Hot Election Held In Parmele; Old Officials Reelected John Roebuck Again Heads Local Government; Other Nc Lul week was our big election, and eras it HOT? The independents or the New Dealers or the sorehea or something put out same can? . dates and got the old-linen or the] old Ring just about scared into da fits, but the final count at vol means that Parmele is still on the map with a low tax rate and plenty of rain. The mayor's office is a big job with one dollar a month salary and about $40 worth of cussin'. John Roebuck got his share of the Hissin' but somehow when he went mtn nf fice the town was in debt and now the roads are in the best condition they ever were and there is a nice surplus of cash in the bank. So, after all the fireworks, the people reelected him by an overwhelming majority. J. W. Grimes, G. M. Car gile and L. C Crisp are the cos missioners and Jesse Manning cop. Now watch Parmele grow. Mrs. J. T. WUdman is in Payette-1 ville visiting her daughters, who] are teaching school there. Last Sunday we went to Rober sonville and heard a better sermon than common on such occasions, and. incidentally, took a good look at the graduating class. That class about the finest we ever looked on. I The girls are beautiful and the boys I are fine looking, and, all in all. they | are above the average for intelli gence and everything that goes to| make mothers proud of them. Rev. Shoe is trying to make a good Baptist of Rev. J. T. Wildman Next Sunday, while Mr. Shoe is in New Orleans, Mr. WUdman will preach in the Baptist church at Hamilton. George James says it works hi mighty hard to carry two mail routes. But I guess if they pay him hard it is all right At any rale. we have not heard of him wanting to resign. Wayne Farmers Treating Cotton Seed with Ceresan\ A large number of Wayne Coun ty farmers are treating their cotton seed with Ceresan this year. Good results obtained by others have con vinced them of the value of this DR. A. J. OSTEEN VETERINARIAN WTLL1AMSTON. N. C. Office rhane Night I m-W 23S Dr. C. J. SAWYER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat \ ?sola. 2 to s r. M DR. SAUNDER-S OLD OTTKI N. C FOR Tender, Aching, Swollen Fee! At Clark's Drug Store :? Property Listings of Township Are Being Studied by Officials Changes Are Being Made in Listings by Board of Appraisers BobemnviUe, H. -i~. Mty II? List TSkcr H S Everett and Ap praisers Joe Winslow and Torn Roe buck are reviewinc the listings of isupalj in this township and will probably complete the list by the end of this week. They are care fully reviewing the property of each individual and in most instances changes are being made. A ma jority at the property is being raised while in some cases the valuation are having their listings passed with but very few changes. The appraisn^ of the property began Monday morning, and mem bers of the board said they hoped to complete the task by Saturday. One member of the board said they were trying to use discretion where justice demanded it, and that they were doing their beat to deal fairly and squarely with all the owners of prupetty in the township. When asked if an increase in val their changes, they all agreed that it would be raised from 7 to 10 per cent ASK FOR HAVOLINE There's No Substitute HARRISON OIL CO. tiro have been held for dub i ben in the 11 4-H clubs of ] NOTICE or SIMMONS AND WAA KANT OK ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Martin County: Williamston Township. Before J. L Hassell Justice of the Peace. The defendants in the above en titled action will take notice: That suit as above entitled has been start ed before the undersigned justice of the peace of Williams ton Township. Mhrtin County. N. C. far the pur pose of recovering the sum of sixty dollars for rent due for property where was conducted the Sanitary Bakary. That warrant of attachment was i?ll li by the undersigned justice of the peace on May 4. 1937. return-' able on June S. 1937. before the un dersigned at his office in William ston, N. C. That the defendants are required' to appear and answer the complaint. > ?# the plnmtrff at said time and ptar^' or the relief therein asked will be1 granted. This the 4th day of May. 1937. J. L HASSELL. Just icy of the Peace. Williamston. N. C. mT 4tw H. L. Swain, atlorney for plaintiff. NOTICE TO CBEDrrOES In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Washington Division. In Bankruptcy No. SIS The petition of Louis Wintr God win. of Farmville. North Carolina, for a full discharge in bankruptcy, having been filed in said court, it is ordered by the court that a hearing be had on June 7. 1937. before Hon orable I. M. Meekins. Judge of said Court, at Washington. N. C. at 12 o'clock M., and that all known cred itors and other interested persons may appear at said tune and place and show just cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said peti tioner should not be granted. Williamston. North Carolina This April 30, 1937. A D. WHEELER MARTIN. U. S. Referee ml 2tw In Bankruptcy. OurBankDirectors The business and financial judgment of a group of conservative men, sincere ly interested in seeing this community progress, decides every important mat ter which affects this bank and its serv ice to the public. Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Strand Theatre ? Washington, N. C. PROGRAM POR WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY. MAY 17 May 17-1* "CRIMINAL LAWYER" with LEE TRACY aad MARGOT GRAHAMK Fax Son aad Comedy Wed.-Thar. May M M "DOCTOR'S DIARY" with JOHN TRENT aad HELEN Bl'RGESS Novelty aad News Kri.-SaL May !1K "MOUNTAIN JUSTICE" ?iUi Jusrphiof Bahil? and (iforitf Ureal Comedy, Novelty aad Serial NOTICE or MUt Under and by virtue of and pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by D. M. Rob eraon. to the undersigned trustee, date the 1st day of April. 1935. and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book H-3. at page 519. to secure a certain note of even date therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having I been compiled with, and at the re-' quest of the holder of said note, lb* utuie^gned^rustee^jsnU^Morjila^ al 11 o'clock now, m front of Uw courthouse door in the town of Williamstoo. N. C, offer for sale to the htchest bidder, for cash, the following described real ai personal property. A one-half undivided interest in and to that certain tract or parcel of Land and improvements thereon in Township. M Williamston Township, Martin Coon | ty. North Carolina, on the McGttkey road, adjoining the lands of J T. Barnhill H. H. Cowen. and the A. C. L^ailroad^n^^ein^h^?mejn teres! conveyed to me (D. an) by H H The following All my n*ht. title i ?111 " merit that is now owned by n M Roberson): all my right. title and interest, if any I have, m all cowl, hoc*, dressed meets at all binds Dated this the 2Bth day at dpett. 1937. A D. WHEELER MARTIN. a30 4tw Trustee YOU CAN'T DUCK THIS! Hera's a wise quack from the duck: Trust your judgment, not your luck. That is smart and dever thinking? Buy good whiskey when you're drinking. When you drop in at your favorite bar . . . or when you're serving at home ... re* member to call lor Calvert. Youll find it rich and mellow in highball- .. . smooth and satis fying in cocktails . . . the perfectly blended u/hiskey for a perfectly blended drink. CLEAR HEADS . CALL FOR Calvert WHISKIES :?v^7i . C- CALVt?T-? - MOR? THAN THR?? Af/ll/OHu . n . , ^ ""??-ACT/ON USERS SAT - /he Jaftest and Most Com^&i&Me hicte o/j a/// n" Have you experienced the greatest safety and comfort factor in modern motoring ? the Im proved Gliding Knee-Action Ride?pioneered, proved and perfected by Chevrolet? More than three million Knee-Action users will tell yon that Knee-Action gives the safest and most comfortable ride of aD ... that it makes motoring far more satisfying as well as far more accuie than it can ever he in old-type ears. Prove these facts to your own satisfaction. Drive the new 1937 Chevrolet?the only low-priced car with Knee-Action* ?the only complete cor, priced so low! THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR PRICED SO LOW NKW HIOW-COMPRESSION VALVE-M-Hf AD ENGINE?NEW ALl-MCNT. ALL-STEEL SOMES ?NKW DIAMOND CIOWN SPSEDUNE STTUNO ? HEFKTEP HTDSAULK BRAKES ? IMMOVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE*?SAFETY PLATE ?ULM ALL AROUNP ?GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION ? SUPER -SAFE SNOCKPROOF STEERING*. ROANOKE CHEVROLET CO.