isi '"1/ ?HAPPIEST HOIIDAY SfASON If all the good mi sites in the world were put together, they would express our Yuletide Greetings To YOU! MERRY CHRISTMAS P. P. PEEL Tilt' Irui' Christmas spirit is not fount! in the tclilteriu? tinsel of tin- ^ tile tree. but tn the true expression* of gtMxt w ill ami frieintstiip the seasniT bring*. \iitl niuy tte utltl to the many you will receive oufown greeting anil the hope that pence, prosperity anil happiness will he yours. BRANCH BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Ami Employees Williamston, IV. C. CHRISTMAS ^ ' ?U w k si:\i> to ^01 lilt- lii^li r?Kurii in \?liit-li ?c Iri'awin' \tnir fririnl ?lli|? Mllll lot III [llllrillium' T-rn lilt- ^tintl Hinhfit wi* nniiltl lilvt- lit {'iiinn in miii . . . mill lilt' lit>|it* llial inn nia\ lia\r a i*i111 iutrr> (liii-lnia? fi I It'll ttilli all lliiii^> |:iiihI . . . KOANOkK C.HEVROI J\T CO. 8IETINGS TOJJi ~ IW PfflCf Oft ERRTH An von go lionir l<> your 4MA firwwb on (Ihrial man Kvc. carry villi you unions the many good winliew that voTi have roci'ivcd. our own mt-sstt|ie of frirnil.liip anil jtuoil cheer. WILLI AMSTON HARDWARE CO. f939 Only the Ix f-iiinii^ of all that is ^ooil. is our wish for your (Ihrinlnra*. Anil may wrToirrhrnno serve you. MARTIN COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION >1 ,1,..' u-ll YULETIDE JOY 19 3 9 Of all tin- p>011 tin- \?-r\ jollii'M lii'-l! mi:kky CHRISTM VS BAKlNHIKir IWOTIII-IKS * ^ \T' 19 39 v L. HOLIDAY GREETINGS Zv^5^ V ih'.w < liri-liiia? ItriimiiiK vim lU'W jn> ? ii our h i*li for 1*011 ! T\ \ "W (HUH KK> BEST WISHES TOR A rrrxj Christmas w /< May every hour of cliiif,,H to you?our lu-iglihorH. PAUL BAILEY Rep. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. YULETCDE JOT jTh tat ,1)9 3 3 We know no truer word?no poem that expresses our sen timents better than a simple MERRY CHRISTMAS. CENTRAL CAFE 4 >1.1 fa*liii>nt- J lift lo ureol olil friemls, l thank litem for puttt kindnesses, ami lo wish litem?as hp wish yon?Life's Best iii u Very Merry Christmas. WILLIAMSTON PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLY COMPANY May \ our way In- piny . yniir j?lraMirr* un ending. your \iii.ik ;i 1111? 11 y inir. si:\sovs iatpaL\c;s H. S. COUNTING It's with sineere pleasure and eordial rood will that we wish you a Merry Chrtatmaa. R. SHERROD COREY Rep. Wilson Marble And Granite Works ? When the Christmas tlatrnit may it prove the jollieot you ever knew. Coo?l Cheer. ECONOMY AUTO STORE II] The greateat autidfaetion in buaineaM i* the joy tliul conies from human relationahip. Thin greeting id dent you ad an expreddion of apprepriution of your friendly patronage, and with the hope that your (ihridtiiiu* may be filled with happinedd. WOOLARD HARDWARE CO. A iich Christinas bringing yon new joy ? in our wish for I Ik- Yuletiile season. Good III k. f(oi>il fun anil pood Ileal'li lie yours from Christmas on. WILLIAMSTON MOTOR CO. J