Locals Lose to Powerful Elizabeth City Team Green Wave Offers Battle of First Downs Beaufort Will Send Team ? Against Locals Here t! Next Friday By JACK BAKU SAI NDEKS A big, powerful Elizabeth City grid machine completely outclassed the light Green Wave to crush the locals 25 to 0. The Yellow Jackets! powerhouse scored in every period in piling up the big score In the, first quarter, a Williams too fumble paved the way for a touchdown' march, a ground attack netted the | next tally, a long run coupled with | a line buck produced a third-pei iod score, and in the final quarter a pass accounted for the Jackets" fourth trip into the pay-off land Elizabeth City, stinging under a If to 0 defeat administered the week before by Edenton. opened up tbeu bag of tricks and turned on full pom er to flatten a weaker but fighting team The' big Jacket backs plough-. ed through the Martin line fur gains while Williamstons offense i bogged down before the opposing forward wall The unly bright spot in the Wave attack was in the pass ing department Sum merlin's seven heaves connected five tunes and ac counted for much of the ground' gained by Williamston Elizabeth City was able to cmnplete ivil) icie1 of five. Coach Edwards' boys drew , 30 yards in penalties to 50 for their opponents Although the home forces ran up quite a large margin of vw- , lory, they registered only one more I RETURNS HOME I s / legator ia the Ikal kb nnlna is aver. Ikil ke m fans s?t a? he plans to ptoy aifkb toe riyassath kukrtkaJI first down than the five made b> the Waw Outstanding in the Wave line were Vic Andrews and Carlyle Hall Joe Hardison came in from his pusl at fullback to make tackle aftel larkie to feature in the backfieid Jim Manning. playing his first gamt at halfback, turned in a very tint performance Coach Edwards starting lineuf was Wynne and CkKtdmon ?? imds Egan and Hoi Ionian tackles. An drews and Hall, guards. Everett center. Hardison. fullback. Wier anc Manning at the halfback* and Sum ' merlin at quarter i Score by periods ' Wiiliamston 0 0 0 0? I Elizabeth City 6 7 6 6?2! Coktrii Edward- announced toda] that the home contest schedule! with Englehard for November 5. hat I been moved up to October 29. am that Beaufort would play here nex week The season tickets will b> good on that date IKEKE MAY BE SOMETHING IN A NAME. A ITER A U F>>rdttour. has an All-AmericaJ center with a name nobody but it rjililcr ran prlinounr^? AU?vanA> Wt'fc lechcw k . Just suppose wha would happen to radio announcer if Uii> boy was a ball carrier instem Mi faneanan 80? QjlP *^bhajm? BLINDED WHISKEY m moor n%eme**w?eWB Big Five Teams Are Preparing for Tough Battles 011 Saturday Duke Blue Devils To Play Washington and Lee in Richmond Although the Caroltna-Fordhxm battle at Chapel Hill promises to be the outstanding clash of Big Five teams, there will be plenty of excite ment elsewhere when the state grid den travel on to meet their strong j opposition The Duke Blue Devils will have 'an easy week-end when they go to {Richmond and play the Washington and Lee Generals. Wade w ill have no doubt, rest his first stringers dur ing the majority of this contest K C State will travel to Boston where the Wolf park will attempt to i overcome Boston College Boston i was defeated last week-end by De , iroit w hile State was victor over the Deacons. Nevertheless, the Bean towners are rated one of the best squads in the Fast and States Bee ,j linski will meet his toughest opposi Hon of the season Wake Forest travels to South Car olina where they will battle the Clemson Tigers. Clernson started ofi with a big noise but seems to have slowed down a great deal, while th< Deacons started slow and have stay ed in the same rut Davidaon wiH act as host to an other South Carolina team. Fumian this week-end The Wildcats ptovec I a disappointment last Saturda) . when they were beaten by Centre but Coach McEver claims he ha found a man to help Teeny Laffer I) ty bear the burden against the Pur j pie Hurricane Saturday j BLRSHAK COVTIMLS AS AS ALL AMERICA THREAT 1 ? ( lidriti> Andy Bershak Uiuveaoit: e of North Carolina's great end. con tinues his outstanding performance for the Tar Heels, and is now iatei high in the list for AU-Amencai honors L Handy Andy is picked by many a tne be>t end ever to perform in thi n State, even better than Dick Buck s Carolina's co-captain of last year. t| Rer>hak also is an ontstandin it forward on Carolina's basketbal s team, and ranks high as far as hi d studies at the University are cor Battle of the Rams in Chapel Hill Next Saturday Afternoon at 2:30 Tar Heels Again Furnish' Outstanding Game in This State * Chapel Hill. Oct *?The TV Heels are preparing for their hard 4 est game of the schedule this Sat- j urday when the will meet the Ford ham Rams at Kenan stadium at 2 30' o'clock. Coach Wolf mas well satisfied with his team in last Saturday's game with Tulane. who they defeat ed 13 to 0. but seemed to fee! that Ins big trouble mas ahead of him Ford ham aim-ays concentrates on an extra powerful line and builds its system on its defense This year is no exception, for those seven blocks of human granite held the strong Pitt Panthers to a (Ml score ? ust two weeks ago Last meek they journeyed down to Texas and gave ? Texas Christian some pointers on the passing game, a game the Hom cd Frogs are supposed to be ace high Coach Wolf mill no doubt depend a great deal on Tom Burnette to keep the Rams hacked up on their goal line with his exceptional ktrj: ing and Bershak to continue his out standing display of pass receiving to overcome the powerful Rams al though Kraymck showed real abil ity in crashing big lines last meek ad. Except for the slight injui ?e_> of Alexander Wojciechomm. the AU America center last year Fordbam '? seems to be in fine condition s In the Tar Heel camp there men no real casualties Steve kfareciM "and J in v Woodson tackle and guaid engaged only in light prart.ee uui both mill be reads (>? g*> Saturday Art Ihtt. m*ho mas kept out if the last two games l> expected to re turn to his (ullUi. ? post, mh?rh hai V been taken over by Kraymck -1 e MAKE IT TOl?.ll FOR i OPPOSING PtTCT RMTIVU.' ii1 The first State College f* ????? ?nj ilum jgaimt the . !h< < is a ciiauce Brunner look jiil f-rl for Tulane. but Mattis.the 11 t?a* \ ? wa-> injured early in the ,gan ? v 4i headed for trouble lr his Otnion. tl?ere were t*? maj y band on the field during the - ha'f time When the Rambler be 11 gai listening to one band play the Caroiuia "theme song" they would switch on him. and then he would have to look around ai d find out a hi. was playing Then they | w * Hi id change again, so he finally closed his eyes and gave up Thr j Chaiiolte aggregation was just > about as g??od as either the Carolina I -Puke musicians Didn't see much "'intnnratin# ^ . etages* but a lot of drunks Woe. dcr if they drank it all bef.Ke v-e . therj . . p . 4nvhnw Carolina w>?n if?*. r qli , rane s?? off wl ^ Oenpared with the afternoon con test, this Wake Forest.State gam* looked take high school stuff . , . ' (I OubiJf of Beriinski . . The fella vho cenpa red Roune> with Ber-' Unski ought to go and come again BetLixki is headed on the road to Ail-State beyond a doubt . . The Well pock put up a bad exhibition of football and a ouple '?f their play ers should fcfcve been run from the ^jduifiL namely Connie Mac Berry Rambler was sitting he tween llrhin Lay ton and Bus Wo relka two freshman hopes iPun Ku enlon. and after asking them a few qur?lMi> ab>ii( the players he found ut they knew pi acUcally nothing about the Deacons, not even their rames But that's the way it i> with college futibill. so they teL DEACONS TAKE LIGHT WOKKOI T FOB TIGEKS Wake forest. Oct 25?Wake Ftar esl's lw.?? ?/m? ll?ma.gfc . light rorkout luday in preparation lor >.t ' i iy i contest with Clematm College, at Cleroaoo. S. C. Billy Euf'itr halfback, suffered nee <'iju.- ? t ..e Sit' Carolina Slate college game anu ? a ill not be a* le t< practice for at least a week. P yse .-n 4 The ranamkr of ? Ua -ruad how. ,er. emerg ed unhurt from the 20 to 0 licking by State Signal dr ill. pass ucienae and lunao senn .nagc- were on,today's program, wluco was topped off with : preset tailor. . a i.-mber of Clem ':?! plays Here's something SPECIALLY mild and SPECIALLY Kir \ tasty for yoxi1' K F^lLaC Mil ?Or???& months OS MOflif OlO, la . ISltfUGMl wms. -Am HtUMA ? - -*-??* Mil JO MONTHS (Mft _ - ? ' . SltAlGwr wi- j*?r-1 nu, 0.1, GURGANUS and GURKIN At the Planters Warehouse Williamson, N. G Jewish to announce thai we lia\e formal a partnership to buy jieaiiuLs this fall in Martin ami adorning counties. before von sell we hope vou will give us the o|i|H>rtunitv to look at \our |>eanuts and offer you a price. \ ou can always de|wild on getting the top market price when >ou sell with us. Roy Gurganus & Johnnie Gurkln Telephone 180 ? Williamston, N. C.