The Enterprise EMTJUlPKi&K PUiULliliiNG CO. I I I"? -I SUBSCRIPTION RATES m ? IACTUI COUHTT ft m OVTSIO B MABTIM COUKTY I II um - - - - ? C-- 1 TU? a a. Card Fariitid Upo* l?lail at tbc pom cfict ia ** iliiiimwa. N. C_ Z mLc? juuoT*"" *** *tt e iKjmi to Tbc Estrrpnac ot tbc brm Friday. May 28. 1927 A Forward Step The Martin County commissioner- took a forward step recently vfam thry approved a full-time health program for this county, and thry arc to br commeod ed for their action. While the program will necessi tate a fairly sizeable expenditure, it holds great opp w tunites far brttrrine the health fat of every our of the more than 24.000 people in the county. Possibly the only objectionable feature to the pro gram is that its services are more or less limited. The suffering of humanity win he Irssrard not overnight, of course, but in the fang run the ledger will show a of healthier bodies, clearer minds, and re newed vigor m youth The establishment of the pro gram can be recogmaed as one of the mast important acts of a board of commissiooers in this county m li my years, for the service has the promise of proving of more value and worth than any other oor, or even two or three departments. ^ How humane it would be if arrangements could be ejected making available the services of the doctor to everyone whose fat it is to suffer unattended by a trained hand. The care of every needy person can not be expected for the program is not bring advanced on an extensive a scale. Much can be accomplished by advancing preventive medicine, and in the control of diseases by the program, but private attention is just out of the question unless added provisions are made. Probably a plan could be worked out m hereby not a single person would need to die without the best aid medical science has to ofier. The doctors of this county in years gone by have I service to the poor and an k b no bor imoubk to aped them to thai practice than it it to expect you or to go and wart in s mili or factory without i in. The new health program partially there is stil much to be f, the action of the i t iding the service is a step in the right direction and, to make this step successful, everyone, iar luting the general public, the several professions and servants, should shoo a willingness to cooperate that the wwv of relief may be opened to suffering humanity, even unu> the humhlrsl and poorest of our feUonaen. No Brains Needed Hsitmmore Evening Sim In a speech at Indianapolis yesterday, Harry Hep Lao made the assertion that social legislation in that entry is "swiftly and steadily" moving toward the cay when the mass of the people will get enough of the ???""! income to provide a standard of living. Moreover, he added: *T do not mean a bare subsistence, in a i rich as this. 1 mean a good living and moeieni i ?ith bathrooms and electric Lights and perhaps an automobile. 1 mean education enough to want these Horn much education is needed to want a bale? As much, no doubt, as was possessed by the znd wrecked it the first day. He signed he name by ?hi- mark Visit any institution for the feeble-minded and had cut bow many of the inmates want an antootoifcle. Those that do not may be set aside as constituting the lowest group, mentally, even in such a place. What's the matter with the man? Does he thnvk one has to be educated to want an automobile? Of course, had he said education enough to enable one to nse an automobile sensibly, be would have run to the other extreme, lor, if the capacity to drive sensibly ts the test, many a Ph.D. would be disqualified. Doubt less one needs some sort of training even to desire a bathroom, but an automobile?why, every ?dut ardently desires, not merely an automobile, I a hie truck at that! Just An Old Custom Thry aw making much ado over the Mrs. Uar6cld to the Duke of Windsor, and, I hue are no strenuous objections to all the hiillahalno, it is to be remembered that getting married is just an old custom for the Baltimore belle. 1 here is one thing about the event, however, that really overshadows the recent coronation ol King Ourge VI 'Ihe match is not patterned after an empty old English custom, and probably it e sur rounded by more honest-to-goodness sincerity than were the coronation ceremonies despite their extensire neas. of the ma or *? of rmlr made b; L B Wynne,! thrt of the superior court of Mar as above, the under wilL on Thurs day. the 1Mb day of June. 1S37. at' in front at the. Iota No* ?. 4. 5,| S by a map of i of record in the land division No 1 at pace 4XS. tract: Bounded an the fay the Atlantic Coast Lane Railroad, on the cut by Pearl Street, on the south by Lcrajr Cur can ur, and on the west by Sherman Bond, and ban* the lot upon which the Eh est n the foUowin* described two tract* same ban* subject to the doner of Mrs. Bettie C Gurfanur. srhicfa has been heretofore allotted a the two tracts drwnbcd as A and B. A Bern* that certain bouse and lot situate between the new Wd liamston and Hamilton Hi*bway and the old Williamston and HamilIon the new WU at the corner of E B. Bunch, thence alon* the fane c# E P Bunch to the e of E P. ""-r*! a alon* the fane of E. to the new William Hwbaray; thence ?4 the G"r?*m" pr?t^tT up the ittai public rand to the mid tree, the beginning point, being the ad lot ivan which I the chape of a flat iron. Fifth tract: All that part ad the J. L Cherry land lying an the north side at the pneod rood from WO liamwnn to Hamilton, cud land ad joining the land* of J S Cherry and 13 This the 21st day of May. 1837. ELBERT S. PEEL. B. A CRITCHER. HUGH G. HORTON. m2S 2tw .1 North Carolina, Martin Comity. Under and by virtue of the power of mle contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by L. T. Che won and wife, Eflice Cbessoa. an the 9th day of April. 1935, and of record in the public registry of Martin County ~ X-3 at pi Book K 3 at page 31. said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of said note, and the stipu lations aantafnad in the said deed of trust not having been complied, with, and at the request of the own er of the said note, the undersigned trustee anil, on Monday, the 7th day of June. 1937. at twelve o'clock. BWW offer for sale to 'he highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Beginning on the rood leading from Oak City to Hamilton at a stake 5? 2-3 poles from W. S Cher ry's corner on said road, also the same distance from the pine tree, the corner of W. S. Cherry and Bur rell Green nearly opposite N. U Worrier's farm residence, running from said stake N 52 1-2 east with rack, a toe a thc n? ^ ^ plot of the oecfc to a to a pine i nth of it I r Brawn, bow ?. & ChaMjTi :? rss "oo* aspSm7i >Vni aoid tee to mu a pine P ud old corws of Harrrfl and tbence & 'atraUtt *? t"'t,l>f h^ public road la the bagi taintot H acraa, be the Tfaia 7th day of B. ] wy-T m SCHLITZ in "STEINIES" A Treat in Old-Time Taste Tiea Eajaj Sehlit* ttxlay in the i ??e. Tel Brave Pet Ilea - ? ? ar Cap Sealed Caaa Each briaga yea I'm Jmm*t kmre to i ?frii ?n m >ii?? /W Scklita . .. you I miM hkm it mm ftrwt mcfmmimtmmem ... mmd mmmr after. J BUWIHC COariHT, WLViOUI, Wis. luanUrr lammi Harrison Wholesale Co., Distributor tauco "GOOD AS FIRE CHIEF GASOLINE HARRISON OIL CO. NOTICE! BEGINNING JUNE 1st Mr.RobertGurganus WILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH US Mr. Gurganus is an expert in the building trade and is well qualified to do all types of general repair work. cral repair work, body building, win dow and door framing; windshield and auto glasses of all models and makes fitted, screen windows and doors built. CABINET WORK OF ALL KINDS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU HAND MADE F urniturcCompany WILLIAMSTON, N. C. STANDARD FERTILIZER Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Announces to Its Customers and Friends the Completion of a Modern Land Raster Mill ? Our new plaster mill is the last word in the plaster grinding industry... And with this mod ern and efficient requirement this factory will produce the very finest and best prepared Nova Scotia Land Plaster for Peanut Growers... Our Plaster will be ground from Genuine Nova Scotia Rock. Located in the Heart of the Peanut - Section of North Carolina OIKS IS THE ONLY LAND PLASTER MILL IN NORTH CAROLINA Oar location, right at home, among the Peanut Growers, and our record of satisfied customers for "GRO-MORE" Fertilizers, bespeak for us your patronage, and we earnestly solicit your bus iness this season. Ws can supply anything yon may need in fer tilizer. We arm here to seree the fanners of this i STANDARD FERTILIZER Co. WHXIAMSTON.N.C