Meat Supply Is Said To Be Plentiful In County This Season More Fanners Killing Meat Supply Earlier Than Last Year It is generally reported that there is a plentiful supply of meat for home use. but that the surplus will not be as large as m years gone by. Many farm hmnca of this I are now a beehive of activity. tEe chill winds of winter hi brought with them the mi map t "hog-killing" tune has arrived. Al ready dozens of farmers in this i Hon have had the first bog slaugh ter at the year, and are now enjoy ing a nice "mas at freshets." During the winter months, hog killing in this section reaches large proportion. Farmers have anywhere from two to thirty hop to slaughter every year, and enough meat IS fur nished for the family during the whole year. "Hog-killing" time?how this ex stirs the activity of the farm lamily as well a the appetites at some of the less fortunate town res idents. It means plenty at real hard mork but it also means fresh pork, sausage, spare ribs, liver pudding, cracklin' corn bread?filling the aid Pro# R. E I of State College. A modrratrly cool day, with the than a bitter cold day for hng-kill Stop f ceding the hoc* 24 hours be fore they are to be slaughtered It a easier to clean and dresa the car cass when the digestive tract is emp ty. And when the system is not gorg ed with food, the Mood will drain out more readily. Don't overheat or excite the ani mals before killing. Getting the bog wrought-up produces a feverish con dition that prevents proper bleeding and causes the meat to sour while For scalding the carcass. Professor Nance said that water at a tempera lure at ISO degrees is best. In cold weather, add a bucket of cold water to half a barrel of hot ling water, and this will give about the right tem perature. Or dip the finger into the water quickly. If it burns severely the first tune, it is too hot. But if the finger can be dipped in three times in quick succession, with the water [ burning severely the third tune, the temperature is about right. A vat sunk into the ground beside a platform close to the ground level provides a coovement place to scald the carcass and scrape off the hair. Tools that will aid in dressing the carcass are: a common six or eight inch butcher knife, a six-inch stun ning knife, a smooth steel for sharp ening knives, several hog gambrel sticks. two bell shaped hog scrap ers and a 28-inch meat saw 27,642 Needy Obtain Aid During Month o Raleigh ? A report made public today by the State Board of Chari ties and Public Welfare shows that during November 27.642 needy aged and dependent children received a total of S21MS1.23 under the Old Age Assistance and Aid to Depen dent Children sections of the North Carolina Social Security program The statement discloses that IS.045 needy aged were awarded the sum $9 IS per recipient, a-htle 9.597 de pendent children were given 552 627 SS. an average of $5 48 per child The number of November awards exceeded those of October by more than 4 000 and the jn funds I distributed amounted to 540.283 22 The October report showed that 23. 075 needy aged and children re. i?iv?d iI7a.lua.ul. an average of $9 12 for Old Age Assistance, and $516 for dependent children WANTED: LARGE QI ANTITY OF soy beans. Will pay 75 cents cash, or allow 80 cents in trade. Lindsley ilce Company. Wil lamston d!7-2t famesville School Honor Roll For Third Month ?-? lite honor roll is as follows: First grade: Dorothy Ellis, Venetia Stalling*. Billy Brewer. Archie Padgett, Geraldine Ange Second grade: Clarence Ange, Oli ver Hamilton. Margaret Manning Brown. Prances Mizzelle Third grade Mildred Gardner, Eva Louise Mob ley. Essie Brown El lis. Pear lie Modlin. Jr., Gwendolyn Fourth grade: Magdalene Stalls. Myrtle Rogers. Margie Lilley. Mil dred Gardner. Ernestine Gardner, Myrton Hardison ruin grade: Lorraine Griffin. Ger aldine Jackson. Elizabeth Modlin, Pauline Oliver. Mary Ellen Sawyer, Faye Swinson. Sixth grade Jack Mizzelle Grace Brewer. Seventh grade Frances Wallace. Eighth grade Dolly Goddard. Ninth grade Joseph Ange. James Wallace Tenth grade: Jack Martin. Eleventh grade: Robert Hardison, Marie Harden. Mae Swinson. Third Month Honor Roll For Farm Lite School The Farm Life Honor Koll is as follows: First grade: Daisy Griffin. Second grade Mary Ola Lilley. Rachel Gurkins Third grade: Justice Tice Fourth grade A. T. Whitley. Mary Louise Gurkins. Elgarie Manning. Margaret Manning. Eason Lilley. Margaret Roberson Fifth grade OUis Lilley Sixth grade: Hazel Hardison. Jo sephine Hardison. Nannie Margaret Roberson. Thelma Coltrain Seventh grade: Delia Lee Lilley. Martha Otha Roberson Eighth grade Lola Smithwick. Vera Pearl Williams Ninth grade Evan Griffin. Bettie Louise Lilley. Vera Maude Lilley. Mary Manning Eleventh grade Ruth Lilley. Sar an v*c?vinf?er. ituoy v.nil in NOTICE OF SALE In Superior Court. North Carolina. J D. Rowrn. Surviving Partner of Bowfa Brothers v. Frank D. Tay Under and by virtue of an execu tion directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court. Martui County in the above entitled action. 1 mil. un Monday. January 3. 1933. at 12 o'clock. Noon, at the Court bouse door of said County, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to sat isfy said execution, all the right, ti tle and imprest which the said Frank D. Taylor, defendant, has in the following described real estate: Adjoining the lands of John Dan iel Biggs. Mrs T. S. Hadley. Biggs School House. Henry Taylor and Eli Taylor land and known as the Tay lor Farm. Containing 190 acres, more or less. This 29th day of November. 1937. C. B ROEBUCK. d7-4t Sheriff Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE In Superior Court. North Carolina. Martin County. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor r. Columbus By virtue of an execution direct ed to the under.Mgned from the Su perior Court. Martin County in the above entitled action. I will, on Moii day. January 3. 1938, at 12 o'clock* Noon, at the Courthouse door of said County, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Columbus James, the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots Nos. 12. 13. 14 and 15 ni "Block C" as shown by the map of the Town of Oak City, which is of record in the Register of Deeds Of fice in Land Division Book No 1, at page 420. reference being made to said map for a more perfect descrip tion. there being located upon said land two stores and a house. This 29th day of November. 1937. C. B. ROEBUCK. d7-4i Sheriff Martin County. NOTICE OF RE-SALE North Carolina. Martin County, In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk J. F. Terry vs. J. D. Wynne Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Mar tin County, in the above entitled proceedings, the undersigned com missioners will, on Wednesday, the 29th day of December. 1937. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston. offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit Bounded on the North by the lands of William Mizell. on the East by the Williamston-Greenville Road. on the South by the Washington Greeoville Rood and on the West bylthe lands ot J. D. Wynne, com rnonly known and designated as the Bettie Terry Home Place, contain ing 32 acres, more or less ? J?" llth o' December. 1937. ELBERT S PEEL. WHEELER MARTIN. Commissioners. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of Mrs J. W Hop sins, deceased, late of Martin Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having thsJ icle the passing of Ernest Davis, his them to the undersigned at his home R F, D. WiUiamston. North Caro lina. on or before the 21st day of De - pni n#*r 1 n.iK nr t K ie ?>..* . ? ii s i i j j' . notice will Df! pleaded m bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will | make immediate payment. .oZJ1" ,he Jls1 d,y of December. 1937. W C HOPKINS. Administrator of I u . .. Mr* J- W Hopkins. | Hugh G. Horton. Attorney d21-6t| NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martm County i Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned irusteeby Joe Woo lard and wife. Mary Woo lard, on the 3rd. day of I .r,ch' 1930 and ?' record in the pub ic registry of Martin County in Book C-3 at page 209. said deed of trust having been given for the pur Pose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of said note, the stipula tions contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the owner of the said note, the undersigned triis tee will, on Monday, the 3rd day ol January. 1937 at twelve o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash he following described real estate to wit: Being that certain tract or parcel of land in Martin County. North Car I olma. bounded on the North by the i i. u Railroad on the East by landS- bounded on the South by the Andrews land and on . . y tUar Jones, and said tract of land with the house con tains one (1) acre, more or less and being the same place that wc now own and live Jj 1937,S 3rd d*y of December. R G Harrison. Trustee. ._ Elbert S. Peel. Attorney d7-4t notice OF sale ' Notice is hereby given TiiaTTjvl virtue of the power of sale contain ed in thai certain deed of trust ex W,U|S A- Boston and wife. Beulah Boston, to the undersigned I",'*?** a"d da,Pd ,h<- 31st day of ^,"ber- l9"- ?nd of record in the Public Regtsmr of MarluiCounty in Book Y.2. at page 311. and at the ,he ho,dcr o' the notes thereby secured. default having beeni made in the payment thereof, ai"?s ^daY ''^-January. 1938. at 12 o clock Noon, at the courtl house door of Martin County offer for sale al public auction for cash Pl^KiTighway- ^heJrX^ corner of Loi No 2 of J G Godard land drvenon as recorded in Book Pi.hh n the Mar,ln Coun'v Public Registry. thence Southerly !T? dlv,dme Dot Nos 2 3 'd 'and division 1(189 feet to a stake, thence an Easterly di rection 200 feet to a stake; thence Northerly parallel with the first line 1089 feet to a stake on said James rille-Plymouth Highway, thence a Northerl2^irectior^lon^sai^hi?l^_dl^4t_ way 2M feet to the laming 5 acres. This the 0th day of 1*37. S R COBUKN. Santa Claus Says Trade ^ ith Shain and Israel Here Yon 7/ Find Gifts for Every Member of Family WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE WHERE YOU WILL FIND REAL VALUES ON EVERYTHING YOU WILL NEED FOR YOURSELF OR FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Ready-to-Wear for Men. Women and Children ? Shoes. Hats and Dry Goods SHAIN & ISRAEL Williamston. N. C. SANTA CLAUS And Barnhill Brothers Last Broadcast To Holiday Shoppers Youll get the Christmas spirit at Barn hill's?The store with a great array of gifts for every member of the family ? Gifts that are practical and useful ? Also priced reason able. We Have Gifts for Everybody For The MEN Ties Socks Hots Shoes Shirts Glares Pajamas Suits For The FAMILY Towel Sets Linens Blankets Bed Spreads Novelties Slippers Handkerchiefs For The WOMEN Silk Gowns Silk Panties Silk Robes Scarls -Handkerchiefs Panties Parses Dresses Hosiery BARNHILL BROS -When Better Clothes Are Sold BarnhiU Bros. Will Sell Thou" L?t Chriitaaa Uhm bdi MmH, < ?""?* < tmhcriftiom to BOYS' LIFE As ideal Chratma* for .11 boy. ' ^ ?"r v/aaf < boy rrWi ? ? ? W I ?iU IrU yam ? '?* k wM brrome." 19=??=si!< SeMteralt*'9'*" Mail subscriptions drtct to 9ht ?or scouts of amebic* ^ '"A Air., Vw York, X, Y. '?kliiktti of Bey*' Lift ? W? total Scout off** Anniversary Sale Wc an afttaliai Dm uk to ctMnlc hi inra4 uniiuar). Te make it a ?ihiii>Il nmw. m m rnttlnc price* oa hi eatire iteck. pulxmlirt; all shoe*, coats and dresses. Stock ae?. prices tow. Tan will not have the appartanit; to ha; better rlathiac at rhtapei prices, so make soar plaas aaw to ittcad oar sale. SALE NOW GOING ON? Ends Christinas Eve FREE WITH E ACH PI ASF, With each purchase of $1.00. we will give, during htis sale, a free chance on our $10.00 prize to be given away Christ mas Eve. Drawing will be held at 10:30. You do not have to be present to win the prize. ALL $5.00 DRESSES New styles. All sizes. On Sale lor 32.98 ALL $4.00 DRESSES New styles. All sizes. On Safe for s i .98 Ladies" $5.00 Sinn's. 011 sale. S-L 18 LADIES' $4.00 SHOES On Sale lor $2.98 LADIES' $3 00 SHOES On Sale lor $1.98 VISIT OUR Toy And Gift Department We have an unlimited supply ot gilts for any member of the family and a lirge stock of toys. Our prices lower. Santa Says Trade at Ann's Variety Store Williamston. N. C. When you want your hos pitality to be smart, gra cious and flawless... re member, nothing will satisfy like i^jr* ^ ^ I lie Beer That Made Milwaukee famous m Harrison Wholesale Company Distributors? ~ ~ WILLIAMSTON, N. C. PHONE 181