to Ot?t 1.KM EMU THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XL?NUMBER 67 Williamston. Martin County. North Carolina. Friday. August 27. 1937 ESTABLISHED ltW Martins End Coastal Plain Season Today; Ready for Play-Off Ayden's Chance To Play la Semi-Final* Blasted by Martins Yeslerdav The close of the regular : the Coastal Plain baseball 1 day finds Williamston just five I out.of first place, the Martins hav ing clung to that position < 10 with only a slight Good baseball has feature the past few games in the tail-end of the i son. and the team is in great to start the semi-finals with Tar boro here tomorrow. The Martins have their batting eye fund inning a little better, and Skipper Hauger states he is ready for all comers. New Bern's Bear and the Martins battle to a 7-run tie here Tuesday afternoon, the umps calling the | at the end of the ninth on account of darkness Strunk started for the Martins, but turned the pitching work over to Wade in the fourth ning, and errors let in two runs the ninth and knotted the score. Over in New Bern Wednesday , the Martins really played ball Strunk held the Bears to ? welt-scattered hits and Pappy Deim added color to the contest with some third-baseing. the combined farces doing s good job to hold the Brians scoreless. Timely hitting netted 1 runs for the Martins, one each in first, seventh and eighth mnmg? Ayden, holding on to a clan i for entering the semi-finals, Inst that chance here yesterday afternoon, when Fields and Wade held the visi tors to 9 hits and 4 runs, while the Martins were making their 10 safe ties count for 5 runs. The Aces took the lead in the fifth inning, but the Martins got together in the eighth to score three runs and win the | by a 5-4 count. Wade getting credit for the win. Tomorrow. Skipper Haugers plans I to start Big Jim Rollins against! Snake Henry's Serpents, and a strong] bid wiH be made to take the first! contest ???? Several Are Slightly Injured When Cars Crash Here Tuesday Garland Woo lard Painfully Brained Wlien Slrurk by Auto Wednesday No one was badly hurt but con siderable property damage followed when two ears driven by W & Cop persmith of Elizabeth City, and An drew W. Faulkner formerly of V* guua but now of Plymouth, crashed at the Main and Haughton Street in tersection here last Tuesday night about 10 o'clock. Coppersmith driv ing his Dodge coupe down Mam St suffered a minor cut on his forehand and others in his car and in that of Faulkner's were slightly bruised The two drivers entered the in tersection apparently without cnre ful watch, and the Coppersmith ma chine plowed into the side of the Ford driven by Faulkner who was accompanied by his wife Neither car was traveling fast, and witness es to the crash were of the opnuon that both drivers could have stop lied after entering the intersection and avoided the accident had they been more careful A second main street accident fol lowed Wednesday afternoon Garland Woolard, local man, stepped from between two cars into the path of another driven fay D. C. Butner, representative mi Swift and Company with headquar ters in Greenville. Mr. Woolard was thrown on top of the hood, but suf fered no broken bones. He ly bruised, however, state that he will be "??~i to I home for a few days. Teachers Offer Their Resignations One or two teachers in the i schools this week offered their ignitions, the board of < lice stating today quests entered at this subject not to be tion after resignation captad and the have filled the positions cant up until tendered this authorities are now said to be in an mood to continue the Estimated 9,000 People Here For Opening Sales Yesterday Ion. numbering well over by conservative estimates, Williamston streets mam districts all day y ester claiming it was the to attend a tobacco n several yean. Ov the warehouse and bus districts, the crowds wearing very happy smiles for the most part, into the residential areas, their solid rows that extend ad actual btpda away tram the at things. Parking lots were crowded and Washington Street, the main artery leading from the to bacco area, was crowded to capacity dunng a greater part of the day. A large attendance upon Dovrrue Brothers at the fair (rounds failed to thin the croods on the streets to any (rent extent, for as fast as sales were inwmtru<1 on the market farm en would (Other an the i isle ? ?!> i and shops to discuss the price bend. from early moraine until late last night, and quite a number saw the The day was marked by the ab sence of arcirtrats of any kind, and no reports of any "skin" (ames were received by police. Traffic was coo tested at periods, but some how and in some way it iintanclcd itself, and the business and entertainment srhedule moved off smoothly. It was a (real day all rt(ht. Plans Go Forward for Big Fair Here This Fall \ REGISTER pupils 1 V ' I of m the local ki|k achat Principal D N. Hii statiag that the 7# ar IS Change in Set-llp of W.P.A. Organization Effective Next ^ eek \oi kno?n How Nny Ai* To Br Tronoferrrd from Williamson CMfirr The elimination of the five Works Aoptu Administration district of fires in this SUte will be effected next Wednesday in accordance with pi?? announced socne time ago by State Administrator Coan Com plete plans for the purported econ omy move have not been made pub lie and it could not be learned today bow many employees would be re moved or dropped from the admin istrataon rolls here. At the same time the district head quarters are abolished. Federal WPA ?,p?.will have established IS area offices, including one here foe the counties of Martin. Nash. Pitt, Beaufort. Washington, Hyde, TJit reU and Edgecombe Under the newly proposed set up. Williamston will serve as headquarters for Area Two ?~t will be responsible direct ly to the state office in Raleigh. Although the names of those who wiU be iliimmad from the pay rolls will not be made public before to morrow or Sunday. Administrator r^?. said that among those to be ropped are a number receiving sal Knes "in the higher brackets" The district offices were opened here a year ago next Wednesday at a cost of several thousand dollars to the town and county. It is believed that many of the workers now em ployed in the district office here will ntinue their work under the area l ip it is also understood that Use State Employment service will several of the offices now oc by the WPA group for Us of 10 to 1* workers. Several Fire Calls; Small Damage Done Very bttle damage resulted fire, starting from a spark, burned a i?into the roof of the Cen tral cafe in the C. O Moore build i Washington Street here MM afternoon at 1* trtlock around a skylight and the ire ^reading to Return of "Lucky Tcter" Assured by Operators of Event (MliMlal Rrvar Booker! As a Fnlurr \tlrarlion For 1937 Kxhibilion Amofmals for holding the ?II.. ? falr on October 5. S. i 7. I. and ? are going forward rapid - ' If. Manager Harvey- Walker said to day Contracts hare been virtually completed with some of the best grandstand attractions ever seen in the South. Mr Walker stating tha~. Norman Y. Cham bliss general man ager. had made arrangements to center his attention on the William - ston exhibition this year and that he was going to book the leading Lucky Deter and his daredevil drivers will make their return ap pearance here on Friday of fair ?ek, the management explaining it the contracts for Teters return d been signed One of the main features on the grandstand program each evening will be the Continent al revue, an elaborate production with 30 girls in the cast. The revue was produced by Geo. A. Ham id, of New York, internationally known will be clanaxed by a spectacular display of fireworks Manager Walk er stating that the budget carries an appropriation of several thousand dollars for the fireworks program a Frank West's World shorn, one of the largest travels^ in the South this comini will be on the midway There are IS modern rides and > novelty shows. General this week would be allowed on the midway Offeni^ a total at $2,500 in cas trig more than ever the agricultui jside of the fair, and greater exhib displays are promised by agrtcultui al li aitrn in Uus and adjouun counties A feature that has rt reived little attention in reeert yeai at the fair will be a livestock shot of some sue Increased premium are being idhied in the livestor drpartmentx. and more interest i the exhibits M expected. Free-for-All Fight Here Early Today Not at all particular in selecting the-r grounds, several young while a shipped near the home of Sher iff C B Roebuck on East Maui Street here Urn morning about l :3g o'clock nad set out to settle an ar ipons they could i ry The Mi the cleared two Oak ley boys from Cross jailed One at the boys eras painfuly beaten on the bead, tl Call Three Criminal Cases In Recorder s Court Last Monday Oar Car To Oak CHy Mavor for Trial Kmd " Judfe H O Peel disposed of the docket in the county court on Monday in a brief tune but spent considerable tune hearing a civil boa. There were only three criminal cases scheduled for trial and one of those eras remanded to the mayor of Oak City for trial and In the case charging Lonnte Whit field and Booker T. Teei with an as sault with a deadly weapon. Whit field pleaded guilty and was fined $10 .the court taxing him with the St. Teel pleaded not guilty, but the evidence was against him and the court imposed a $25 fine and added one-half the case costs -Charged with violating Die liquor laws. Edward Coffield was fined $15 and taxed with the cost. Cof field was also sentenced to the roads for sixty days, the sentence to begin at the direction of the court. The case charging Roy Earner w ith breaking and entering and lar ceny was remanded to Oak City's mayor for trial and judgment. La nier. said to have been drinking at the tune, is the man charged with wandering into the Chesson home at Oak City about two weeks ago and who started helping himself to food Some Large Peppers Crown Near Here The: 1! U' a hoi tune in this sec tion this year if all the farmers fro* peppei the sue of the two pUrni on dbplajr here yesterday by Faro Alexander Lalley Measur ing 15 inches around, one of the pep der a pound- Both a-r? ahamt ihi?! ihc sire. Mr Lalley stating that there were five oilier peppers pulled from the same stalk but none was quite ;o large as the two ^ hmngM from hts home near the fair grounds. CJiange In Farm Life Faculty Amiotinml Wilton Kilpxr young man of Kewbeii) S C. yesterday wa> ip pointed to fill the pusitiun nude va cant tn the Farm Ijfe School facul ty by the resignation of tail Uv . ing>t.-!i -i Prosja-i ny, S C Sclwol auth- titles explained that laving ston Had been uffrrrd the principal ship of the school in his home com munity and that tlx > releai ,sl hun from bis contract 1 rick KiJrr Brrmkt Leg Im i.lrcun Yrtlrrtimy 4/lrraooa J Charles Ptplin. tuck nder auth Reb Russell in the Uownie Brothers cirrus, broke his leg while perform ing before 3.000 pcrgile under the "tug top- here yesterday aftcrmaai After receiving first-aid treatment in the offices of Drs Rhodes. Eaaun and Winn. Poplin was removed to a Rocky Mount hospital, where it will he aecaasary for Kan to remain sev-1 eral weeks. The large bun.> in his leg was broken, spectators hearing it crack from the other side of the LmrmI Boy Rrrorrriaf Im Hoapitmt from* Im jmrin John Fleming Thigpen. young Wil hamston buy who was badly cut in automobile accident near Tappa Va last Saturday after improving in a Richmond ft is nut known just when he will be able to leave the hospital, late reports indicating that his dis charge a not expected within sev eral days More than 100 stitches were neces sary to clone the cuts an his face, was on the operating table for three hours, it was learned here today Veor Tmtrm DmftmU OU Birafa 13 TmOlm Local Tobacco Market Has One Of Most Satisfactory Opening Day Sales in History Yesterday Martins Start Play-Off Here Saturday With Henry'sClub *aa Mit over in Aedca. Ike Marti*, will co into the *?i against Tarbonj km la aiirraaM at 4 irlorL Hill lad New Kara will battle far a place in the hnaW bat it has not been derided ?here thev will start the series at three ait at Ire tame*. Haas Stanley, keeper at the left tardea, will desert thai paxtaa ?adaj a; id take the mart against Ay den. giving the Mar lias' pitr'tiag stall a rest in prey ?nlm for a hot Umr with Tar horo in thr five-game *nrv Inn Mrt'ay and Ace Ville ptrque. the other two outer gar deners. have also requested Ship per Hauger to let them take a turn in th- box. and it is pos sible they may get a chance this Manager tloodraon explained that the receipts from the semi finals would be pooled and di vided. and for that reason all passes honored during the regu lar season would be withdrawn for the series. Many Farmers Are I Noi Participating In Soil Program of Kami. Reported. 122 Forfeit Claim. To l)iipr?ion Payment* Thai Martin County farmers are rot participating m the soil conser vation program to as great an ex tent as they did a year ago is indi cated in a report released by County Agent T B Brandon yesterday A complete report on the program par ticipation is not available just at this time, the agent explaining that ac tivities of 526 farm operators had l.-eti reported, giving a fairly good Kiea of what may be expected in the *"*y~of benefits-am fau. farms reporting. 122 or a fraction over 23 per cent have failed to qualify for any diversion payments under the soil consenm Jtion progr.ui Tlii- operators of the I ~ farms planted their bases and in ?""f cases are thought to have ex iceded them, the action eliminating their hopes for sharing in the soil conservation diversion of benefit payments. A study uf the preliminary reports A,w ,hat the tot farmers included in the list of 526 whose farms have tacen surveyed will receive approx imately $31,975 75 in diversions pay mcnts. Uie amount 62 per cenc or the fofil possible fo be received ??cfi payments under the soil pro gram As to individual crops, the t04 farm operators arc- diverting 2K per ?nt ,.f their cotton liasr- t? other ciups falling in the soil building group Farmers liad the opportunity to receive benefits for diverting 35 j per cent of Ih-tr cotton base acres j to oilier ciops. but the early esti I mates show that they will fall short by 7 per cent of gaining the maxi mum payments. The tot farm oper ators had a cotton base of !.5t3 acres the i.-port showing that t32 had been diverted. . Having the opportunity to divert -4 per cent of their tobacco base ac jteage and draw diversion payments,. [Uie tot farm operators, as a whole, c-lcxted to participate only to the extend of 16 3 per cent In other A..rds the 526 farms covi red by the report had a base of 3 549 acres and Hie group planted all but 579 6 acres' U> Ihe crop. IVanuti hardly found their way into Uie program, the farm operators participating only to the extent of SI per cent out of a possible max ?mum of 15 per cent of their bases. There are 4.569 base peanut acres, Ihe farm operators electing to re duce Uie crop by only 242 acres, j Complete reports are expected to cause a variation in these percent, ages, but it is quite evident from the preliminary figures that Martin farmers are deserting the soil con servation program. These figures do not necessarily mean fiat Ihete is going to be a great big mrplui of cotton, tobacco and peanuts but they do indicate that at was the combined wall of the farmers to produce bag maps Be fore any definite idea can be gained ss to the size of Uie crops, the boll ?*"1 damage as to be recognized ,Kr fate tobacco now an the ^ ? subject to rum and never "a* h? market, thereby af feeling a reduction. Despite the ' peanut acreage there is much if the nop will be as large " *** a year ago There are good "?**?? fac a greet hay crop on > and a world of pops on the hot Reb Russell, C ,oyvIm)\ Movie Star, Lets Bijr r kiek Out Leaf Sales ^tftulh* (IroHtleil Vromid thr C.owhoy l?\ tlie IliimlrnU Here Ye?ilenlav Heb Russett. moVT^sTai "Tr? in uu' P)vhus!ia way in Oklahoma, had a Ing tine * c c luj w hen he came here w * T>. \vnie Brothers cir cus and a ? ed in <>n his first tobac co aucl i sa And the kids some g -a i-ups. too?had a big time cro o ng around the screen idol who winiii^iy si tared his autographs with every youngster who could find a scrap of paper Describing himself as just a plain ordinary countryman, Russell, one tune all-American football star, jammed the activities on the local tobacco maiket for a few minutes yesterday morning-when he attract > of youtii^th ed hundreds of youtlY^there Police had to help him break through his admuc2> and scatter the crowds that activities on the market could be carried on. Asked what he thought.about the tobacco sales. Rmsell said he got a big kick out of it and added that the Indians with him did, .too. "But I didn't get the meaning of it all. The man (auctioneerI would cry 'yunme' or gimme' and, gee, 1 just' couldn't evei all v* '>;?! the score was," Hus sell, one of the real lanih-hom cow t .ys. said Kusxdl > la ted that he certainly liked Williar.ton even though it took him nearly an hour to find a place to sleep a,.ei ai living here from Kli ab. l. Cay The kids were not long in forming a friendship with the man, and his visit added to thy ening of the tobacco market here Ac? cmpatued by his 11-year-old daug* u. 1' s La ttie. Russell left here for R<* ky Mount. His daugh ter wJ leave him there and return to her home in Oklahoma to start school soon. Mattress Factory Starts Next \\ eek Will.amston's new est enterprise, a \ maltres* factory, is scheduled to start operations next week under the; direction of Guthrie Strawbndge, manager of the Good and Bad Fur-' niture Company. W. H Summerrell j experienced mattress maker, will be in charge of the plant which will be | located in the building formerly oc cupied by the Clark Candy Com pany on the railroad just off Smith wk k Street __ Operating details are being ar ranged this week, the management stating that the new enterprise will employ about six people at the start Circus PI ax a Ttt Croud of 7j000 People Yesterday I Downie Brothers Circus played to approximately 7.000 people here yes terday. 3.O00 tn the afternoon and about 4.000 last evening, the man agement stating it was well pleasedI with the short stay her% and plann^xi | to return in the fulure. The circus was well received herel yesterday by people from over a| targe territory, almost everyone | gifli int very highly of the program Today the circus is in Rocky | Mount and from there it goes to Wil son and then on to Raleigh, Char lotte and several large towns in| Carolina Average Price About 22 Cents; Exj>eet To (.lt*ar Block Today Nearly MNMMN> P?,.n,ls Of t.oltlrn la-uf Placed On Fluor? for Initial Sale* ? Satisfactory sales marked the opening of the Williamston Tobacco Market yesterday, prices, while not high, being considered fair by the ,?r"'rrsi 11,0 "Pining here was one of the biggest in the history of the -ggrfcet^and attracted a record. breaking crowd, estimated by some to number between 8,000 and 9 000 people There were fewer com plaints heard here yesterday than en any other opening, including the ?,U' ln. J919- when prices averaged [-"tin...J 50-renhea pound.^The piker? -re not high, but they are fair, and have no ri?ht to complain." one j prominent farmer from around uamesv.lle said, and he expressed Ihe opinion of possibly a big major Official figures are not available for the opening sales in their entir Uhlrt " WaS reI'ably ""mated ?hat the price average was around ? cents or about 2 cents below the Ofcning day average a year ago. icre was no high-priced tobacco ?n the floors One pile brought 44 cents a pound, but the top ,igures seldom went above 25 cents. Pos sibly the f,?. the medlum grades were stronger than they were a year ago There was a consider able amount of inferior quality to (baceo offered for sale, and one farm p-r aveiaged less Thai, Z v.-nts and 1 utany sold their offerings for an ,v. ci age of I, ss than 15 cents. Their to bacco was harvested during that dry l-aso,, Jul) ,(le lai(nerj ^ ? U> keep the sun from burmng it >'P A number of averages ranged around .10 cents and a few were re ported excess of 32 cents . pound The sue of the break yesterday j' *ceeded-*l| expectations, and ev eryone was surprised late Wednes , day when ,t became evident that Work ?!? W(nlld miinw ,he next ??> High prices down on the bor T M'"rcd the marketing activities I-Od < lose n. 1.000 farmers placed ap 11'ioximately 375.000 pounds on the Sales were ^0.000 pounds were sold during the ay The bliak is being cleared to ? ay reports Iron, .he market staling 1 pr'ces wee holding their own -?Ware,.Mis, n and buyers settled town to ano, .r day hard work ?" ilea, the Ho ,, f.,r bl(, sales nex( , """day Fanners are working !Jng lour- to get their crops ready for sale and ,t ,s generally behoved L 7 jbcV-W II make every effort pos | ,blt" market the leaf whhh7iT^~ i??rci time J Judging repoi ts reaching bcri Williamston had. p.-, portion '? '?- Mre the higges, blL.ak of Wco in the belt yes.erday. Ob -.vcrs visiting on the big markets one that prices h,re compared ?c.y faio.ably wiffi through ou t u- udi There was some keen j lt|e buyi;i< on the lo |cal market, and the buyers proved (the claim that they are .he best set I Ml the belt by sticking close ,0 their Jobs during the long ho; hours. Without a doubt. Williamston has the strongest market in all its his mry. and a great season ls assured Ihe warehouse personnel is recog nised far and wide as being the most progressive and among the most ex perienced in the belt. (iar Damaged But Driver Is Not Hurt George Harrison, jr., escaped in jury yesterday morning about 2:30 o'clock when a tire on his car blew oul and the machine jumped the sidewalk and skidded inte the front yard of H. M Burras on West Main Street. The rear end of the car was smashed in. but it was not damaged beyond repair. Let Contract for Mem Home On Simmont Avenue Hera A contract for the construction at a new seven-room biick home for Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Spivey haa boon let. and the builders will start on the two-story structure tune next week. The new will be located on Simmon* Ave