mm tm THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XL?NUMBER 95 Wiltiamston, Martin Comnty, North Carolina, Friday November 26, 1937. ESTABLISHED 1899 Needy Get $1,156.00 Under Security Plan In County Monthly County Pays $306.08 As Its Share Under Se curity Plan a The aged, dependent children and in Martin County are now re a combined total of $1.15* monthly under the aoctal security this amount nc county and interest, hospital! i and other relief activities that j he associated with the it's yoint welfare plan. As the first five months of the so-| rial security program come to a done, it b apparent that the allow ances are hardly sufficient to bb tam life and that the program is tar (ran inclusive Even though the quo tas have not been reached in this county, it is believed that they are not large enough to meet the existing neada. Reports from the county wel fare office stale that the quotas have jwt about been reached m some of the claasaficatioas which apparently ?mi that the presence of any naady after the allowances have been exhausted will necessarily have to await openings that may be cre ated by death or the inheritance of a tidy sum by one of the recipients from an unheard-of relative. From IB applications, the welfare | authorities in this county have ae 91 deserving ones in the ad These 91 old per sons are receiving $759 a month, the county paying $199.50. the State 3199 50 and the federal government the remainder Five of the 305 appli cants have died since the program was inaugurated the first of July, and 141 applicants have been rejected Quite a few of the 305 ap have died since the pro inaiignnted July, and 141 applicants have | rejected Quite a few of i applied for relief just they were over 05 \ ears uf age Twenty-eight old-age applica tions are pending in the welfare of fice of the county Applications have been received tram 33 blind persons in this coun ty. At the present Ume IS are re ceiving a total of $193 monthly M average of $10.72. Martin coun-l ty pays $4S25 as its share of the! cost incurred in supporting blind Two applications have beenj rejected and two are pending Nineteen families in the county have applied for aid to dependent children. To date, thirteen of these rawi representing 44 children, have been approved Three applications have been rejected and three others are pending The 44 children in the 13 families are receiving a total of $395 each month or an average of $4*5 per child Martin County pays $9174 of this amount. On an average, each of the 1531 Martin County persons participating | in the social security program carve $7 55 a month, a sum that B mighty, mighty wnall for one to hve on for a month and a sum that is considerably below the for the country, it b understood Plan Second Eye Clinic In County J An eye clinic, the second sched uled m this county m recent days, will he held in the offices of Or Chas J. Sawyer m Williamston an fill rmluj 9. it was announced to. day by Mas Mary Taylor head of Mew Ford To Go Ob Display Here Tuesday Owner Hastens To Claim Money Lost Last Monday Richard McLawhora. the PlC County fanner who lost $293 i nenr the han at Mr and Mrs. D C. Mi I nlwn just west of the i Laixn for its return. But i he fanner who three near Win ville. only paid a $19 reward, a I icasety. to say the I Cefehratm. and for what he did money in his sock when he stepped out near the Mr La whom home The pocfcetbook was found the next moraine beside the road by Duggin. cook for the McLawhorns who are distantly related to the Pitt county farmer. The cook turned it over to Mr. lie Lam-horn who im mediately advertised for the owns The huMcaty of the young colored woman itandi out in the case, and proves beyond, all doubt that there are still some honest persons left in this world. Mr! awhorn stated that w hen he missed the money he was about ready to end his life, explaining that the $293 represented all his savu^s for the year. After recovering the money, he was a happy person, and apparently considered the $10 re ward ample Thanksgiving Holiday Observed Quietly Here 24 MORE DAYS I James L Liliey *r Dies At Home In Griffins Township Last Rites For Well-known Fanner Are Being Held Today James Lawrence Liliey. well known fanner of Griffin* township, died at his home in the Lille* s Hall 10mm unity Wednesday night al 10 o'clock following a brief illness. Suf fering a stroke of paralysis about IS rr jy Mr Liliey nid been declining health since that time, but he aras able to be up and visited in Williamstnsi only last Saturday be fore he fell victim of pneumonia a day or two later. The son of the late Staton and Catherine Leggett Ltlley. he aras ago Starting from humble circum stances. Mr Liliey worked hard and was a substantial otuen and si thought of in bis community alien be died I In early manhood he was married to Miss Lula Leggett who with one daughter Mrs. 1 Griffm. of Gnffins Township He also leaves one brother. Paul Liliey. of nonr WUbamstan. A brother. Joe ear here, just a few Young County Man In Airplane Wreck Thursday No Serious W recks Are Reported Hen During The Period More Than Two Hundred People Pause to Offer Thanks Thanksgiving Day was quietly ob served here and throughout the ownly according to reports coming 'torn law enforcement offices and from a number of individual sources So senous wrecks were reported, end there were no hunting accidents An occasional firecracker was fired by a youth here and there, but the day was marked by quietness from early morning until late last mght Travel was heavy on the highways of the county during the day but only one minor accident was report "wiily An employee the sound bridge turned his big car over on a curve just this side ol Gardners Creek late yesterday af ternoon While the car was damaged considerably, no one was hurt there More than 200 local people paused long enough to attend sereins in the several local churches and offer 1 hanks Heretofore, union services were held to mark the observance at the day. but Uus year the individ ual worship schedule were arrang ed and more people are reported to have issued the churches to adhere > to the real meaning and purpose ?i The day was marked by sadness in nay hemes over the county, death claiming six lives during the holiday period Mote deaths were reported in this county during this Thanksgiv - ing than on any other holiday in re cent years. Not a single arrest was reported by county officers or by the local po lice department during the day. One arrest was made in Jamesville to mar a record that promised to be near perfect earlier in the day. Williamston people, for the most part remained at home holding close to their firesides While turkey was not found on every table m the com munity. few people were in want of food. for this section has expenenc bt few or no Thanksgiving* m f" when there were more of the good things in life for everybody Visitors- day at the country club, near Plymouth- attracted many of T people Quite a number attend ed the football game in Chapel Hill and many others visited relatives in parts at this and adjoining the holiday period at a standstill with workers in several piaees and trades asking the oppor tunity to continue at their tasks that they may enjoy a longer holiday Nancy Fay Darden Dies In Washington Hospital Nancy Fay. infant daughter of Mr. ^ Mrs Deed E Darden, died in a faahmgton hospital yesterday af wnoosr She was only three days old- Death was caused by a cerebral funeral services were conducted ** M?e yesterday by Rev Jam. H Smith, pastor of the Inral Sheriff C. B. Roebuck Returns From Hosprta Handle Four Cases In Superior Court First Three Days| Court Suspends Session Un-1 til Next Monday For Thanksgiving After clearing two cases the first day the llartin County Superior court settled down to a slow pace on Tuesday and Wednesday and av eraged one case a day. the tribunal spending the greater part of two days on the Samuel Rogerson will case. A second divorce of the term was granted late Wednesday after noon when the bonds of matrimony between William Huff and Mildred Huff were severed upon the petition of the husband A win and a loss for both sides fea tured the outcome of the Rogerson will case The effort of the caveators A. B Rogerson. Mrs Claudius Rog erson. Mrs W S Gurganus and the Cow en heirs, to set the will aside failed, but certain provisions were ordered entered in the judgment by consent of the caveators and pro pounders The caveators maintained the late S. -*iuel Rogerson did not have com plete control of his mental capacities when the will was dictated about two months before his death in 1931 The propounded Noah and Gilbert Rogers, maintained otherwise Trial of the case w as started Tuesday and evidence was offered until just a short tune before noon Wednesday Toe attorneys argued the case be fore the jury until noon, and Judge Burgwyn. presiding, completed his chaige and turned the case over to the jury at 3 o'clock A verdict was reached one hour and a half later The judgment directs the pro pounders to pay to Mrs Robersoo and Mrs Gurganus the sum of $S00 and pay MOO and give a house and lot in Beai Glass U> the Cowen heirs. To Make Study Of Property Classes In Martin County I Classification Group To Di rect Survey in This County A special study to determine thi value of twsnes occupied by owner wiU he started in this county with in the nest few days, according t< Register of Deeds J Sam Getsinger The survey is being under the direc lion of the North Carolina Classify cation Amendment Com m ission, am will last us weeks or more, it wa slated A year ago the people voted ar amendment to the state constltutlor pruviduig a $1 000 maximum exemp turn on homestead listings The last Legislature hesitated to place tin amendment into effect, claiming a that tune no racurale estimate could be offered as to the amount it would reduce taxable property listings and what effect it would have on the tai structure in the several counties A tunmimn was named to mike a study of the number of homestead! in the state and the approximate amount mould reduce assessed prop erty values It was proposed to allow a $3011 exemption the first year and finally increase that allowance to the maxi mum uf $1,000 The last legislature deemed it advisable to make a sur vey of the tax structure before al lowing any exemption to the person owning and living in his own home The pe event system of listing taxes makes it difficult to determine the value of any certain piece ol property or whether it is occupied by the owner or a renter. No exemp turn M allowed the property ownei on a home when the property ? oc cupied by a renter. The survey is in tended to reflect a true picture ol taxing conditions as they relate ta hoarsest end exemptions and the amount of taxable property will be removed from the books by an ex emptJoei of determined sire Just how the commission plana tc go about seeking this information u not definitely known at this tune, but a fairly accurate survey is ex pected. The Works Progress Admire stratum s cooperating in making It baa been estimated that a $I.0M e xi milium allowed every owner ac hat own home would reduce property valuations a by about one million dol lars. m favor at a 1 while the last the real issue it is that the law makers will have t definite action at the next a year from next Ji Agriculture Bills Now Before Congress For Consideration Both the Senate and House agri culture committees have completed their bills, and argument over the farm situation is already underway on the floor of the Senate and will likely get underway in the House next Monday The Thanksgiving hol iday interrupted argument in the Srnate. but Majority Leader Bark ley stated yesterday that he plans to hold the body in session today and tomorrow in an effort to pass the farm measure by the middle of next week. The house bill was only approved by the committee Wednes oay. and it will take a week or more to complete argument which is scheduled to get underway next Monday Action on the farm bills is eager ? ?*> ly awaited by Martin county farm ers who are,trusting Congress will provide compulsory' control for the major crops Crop control of a compulsory na ture is included in the bills that are now before the Congress, but there is a strong opposition lurking in both houses, and farm leaders in this section are doubtful about the out So far the Congress has accom plished nothing during the special : ession getting underway on Monday | a week ago Several major issues are s ated for consideration between now I ?.nd Christmas however and far icaching legislation is expected be | fore adjournment Survivor of the 'Maine* Dies atHome in Countv J as. M. Jones Last Rites Tomorrow at Jamesville Home Was on U. S. Battleship When It Was Sunk in Havana Harbor ? James Milton Jones. Spanish-Am erican War veteran and survivor of the "Maine." died at his home in Jamesville yesterday afternoon at 1 IS o'clock, his death marking the end of a long period of declining health He had been confined to his bed for three weeks and was un ronscious for more than seven days Pneumonia a?as given as the immed iate cause of his death. The snn of the late Milton Elijah Junes and a-ife. Mr Jones was born and reared in Washington county, near Roper When a small lad. he entered the navy where he served j fourteen years He was on the Unit | ed States battleship "Maine" when it was mysteriously sunk in Havana, harbor on the night of February 15.' ISM More than 2S0 men lost their lives there, but Mr Jones was one; of the few to escape Soon after the Spanish-American war he returned to his native home and a few years later was married to Miss Alethia Reason, who sur vives Twenty-six years ago he mov ed to this county and located in Jamesville where he lived and quiet and unprentious life. He was well known in that community and was highly respected as a citizen. He was a member of the Christian church there, and his pastor. Rev D W Arnold, of Washington, assisted by Rev J H. Smith, pastor of the Baptist church here, and Rev W B Harrington, county Baptist minister, will conduct the last rites at the late home tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock Interment will follow in the I family cemetery, near the home Besides his widow he leaves eight children. Mrs. Ezrah Bailey, of Rich round. Mrs W T Barro. of New York City. M E. Jones. Mrs Albert Wilson and J. B Jones, all of Rich mond. and Rudolph. Floyd and Bob bie Jones, all of Jamesville He also leaves two brothers. Major Jones, of Colerain and Con Jones, of Rich mond. and two sisters, Mrs. tmmi Reason, of Dardens. and Mrs Hen ry Mayo, of South Creek, Beaufort County Young County Man Gets Law License Presented to the court by Attor ney H. C Horton. member of Mar tin County Bar association, Clarence Walton Griffin, young county man. was granted his license to practice law in North Carolina by Judge W. H S. Burgwyn in Superior court here Tuesday The young man, now working for his doctor of jurispru dence dtgier in the University of North Carolina, was granted leave of absence to appear before the Lawyer Griffin is the young son of Mrs Mary E. Griffin, of Griffins Township During his stay in I University he has maintained scord. and i i of sterling qualities. Mr. Gnffm stated yesterday that he had made no definite plans for the future, that he will continue to - has attention on his studios in he University until the middle of ' when be completes his i is a possibility he ' in his home county or in I LETTERS TO SANTA I V j , t-ittlr l?lk\ mi WilluutM and "????'l!. ?*?i* Santa Clans vkal