Society and Personals COUNTY Phillip Waters and daughter. here visiting their Mrs. Mary Gurganus, on Watts Street f. H Crawford left Satur Greenville, where she will for aoa State Boberson and W. B Harrington, of Farm Life, are attend ing court here this week as man ben of the petiu jury. Mr. and Mrs. William H Harrison uluiual from ther wedding trip to Sunday and are at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cordan, of Quantm. Va. spent the week-end here with Mr. Cardan's sister, Mrs. H. M dark, and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. SpruUl and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Davenport spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton Phelps. erctt sprat Saturday Ocean Vi la W; Mr and Mrs Roy daughter. Betty Roar, in Washington Sunday At Nags Head Misses Mary Pntcbard. House, Eva Harmon. Jane Mrs. H & Manning and Henry Griffin. Asa Crawford. 1 Etheridge. and Dr. W. F. E among those from here gniiliig the week-end at Nags Head. VI Miss Julia Daniel vest the week end in Norfolk. E M Darnel, and Mis. I Fran York ten a. Va. Mrs P. W. Crockett, of Yorfctown. Va, is here visiting her son. Mr. C. G. Crockett, and family. here visiting her mother. Mrs Maud MizeU. In Spring Bspe Mrs D. Speight visited relative* in Spring Hope last week. Mr Eli Hojrt Ange. of JamesviUe. was a visitor in town yesterday. Viai Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrll. of Ahoa kie, spent Sunday here with rela tive Sp Mr. and Mrs. W H spending Uus week at Nags Head Accepts Fukua at Miss Eva Fed has accepted a po sition as a member of the Wildnn High School faculty. Misses Kathenne Faisoo and Hul dah Roberson visited in Wmton and Murfreesboro Sunday Visits Here Sanday Miss Dorothy Elliott, of Hertford, visited here Sunday afternoon. la Raleigh This Week Mr. D. G. Modi in was in Raleigh yesterday and today attending to business. Al Nap I Mr and Mrs V J Spivey and tittle son left yesterday to spend a few days at Nags Head Ira Mi? Annie Shields VanDyke. of Greenville, is spending a few days here with her sister. la Racky 1 Mrs. Oscar S going treatment in a Rocky Mtaint Rev Z. T Piepholf is In Dux ham this week attending a rural minis term' conference at I hike University. it Mm Mr and Mrs Urbm Rogers. Miss Sara Cone and Reg Sanpson Sunday Mr. and Mis Jesaup Harmon an nounce the both of a daughter. Pa tricia Ann. at their heme ' cousin of the bride, and W. S.I Hunt served as ushers Attired in a navy blue linen lace traveling suit and wtanng a shout I ifer cut sage of gaidenias. Miss Jones *** *cvo*npan|cd by Mr Stewart j where the vows were heard They I weeeunamaiiiia.iicd Dni Manning | presided at the organ, playing "Li Love Call and Mendelssohn J wedding March and Schubert s "Ser enade" during the ceremony Immediately after the ceremony. I Mr and Mir Stewart left for a two-1 "*** wedding trip to St Augustine. The young couple will return 'or ? stay before going to] Asheville. where they wiU make their home after July X | Mr* Stewart is. the young and I popular daughter of Mr and Mis Henry B Jones, of Buxton and Beau tot- She was educated in the Eden ton schools and holds a secretarial certificate During the past three I Poor* M?e made her home here and was, until just recently, connected ?on at Mr. an at Otto. He h for the past two years as a valued employee at the State Highway Pa trol He and Mrs. Stewart, their stay here, hare made many Asheville. where Mr. Stewart will be m charge of the ditveii' license division of the Stale PatroL GAVLOtD - ASUW Jantnillr. June 14?Mrs Delia Frances Askew announces the mar nace of her dauchter. Pauline, to On ward lanes Gay lord. nr cl Mr., and Mrs. W B Gay lord. on Oct her IT. 1936. in Danville. Va. Mrs. Gaylord attended Camooell Collece and received her A. B de cree from Meredith in 193d. For the past six years she has been connect ed with the Martin County set mis. Mr Gay lord gr aduated at .1 C. State Collece this sprue m act-cul tural education. After July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord will be at h me in Bath, where both will be connect ed with the school next year Limestone Needed ^ here Soil Is Arid Recent farm management demon '""-irty"'* '1^ Piaim??l and mountain sections of North Car olina indicate that it is absolutely necessary to have ground Limestone applied to the permanent pasture for die grasses and clovers to make best, irom-th This same nag must be j true also in eastern Carolina par- j ticularly ?-Sere the aosl is and North Carolina farmers have never used enough limestone generally on I heir fields devoted to the growlh of legumes, grasses, forage crops, and the like. AD M1N1ST1ATVI1 NOTICE Having Urn day qualified as a J mimstiatnx uf the estate of the late John A Griffin, decerned, late of Martin County. S. C... this is to no tify all pmifts having claims against said estate to present them for pay ment on or before May 21. 193S. or this notice will be ulewnlrd >n bar l?I their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate m ill please come forward and make immediate settlement This May 21. 1937. L.YDIA L GRIFFIN. je8 film Administratrix IX V. H OP-TOM E-TOST KiUianutuo din IVrW* J]j Co,' rvery Fn. 9 30 * m to 12 m Plymouth oflio* Lntinu Drug Co., every Pri, 2 to 3 p m. Robmonville ofltcr RofcersuovtUc Drug Co., Tlmrfj) June 22 Eyes Enssid - lew A^Tuboco^Ewtj^aurdij^^ CLARK'S FLU-LAX * "LARK'S CREO-COD *" ?SS? COLDS CLARK'S NOSE DROPS fc\.c2?S sold on rosmvi goakamtb CLARK'S DRUG STORE SUCCESS is generally associated with good management And good management has at its very heart, sound financing. Young men in new businesses are particularly grateful for the factilities in our COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. Let us help you manage your business more success fully. and we can save you time and money in every operation! jiiaranty Bank & Trust Company You Thought of Mother?Now Think DADDY F ather's Day Sunday JUNE 20th Remember Him With a Gift From Darden's Dept. Store DRESS SHIRTS?A beautiful selection of dress shirts in fancy patterns. Also solid whites. A real value for 5a ? C $2.00 Quality AETNA and E. ft W. SHIRTS? Fancy patterns, also whites. Father's Day Special Give Socks?We Otter a Large Selection at 10c - 15c - 19c - GIVE DAD A NICE BELT?Large showing of white, black and white and solid colors. Special 25c - 48c - 97c SHOES FOR DAD FOR FATHER'S DAY? Whites. Combinations, Blacks. Priced Special at $1.98 ? 2.98 ? $3.98 GIVE HIM A PAIR OF KOOL PANTS See Us Before You Buy. A Big Variety at 97c ? $1.49 ? 1.98 ? $2.98 Darden's Dept. Store Insure Your Crops HAIL or WIND may in a few minutes damage the crop you have worked months to make Then what? INSURE your crops, your buildings, your life ... so you c^n sleep when you go to bed. czran iN/uni J. E. Pope Mh*?*uI QffEEN OF HIGH OVERS. AFTER TW? STRAW ' or oowFEnw *n* < THE WMun BEST i OVERS, I GET A < XiFTMATM A CAMEL. I SMOKE CAMELS AS ' OFTEN AS I IMANT , TO. TVIEV HAVE SUCH MARVELOUS FLAVOR' KILL Tobacco Worms WITH Arsenate of Lead SULROTE DUSTING MIXTURE ROTENONE DUSTING MIXTURE PYROTE AND PARIS GREEN Large Stock of Each Boyetle Sprayers Give us your order for a Boyette Sprayer. No better sprayer made. WILLI AMSTON HARDWARE CO. WILLI AMSTON. N. C. r, /rs /is MA/D * /IS J/V OSWCE DES "Standard" HOSTESS AKD.fc, ilftcnK Un'l a Maun Ltt i ttijibati|, ibr a (far nftt < htf bnjrt iij?> Necessary Hknuh jr.J tiallrry in t|u>nus Jti?m .. pots, pan joi Latin ?> : aap larpiitumt *?T*i r- * 1 M? i? '? .. naps, bavthn aoJ tltaaum tm a nit UL Mp... all that c?rwitKH ?it pro HOSTESS SINK k > it ?ccbut toil f*rfacifj ?*h Ail your Muter Plumber (o fcuurn oi the HOSTESS SINK ? enunel on itn iron ? the deep aafc nun t Jishpin?the vun mokn ijiiJ] ipraj-hoie HccaapLina you the cent, iOAge time pt] ""f 4* ?? ??**? iit Hw ktf f^i^i f 1# 4i)?? Ht*Ml+ ? iW Jffc_ Tu..