REVIEWING WASHINGTON'S MOST PROGRESSIVE FIRMS Cites Income Tax Exemptions on Car And Truck Levies State Gasoline Tax Can Be' Deducted in Piling Federal Returns When (raking out Federal inrtxnc tax returns North Carolina motorists can deduct money paid out in state gasoline and registration taxes, Cole man W. Roberts, president of the Carolina Motor Club declares South Carolina motorists cannot deduct the Although North Carolinians may deduct every penny paid the State in the form of registration and other special fees, including taxes paid while traveling through all but 10 states from their Federal returns, there are no deductions permitted on these items on State income tax leturns Even on Federal returns motorists may not deduct Federal gas taxes or other Federal excise levies. Exemptions and deductions are reach the same as before, Mr. Rob erts said. Owners aad operators of motor vehicles may deduct taxes paid, uncompensated loss to their vhsclea, subject to iron-clad restric tions aad possible review by the col lector of internal revenue. Bven though the State of North Carolina will not permit the deduc tion on State income tax returns fleet owners of passenger cars and tracks in the state will save thous ands of dollars by taking the state gasoline, registration, sales tax. driv er's liesnses, and other special fees off their federal return*, the Caro lina Motor Club points out. Last year there were nearly 600,000 vehi cles registered in North Carolina and ?line tax collections set a m Full deduction may be made fbr the following items .according to the Carolina Motor Club: (a) Registration fees paid by the taxpayer. (b) Operator's license fees paid by the taxpayer, both for himself and family if he foots the (c) Gasoline and oil taaes paid in the states where local laws impose these taxes directly on the purchaser aad not on the dealer. (e) Interest paid on personal in debtedness. including finance com pany loans. Consult your finance company for the exact rate of inter. asL Vehicles operated entirely or in part in the business of the owner entitles him to certain additional credits These deductions may be gioagtad under one hand aa "Ex pense* Paid" and titled "Automobile ?business use," and deducted from the total amount of income declar ed. If the taxpayer receives an ex pense account from his employer for the use of his car in business, the total declared income for the year must include this figure. "Business use" deductions hsve been reviewed with great care by the government and the taxpayer must be ready to explain thean in de tail on demand. If the vehicle is used partly for pleasure the taxpayer may deduct as "business use" the proper propor tion of his total operating expense. Thus, if the car is used for business SO per cent of the time, he may take credit for 80 per cent of the total operating expense for 1937. Proper for consideration under this (1) Operating cost, covering (a) full cost of fuel, (b) maintenance and (c) garage rent, (d) in premiums (net) and (e) mo tor club dues. In states where the fuel tax may not be deducted as a tax. the price increase is included in the east of fuel. (S) Depreciation is allowsd on acme reasonable heels These rules apply only to the FedJ oral income tax return for 1937, and do not apply to your state tnrome tax law. ?ODKES, ONE Apply to J. A. Williamston, N. C. flS-lt-S FOB BALK ? BED BLISS fIl-lS.2S.m4 CARTER'S DRESS SHOP Mrs. Etta C. Carter, Proprietress on Main Street in We ingtoti, H. C Phone M This firm features a full line of i'i and miaees' wearing iny specialties. Ki of the times fen the surrounding territory the nsueot fashions at prices that are The choosing of ladies' ready-to. sonal appearance. It is a well hue an fact that when a lady enters a place where the pseple in charge undi Bt her own style at beauty dw is sure to go out wall gowned. It has long been known that it all ef the latest styles of enjoys and the fact that the pa tronage includes the best people from this section of the community pushes it to the supreme position which it holds in the ready-to-wear world at this community. In ladies' ready-to-wear you have at your services those many little accessories of dress which charac terize the attire of the progressive woman of today, and one must look far and wide to find a stock more complete and attractive. We are pleased in this edition to give favorable mention to Carter's Drees Shop in their field of en deavor end to say that those who are particular as to personal sp in not do better than to this popular store which is TAYLOR - DAWSON, INC. George Taylor. General Manager (Dodge and Plymouth) IjaUd on Market Street, across from Poet Office in Washington. N. C. Phone 69 This is one Of Wash, ington's newest business firms. They are the official Dodge and Plym outh dealer. Taylor-Dawson, Inc. have a full line of 1938 models, all parts, and are prepared to make immediate delivery on any Dodge, Plymouth, or Dodge truck. Go to Taylor-Dawson, Inc., in Washington and see the new "American Beauty Dodged This *ls one of the most modern and up-to-date Dodge and Plym outh dealers throughout this sec tion and has shown a big increase in volume of business. This firm has at their command an unlimited number of Plymouth and Dodge au tomobiles of different colors and models. We advise the people throughout this section to visit this concern and take a ride in a new Dodge. This car is built to save you money. Extra weights means pounds in the new Dodge. You have a combination of long life and low upkeep when you purchase the Dodge. The feature on the Dodge is hydraulic brakes that never need equalizing, valves that go 30,000 miles without grinding. Actually, there are 20 or more places where Dodge d ealers offer quality other low-priced sixes can't duplicate. Now priced as low as the lowest. The supply and repair depart merit is up-tu-dately equipped, em ploying only competent mechanics who know their business from A to Z and it you entrust your car toj them to be repaired it will be fixed right and at a price within reason Or it you are in the market for a new or used car see TaylorDawson; Int.. befw* cluMiig a deal, for "you" cannot make a mistake on their au tomobiles. We wish to compliment this con cern on the fine manner and high plane on which they are conducting their business and predict for them a continued growing patronage. Taylor-Dawson. Inc., is prepared to make immediate delivery or any model Dodge car or all ^ model trucks. See them for your needs in new Dodge cars or trucks. BLOUNT - MIDYETTE AND COMPANY Feeds and Seeds Located at corner of Second and Gladden Streets in Washington. N. C. Phone 42. Blount-Midyette and company have an unusual amount of corn for sale. Mr. Midyette in vites the farmers throughout this section to get in touch with him be fore buying. Their brands of feed and seeds have been found by all users to be of the very highest grade obtain able on the market and once you have used their feeds and seeds you will be convinced of their superior quality over many other competi tive lines. These feeds and seeds may be obtained from Blount-Mi dyette 4 Co. The manager of this firm is always glad to do anything in his power to promote the better interests of this section. There is no concern more worthy of promi nent mention in this review than that of the Blount-Midyette & Co This firm's products are highly rec ommended to anyone when in need of high grade feeds, poultry mashes or anything pertaining to the feed or seed line. The farmer and city people have come to know that they can get from them the best feeds of all kinds on the market, hence they seek no further market. The matter of price has also re ceived attention here, for it has become a well established fact not only in the city but in the sur rounding country that quotations of this firm are always as low as con sistent with sound business. They |>ermit no one to offer higher qual ity and this happy combination has resulted in a large and ever in creasing patronage. We also wish to compliment the Blount-Midyette & Co . as one of the reliable busi ness institutions of the community, which has added to the develop ment and progress of this part of the state. CLEVE AND HARDING /. H. Cleve and IV. J. Harding, Proprietors Located at 120 Market Street in Washington, N. C. Phone 239. Axe dealen in farm supplies, hardware, farm tools, field and garden seed, feeds of all kinds, tobacco flues and Baugh's brand of fertilizers. Cleve and Harding have faithfully serv ed the people in this and adjoining territory?fan niauy yea is.?ft?bar been prominent among the con cerns that have aided in the expan sion and development of this sec tion by giving the farmers a met ropolitan service. This firm has assisted in raising the standard of living conditions among the farmers by saving for them many dollars on purchases made from a rapid turn-over. They money has been invested in pleas ure, education and recreation that heretofore has been beyond the reach of many. We are indeed grate ful that this concern has seen fit lu locale in this letritury. Fanners find it particularly con venient to trade here since their stock embraces such a large num ber of complete lines. Mr. J. M. Cleve and Mr. W J Harding, the heads of this firm, are wide-awake business men who real lze that quick profits are to be made fro ma rapid turn-over. They offer the farmers lower prices be cause they buy in such immense quantities at the lowest market prices, and their rules make it possible for them to sell at a small profit. It Roes without sayinR that they are nonesi and siraigntiorwara ana have won the patronage of thous ands of local and nearby residents through this policy. We are pleased to compliment Cleve and Harding and to refer this establishment to all of the read ers of this paper. WOLF'S GARAGE Radiator Repairing, Glass Installation, Painting and Body and Fender Work. Located at 521 North Main Street in Washington, N. C. Phone 635. Wolle's Garage makes a special ly of high grade radiator repairing and the installation of auto glass, plain or safety. They give 12 hour service and are one of the outstanding concerns of their kind in this part of the state. When they opened the estab lishment for business they declared that only the bast work would build for them a huge volume of busi ness and with this idea in mind they have operated ever since. In doing so they have built for them selves an enviable reputation and such is evidenced by the (act that today the usual grind of machinery and other equipment seldom slows down. They specialize in all kinds of body repair work, topwork, up-; holstering, painting and fender work. They also give a complete service in building and rebuilding work of this nature. In fact, they are expert automo bile surgeons and when you take work to them you may rest assur ed that it will be done right when promised and at a price within rea son. They do only high class work and their charges are always in line if not lower than can possibly' be found elsewhere. In taking your car' to them they can repair, re cover and completely rebuild so that it will look like new. They are among Washington's leading and most wide awake busi ness men, are honest and straight forward in all dealings with the public and are among those who are ever willing and anxious to do their part toward the better wel fare of this section. Tfiey are very reliable and it is a pleasure to highly recommend them to the motorists throughout this section when in need of high grade repair work, top work, painting or any thing else in the auto rebuilding line. DAN W. SMITH (SALES STABLES) Horses and Mules, Milk Cows and Hogs Located on North Pierce Street, in Washington, N. C. Phone B83-J. Residence phone 786-W Mr. Smith has three trucks ready at all times to come and get your cattle and hogs and he pays the market price. Just call his office phone, NLJ, or his residence phone 786-W. This is one of the best known and most reliable sales stables and stock yards in this entire section. This firm, owned and operated by Mr. Dan W. Smith has been serving the people of Washington and sur rounding territory for many years | and the farmers have come to know l that they can get from him the year around the best in cattle and 'mules at most reasonable prices. Mr. Smith has a reputation far and wide as a business man of super lative integrity. The record of this man is truly commendable and one ! that is evidence of the fact that he enjoys an enviable reputation in the cattle and mule business. He treats all people alike, doing as he would be done by, and once a pa tron, always a patron. He buys, sells and trades mules and horses of the better class and if you are | in the mafket for either you can surely do no better elsewhere. This firm will sell you mules and I horses at the best possible prices. 1 which is a great advantage to the farmers because it enables them to get the best mules and cattle on the market. It would be out of the ques tion for us to say all the good things we would like to about this firm, but permit us to state that, in our opinion, there is no firm in this part of the country more reliable, trustworthy and who merits your consideration and patronage more than this firm. SMITH-DOUGLASS CO., INC. Paul R. Waters, Manager Located on Water Street in Wash ington, N. C. Phones 329 and 328. This firm is manufacturers and distributors of Smith-Douglass Per. tilizers. The manager of this firm is originally a Martin County citi zen and he asks farmer friends to try Smith-Douglass Fertilizers first. The average citizens of the coun try know this firm to be one of the essential factors in the commercial and industrial organizations of the community and by reason of the public spirited policies of the man agement it has alwsys been consid ered sone of the substantial and valuable enterprises of this locality. Do you realize Just what an im portant part they play in the prog Teas and advancement of this sec tion? It is the purpose of the writ er to here direct the special at tention of every reader to the fact that this concern is one of the as sential and vital enterprise! of this aection. Smith-Douglass Co., Inc., have a very modern factory. They have in their employ some of the best men in the country and as a consequence the products made here are very high quality and workmanship. To produce a quality product is always an achievement well worth while. They have produced quality products under a system that per. mils them to render a reliable and superior service to their patrons. The services of this company in addition to adding to the commer cial and industrial activity of this section are contributing to the peo ple inasmuch as they are the man ufacturers of the best of fertilizers. Let us then direct your special attention to this concern. Let us assist you to appreciate It, suport and patronize and boost for Smtth Douglaas Co., Inc. WATERS - STIER WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Manufacturers of Kiln-Dried N. C. Pine Building Materials and Special Millwork Located in Washington, N. C.. tel ephone S77. It you are contemplating building or repairing in the near future see them for estimates. They* handle a Ime of building material, including lime, cement, windows, door sash, etc. It is a large industry which hus brought publicity and business? activity to the city of Washington from all parts of the country. This firm is under the direction of a management high in the business, manufacturing and social circles of the community, which has done its share in aiding the continued prog ress and development of the city of Washington. Truly an admirable in dustrial institution operating under twentieth century policies. Meeting with instant and almost univei%l approval, the product of this company is now going to all parts of this section and with the dawn of new prosperity in the country the future wtthaee ttiB IlV dustry one of the busiest industrial beehives as prosperity gives impe tus to the desire for efficiency. There is not an establishment in the country which is of greater commercial value than this lumber company. Its directing head and associates have opened up channels of trade that were heretofore un known to local industry. They employ a number of people and selling, as they do, much of their product throughout this sec tion, this industry is of great ad vantage to the prosperity and the growth of the city, as it brings money Troin all parts of this sec tion to be spent among our people. Therefore, in reviewing the bus iness and industrial progress of the community we wish to point with pride to this admirable industrial institution and probably the com munity's foremost example of our modern industry. EAT. ICE CREAM. F. E. MAYO AND COMPANY Manufacturer and Distributor of Maola Ice Cream Located in Washington, N. C. Phone No. 1. F. E. Mayo & Com pany are manufacturers and dis tributors of Maola Ice Cream. This place is one of the very prominent and sanitary institutions which has aided in the upbuilding of the com-1 munity and renders a valued and essential service in furnishing high grade ice cream and are admirably equipped to serve the trade which I they supply over all this section. It is a well-known fact that no one industry in the vicinity has made more rapid progress as an important industrial factor during the past few years than this com pany, whose model plant is one of our most valued industrial assets. Since the location of the plant it has been continually improved un til today the plant from every standpoint is the equal of any sim ilar industry in the country, while its celebrated products are sold over very many of the retail coun ters throughout this section of the country and thus does much to ad vertise the community from a suc cessful standpoint. It is being recognized more every duy that the people should eat more ice cream than they do. It is both a food and a delicacy and while it answers all the uses of # dessert it has none of the ill ef fects. Authorities in all parts of the country are recommending it for greater use. It is easily digest ed and has great nutritive powers. This company only uses the very' best of cream and flavors in the manufacture of the superior prod ucts. This insures the public of a product that is one of the highest quality. The management has always had at heart the best interest of this sec tion and has done his best at all times to serve the people to the best advantages. MOSS PLANING MILL COMPANY C. V. Swan, Secretary-Treasurer and Manager Located on Water Street in Washington, N. C., phones 812 and 813. This firm is headquarters for lumber, sash, floors, and millwork. Also all kinds of building material Their specialty is high-grade lum ber and building material. They can and will sell you anything to build a home at prices that you will find well in line with that of similar concerns The guiding in? fluence of this company has-always been a determination to 'furnish the highest grade of lumber and ' building material at a reasonable piu'c, so that tlie extension and beautification of the community can progress rapidly. By purchasing to an advantage when the market is right and em. | ploying experienced help, they are able to offer at reasonable prices I high grade goods and encourage the extension of home and enterprise. Let them serve you with your next order of lumber and building ma terial and you will get the good per manent well seasoned material that builds for permanency, rather than increase costs that occur when the buildings have to be gone over when-the structure settles. There is no one establishment in this section that has greater influence for the betterment of The building indus try Contractors and the public in gen eral have come to know that what ever they desire in the lumber and building material line can be se cured here, with a knowledge that it will be of the best grade consist ent with market price. N. B. & C. MOTOR LINES- INC. W. O. Moore, General Manager Located at foot of Bonner Street in Washington, N. C. Phone 16. N. B. and C. Motor Lines, Inc., operate under rules and regulations of the Interstate Commerce Com mission. All goods are insured while in transit. This firm specializes in over night service most anywhere. They save you time and give the best of serv ice? ' ' ? ? _] They are very popular with the people over this section of the state as they offer a most modern freight service. In this undignified rush and hur ry there is no name in this section of the country that sounds better than this up-to-date motor express. They arc equipped in the most modern manner, having trucks to meet all demands. In charge of them are drivers who are not only careful and honest but have clear understanding of all the good rules anctfa thorough acquaintance with mechanical equipment of the truck' they are driving. Thus assuring the people of efficient and rapid serv ice. Their service aids a great deal in making this city a more metropoli tan place in which to Jive. This concern is meeting with suc cess as they solve the transporta tion problems, and offer first class I accommodation, they are prepared better than ever to carry freight which aids in the promotion of agri culture and commerce in the terri tory they serve. When this very modern service was put in operation traffic in this section was greatly aided and with their ample facilities they offered a service that should be appreciat ed by the public. They are responsible for th$ bringing and keeping here of many dollars each year and in this review we cannot fail to compliment them upon their activities in the business world and predict for them a future fraught with great promise. WASHINGTON IRON & METEL COMPANY G. C. Cottle, Proprietor Located on West Third Street in Washington, N. C. Phone 583 Washington Iron St Metal Com pany offers the people the best service in furnishing a ready mar ket for metals, scrap iron and all kinds of junk where the highest prices of the day are paid. They -hav? established an enviable rcpu tation for fair and honest dealing Market quotations cheerfully furn ished. The Washington Iron St Metal Co. conducts one of the institutions of this section that offers its patrons the best of service and is aiding in (he conservation of waste mater ials. They buy junk of all kinds. Look around your place and see whether you do not have some articles that you are not using and then call them over the phone. They will pay you the highest market price of the day. It Is yuui duty to sell all Ute junk around the place, as it puts to practical use waste materials that are needed in the economy of mod ern civilization. This is one of the leading estab lishments of the country and has a large patronage from over the sur rounding territory. The highest prices, courteous treatment and good service govern the activities of tins justly popular concern, which has met with such great commen dation from the public. They pur chase junk of all kinds and pay full market price, insofar as is consis tent with the conditions of the mar? ket and good business. They handle a large line of struc tural steel, second-hand machinery, cables, and pipe of all sizes. In making this review of our progress we are pleased to compli ment the Washington Iron and Metal company. DR. PEPPER BOTTLING COMPANY W. R. Robetson, Treasurer and Manager Located in Washington, N. C. Phone 203. Dr Pepper, the "10, 2 and 4" aoft drink, needa little Introduction to the dealers and users in this sec tion, as (or the past years it has climbed steadily in public favor and has more and more become the choice of soft drink lovers every where Using the now famous "Energy Up" slogs n and pointing out the scientific advantage of drinking Dr. Pepper three times dally?10, 2 and 4?to restore lagging energy, the drink has leaped into popularity, in a constantly increasing area, and is! today sold, not only oyer the en tire south, but in 29 states of the union. Dr. Pepper is distributed within a large radius by the Dr. Pepper Bottling Company, of Washington. The plant is very modern and is equipped with every needed facility for handling the business in an ef ficient and sanitary manner. This plant has a large daily capacity, all of which it bottled on the premises. The business is under the man agement of Mr. W. R. Roberson. who has surrounded himself with a loyal force of assistants?and deal ers can absolutely rely on an un excelled service at all times. And in this review we compli ment the managers on its selection of beverages to bottle and distrib ute and to those who have not tried Dr. Pepper ? the writer suggests that they "drink a bite to eat at 10, 2 and 4 o'clock."

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