President Says Depressions And is Must Go miij 11 Economic Security and Sta bility fair the People Is Still P. D. R.'s Goal 9 Speaking at ccmmnies dedicat-| ug the new Federal Reserve Build-1 ing in Washington a tew days a| President Roosevelt said the gov. eminent must improve and coordi nate credit and other machinery to "achieve and maintain an enduring prosperity, free from the disastrous call Clues of booms and depressions." The chief executive did not men-1 tion the recent activities of the! stock market. A portion of his ad dress. however, appeared to give a partial answer to those who have! blamed administration policies for | the stock market plunge. Renting that the government has made many changes in its monetary and credit machinery in the last few years. Mr. Roosevelt said that "it must continue step by step to make the hanking system what it should be." "We must not complacently sup- \ pose that we have achieved perfec tion." he asserted, adding: "By the Banking and Security acts of 1933. 1934 and 1933. the Federal Reserve System was given increas ed power to improve banking condi tions and to aid the Government in! combatting practices which were! evil in their results "Those powers have been concen trated to a greektt degree than be fore in a single public body, so that j they can be used promptly and ef fectively in accordance with the | changing needs of the country." The President served notice the administration plans no reversal of its hanking policies asserting: "1937 is not 1913: nor do we want to turn the hands of the clock back " Earlier, the executive referred to creation of the reserve system in President Wilson's administration. He spoke, too. of "the courageous leadership in the congress for which the senior senator from Virginia. Carter Glass will always deserve the nation's gratitude." Senator Glass was instrumental in | creation of the reserve system. Re-outiming his often-expressed goal of gaming "for all of our peo ple the greatest attainable measure of economic well being" and the degree of economic security ivel and stability." the chief executive continued "The advance of the country to ward this goal is the real mission of the Federal Reserve System. "It cannot be attained by that sys tem alone, but neither can it be reached without the proper func tioning of our monetary and credit machinery. "That machinery must be steadily perfected and co-ordinated with all other instruments of government to RYTEX VALUES! For Christmas 59 CHRISTMAS CARDS 31 I With Taw Name Imprinted) Rytex Personal Stationary 31 per Rax. (Name Printed) 31-59 per Bex. (Name Engraved) Peele's - Jeweler "Gift Center" N. C. lion of our "Only in that way ran our eco nomic system and our democratic institutions endure." Tracing developments through the 1920's, the president mid that changes in the hanking system in that period would have tended "to moderate the forces that brought about the great dpression." Then, after citing changes in the Reserve System in recent years, the president asserted that the system "is a piece of machinery vital to the nation's steady progress toward the goal of a sounder hanking sys tem capable of contributing its full share to lasting economic progress and well-being." The Reserve Board, he said, has power over the volume and cost of money, and thus may exert "a pow erful influence upon the expansion and contraction in the flow of mon ey through the channels of agricul ture, trade and industry "In this way much can be done toward the maintenance of more stable employment. Much can be done to aid in achieving greater sta bility of the true value of the dol lar." Although saying the board's pow ers can contribute much to nation al progress . Mr. Roosevelt added that "monetary powers possess no peculiar magic " "They are not omnipotent," he said. "To be effective in performing their function, they must be closely co-ordinated with the other major powers and policies of government which influence the country's eco nomic life." NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court. Martin County in an action entitled "Ida Everett and others v. Mrs. J- D. Slade and others" the undersigned Commissioners will, on the 4th day of Dec . 1937. at 12 o'clock. Noon, in f front of the Courthouse door. Mar-1 tin County, offer for sale, to the| highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described tract of land A tract of land located in WU liamston. N. C. and being the same land deeded to Sabra Slade by Syl vester Hassell and wife, dated 29th day of August. 1883. and being record in Book KK. page 129. a described as follows: Beginning at Harvey Micelle1* I corner on Church Street as laid off in Respass Field, thence running along Muelle's line 70 yards to a stake, thence a line toward the woods parallel with said Street TO yards I., a slake thence a line par allel with said Mizelle's line to Church Street. 70 yards, thence a line along Church Street 70 yards to the beginning. Containing One Acre. deposit at said sale to show his good faith 10 per rent of the amount bid. I This 22nd. day of Nov. 1937. B. A CRITCHER. H G HORTON. nS-4t Commissioners Beware Coughs from common colls That Hang On I No matter how many memctnes you I nrs you have tried far your cough, chest cold, ar branchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomnlslon Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford with an to take a chance with any lciurdy less potent than Crromiilslm. which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and apt! the germ-laden phhgin Even if other remedies have failed, dont be discouraged, try Creomnltlm Your druggist is authorised to refund your money if you are not tfa satisfied with the licnefMa from the very am bottle. CreamulsiaB is one word?not two. and it has no hyphen In it- Ask for It plainly, tee that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion. and youR get the genuine product and the relief rou warn. f rec ord in Book Ci-2, page 383. Martin County Registry This 6th day of November. 1937 MRS A COREY. nl2-4t Trustee. NOTICE or SALE NORTH CAROLINA. MARTIN COUNTY. In the Matter ml Miaaie Whitehurst. L. O. WhHehard. Ackie Daven port. E. J. Whitehurst Lillian Clark. Easier Matthews. Vernon Whitehurst. Ed WhMrhnrst and Caretta Whitehurst. the last two minors appearing by their Next Friends. Elphania Johnson. Ex Parte. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made by L. B. Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, on the 28th day of October. 1937. m the above entitled proceed ing. the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 29th day of November. 1937. at twelve o'clock roon. in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cross Roads Township. Martin County and state of North Carolina, beginning at a bridge across the public road just North by the old John I. Button home, being the canal bridge, thence Eastwardly with center of said ca nal to the old John I. Britton corner, thence with the said Britton line, now Robertson's line, and J B. Bul lock aiK^^Oeorg^^JlounC^^in^ Soiithg^ and Westwardly to the old BoHRi Southwest corner, bow Robertson's corner, thence a North erly course with said Britton line and Ashley Wynne line to the Brit ton. now Robertson's corner, thence with the said Britton line and the line of others and this tract to the bridge, the beginning, containing 248 acres, more or less, and being the same and identical lands deeded to J. L. Whitehurst by J. L. Robert- 1 son and wife on the 3rd. day of Jan. uary. 1911). said deed being of record : in the public registry of Martin1 County in Book Y-l at page 81 This the 28th day of October. 1937 ? ELBERT S, FEEL, Commissioner. o29-4t-h&e NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue ?>f p??wer ol j tale contained in that certain Deed | of Trust executed to the undersign ed Trustee dated 3rd day August. 1922. and of record in Register of Deeds Office in Book H-2 at page 155, to secure certain bond of even date therewith, and the stipulations, iiaving been complied with and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned Trustee will. ?n the 24th day of November. 1937., it 12 o'clock noon, in front of thai Courthouse door of Martin County.' offer for sale to the highest bidder, fur cash the following land: One-seventh undivided interest in :nd to the following described lands. 1st Tract?Bounded on the North by Om Mayo land, on the West by >r. Harrell and Old Blake Narreil I'lace and the Mayo land, on the South and East by Mayo land and Sylvester Sills land and known as' ? he House Tract. Containing 100 . cres more or less. 2nd Tract?Known as L F Good 1 ich' Farm adjoining the lands of John Brown, County road, the Sher lod Mill, T. T Harrell. Zeb Hynian tract ol land, containing 100 acres 1 iore or less. 3rd Tract- Adjoining the lands of Zez White, IV F Maze, and J T. Lavage land. Containing 200 acres more or less, and known as the Tay lor Farm 4th Tract?The itore and lot hi the town of Oak City, known aa the Harrell lot on the corner at Ball road and Commerce Streets, and bo rn* same property now occupied by Harrell Hopkins at Co.. and Hines i Harrell All of the above property, ex cept interest in stores, has been ac tually divided and following land has been allotted to Mrs. Annie M Hopkins. to-wit; Beginning in High way No 128 at corner of lot No. I-C. thence S 84-30 W. 878 ft.. N. 68-W. 234 ft.. N 4-E. 600 ft.. N. 72-W 118 ft.. N. 1012 ft. to Conoho Creek; . .viue along Conoho Creek N 82-W o.? ft . S. 88-15 W 324 ft.. S 68-30 W 259 ft.. S. 86-30. W 212 ft.. S. t?3.\V 288 ft.. N 58-W. 248 ft.. N. 52-50 W 323 ft Thence S. 22-10. E. 2169 ft. thence S. 43-E. 1134 ft.; Thmcc N 70-30 E 1590 ft. to High way No 125; thence along said Highway N 6-20. W 777 ft. to the beginning. Containing 98-7 acres more or less. This 26th October, 1937. B DUKE CRITCHER | o29-4t Trustee OK. V. H. MEWBORN OP-TOM E-TRIST Williamston office Peele Jly Co, every Fri, 9 30 a. m. to 12 m. Plymouth office Liverman Drug I Co , every Fri. 2 to 5 p. m. Robot son v illo office Robersonville Drug Co., Tuesday, Dec. 21. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted At Taiboro Every Saturday R. C. A. Victor K M) 10 S We carry a fresh sup ply of Radio Batteries at all times. J. (L Leggett Pints 85? Quarts *1.60 ?00 '?oof ?0? nirr 0nt| Strlyc.H^ n Extraordinary Values Are Being Offered at Our DISSOLUTION This stock must be sold and sold quick. This firm is going out of business and in order to make a quick and effective settlement we have decided to dispose of every item in our store. Prices ha ve been reduced and hundreds of items are actually being sold for less than their cost. The winter is just beginning so take our advice and stock up while prices are unusually low. Eagle and Nofade SHIRTS A Regular $1.50 Value $1.00 Men's Pepperell and Otis SHORTS 19c PRINTS 80 Square 15c All Silk PIECE GOODS Values as high at $1.25 36" to 46" wide 39c49c59c Ladies' Balbriggan PAJAMAS 79c Boys' Aviator HELMETS 19c BOYS' SHOES $1.69 Star Brand?All leather Men's Dress Oxfords $1.69 Men's Anvil Brand OVERALLS $1.09 Men s Griffon Suits Plain or belted backs. These suits are all new and are pat terned according to the very latest styles and models. $15-95$ 19-95 DRIJID SHEETS 81 x 90 On Sale For 79c Congoleum Gold Seal RUGS 9x 12 $5.50 SHEETING Per Yard? 6/2C Men's Anvil Brand COV KHT PANTS $1.19 Ladies' Suede Dress OXFORDS $1.69 Girls' School OXFORDS $1.69 R. L. SMITH (a CO. ROBERSONVILLE, N. C.