Ml(3H 1 First row (top)?Virginia Williams, Warren Pope, Lily Belle Hardison, Kay l.eggetle, Raymond Itawls, Nancy Biggs, Juan Croflou, Mamie Taylor, Joseph Hogpen. Carolyn liudslcv. J t lloykiii, katherine Manning, David N. Hix (principal). Bolthy Manning (mascot), Majoric Crey Dunn, Stuart Criteher. Third row?llaywood Wynne, Lucile Cowan, IL J. Ilurdison, Vlary Kutli Ward, Murtin Anderson, Arthur Anderson, Kleanor Brown, Jerry Manning, Anne Kutli Moore, Kdna Karle Jantes. Fourth row?Louise Crimes, Janic Newton, Mary Cwen Oshorne, Frank Weuver, Bare Powy, James Daniel Nicholson, Marie Prny, <:? !????? KhiIotIiic V..rt ltl....i,.rin llm-dlmm We Extend To The Graduates Williams ton?High School The following business firms extend .sincere congratulations to the l<)IO graduating class of the Williamston High School. We wish you good luck, prosperity and happiness and may your travels he pleasant and profitable. We arc happy to he ahlc to congratulate yon on your accomplishments and Ave trust you- will continue to go forward and higher in your attainments in the educational field. Keep trying and your ambitions and aspirations will become a reality. Again, we wish you success. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. WOOLARD HARDWARE CO THE SODA SHOP MARGOLIS BROTHERS MARTIN SUPPLY CO. WILLIAMSTON MOTOR CO. CLARK'S DRUG STORE ROANOKE CHEVROLET Co. FARMERS SUPPLY CO. WILLIAMSTON HDW. CO. CITY MARKET B. S. COURTNEY HARRISON OIL COMPANY W.G.PEELE Life Iniurance WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. ANN'S VARIETY STORE Virginia Electric & Power Co. BELK-TYLKR COMPANY CHAS. H. JENKINS & Co. ISRAELS FOWDEN & SIMPSON Fire Inmranre J. E. POPE Life I nmranre ALPHA CLEANERS POTMAN'S DAVIS PHARMACY PARPEN'S DEPT. STORE WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP MOORE GROCERY CO. DIXIE MOTORS, Inc TAYLOR'S DAIRY EDGE WOOD DAIRY