b not unlike that in other states? in his most recent biennial report. Discussing the prevalence of tuberculosis in Negroes and the peril involved for the white population, he wrote: "Tuberculosis among Negroes is the most serious problem with which we have to deal. The death rate among Negroes b 3.2 times that of the whites. Al though Negroes comprise only 28 per cent of the po|> ulation of North Carolina, S3.7 per cent of the tuber culosis deaths occur among Negroes "Since Negroes are nursemaids, cooks, food han dlers and personal servants in other capacities in the homes of the white population, their tubercluosis prob lem also vitally concerns the white population of our State, not only in a humanitarian sense, but also for their own safety. One of the greatest sources of in feet ion among the whites b the Negro servant." The work of curing tuberculosis and other diseases b showing results that are extremely gratifying to those whose lives are devoted to health building. The disease-prevention campaigns are also playing their part in reducing mortality and increasing human hap piness. Food handlers in public restaurants and cer tain other groups serving the general public must con vince the profter authorities that they are free of con tagious diseases. It would seem a wise move to pro vide this measure of safety and protection to every child and adult who is served by a domestic servant. AND d adding machines told and repair- 01 id. Prompt service. Lowest prices. Repairs guaranteed. Office Equip ment Service, upstairs Guaranty " Bank. Phone Williamston 225 119 2t BEST POSSIBLE PE1CK PAID FOE U good quality soy beai s. Write or u wire Harold C. Brinn, CreswelL N., c. o?t|S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad minis;, ator ol the estate uf Benja- .'' min hie Manning, late ol Martin d County, all persons h lding claims ? aggins! said estate are hereby no- c uried to present same iO the under- d signed lor payment on or before the \ 19th oay ol January. 1938, or this : notice wil be pleaded in bar ol any ' recovery on same. All persons in- ' debted to said estate are requested J to raaae immediate settlement ol the, same. This January 16, 1937. MARVIN H. LEGGETT, Administrator ol Benjamin Mc J Manning, deceased. j 19 6tw L. B. WYNNE. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. ' ? Under ?nd hy .<> the power ;' of sale contained in a certain mort-Tj gage executed on the 11th day of August. 1927, by John Jones and wife, Fannie Jones, to the under* signed mortgagees, said mortgage | being of record in the public regis try of Martin County in Book X-2 at page 488. said mortgage harms been given for the purpose of se- \ Dr. C. J. SAWYER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hour*: 2 to 5 P. M. DR. SAUNDER S OI.D OFFICE N. C. DR. A. J. OSTEEN VETERINARIAN WILLIAM STON, N. C. Office Phone Night I'hone 231-W 23* J 666 cheek* COLDS FEVER Liquid. Tablets drat day Salve, Nose Drop* Headache M mln Try "Rub-My Ttsm"?World's Bert Liniment inol a nolf ot even date and tec r therewith, dcfau.t having been Lade in the payim nt of the said ?le. and the stipulations contained i said mortgages i.ot having been jmplied with, for the purpose of lying off aid note the undersign 1 mortgagees will on Wednesday. _ ? .. r ^ fj te 17th day of lbrch. 1937. at 12 'clock, noon, in fro it of the court 0 ise door in the taa-n of Williams in. uder lor sale t > the highest bid e- for cash the tot- swing describee ec! estate, to-wil: "he parcel of laia situated in tie L-.n of Parmele North Carolina. 55 J being on the North side of th: i< e S. N. and .< Railroad an I M indevl as follow I beginning a ' > slake on the ct cnty road that rids from Parmel ? N. C. to Bethel. 1 C.. and running north 49 yams hence west 27 1 2 yards, thence south In yards, thence east 211 ards to the beginning, containing >y estimation. 1-4 acre, more or less This 13th day of February. 1937. J. C. WYNNE and C. B. WYNNE. Trading as 16 4t Wynne Eros. Mortgagees, ilbert S. Peel Atty , Wtlhamstun. NOTICE OP SACK Under and by virtue of the pow ei of sale contained in that certain Jeed of trust executed by Jane Hice Lo the undersigned trustee; da led 16th day of March. 1934. of record m the Martin County Public Regis try in book H-3, page 227. to secure a certain note of even date there with. and the stipulations in said deed uf trust not having been com plied with, and at the request of thrt holder of said bond, the under signed trustee wilL un Uie lllh day of March. 1W7. at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale to toe highest bidder,' for cash, the following described lands: Lot No. One: Being Lot No. 16 in the Moore Field, adjoining Augus tus Purvis on the west, fronting North Street 78.8 and running back to two parallel lines S. 41-41* east to the depth of 130 feet. Being the same land purchased from William DR. V. H. MEW BORN OPTOMETRIST ? Please Neie Dale Changes Williamston office Peele Jly Co.. every Fri; hours. 9:30 a. m. to 12 m. Robersonville office Robersonville Drug Co., Tuesday. March 23rd Plymouth office Liverman Drug Co.. every FrL. hours, 2 to 5 p. ni. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted At Tarboro Every Saturday Improve ?ny by George and Jane Lot No. Two: Beginning 73 tact om Broad Street on a street at >roer of Lot No. 1 m Block B in le Moore Field plot, thence east ardly along the line of Lots One id Two and about 130 feat to lot o. 4, thence southerly along lot 0. 4 to Jane Rice's back corner, icnce along Jane Rice's corner a jut 130 feet to a street, thence a ing said street to the begin ung eing same lend purchased if H 1. Burras by Leorge and Jane Rice. Lot No. Three Beginning at the jraer ot Pine and North Strait in le Wiliiamaton Land and lmr ove lent Compan . Moore Field, run ing N 41! E. IU feat to Aui jstus "urvis corner, thence along hi. line I ?^Vc^L. This tth day at February, 1 & A. CHJTCHER, n 4tw Sill Coughing? emailed. abaKhl nod, your < guarantee O and to refund your money If you are 1 "rom the aery ; % vl*-5217 Ibv buU' taaJUc u . . ?n periods vidua 5 2 years* cauh unlr Class A. A vi h in average test of 6.46^. No jcrv / bm in the* v.irld has ever bred, raised and it surd her equal. The pastures are fu!l of )er*ty Ct. a >?but there's uoiv one ""ApriL" S, r'> t!?e empress? a huad.t J users c.ot: val?ub!e than the rail uiJ hie o! jerseys?because Mother Nature ptc I ral ?miv So sbc eclipses all the others. NMural Chilean Nitrate of Soda is aoodier evampir ol Natuca's bal ance ol MB) different elements Jok as Nature favored -April," abe la sored Natural Chilean To this ai uufitt frrtilurr abe gave a natural balance of vital elements?the ?o u?lcd vital an purities in bet om's ?Hv Natural Chilean la than just M-iikacting nitrogen. That's ub> it is sucb an effective fnod foe pour crops. Natural Chilean NITRATE of SOD A ?Hk VHmt Uixmi u W ?A3K>-"li\a? NAiiJIEL & SONNY" FAMOUS CHILEAN CALL 4DAR CHARACTERS See lonouiwrnKnl" of Irsd ij( Stulhrrn Suiiow important Notice to All Automobile Owners Mr. Hugh Highsmith Mechanic and Body E\|>ert is now associated with ns. Mr. Highsmith has had 15 years exjierience in the rebuilding of old and wrecked automobiles and conies to us highly recom mended. Bring Us Your Wrecked Cars We Can Fix and Make Them Like New. Our Prices Reasonable With the addition of Mr. Highsmith to our already large and com|>eteiit mechanieal forte, we are adequately prepared to fix and service all makes of ears. Roanoke Chevrolet Co.