Basketball Finals Are! Scheduled for Tonight Championship Race Is Attracting Large Crowds This Week WiUiamston Boys to licet Jamesville in Finals of Tourney ? Getting underway last Wednesday evening, the Martin County High School Basketball Tournament has been attracting unusually large crowds, and a record attendance ui expected tonight when Williams-! ton's boys meet Jamesville and j Robersonville's girls meet Bear Grass in the finals Roberaonville-Bear Grass Bear Grass boys defeated Rober sonville. 21-13 in the opening game of the Martin County high school basketball tournament before a crowd of around 250 fans Bearj Grass spurted into an early lead after which their lead uas never seriously challenged score being 13-8 at intermission _ H Rogerson led for the victors j w ith ten counters, closely followed j by White with five Bullock, and Keel scored five and four respect-' ively to lead the luckless Roberson ville boys Bear Grass won by thi* victory the right to meet Jamesville j m the semifmatls. ? ? Bear Grass Jamesville In the second game of the eve ning the Bear Grass girls defeated Jamesville girls in a closely fought j encounter by a score of 18-15 The score was knotted 7-all at interims j sion and remained close until late in the fourth quarter when Bear Grass raided to win by a three-, point margin K_ Rogerson led the^ Bear Grass lassies with II points closely follow ed by R Raw Is withj seven. M Martin tallied six for. Jamesville Barber and Ange ring ing up five and respect ively. to conclude scoring for the ] Jamesville girls K Rogers*?n fea tured in leading the Bear Grass| sextet in their que&t fur their' sK ond consecutive tournamer.t title Williamsloo f arm I-jfr The Wjlliamslon boys defeated Farm Life 31-17. the local boys showing better passing and team play than at any time .this year. Riddick led WiUiamston with 12 points, followed by Anderson and Peele w ho marked up 9 and 7 points respectively. Griffin, with a fine eye for the basket, led Farm Life with eight points, while Daniel and Lilly were counting for four each WiUiamston led 17-16 at the half and the score after the-first few minutes was never in much doubt. The locals have drawn a bye in the semi-finals to be played tonight and will plav the w inner of the James viUe-Bear Grass game for the county championship on Friday night RobersonviUe Farm Life RobersonviUe girls defeated Farm Life in a slow, low scoring game Thursday night, punctuated only by several pretty long range shots Half time score was 6-2. Roberson viUe pulling away to 11-8 at the >?nd of play Button and Everett led RobersonviUe with five points each, while Peel and Manning each contributed two points for Farm Life The outstanding play of the game was the excellent guard de fense offered by Robersonville. Bear GnuxWillumtM Bear Grass girls performed well in defeating WiUiamston 30-14 Wil liamslon girls were slightly off form while the Bear Grass lassie> were in fine trim in running up a 19-7 score at half time R Raw is led I MEETING I v A county wide night. February 21. n'rlork to discuss a program Martin County. This nuli j will he held under the of the Eastern Ca her of Commerce and is open to the general public Matters of supreme tin ronnty will he The meeting will he in the lor of a supper affair and each pt son will pay for his own pint This is a follow np meeting the business conference held Kinston last week. Addresses Local Parents-T eaehers Group Wednesday (Continued from Page One) the long axis of eyeball is relative ly increased so that rays of light come to a focus in front of the re tina This is usually discovered by Snellen cards Astigmatism consists in some assymmetry in the curva ture of either the lens or cornea and may be associated with either my opia or hyperopia. This. too. is like ly to be discovered with Snellen tards Of course, other, abnormali ties such as diseases of the iequint. inequality of pupils, oj in the cornea or lens, pink-eye. and other ev idences of infection are looked for Many diseases such trachoma, and brain tumors may b^ .discovered through a careful exam ination of the eye. In legard to the ears, the audio meter is used and fairly satisfactory [.results are obtained by this meth od, unless there is an outside inter jft rente in the way of noises. T! " tonsils are sometimes claim <-d t?v the extremely conservative [group to be placed by nature where I they are and as they are, and thus they should in practically every in stance be left there untouched On the other hand, there are the "one [rundied percenters" who believe the tonsil to be a catch-all. a terial loadstone, and a useless ap pendage. I do not believe that the size of the tonsil is in itself an indi cation fo' removal unless it inter feres mechanically with or swallowing Pallor, anemia, of weight, digestive disturbances and occasionally arthritis as well acute ffieomatie fever, are so?n times caused by tonsillar infections. There are 2U teeth in the decidu ous set and thirty-two in the per manent. The six-year molar is the sixth tooth back from the center on either side This is very tmpyr tant to remember because it is the first permanent tooth. Many par ents are happy in the mistaken idea that-the first permanent teeth are the lower central incisors even though the mother may the decay of a six-year molar, makes no particular impression cause she feels that another tooth will take its place Defects in the teeth are more frequently found than any other tissue. TOoth ture is begun in about the seventh or eighth week of fetal life, so that ; w e may. well realize the importance [ of proper prenatal care Good posture is generally ass* ed to mean: chin reasonably up i in. head slightly back, shoulders flat, abdomen in. and the feet point ing almost straight ahead with pres sure evenly distributed on the arches. Factors determined by ture are first, general muscular tone, an example is the i relaxation of ligaments, muscles and joints after acute exc Bear Grass with twelve points, fol lowed by M Bowen with 10 and It Rogerson w ith eight For William "Hon H7 Mishoe. M llardisun. E. Mishoe and Jones each scored three points Marie Hardison offered fuse play at both forward and guard Bear Grass rules a slight over Robersonville. their in the finals, due to the out ing play in this set to Ja Jamesville routed a helpless Glass quint 40-11 in the hrpt | of the semifinals. Jamesville 20-11 at half tune, in the game ] ed before 300 spectators. T. led the smooth working outfit with 14 points, followed hf E. Martin and Carson who bagged It each. H. Rogeraon garnered ? | to led Bear Gr Jamesville's a short time and well against a Bear Grass Grant Hack Gay lord have officiating all the gaa Palmolive 3 for 18 SUPER SUDS CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS 3 (or 25 3 for 25 Octagon Soap 4 (or 18 Octagon Powder 3 foe 14 Octagon Chips 2 for 18 Octagon Cleanser 2 for 9 Oct'n Granulated 2 for 18 Octagon Toilet 3 for 14 Save Octagon Coupons tor valuable J. O. Manning METHODIST Dr S A Maxwell. CbuitA school. 9 45 a. m Homing worship. II a m Subject "Abraham the Altar. Builder " Holly Springs. 3 00 p m. Young rtwpll Meet. 8 45 p. m. Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. Subject "The Christian's Junk Pile " Tonight at 7:15. local board of Christian Education meets At 7 45 tonight regular choir practice The Aldersgate Regional Rally is to be held in Washington. Febru ary 28 The youth rally mill be that night Bishop P B Kerr, and E. H Hughes with other outstanding leaders will speak A large delega tion from our church should be there EPISCOPAL In. L F. Mtrlry. Sector Sexage&ima Sunday Church school 9 45 a m Morning prayer and sermon. 11 a. m Evening prayer and sermon. 7 30 p m BAPTIST Bible school. 9:45 a m ll-> worship, 11a m B T V . 6 30 p m Evening worship. 7.30 p m ligui secondly, positions assumed through occupation such as the proverbial stooped shoulders of the old tailor, third, the effect of cur rent or past diseases, such as later al curvature of spin due to hip-joint disease, club foot, etc.: fourth, _the state of muid is reflected in posture and that pusture reflects the state at mllwl is a rather common obser vation The person who is continu ously conscious of a sense of fail ure is quite likely to express his mental state in the sag of his shoul ders Good pusture should be en couraged Freedom from defects. uuldooi r re hit good musculature. lack of chronic over-fatigue, and a state.of mind deserving and desir ing good pusture are all cuntribu lory factors In regard to orthopedic defects, a technical and detailed examination is nut a part of the routine exami nation of school children The school physician's examination is largely limited to the discovery of spinal curvatures, for fixation or abnormality in the larger joints. Atrophy of the limbs and for flat JaaL?"?? i Usually a fairly small percentage of school children have true car. When it is found it is usually incident to: first, one of the a rule communicable diseases, ondly. to acute .rheumatic fever, or lastly, to possibly some congenital malformation The examination of the lungs in the school is limited When a child has a symptom of a tubercular in fection it is referred to a clinic or the sanatorium Tuberculin testing and X-ray are relied on for diag nosis of early tuberculosis more than the physical examination of the lung fields The health officer has not the time to make detailed neurological examinations or to study personali ty traits Potential psychoses a behavior problems are without doubt fairly frequent, in school children, but the teacher probably picks up mote cases |)un the doc uxr could possibly do in the limited time at ha disposal. As many of the common conditions as it is pailili: to find such as scabies, pediculosis, ring worm. impetigo, etc.. will be'mv ugated and the proper instructions given these cases referable to the avoidance of spread and proper therapy, and they will be leferred to their family physician when this I seems advisable | The entire health program was briefly outlined and ductulert. for anall pox. diphtheria, and ty phoid fever, the school health pro gram. the perfection of organiza tions for the correction of physical defects and for the reduction at maternal and infant deaths, the mc and a supervisory peo toward the correction of e sanitation, the work and duties at the public health at mid other phases Wants Notify C H. Ay R F. D S. Willi?rtnu. N. C COCK Ft ikoto cwrton n^y. M. C flRJt Martins Mark Up Twelfth Victory The Martins scored their twelfth victory of the season last Tuesday night when they invaded the Edge combe County capital and came home on the top end of a 41-11 count over the Tarboro All-Stars This win brought the locals per [ cenlage for the season up to .667 as they have sis losses to go along with 12 wins. The average includes games played in the Bethel tourna Dunng the first half the going was slow, the score at intermission being 12-6 in favor of the winners. However, after the rest period, the locals soon pulled themselves to gether and scored 29 points, while holding the losers to six. The best performer for Tarboro was George Rimmer. who most sport fans re call as being a star outfielder for Tarboro's professional baseball team while the entire Martin squad play ed well and everyone had a hand in the scoring, leaders were Anderson with 12 points and Edwards with 1). The Kobersonville Aces will come here Monday night to battle the Martins in a game that is due to set lie the question as to which town has the best semi-pro basketball team in Martin county. Starting time is 8 p m J. C. Downs Released Under Bond Following Accident ^ ^ Downs. Martin County man and driver of a Slade-Rhodes com pany truck, was released under $250 bond following an accident near Edenton last Wednesday. Downs" truck struck and critically injured a school child. FOR GOOD QUALITY NO. 1 AND No 2 Fuel Oil. Call 181 or 182 Harrison Oil Company. FOB SALE?COMPLETE SET OF golf clubs and bag. Very reason able Mr O F Gilbert, Sr William ston, N C 12?6 CANS OF HAVOL1NE HO tor Oil purchase today Havoljne a 100 per cent Pennsylvania oil, and there is no finer motor oil to be had*at any price Central Service Station. "Chick" Manning - - AliMINISTB4TKIX Mivr^rr Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of T J Sexton, deceased. late of Martin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them for payment on or before the 18th day of February. 1939. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. the 18th day of February. MARTHA SEXTON. ... . Administratrix of the estate of T. J. Sexton NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County Lnder and by virtue of the power ?J *?* contained in a certain deed of trust executed to Edward E. Rhodes, trustee, by Helen B Rhodes on the 2nd day of March. 1925. and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book X-2 at page ^ having been sub stituted as.Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the said note, and stipulations contain ed in the said deed of trust not nav mg been complied with and at the request of the holder of the said note the undersigned substituted trustee will on Saturday the 12th NW.n M,*/Ch" 1938 a< 12 " Clock r r town of Williamston. North Carolina, in front of the courthouse door offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate to Beings lots Nos 2 and 3 in plat of land on the South side of Grace !" ?the Town of Williamaton ui what is commonly known and orHHe^BaSRhtrJameS S Hhodes ST, B- Rhodes property, said jots 2 and 3 being more particular Davllt r" M^J!l Pla, tlhereof made by Das id G. Modlin. which said plat is m ^TCord?m the Public registry of J?*"'" County in Land Division Book No. 3 at page 240 lh* 8th d?y of February, r l o ELBERT S PEEL. 8-41 Substituted Trustee. I Palmoiivc 3 for 18 3 tot 125 Blue Super Suds 3 for 25 (far wuhimc cbUnl Octagon Soap 4 for 18 Octagon Powder 3 for 14 Octagon Chips 2 for 18 Octagon Cleanser 2 for 9 Oct'n Granulated 2 for 18 Octagon Toilet 3 for 14 Save Octagon Coupons for valuable premiums. McCiees Bros. Farm Life Juniors Visit State Capital This Week The Junior* end Senior* took a trip to Raleigh Tueaday *nd visit ed many place* ai interest They were chaperoned by their principal. Mr C. B. Martin Miss Mary Bachelor who is with the division of county health work in the Slate, was here today from Raleigh. M CASES. TANS Of NEW Texaco Motor Oil bought this week Come and see us for quallty. service, and Texaco. "Chick Man rung. Central Service Station TWO TONS GARDEN SEED jrST arrived, including most varieties. For sale in bulk at reasonable price* Martin's FCX Service. Tele phone 119 CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Plants, obtained from very t?tseeo Pecan Grove Farm. H C Green. Williamston. N C )25 28_F4_1U18 FOR RENT: THEEE ROOM AT ART ment See or call Mrs T. C. May nard- Phone 9114. PIANO: WE HATE USED i rRFGHT piano of standard make, almost like new. which the purchaser is un able to keep Will be sold for the small balance owing Easy terms if desired Answer quick for details. Credit Manager. Lee Piano Co.. Lynchburg. V*_ tll-?-l?-P FOR SALE ? BAB* C H I C E 8. Parks. Britt reds and English white leghorns from good well bred and culled flocks. Hatches weekly every Tuesday, also, started chicks. We will custom hatch your eggs weekly. For further information see J C. Griffin or Landsley Ice Co fll-18-25-m? SI PERIOR BAB* COCKS. L*. 8. N C Approved Blood-tested for pol lorium Rigidly culled by state in spector. Barred rocks. New Hamp shires. Rhode Island Reds, $S-50. 100, 3U0 and over. ??.00. 100 Postage pre paid. 100 per cent delivery guaran teed. Get prices on Hanson Strain Superior White Leghorns You can't get better chicks. Don't pay more Hatches Tuesdays and Friday* Prompt delivery. Also started chicks Superior Poultry Ranch, Windsor, H. c * ?-tXAwj ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. W. Anderson, deceased, late of Martin County. North Carolina, this is. to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY Willis it? Easy Ten? ? Gesirtrb Tlrea for payment on or before the ninth day of February. 1939 or tire will be pleaded in bar of, their recovery. All peraoni indebted to laid estate will please make i iate ? This the 9th day of February. It J. C. ANDERSON. Administration of the estate of 111Ai J. W Anderson. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as a ministrator of the estate of Mrs. 1 C. Manning, deceased, late of Martin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them for payment on or before the 18th day of January, 1939. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re. covery. All persons indebted to sniff estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 18th day of January, 1938 WILLIAM C MANNING. JR., Administrator of the estate j28 6t of Mrs. W. C. Manning ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as a mimstrator of the estate of W. all persons having against said estate to exhibit for payment on or before the lMh day of January, ISM. or this aottw will be plcnded m bar of their re covery All persons indebted to i estate will please make This the ISth day of January. 1M WILLIAM C MANNING. JR.. Administrator of the estate jMAt of W. C. Manning. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mary E. Anderson, deceased, late of Martin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all ueiions having c; ? -MA against said estate to for payment on or before the ninth day of February, 1939. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate settlement. This the 9th day of February. ISM J. C. ANDERSON. Administration of the estate of fit At Mary E. Anderson Fire Chief Gasoline 1. Fire Chief gasoline vaporizes completely. 2. It is transformed into full power quickly. 3. It has high anti-knock value. 4. It is free from objectionable odors. 5. It burns completely and cleanly. 6. It is made for local altitude and temperature. H ARRISON OIL CO. FOR SALE! Number Choice Lots For Sale Cheap WILL BUILD AND FINANCE SAME TO YOUR PLANS ON EASY TERMS. J. S. Whitley Take ^ Choice Roysters Quality Fertilizer All Premium Brands at No Extra Gist Chemically Tested-Cerm Tested-Field Tested For TOBACCO For GENERAL CROPS 4-10-4 3-12-6 3-10-6 # 3-10-4 3-8-6 3-8-6 3-8-5 3-8-3 2-10-6 2-10-4 5-7-5 4-7-5 4-10-4 4-12-4 3-10-6 2-10-6 2-10-4 2-8-4 3-8-3 It Sells Because It Excels GET OUR PRICES. AND WHEN SOME ONE SUGGESTS YOU PAY MORE ? ASK WHY. 11 Pecks Certified COBBLERS $2.65 Cash, $3.00 June 1 JOHN A. MANNING FROSTY MARTIN H. CABE ROBERSON CEORCE GRIFFIN Agents For Peoples Trading Co. ROBKRSONVILLE WILLIAMSTON