tkmml Farm Outlook For 1937 Encouraging Car tan m ATTENTION PLANTERS The prospects are eery good lor a lav orable year tor tbe production ol cucum bers in 1937. Last year 89 of our Growers averaged $157.20 per acre, and 64 growers averaged $154.80 acre planted in encumbers at Washington. N per C. to lto rea far the You can do as well as these growers have done. The crop is harvested and out of the way in time far your tobacco crop housing. Get in Line lor a Cash Crop That Brings You Early Money Just When It Is Needed We will appreciate your stopping in and list ng what acreage you wish to plant this year. Lu Cu Lang & Son P. H. ROBERTS. Mgr. PLYMOUTH. N. C. Eleven County Boys Are Now Attending W ake Forest Collegr New $150,000 Dormitory Is Used There This Week For First Time Wake Forest.?Eleven Martin County men are nrniong the I.OOt students enrolled at Wake Fores: college this ??wi a check-up here this week revealed. Of this number e-ght are from Will amston. two frvtn Roberson vule. and one from Oak City. The oosiiett list follows: W.lliatnston: W. M. Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooke. R- M Coweii. son of Mr. and Mrs U. H Cow en, R T Harrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B Harrington, George liarriaoa. jr . son of Mr. and Mrs. G H. Hamson. D. E Johnson, son of Mr and Mrs. R M Johnson. C H. Manning, son of Mrs. A. J. Manning. Wheeler Martin, jr. son of Mr and Mrs. Wheeler Martin, aral G. A Peek jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. G A PeeL ; JptaromiLV Clifton W Everett, of Mr and Mrs. E S Everett. K W Manning- ton uf Mrs. J. R Manning. Oak City: F B. Worslry. son Of M. and Mrs. B M Worslcy. Thfce men are taking a promtnen part in extra-curricular activities ol he college. Johnson, a member of | the Barrister's chib. Is student leg ?slatuie representative of the law school, and a baritone in the glee Credit for farmers is expected to be plentiful though farm costs will b. i igher. The prices for tobacco and cotton w ill. of course, depend in a n.easure on what effect the soil con serration program will have on acreage There is a stronger de mand for cigarette tobacco and tex tile nulls are operating at a higher level FOB WEEK BtGINNING MONDAY. MARCH 1 Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. -BANJO ON MY KNEE" hitan STANWYCK mmd JOEL MKUA LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY' A D Clrtto Bmijmmi ALSO SELECTED Thanday aad Friday Murk 4 aad 5 ??LLOYDS OF LONDON" Freddie BarlMoaM aad Madaliar Carrall Saturday Man* C -The THREE MESQUITEERS" ailh ROBERT LIVINGSTON SHORT SUBJECTS for the intercollegiate track teem Peele is second tenor in the sine club and was harebell pitcher far the 1936 frosh nine. Cooke played on the freshman football loans on 'til ht eras injured Manning la all tenor in the (fee club j Coder the leadership of President i D. Kitctun the college is i constructive tradi . 100 men are mov ) the new $190,000 dortni- t jory just completed. Other build-' in|s erected dunnt Or. KitchinV enure of office are Wait hall (ad ninistrative building), the William \maa Johnson medical building, a 1200,000 gymnasium, and additions o the concrete atadium Thus, with i this 103-: and largest in the United auspiciously u of service. Statement Concerning Blount Fertilizers All Farmers Are Invited To Visit Our New Factory. We Not Only Tell You How We Build Fertilizer, but We Show You Blount Fertilizer Company, with over fifty years of actual selling, testing, and experimenting with fertilizers back of it. knows what it takes to make a real fertilizer and by actual tests it has proven it. In presenting to Eastern Carolina farm ers the following brands of fertilizers, Blount Fer tilizer Company is willing to stake its reputation, and their customers" confidence in these fertilizers if they are used on the type of soil for which they are recommended. Blount's NEW DEAL and GOLDEN HAR VEST TOBACCO GUANOS should be used on medium average tobacco soil with body. Blount's TOBACCO SPECIAL has been pre pared especially for strong cold-natured land that is slow to start plant growth and inclined to grow too long and too late. Blount's PREMIUM and WE KNOW BRANDS are recommended (or hot-natured and sandy soils, where experience has taught you to use a heavy uieal fertilizer for best results. Blount's SUPREME and WORTH-MORE GUANOS are excellent (or cotton and corn crops. Blount's PHEASANT BRAND is highly rec* ommended (or potatoes and truck crops. Blount Fertilizer Company's rapid growth and progress has been due to their determination to build (or Carolina farmers a fertilizer suited to their needs and due to their understanding of your fertilizer problems. Results come from what is in the bag. not from the name on the bag. The Shortest Route to a Better CROP BUUM I 3 ) HOM- ?'?'XtO j FERJIlSMs! wuA?F<)A&yn ' '^ttLCSL-ji*01 <>?UE*iV4au *&' A. R. OSBORNE REPRESENTATIVE ? ROBERSONVILLE Blount Fertilizer Company Home-Uwned. Home-Operated Greenville. N. C. NOTICE To The People of Williamston & Vicinity A NEW BUS STATION AFFORDING Modern Accommodations for Both White and Colored IS NOW OPEN FOR USE Statistics Show Bus travel To Be 7 I ivies Safer Thau Tour Own Cat IT IS CHEAPER TOO - TRY Call Bus Station for Information Norfolk Southern Bus Corp. ?- Carolina Coach Company