Weddings Engagements Club M?tints Entertainments Personals Society and Personals Ol Wll.I.IA.WSTON and MARTIN COl'NT* PHONE Anything for This Department To 4 6 Visits in Raleigh Mr Herbert Whitley visitec Raleigh n few days last week. In Norfolk Last Week-end Miss Julia Daniel visited in N 'folk last week-end. Was Business Visitor Here Mr A. Fant. of Rocky Mount w; a busine: s visitor here yesterfiay Returns irom Roanoke. Va. Mrs. Myrtle Bunting ha. ieturn< to Hamu ion from K<>an'h.? V. v.* here t*V"?be* '? ?? o ? ? m. > ? l.n) v? tor lev -e. I. Visits hi Hamilton Miss ?' 'm ii' Per kin "I Rak U.'!. visited h< ? parent.- m. Hamilton hot j wirkmi'1: W as Hen Last W eek-end Diek I -tin. student at Oak Ridge! Military Institute \ isited ins par? mm. 1 M) arid Mm \\ I Dunn hei? j.t i week-one * ? Visits Hi re Last Week end MlSS 1 IH' B|H\ < M ? ? P1.Y1V visited her< last w eek end Was Here Saturday Mr Irving iluil. Ki ' r ited hen Saturday In Richmond Sunday Mrs. (J rover Ham ? d Mi: Katherim Hard:>1 n acCon 1 pa fu ed Mrs living Hull and daughnr p.; Ann. to Richmond Sunday In Farm File Sunday Mr. and Mr>. John Manh y aiTTTT son. Barry Lee; of f ail Ri\? 1, Mass and Mr and Mrs Jam< Jnixs and. daughter, Fay. of Richmond, visited Mr and Mo .J L O'ljt.ur - Farm Life Sunday Visits Here M;>- N"ir- K? ? ! i'i.g! --u-.iti of Robtrxinvilh vmd. 1 Mi ? 1 Mi Tom R? >? he!? Sunday W as Here Sundav Mrs J' L I(,u : H t , . M-. n 1. visited Ml a'.'l Mi J ? W P? . here Sunday In Woodard Sundav Mesdanu 1) V < 1 R Spruill : 1:. i M /m" . I . :!. \ visitt d in W-> ?dui ?? - ? ? -1.?y Visit Here Last W eek Mr. and Mr- K ( < i. ? N. .. Orleans, visiten .N't .u.<i Mi .J VV. Pfic. 1. . ? m Was Here Friday Mi-.- (jo-pa l.i.? i ?' I..? visited here }? nuay alt. n Spends Week end lien Mr Taylni Mai n, t? aeliei 4 in Franklin County, vi d I. s patents. Mr tiixl Mi.- Kill.- M.ii .1 . iM-'r, I.-iV-i week end Fnters I ( T ( Miss Anrurdbrm'is.? Tay . a , of Fv ei - etts. ha- rut- led Iht m nmr cla.-. at | K C. T C . (.1 eenville j "'Leaves !??i Nashville. Tenn. Mi Francis Peel left y eM?;i da; for Nashvill' iYnn t?- resume 1 i studies in ..n embalming se.he- I i t.heie. W as Business Visitor Here Mr. J. L. Win tilt Id. ot Hobgo.'d.J was a business visitor here Sa'n* day Visits Here Saturday Miss Mamie K Ruberson r-t route two, visited hei i Sat 111 da \ Birth Announcement . Mi and Mrs J C White an nounce the birth of a daughter, Sat urday. September 30. 1930 in the Brown Community hospital hen Removed from Hospital Friends of Mrs. Sam WooLford will be glad to learn that she has recov ered sufficiently to b< removed from the local hospital to her bona on William: St reel Recovers From Infection M* WoddroW TU'C -hi*?n ? ei? d fmn. a fan infection and h i b?? ? ' ? u?o.v? d lftu. Btuw-u- OiiMdiuudy Attend Football (fame Messrs. Raymond lasioi. w .'a ?? i Manning. Kdwrn Holding, Charles Manning and John Hation Gurgan us attended the Carolina Wake For est lootba11 game Sati.iday \ isit Here l.ast Week end M i ;. Fi ahce and Marion. M< n dcnhall. ol Wiiistoh-Suh'iri. visited then brothel Mr f I. Mendenhall ? < re las t yi't < k end Was Business Visitor lb-re Mi J A Cassell, of rout< thre< a a b i m< V! itoi bile tei mmmmm... , ? ta\ ? 1 \ isiting in I li/ahelh ( it> Mrs. OUvei Gilbert is visiting in Lh/abelh City for a few day I ea\ es for I lira bet h ( ?t s Mis Chains (jtidwin. Sr. lelt to :.i> f?.'i Fd/.abeth City and Norfolk to visit fia t,ds and relatives for a few da>s Arrives Here Toda> Mi V> M Pot' at. (if Wak? For amved today to visit her daugh ter Mr WIh el? r Martin, and Mr Martin, for a few days Returns from Hertford Mr-' Godwin. Jr. has re ' or;' u free it with relatives in licit ford . j Returns from Kaleigli Mi A'n .i Godwin, having coin I- ? ted .. eotiiM in a Raleigh business ?'ho. 't ? t m n d to he I lionrx \ isits Here Sunday M i Samriiy Grne and Robert Blown of Washington, visited here : night In Jainesville Sunday \1 Dolou Long visited tit r fa tin i Mr, J G Long in Jarm sville Nuf.'l.lV ? \ ? Was Here Last Week end M Loui.o I'list- hall, of Fafin vilh VI: itt d hi l? las! Week end Visits Barents Here Mi Ma? Anderson, of Farmville. ded la i pau-nts, Mr and Mrs J C Anderson, lu re last week end Visit Here Sunday Mi .uid Mrs Jasper Smith, of Sent trrI- Ntt k. visited Mr and Mi Bil My i , tiei. Sunday. Return from Wedding Trip I Mi and Mrs Geoige Harrison. Jr 4jav< returned from their wedding trip to the World's Fair. New York City Is Visit inu, Relatives Here Mrs Carrie B Morrison of \'ii ginia Beach, is visiting relatives hen b?l a few weeks Visit ller** Last Week-end Di and Mrs. W H Harrell; of; Philadelphia. and Mr and Mrs Rod wi 11. i.f Norfolk, visited Mr. and Mrs M'S Moore here- last week-end In Raleigh This Week Mi W J Hodges is visiting Mr. and Mr. W P Hodges in Raleigh] this week Attend loot hall Came Mi m s hoi u W?avn and Bolton C'owrri {>< r 1 la * v?. < ? 1 end m Wake Fnl i .1- ut-ui-~Ulh Hf 1? rjWoke For t X .r .III, . |f p.,n . Ml Cf-aJM I iJjJi SalurrUiy ? i f te r ri? ioi i??-?.?,? V isit i|| Durham Sunday __ _ Mi - MiMred Evei< tt and Mi Wil Hni.'l'p vi"it< d in 'Durham Sun-" day I eaves lor Kitlimontl Mi: > Nell. Harrison left Sunday fur Richmond, where -,|u is taking tin Virginia Stat. Nurses ? x.tmina jUt'li tins wet k t liters Rusiiiess School Mi.- Dorothy Perkins left Sun | day foi Raleigh,-where sh? will ep t'ef. a business school V isits Here Last Week end Mi Leona Lilley. 'of Roanoke Rapids, visited her sister. Mrs. Jack, Horner, and Mr" Horner, hen last we? K - end Mr and Mrs. Horner ai compamed her to Roanoke Rapids on Sunday Returns from Norfolk Miss Evelyn Burroughs has r< turned to her home Here after a vis it with friends m Norfolk for two Leave for New York City Me. ms Femu r Wallace, Harry Biggs Joi Godard, jr . and S R Rothrock, of Roanoke Rapids, left today for New York City to attend tin world series. Were Here Last Week-end Mi and Mr; Don Drew and Miss Gi.idy." Dixon, of Washington City, visited Miss Ethel Mae James here last week -end. In Itohersonville Sunday Mi. Magdalene Carson visited relatives in Robeusonville Sundav Returns from New Bern Mi J W Watt> has returned from New Bern when Da- attended the funeral of her uncle. Mi Edward Wads worth I'liilatheas To Meet An important meeting of the Bap tist Philatbea class will be held with Mis Frank Weaver on Martin Heights Friday evening at 8 o'clock All members are urgently? request ed to atten'h Return to Auburn, Ala. Mi and Mrs U *F Cox and two sons returned to them home m Au hurn. Ala ., after visiting Mr and Mrs B F Pel iy here last week. In Raleigh Saturday Mrs. John A Ward, Mrs J Sam Getsinger, George Cunningham. Par ker Peel. Conrad C?< tsingt r. Richard Margoljs and James Willis Ward vis it- d in Raleigh last Saturday II ON OK RECENT BRIDE On Thursday evening, Mrs Carrie Biggs Morrison,.of Wjlliamston and Virginia Beach, and.her daughter, Mrs Charles Herriot. entertained with a biidgi party and shower, hon oring Mrs Clarence I' Whedhee, a ten lit bridge, at the Herriot home on Bast Academy Strict Dahlia marigolds and zinnias in the ?arlv fall shades wire used ef fectively against the paneled walls of tin living loom of the lovely new home Flowers in the dining room ( an n d out the color motif of pink TYnd'wiTite:, ^ Following several progressions of j bridge, Mrs. 11 S Manning held high M'oro and was given spiced hath salts i Mrs C H. Mob ley received consola ition. a box of bath powder. Fruit punch was served during the play and ice cream m wedding bell and bride and groom molds, pink and white Cakes and nuts in individual baskets were Served before the bride with the guests were invited into the room where the gifts were dis played The hostesses presented the bride wtih a silver combination vegetable dish and she was the recipient of I many other lov ely gifts. The names of those present were: j Mrs Whedhee, her mother. Mrs C 'it Mobley; Mrs. V J. Spivey. Mrs Kibe11 Peel. Mrs R. L. Coburn, Mrs .1 R Everett, Miss Trulah Ward Page. Miss Mary Alice Dunning, Miss Josephine Harrison. Mis. Jessup Harrison, Mrs John W Manning, Miss Mary Benson, Miss Ruth Man ning. Miss Irene Tettcrlon. Mrs. G. 11 Harrison, Mrs. Jack Horner, Mrs. Ralph Barker. Mrs D R Davis, Mrs. Tom Rose. Mrs I. H Gurganus, Mrs. H S Manning. Mrs Gaylord Harri son, Mrs C B Clark. Mrs. N. C. tlTTi'tr. Mrs 1lank Margolis, Mrs Henry Harrison and Mrs. Hubert I Coburn ? 1 ENTERTAINS BRIDGE C I.I B Jamesville, Oct. 2 Miss Rachel Carson was hostess to her bridge club on Friday evening at her home on St Andrews Street After the game the following were presented prizes: Miss Rachel Godwin, high score; Miss Mclba Martin, second high score, Miss Elizabeth Greenlee, floating prize: Throughout the evening the hos tess served punch, and at eleven o'clock, she was assisted in serving a sweet course by Mrs. O. G. Carson, Miss Mary Louise Carson, Mrs. Har iv Thompson and Mrs Thomas Blount. Those playing were: Mrs. Herbert Sexton, Mrs Clarence Sexton, Mrs. Andrew Holliday, Mrs. J. T. Uzzle. Mrs Haywood Hyman. Miss Rose mary Peterson, Miss Dolores James, Miss Rachel Godwin, Miss Elizabeth Greenlee. Miss Lump ^clnnu, Mm Upal Brown #nd Miu Melba Mar PLANT Your Fall LAWN ITALIAN mi: <;ilass Kvvr?rvvn Hair Mixture Clark's I)rug Store,Phone53 WHEN THE ROAD IS BLOCKED . . . JXT HEN an obstacle confronts you and money is your only way out, have you savings you can turn to? Every man owes himself this protection. Start saving now, no matter how little. Make your first deposit today?interest begins im mediately. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Member Federal Depoelt lrwurance Corporation ? "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" ff f Highlight* Of Auto Fatalities During "Month Of August Motor vehicle traffic fatalities w<fr( two lent in August. 1939. than ' : August. 1938 During August. 1938. 84 were killed compared with 82 for August. 1939. From January 1. 1939. to Septem ber 1. 538 persons were killed in mo tor.vehicle traffic accidents compar ed with 537 to September 1, 1938. Twenty pedestrians were killed during August. 1939. compared with 38 for August. 1938 This represents a reduction of 48 per cent in all pe d< strian fatalities ? Adult pedestnau fatalities drop-.. p?d ft om 28 during August, 1938. to I t during August. 1939 This repie ? hi: a 50 tier cent reduction in pe destrian fatalities in tin- adult age giuup Pedestrian fatalities in the age group under 15 years old was 4 less foe. August 1939. than for August. 1938 Ten were killed during August. 1938. and mx during August. 1939 Non collision fatalities increased 5 in August. 19^9 The total number of fatalities from this type of acci dent being 18 in August 1938 and 23 in August, 1939 Auto collision with horse drawn vehicles accounted loi 3 fatalities during August. 1939, while during August. 1938, no-one way killed from this type accident Auto Collision with lixed object claimed 10 lives during August. 1939 winch -is the largest number- -frcmi this cause for any month during 1939j and 7 greater than for August, 1938. ? In August. 1939. a total of 6 per-; ons were killed in cities and towns, I 4 pedestrians and 2 in other types of I motor vchiMe accidents During Au-I gu.-t 1938, f2 pedestrians were killed and 14 were killed in other types of motor vehich .wcidents m cities and towns The number killed in cities and towns during August, 1939, was the smallest ?-f any rriontl inec January 1. 1939 Cities and towns* in< hide- all m corpora ted towris of more than 1.000 p< '|)U lotion latest tihlilimis In The Hnterprise Mailing List Ari?<?1114 thos? ib.>< rib. r vyho wei'e recently added to the1 Enterprise! mailing list an- the following: W L Pollard RobiTSonvilie; J. W Watts. Ji . Gainesville. Ga.: Mary H. Boy kin, Greenville, Lendora Gibson* WiUiamston. .1 Kason Lilley, Williamstoti: F N ll.01. il Oak City; Charles Leonard* Williarnston. Buek HoIm rson. Williarnston Anna L Tay lor. Greenville; and L G Warren, of Knlk isonvilh . ? : ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mi and Mrs Samuel H Mobley, announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Mi William Lewis Howell Tin wedding will take place Saturday morning, Octo ber 7. 11)39. at 8 o'clock in the Bap tist church. No invitations are being issued._ Was line East Week end Mrs B. F Cox, of Washington, I). C , Visited Mr and Mi s B F Perry here last week end. Bet urns from Greenville, S. ('. Miss Lucille Rogerson has return ed to the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Wheeler Hogerson, after a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rogerson in Greenville, S. C , and Mr. and Mrs E. S Rogerson, in Rockingham, N C Legion Auxiliary To Meet Mcsdames W. R. Taylor, E-1 i Ever ett and J L. Edmondson will be hos tesses to the American Legion Aux iliary on Saturday afternoon at three-thirty o'clock in the Legion Hut. fAIOHty BIO 1 !{? colour. ^ERACESfi iti Mianry LOW MttCtD ! \ Try these famous Old (olony be* erases today!Grn Cherry. Crape and Orange, 9202 BOjrii? 5, OLD COLONY /fLv/ytfjtftJ yy /v*i \tfjcu.?<y f7?fi1 ifiypQ' BELK - TYLER'S ALL THIS WEEK LADIES' SILK HOSE Ladies' full fashioned, three-thread Hose. Very Sheer Quality. All New Shades 480 Fast Color PRINTS Fine quality, fait color dreu prints. A big assortment of new patterns to choose from. 10c yd i Ladiet? COATS Sport and dressy sty les. plain and fur trimmed. A big stock to chooae from. $5-95 $9.95 '$7.95 DRESS PRINTS Extra Good Quality Fast Color "| C w DRESS PRINTS. New Patterns 1 OY I.atlifs' ISovrlly Sweaters Ladies' new nov elty sweater!. AU the new shades and styles. 98c Heavy Striju Outing Extra wide heavy I quality stripe out-| ing. A real value. 10c KITCHEN TOWELS Large Size Pari Linen Kitchen Towels. Good Heavy Quality 5e ( liiMrcn's I'rinl DrcsscH Good Quality Fcst Color Children'i tjlQ PRINT DRESSES ? Special Sale Itoiiuin km/x'ror SHEETS Fine smooth qual ity. large size 81x9S] four-year sheet. 79c Curtain SCRIM All new colors and | patterns. 5c yd. 01 II T LINING Heavy quality, ex tra wide novelty check quilt lining. 10c yd. \ovi;i:n curtains A Big New Shipment Of New Novelty Curtains ? Extra Wide 48c LL SHEETINL Extra Heavy Quality LL fi/t SHEETING ? Per Yard PILLOW CASKS Size Smooth Quality PILLOW CASE. Special Price A Full Size Smooth Quality 120 Ladies'1 DKISSIS Dressy and sport styles, new silks, wool-/ ens. All new. snappy styles. A full stock. $1.98 $2.98 $4.98 LADIKSIIATS A big new shipment of Ladies' Hats. All new colorsT new styles, all head sizes. 98c LAIMKS' SII.K SLIPS 39c S|M'<'ial Sale '>./ Slirrliii?i Extra heavy ? smooth quality 9 4 sheeting. Buy a big supply. 17c BOYS' WOOL SUITS Boyi' fine quality Wool Suits in all the new materials. New green, blue and brown. Double breasted and single. $2.98 $4.98 CHI1.DRK1VS SWE VTKRS or Speflri Sulc ?OC Boyi' < Hcralls Boys' good quality sanforized Blood hound Overalls. Full cut and well made. All Sizes. 59c I.iulifs' Ncir hill Von'/fv DKESS SHOES 500 pairs of Ladies' New Dress Shoes?Ties. Pumps and.Straps. All New Styles. $1.98 pr. LA INKS' DKESS SHOES New novelty Ties. Straps and Pumps, in patent, kids and and suede. Smart new styles. $2.95 SPORT OX FORDS Medium and low heels. Black, brown and combi nations. $1.98 (lliildrcn's (Klonls Children's good leather sole Oxfords. Black and brown. Sizes S'4 to 2. Special Price. 97c Men's WOKKSHOES Man's good quality leath er Work*Shoes. Sites 6V? to 11. Special Sale. $1.48 Men'x DRESS PANTS New green, blue, brown and atripea. A11 new atylea. Made of good quality ma terial. $1.98$2.98 .Wen'* WORK SHIRTS Men'* heavy weight co vert Work Shirt*. Full cut. well made. Special Sale. 48c MEN'S WORK RANTS n'? Good Quality Sanfoi WORK PANTS. Full Cut Men'* Good Quality Sanforised 980 MENS DRESS SHIRTS All Good New Patierna. Good Ma- f7Q^ lariats. Full Cut. Spacial Price iO%> Belk-Tyler Co. Williamston

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