The Season's Largest Selling Event Our Before Christmas Sale! Come, Bring the Family ? Sale Begins Saturday Dec. 9th i SV, v>il?J()\\ N OO PKK ?Wr personally \isiter \ou the ?a\i11 ?r-? tli t oe are offtpinjj: on IliiILf orr-tli ri>t ilia* Salt'. TIicm' arr imheartl-of \alue at *ueh inexpensive prins. Our ^oo(k art- not 111 i- *?-| re*enletl?See them for yourself. It i* impossible for 11* to tluplieate out *toek at I! 1 ? -*e riili? i.'on-K low prices I> 111 wr art' |?; 1 -11 iii our hop Now for Mcu's. Luilifa" ami (Mtlrrn's Wearing ApparrL Willi tlu* eulil weather here anil more lo eoine. il i- iin|>on ran ?e Irrl a new our here at ?nrh a -n\ing. V gift lo wear i> the ino?t acceptable gift of all. It i-> useful anil greatl* appreciated. No l I Ol |{ > I DID1. MIW . kadies* SILK Dresses i or ! m ?111 (lie \oim?: ami eld. or e\ en llie ^Ti^h. \ niosl wonderful \alnr if >oti need < a fiiii' S i I !v I )re>?. UN s\| | $1.44 LAMKS* HATS W r can fil voii. VII new ?lvle?. Win |>ay liuiri'm Iicii >on call yet I lit- lie^l for 39c i:,<> !MK!\*S HATS MOV I MISS I MIS \ M II Mil < VYI Mil Hill III! 87c WIWOOM SHOES For VIFN WOMIN \iiil I In <1111 DIM N 25c lvimks COATS \l V \ > M\l ?> M VW SI/1 S ID ? II 1(1 IIIIIVI Sninc ill lDuals for tllcrh STtl11 tor as inneli as S2D.7.?. I lii i arc line \al MC-. Iiavun; Iiccii made L I run I the finest materials Wand acrordiiij; In lIn- very latest slvles. (hi Sulr I'or Only $3.87 Boys* Golf HOSE w i Mast I nusual \ aim' ? (hi Stilt1 8c ? 2 Pair 15c MKIN'S l)KKSS Ami WOHK PANTS 67c SHOES FOI< Till; KVMin In Low In 69c Sweaters i on i in: i \MII ^ 48c i mi mu.vs l?\M II S \\ 11:iI a \ aloe. I'oik - ! (hi Sulr 8c CURTAINS 5*h' I ulnr V 18c pr, MKIN'S III*.II TOP BOOTS $2.87 .M KIN'S III \\ ^ Union Suils 48c Children* Coats Tin si* (ioiih former!) -ol?l for ;?h tttttrlt tt** S I (MM). I lii- lol \ - will ?:o for only $1.00 The Bargain Next to Virginia Electric & Power Co.*-*WilliamAon