Happenings in the Martin County Schools JAlfESVILLE TV daas at Jamesville lafh ckmi will yoiaof a Hallo-1 vt'ca-lVk} party an Friday. Octo ber S. at eight o'clock The party arill be held in the building recent In vacated by the ABC. store a invited to attend, up to thirteen years will be ateitted at four o'clock, and all others at ofbl Several games and contests have beer, planned, and dancing will be enjoyed during tile latter part at the evening. Those attending are requested to dress m a tacky costume and mask themselves Help to make this a1 real party by joining the ghosts and the sptnts at the old A B C. stand at S o'clock. Friday October 29 A maail admission fee will he charged Surry Farmer Order 10.000 Black Locust Seedlings In Surry County to dale, orders for more than 10.000 black locust w filling* have been made by coop erating fanners Hallowe'en Party To Be Presented At Everetts Thursday evening. October SB. at 8 o'clock in the audi toman, the Ev eretts Public School anil fiiT a Hal lowe'en party. The proceeds receiv-i ed from this event will be used to benefit the school financially This party, which has been carefully planned, with Bir.go stands Fishing Ponds. Food, a program and other Hallowe'en attractions. is being made possible by business mucenu I of Everetts. WiUiamston and Rober [sonville " The Everetts honor roll follows First Grade Billy Lou Crawford. .Ruby White Harrison. G G. Bailey Jr.. and Benjamin Thomas James Second Grade Luetic Griffin and James Eason Barnhill Third Grade Forney James Fourth Grade Susan Connne i Bailey. Ellen Joyce Clark. Norman Pearl Harrison. Bruce Stalls Marie Mobley. Frances Silverthorne. Glyn 1 Spiers. Ella Louise Wynne. Howard Keel. Clayton Modlin Fifth Grade Louise Taylor Sixth Grade Mary Lou Wynne. | Annie Louise Mobley. and Btllie Clark Sevneth Grade Polly Bailey. Dur ward Johnson. John Mobley. Jr, Fred Power Leggette Roebuck. Jr, Clayton Wynne. MatUe Ayers Fran -vet- Rac Crawford. Ethel Mae Qur ganus. Majoric Eight Mane Moore Addie Lee Taylor, and Lou Allie Taylor Extend Filing Time For Sales Receipts Ar. extension of tune has been granted farmers for filing cotton sale receipts to qualify for govern ment price adjustment payments^ E Y Floyd, of State College, announc ed this week Sale receipts on cotton from the 193? crop sold on or before October 15 may be filed with the county agent any time up to October 30 Receipts for cotton sold after Oc tober 15 must be filed within 15 days of the date of sale This one month extensions of lime v. ,1' enable giuneis ?luu neie uu*. able to file their receipts within the time limit previously set to get their receipts on file as one of the quali fication for payment Floyd point cd out The sale receipts must be filed in the order that the sales were made > ?The prtre? plan provides for payments on cot ton grown in 1937 and sold before July 1. 1938. up to 65 per cent of a grower's 193? base production, pro v ided that the grower complies with the 1938 agricultural conservation program The payment "per pound on each! bale will be the amount by which j the average price of 7-8 inch mid aling cotton on the ten spot mar kets falls short of 12 cents a pound cn the date the giomei sells that bale The payment, townti not exceed three cents a pound OAK CITY More interest is bene shown in library work since the library man has been set up Principal H M Ainsiey ed the District Principals" at the University of North i Saturday and was guest of the Uni versity Athletic Association at the Carolina-Tulane home-coming came The Favorite Players a [nrin( a three art comedy Friday mcht in 1 school auditorium, proceeds will be used (or the library . Coach Chandler is getting his team ready (or scheduled pmrs of basketball to becm soon. Any near by school will please cet m touch with Mr Chandler. The hot lunch is still going good The school is scrvinc about CO pupils daily and 2S of this number are free. The tenth srade s sponsoring a Hallowe'en Carnival in connection with the play Fnday mcht- proceeds going toward the Junsor-Sensor ban quet- y The eleventh grade is beginning to select their class play which is In be given sometime before the Xmas holidays The sensors are expecting their class rings at any titnr a Disulphid Protects Stored Grain. Peas Carbon disulphid treatment nil protect stored grain and peas Iran the heavy losses caused every year by insects, according to J. O Row. ell. extension entoenologKst at State College In treating small amounts of seed, he said, a water tight barrel may be used Pour the carbon dmilphid directly on the seed, then tie tare thicknesses of heavy wrapping pa per over the top and lease for two days. Then examine the seed If any in sects are found, repeat the treatment with a stronger dose. The batiels should be kept coveted after the treatment or insects will re infest Ordinarily half a cupful of car. bon disulphid is about right for a barrel of seed, but for lieaiy in festations a full cup be ap plied The temperature should be above 75 degrees Fahrenheit far the best, results. Carbon disulphid will not injure I the seed for planting, feed, or food When ready for use. spread the seed out in the air and the gas will dis appear quickly If bins can be made fairly air.1 Second Month Checks Ready For 100 Teachers the M white school Itolmi tomorrow when the at the term ends. The checks ncnr SI 1.000 Mason-Dixon Line Located By Pilots Often discussed as at line, but actually surveyed by two Englishmen, the Mason-Dixon line has been located from the air by pi lots flying between Chicago Washington. D. C. W. H. Proctor, veteran Airlines pilot, said recently he first noticed the line about a year ago as be flew near Cumberland. Md Sub sequent investigation diwhwed identity. It appears. Proctor said, as a miniature highway. rutting ttyough the heavily wooded land. Charles Mason and Jeremia Dix on two British surveyors, cut a nar row path through the wooded wild erness between the rolnmes at Maryland and Pennsylvania m 1767 while surveying the boundaries of the two territories, establishing the line which later acquired the division of the free and slave states in Civil war days. ? Hundreds See The New Chevrolet Here Saturday Several hundred people saw the new 1938 Chevrolet that was placed on display in the Roanoke Chevro let Company showroom here last Saturday. Mr John Henry Edwards, manager, stating that the 1939 cre ation was well received. tight, seed can be treated in stor age by using 20 pounds of carbon disulphid for each 1.000 cubic feet of space Pour on the disulphid and cover the seed with sacks to hold the gas in If the bin can be made especially tight, less disulphid will be needed Carbon tetrachloride is non-inflam able and ma be used instead, but twice as much is needed to give Carbon disulphid is highly m fla ma hie?keep lights or fires away. Rowell warned. EN'JOT TOt'RSEU EVERT WEB nesday night by listening to Ed die Cantor. Mayor of Texaco Town Tone 8 30 Harrison Oil Company. FOR AN HOl'R'S ENTERTAIN' - men! in thirty minutes, tune in Columbia Network every Wednes day night at S:30 and hear Eddie Cantor in his Texaco Broadcast Harrison Oil Company KOIKE or TAX COLLECTORS SALE OF LAND FOE TAXES I. James A Raarb. tax collector for the Town of Oak City. Martin County. North Carolina, have this day levied on the following property, and will sell same at public aurtmn. for cash, on Monday. November Sth. '->37. at 1240 M for taxes dur and unpaid for the year 1S36. unless taxes, penalty and costs are paid on or before that date. The amounts listed be k-w are taxes and penalty included for the year 1936 In addition Us the amounts shown. $150 is to be added to urt item to care for costs -a This the 14th day ad October. 1937 \ JAMES A RAWLS. Tax Collector for the o!5-4t Town of Oak City. Mas Lula Council $ 55* W V Daniel 9 91 Mrs. J T Daniel 77 41 J T. Daniel ? N E Davenport 1S99 Casae M Davenport 1 95 'C. U Ethendce 76 Everett and Daniel 1.05 Mrs Annie Harrell 9.17 H K Harrell Est. 1494 E L Harrell 15* Mrs. Lena Harrell . 4 91 Harrell-Hopkms A Co. and Chas. W Priddy 2.44 S. E Hines . ' .7.11 Mis. S. E Hines 925 Mrs. H E Hyman 141 H E Hyman 4* A L Moye 5* Hattie G. Moye 1* Joint Stock Land Bank 1A T H Savage 551 A J Walters Est 196 Bertha Brown and G William $ .19 John Blown All XJf L14 (? -35 1X1 3-15 IO. W. Jones ? 9X1 Gus Parker IXt Henry P. Parker 2X9 Pitt S~ 2X7 261 55 ?? FARM LIFE ? The new officers of the P T. A. for the 1M7-M term are Mrs. G. C. ley. nee pitudfnl Mrs Noah PeeL The orgamzaUoo held ita second of the year. October 15th were 72 present and all in dications are that the future met tnfs will be well attended and a good piece of work will be accom The school sponsored two pro. Crams last week. One was a wo man less weddinc and the other a minstrel The funds raised will be used to buy library books and ath letic equipment. The two programs netted SIM. A first aid room has been furn ished for the purpose of taking care of those students who get sick or hurt while at school The Honor roll follows First G.-ade: Daisy Gnffin and Ervin Franklin Lilley. Second Grade: Rachel Gurkm and Mary Ala Lilley. Third Grade: Mary Dean Hardi son ami Willie Lilley. Fourth Grade: A. T. Whitley. Mar garet Manning, and Mary Sixth Grade: Hazel Hardison and Jorephine Hardison Seventh Grade: Delia Lee lilley and Martha Afha Ruber son Eighth Grade: Lola Smithwick and Vera Peart Williams. Ninth Grade: Ida Mae Corey. Tenth Grade: Evan Griffin. Bet ty Louise Lilley and Vera Maude Li iky Eleventh Grade: Sarah Getsinger and Ruby Griffin. Professional Beggars Are Rooted By Local Police the cripples Squatting n there, the old boys, the weather, InoHrs i merit* in life, would liquor as a boo tarhlrs a raw meat Picked helpless fr a the meets. three of the beggars were jailed otr ei night Mayor J. L IIswell faced a real problem when they were car ried before him for trial. His oady weapon was in the ft arm at an order directing the beggai rs In move out of town and not ret turn. Two went out on busses at one e, two or three others turning from the l"H"t at 1J200 Johnston County Farms Sign to Strip-crop More than 1JOO Johnston County farmers have signed up t strip-cropping this falL Ten Are Fined In Recorder's Court n ?rt the base for | mttey. ar.d when the court Price's attorney. E- S. Peel. Imwi t j for his client and had show his bare legs. ! J. G. Bailey, aged Bear Grass i charged with selling not guilty, the del eg that the wine was i than a year ago and und ent law from the one he Jack Williams. W. L. ] gar Ayers. L. J. Peel not guilty. John Thomas James, a fendant in the roundup of liquor law violators by the three pri vate detectives, failed to report for trial, and his arrest was ordered by the court. Ir. H- P? n i I" the road i Judge Peel warned the against law violatiotis at within the next two yeers. Court was adjourned shortly fare six o'clock and the rushed to pay their (a to Court Clerk L B DUO-TIEIM OIL-BURNING CIRCULATING HEATER ? TV DioTVnn pvn clean. ?Tib*. Htfukted" oil bat Tn the dal-fit a flood of heat far raid vcatba?or a little trfol frrctftca ? otht models. ?ad4f Williamston Plumbing & Heating Company CEN?RAL#EU:cTIUC NO MOti DIAUNGl TOUCH mm ftrintj* in your Program AUTOMATICALLY ?A Tmh <7 I III ) sa? T? ^ |_ ? I Dili. , HQuOO DOWN DBJVBtS MS HOME 1MAL RADIO Vaa Dyke Furniture Co. Wants HOME IOC SALE HOME ON MARSHALL (HTML Six rooms and bath Modem and aell constructed Located in the must desirable residential section of the city If interested see L B Cul pepper. Williams ton olC4t I GI ARANTEE TO SAVE TOl" 2i)t to 40% on your automobile insurance Let me shoe you our rates C M Peele c4 Fanners' Co operative Exchange. Wilbamston. P O Box 361 o33-4t ALL MAKES TTPKHKI1EAS. adding machines, sold and repair ed Prompt service, lorn est prices Repairs guaranteed Near Reming ton Portable typewriters on easy terms Office Equganent Service. Guaranty Bank Building. Phone 22S. Wiliiamston. N C ol2-4t! SHOEING MILES AND by Bennie Reeves Railroad Street, j Wiliiamston. Prices front feet. 731 cents, or tl? all around Trimming.' 12 1-2 cents a foot. I have nice file gaited saddle horse for sale Seven years old. weighs ljM o26-4t-lw FIRST SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 29th Second Sale Thursday, October 28th Central Warehouse ROBKRSONVILLK. N. C *0?I THOXIMK SOOTHES ALL THE WAT DOWN...tmem *m i ? ??MM. Get nliif tnm Sore ' MiATAwiifalMli *"* Davis Pharmacy YOUR BOOKS And Your Bank Your bank has an interest in the welfare of your business, for the progress of our organi zation depends upon the progress of business firms in Williamston. It is, consequently, good business for this bank to support and encourage all kinds of local enterprises with financial sup port and all other facilities of a dependable fi nancial organization. Guaranty Bank & Trust Company^ You'll Get Top Prices For Your Tobacco At The Farmers Warehouse WILLIAMSTON. M. C. Monday, October 25, We Sold 147jfc72 Pounds for a $31.15 AVERAGE Our house was packed from wall to wall and the sale, as a whole, was one of the best of the entire year. If you haven't sold all your tobacco sell the remainder of your crop with us. Well get you a good sale any old day whether it be Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday or Friday. "We Satisfy." First Sale Thursday October 28th Second Sale Monday, tsj aoqwaaofj THE NEW Farmers Warehouse Barnhill, Evans & Moye,Props. WILLI AMSTON, N. C.