ia.-na.Bi THF FNTFRPRTSF I II x X lJCi XL/1>I X XL/XvX XVXOXL/ Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1,600 Homes Of Martin County. T VOLUME XL11I?NUMBER 97 Williamtlon, Martin County, North Carolina, Taenia?. Drrember 3, ESTABLISHED 1899 County Officers Start New Term Monday Morning Crowds Gather in Offices. Halls and Courtroom for Induction Ceremonies Without pomp or dttiiltKl core mony. Martin County officers were sworn in for a two-year term by Clerk of Court L. B. Wynne in the courthouse here yesterday morning. Large crowds, gathering in the of fices. halls and courtroom for the regular routine of county happen ings as they center around the "first Monday", were present for the informal induction ceremonies. Amidst the confusion caused by those calling for their old-age pen- , sion checks or welfare aid. and by those who would file their monthly reports, and by those who Were rushing to make ready their defenses in the county court. W. Hubert Co burn subscribed to the oath of of fice ahd became a full-fledged judge in a corner of Clerk L. B Wynne's office at 9:30. Only one or two wit nesses were on hand for the cere mony. Five minutes later, the old board of commissioners went into final session at the call of the retir ing chairman. John E Pope The min utes of the previous meeting were read and approved following a dis cussion of the 1939 tax books. Bills, conrtacted under the old board were inapected by all members of the board and approved for payment. Mrs. C. A. Harrison, retiring treasur er, submitted a final statement which was accepted, the acceptance mark ing the last official act of the old board Chairman John E. Pope and Mem ber C. C Fleming addressed a few parting remarks to the board, and the new board, including C. Abram Koberson, of Robersonville; R. A Haislip, of Oak City; R. L. Perry, of Bear Grass, re-elected, and Joshua L. Coltrain. of Williams Township, and C. D. Carstarphen, of Williams ton, recently elected members, sub scribed to the oath of office. A reor- j ganization of the board was perfect- j ed in less than a minute after Clerk of Court L. B Wynne administered the oath. R L. Perry, who has a long and able record of service as a member of the board, was made chairman upon the motion uf Com missioner C. Abram Roberson. Chair man Perry, pledging his best efforts ; to the county as head of its govern- ] ing body, expressed his apprecia- I tion to the members of the board j for the honor bestowed upon him. The first act of the new board was | to reappoint Don Elphonsa Johnson solicitor of the county recorder's court, the action being recognized as j a mere formality following the rec ommendation made by the Demo cratic primary last Maf Solicitor Johnson subscribed to the oath of office at 10:35, and at 10:40 another branch of the county government, the recorder's court, was function ing with the recently elected judge, W. Hubert Coburn, on the bench and Solicitor Johnson again at the prosecutor's table. Retiring Judge H. O. Peel appeared in court to assist in the handling of unfinished busi ness. A motion for non-suit made before Judge Peel at a session sever al weeks ago was sustained by the new judge in the case charging John Robert Lawrence with violating the liquor laws. A continuance was again granted in the case charging Ben Biggs with violating the liquor laws, it having been explained that the defense counsel could not be pres ent. Upon the suggestion and approval of the retiring judge, a capias was is sued for the arrest of George Allen who had not complied with a prev ious judgment in the court. Judge Coburn then called his first case After getting the court function ing, the clerk returned to his office long enough to administer the oath of office to R. H Smith, recently elected treasurer, Mr. Smith's bond for $40,000 having been just approv ed by the new board of commission (Continued on page six) ? Injured In Wreck Near Washington William O. White, local white man, suffered a broken nose, and aeveral other persons were injured, three seriously, in an automobile ac cident at Old Ford in Beaufort County Sunday afternoon Mr. White, driving the car belonging to his brother-in-law, Mr. Frank Wes ton ,of Williamston, was taking Mrs Ralph Jones and her two-year-old son, Larry, to their home in Beau fort County following a visit here with Mrs. Jones' sister, Mrs Weston, when two colored men, Willie Cobb, Jr? and Sam Tucker, started to pass another car and crashed head on into the machine driven by White. Hie two colored men were serious ly hurt, and the Weston car was wrecked. Mrs. Jones, who suffered severe cuts and bruises, was report ed to be getting along very Well in a Washington hospital today Her aon suffered painful cuts on his face. Charges will be brought against the operator of the Negro car, Pa trolman J. G. Spivey was quoted as saying following an investigation of the wreck. Important Cotton Referendum Will Be Held Next Saturday Cotton growers of North Carolina and other state6 in the nation where the lint crop is produced will go to the polls Saturday to decide in a referendum whether to have cotton marketing quotas in effect on the 1941 crop. Quotas have been in ef lect for the past three yean. ?T eluding 1940 E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive offi cer of N. C. State College, urges ev ery farmer who produced cotton this year to go to his community polling place and express his opinion. "A large majority of cotton growers voting will mean that the referen dum outcome represents the true opinion of producers as a whole," he declared. The nation-wide vote in favor of cotton marketing quotas for 1940 was 877,297 for quotas and 84,976 against quotas, or 91.2 per cent of those voting in favor of the quotas. North Carolina gave 1940 quotas a 50,737 to 5,767 vote (898 per cent) vote of approval. Floyd pointed out that cotton lands which have helped this year in maintaining cotton farmers* incomes can be made available to cotton growers in 1941 only if marketing quotas are approved in Saturday's referendum. The Agricultural Ad justment Act, passed by Congress in 1938, specifically provides that if quotas are proclaimed and then voted down, loans cannot be made. The Triple-A officer also said that if marketing quotas are rejected, the 1940 cotton loan program would have to cease at the time ballot re sults are announced, and a loan could not again be available until August 1. 1942 POOR RESPONSK ED The call for discarded toys and surplus clothing for distribution among the less fortunate in this community at Christmas time went virtually unanswered here yesterday afternoon when the Boy Scouts canvassed the town and returned with hardly a handful of toys and no discard ed clothes. The canvass was dishearten ing in view of the fart that num bers of homes are cluttered with toys and yet busy housewives could not find the time to coop erate with an inexpensive move to gladden the hearts of othrrs. A second canvass will be made by the Scouts next Satur day morning. The response to that canvass will drterminr the success or thr failure of the Christmas Cheer movement. Submarine Offers Serious Threat To British Shipping ? Greeks Score Nen SuccenwH In Fight Aguiiiftt Itiily In Alhania Rising as one of the most serious threats to Great Britain, German submarines are claimed by the Nazis to be playing havoc with British shipping Up until noon t<5day. the Germans claim seventeen British ships sunk within the preceding 24 hours. According to the claim, fif teen merchantmen and a destroyer were sent ot the bottom out of one convoy in the Atlantic a few hun dred miles off the Irish coast. The total tonnage lost, according to the German claims, Is 161,000 tonsr British sources scoff at the claims, hut it is admitted by the English that the. submarine warfare is prov ing even more serious than the dev astating air raids made on their cities Realizing the great submarine |i menace, England is now looking to 11 the United States for the purchase of sixty new ships III addition to hep losses on the high seas* England is still undergo ing attacks from the air. Bristol un derwent its second attack in two days last night, one report states that the wreckage and loss of life was greater than at Coventry more than two weeks ago. London had a quiet night last night, but three raid alarms were sounded early today in rapid order. Other English cities have been savagely attacked, includ ing Birmingham, during the past ! few days. The only .other activity in the air | yesterday and early today was re ported over Naples which the Brit ish raided extensively. As England was bearing the blunt of sea and air attacks, the Greeks continued their march against the Italians in Albania. Late reports state that the valiant Greeks have cut off the greater part of Mussolini's elev enth army in Southern Albania, clos ing supply routes to the large num ber of men. The Greeks now are (Continued on page six) Voung White Man Is Hold-up Victim Near Here Sunday Dllie Bluml'* Life Threatened By Two Negroea Staging During Hold-up OUie Bland, young Williams Fownshtp white man, was held up ind robbed by two Negroes near the Mo. 90 filling station on the James /ille Road in Williams Township ?arly last Sunday night, the robbers aking a watch and chain and a imall amount of change. Tom Jones. 12, and N. S. Nichols, ?1, both col >red, have been arrested in connec ion with the crime, and are now in ail awaiting trial in the Martin bounty Superior Court here next veek. They were given a prelim nary hearing here yesterday after toon. Justice J. L. Hassell found >robable cause in the case and re juired bond in the sum of $500 each. Jnable to raise the stipulated imounts. the two men were ordered jlaced in jail Making a purchase at the filling station, Bland started riding a bi ?yde to his home below the filling itation on the Jamesville Road Ob serving the purchase at the station ind thinking he had money. Jones ind Nichols are said to have follow ed Bland on a second bicycle with lones pedalling and Nichols riding he crossbar. Overtaking Bland, the two men rode beside him a short jistance, the three men exchanging greetings. Nichols was reported to lave attempted to hit Bland over the head with a big pop bottle. Miss ing its mark, the bottle crashed on the concrete. Jones then turned his bicycle into Bland's causing Bland to fall to the road. Before he could get up Nichols was said to have grab bed htm by one wrist and Jones :aught him by the other hand. Reaching his hand into Bland's pocket, he got the change and one t'nd of the watch chain. As he pull ed his hand out, he snatched the man's watch, a cheap one. Jones bopped on the wheel and rode off Nichols ran away. Bland failing in a chase after him. Called to the scene. Sheriff C B Roebuck soon picked up a clue and at midnight, the officer, accompan ied by Patrolman Whit Saunders, arrested Nichols under a bed in Wiley Lanier's home on an island in Williams Township. Jones was ar rested in the courthouse yesterday morning when he came here to talk to Bland apparently in an effort to get him to withdraw the warrant. Nichols had the watch and chain on his person when the officers arrest ed him. 1 Car Stolen Here Thurtday /< Recovered In Rertie Stolen from in front of the Crock ett home on Church Street on last Thursday evening, the Dodge sedan belonging to Abner Brown was re covered in Bertie County the follow ing morning by Patrolman Scar borough. The thief had deserted the car temporarily when the patrolman found it. Very little damage was done to the machine. Keen Competition in Holiday Decorations Expected Locally According to early reports, Wil liamston merchants, home owners and public building employees are making extensive plans for throw ing a gala attire around the ole town this Christmas season More people are expected to participate in the program, add a few lights and place the artistic touch to the dec orations that the spirit of the period migh be advanced in every nook and corner ? Sponsoring the contest for prize Winning decorations, the local Cham ber of Commerce is out collecting a number of valuable prizes, which wlil be awarded winners irt three groups Tor the first time, prizes will be made available to public employees. Prizes will also be awarded for the best home or door way arrangements and yard decora lions. It is believed that a greatei interest in the public building dec orations will follow this year since the decorators will at least receive official recognition at the hands ol the judges for their artistic efforts The store and window decorationi will be judged, but no prizes will be awarded in that group, the com merce directors agreeing that the other prizes should be increased. Prizes, valued at possibly $50 01 more, will be distributed to the win ners in the form of trade tickets leaving the winners to make theii own selections. The first of the out-door Christmai lighting effects will be noticed nex Friday evening when the hundredi of vari -colored bulbs are lighted or the streets in the business section Individual work on decorations wil follow within a few days. Child Killed While Playing With Calf Saturday Morning La*t Rilen Held Sunday Near Jamettville for Robert Harmon David ?# Robert Harmon Davit, nine ytiri i?W. was killrd whtlr playing with [ a calf at his home near Jamesville last Saturday morning, the accident | being rated as one of the most un usual reported in this county during recent years. Possibly choked to death, his neck broken and his face scarred and bruised either by a di rect attack by tbe calf or as he was dragged across the rough ground and through a wooded area for a short distance, the youth's body was found almost cold by a sister after he had been missing from the yard lot the greater part of an hour Robert, the youngest son of Mr and Mrs. Levi Davis, had his atten tion centered around the Hereford j calf, and despite warnings to be care ful, he spent much time playing with the animal, weighing hardly 200 pounds and standing less than three feet in height. Early Saturday morning as the father started to his work in the fields he warned his son against roping the calf, but the animal seemed friendly enough and the temptation was too great for the lad. Shortly after exchanging greet ings with the mail man about 9:30 o'clock, the youth roped the calf and slipped the other end of the rope ov er his own neck, using a slip-knot. His sister saw the play in the lot, hut lost sight of him for about an hour Becoming uneasy, the sister, Belva Ray, 12 years old, went to look for him. Walking Jo a wooded ravine in a far corner of the lot, one hun dred yards or more from the house, I she found the boy and calf still tied | together, the youth lying face down Turning him over, she found his face nte black and cold. With a frightened I scream, she summoned help, and ] Mrs. Earl llardison, a neighbor liv ing across the road rushed there. Be fore they could loosen the rope, they I had to fight the calf away with a stick Mrs. llardison picked the life less body up in her arms and rush- | ed out of the ravine to the house. Just how the little fellow lost his life no one knows. It is reasoned that he fastened the rope around his neck, that the calf jumped and snatched him down, tightening the rope around his neck. Possibly he I was choked to death or his neck | could have been broken before the animal dragged him into the ravine. It is thought by some that the ani mal attacked him with his hoofs, but other than on the lad's face there were no bruises or scars on his body. Bright-eyed, friendly and accoin inodating, the little fellow was as smart as a lark around the home and in school where he was a mem ber of the fourth grade. He had a large number of little friends at school and in his home community, a few miles below*iJamesville on the Plymouth Highway, and Ins death saddened the entire community where he, full of life and pep, had played and romped Besides his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Levi, Jr., and Dur ham Davis, both of tin- home, and four sisters, Mrs. William Hopkins, of Plymouth; Mrs. Horace Kendrick, of?Birmingham;?Mrs.?Alexander Daniel, of Dardens, and Miss Belva Ray Davis, of near Jamesville. Funeral services were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. P. B. Nick ens, Plym outh Baptits minister. Interment was in a new cemetery on the. home farm. His fourth-grade classmates served as flower bearers. Retiring Treasurer Files Final Report Mrs. C. A Harrison, serving the county as treasurer by special ap pointment following Mr Harrison's death in December of last year, yes terday filed a final report with the old board of commissioners Accom panying the report was a personal statement, in which the retiring treasurer expressed her appreciation for the courtesies extended her. The board ordered a fitting reply to the note. The statement shows that the county has $75,063.08 to its credit in the several banks as embraced in the following accounts: general account. $21,308.82, school account, $15, 431.73: road districts, *28.444 08; state school, $2,092 08. and sinking fund, $7,786.39. Mr. R. H. Smith, recently elected treasurer, succeeds Mrs Harrison who was not a candidate for the of fice in the recent elections. Car, Taken By Mitlake, It Returned To Ovtner After reporting his Chevrolet car stolen from a parking place on Washington Street last Friday eve ning, D. M. Roberson learned the next morning that the car had been driven away by mistake. Resembling a car belonging to the Roanoke Chevrolet Company and which she was supposed to drive home, Miss Mamie Clyde Taylor drove the Roberson machine to her home near here, not knowing until the following morning that she had Mr. Roberson's car. The error was quickly corrected. Commissioners* Order Complete Revaluation of All Real Estate In Countv For 1941 Tax Year ?JUDGE AND CHAIKMAV A change in the county's judging and governing personnel was e! fected here yesterday when W. II t'oburn. left, occupied the judge's seat in the county court for the first time, and Robert Lee Perry, right, was elevated to the chairmanship of the county board of com missioners. Plans To Enlarge Cemetery Heard By Town Officials Proponed Plan (lulls For llii I'lirrliiiHc of llullx-rslinlt Farm Fuiul A new proposal to enlarge the lo cal cemetery was advanced at a regular meeting of the town com missioners last evening. Walter Hal berstadt. appearing before the board, offered tin.*' town ?several' acres of land near the present cemetery for ?-approximately $'2,00t)r- A?detail of the proposed plan was not made the officials selecting a committee from their number to make a study of the plan and to discuss the matter again at some future meeting. The plan, recognized as an ideal one for enlarging and improving the cemetery, is being advanced while another one awaits action. Some months ago a movement was started to enlarge the cemetery on the southeast side. A Works Progress Ad ministration pnoject was given ap provul arid a detailed survey of the improvement program was made by an engineer For one reason or an other, the peace of the dead has nut been disturbed, and the old ceme tery continues as a disgrace to the people here. Commissioners Luther Peel and N C. Green and Mayor J. L Hasscll were named on the committee to study the new cemetery plan Three applications to open wine stores here were considered, the hoard withholding licenses in each Odds and ends on the town's sub walk paving were discussed, the board authorizing the completion of walks on South Watts Street and on the east end of Marshall Avenue A request to pave a sidewalk on Elm Street was left open, and the possi bility of paving a walk on South Haughton Street is to be investigat ed. The sidewalk paving program is nearing completion. Street surfac ing will hardly get underway before early spring, it is understood, and action then depends on favorable action by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in advancing a neces sary loan Shortly before 9 o'clock, the board J went into executive session, but a long-standing custom was reversed. I Instead of excusing the chief of po-l lice, superintendent of the water de partment and a reporter, the board members, led by Mayor J. L. Hasscll moved out of their office into the street. The topic for secret discussion was not revealed, but just before the board went into the outside huddle, j the Hall-Mitchell $10,000 damage suit was dropped as a bombshell into the meeting. % _ Christmas Savings Checks Are Mailed The Guaranty Bank and Trust Company mailed out over the week end 150 checks to Christmas Saving* depositors in and around Williams ton. The fortunate members of the 1940 Christmas club are $10,000.00 better off by having joined the club tweive months ago The sum above represents savings of over 150 members, which is the ; largest number as well as the largest I |amount of savings ever distributed! j by the local institution The 1941 club is now open and will remain open for at least four 1 weeks. Mrs. Oliver Gilbert is recovering from an operation in a Durham hos pital and is expected home withtn the next two weeks. \i:\hi\<; <;o\i Thr Martin County chapter of the American Ked Cross was re ported (tearing its goal of $400 today. I,ate yesterday, the local roll call chairman. >lrs. J A. F.ason reported $322.85 collect ed in Williamston. and one or two canvassers had not reported at that time. Hardens, one of the smallest communities in the county, reports $18.49. and that with a collection of $211.81 boosts the total for the chapter to $364.95. Farm Life has report ed. hut its total was not made public immediately. One or two districts are yet to report A complete review of the 1946 roll call with a list of members not previously reported is selied tiled for publication Friday. Sale 01 Christmas Seals Is Underway "Public Health Can He Hought " I'he dollars spent by the American people for tuberrulosis Christmas seals have been an investment in lealth in their own communities. Ninety-five per cent of the income from flie sale of seals remains in the date where the sales art* made. Thr ither five per cent goes to the Na lonal Tuberculosis Association which is constantly working out more ef ficient and economical methods for the campaign against tuberculosis which must he carried to victory The sale of tuberculosis seals he gan today hi Martin County, with schools of the county, organizations >f the towns and individuals uniting Again this year the drive is.being L'onducted under the sponsorship of the Junior Woman's Club, with Mrs II O. Peele as chairman If any person in the county is not L'ontacled hi the campaign ' and wishes to buy seals, he is asked to see Mrs Peele or mail a contribu tion. "This year, help save a life by us ing tuberculdsis seals." I'caiiol Market Is Reporting Record Activities Today A new record of activity was reported on the local peanut market yesterday and today when farmers crowded govern ment warehouses and the Wil liamston Peanut Company yard While the open market was re porting limited purchases, as a whole, several independents re ported heavy deliveries yester day. The Williamston Peanut Company stored approximately 4,000 bags of the goobers yester day to chalk up a record. A marked trend from the open market to the government warehouses has been noted, and already the deliveries are reach ing high figures. More than 30, 000 hags of peanuts had been stored in the two warehouses here up until late yesterday af ternoon, and deliveries are larger this morning. Arrange ments for opening a third house are being considered, and it Is firmly believed that the govern ment can handle a greater part or virtually all of the remainder of the crop in this county, and ponsibly offerings from adjoin ing territory. The 30,354 bags stored to date weigh approxi mately one and three-quarter million pounds, and 85 per cent of them were placed in the No. 1 grade, netting the farmer right at 3 1-4 centa a pound. [New Board In Its Initial Moot Fares Complicated Task ? ll. lail.-.l I'lan- VI ill Be Plured Before Speeial Meelinu Next Momlav I I ho now board of Martin County commissioners. holding its first ges shin here yesterday faood at the start a complicated task While the authorities wore quite certain they could not handle the task perfectly or even to the complete satisfaction of everyone, they were agreed that something needs to be done and a revaluation of all real estate in the county was ordered. A lengthy dis cussion preceded the order calling for a complete revaluation of prop erties. but no definite plans were advanced for handling the huge task According to an unofficial report, the meeting considered several plans day when the authorities will meet m special sesion to hear reports from S H Grimes, newly appoint ed tax supervisor, and Commission et C D. Carstarphen, who are to make a study of systems for the re valuation of properties 'in other counties. During the meantime, the commissioners are expected to give thought to the problem and contrib lite to the discussions at the meet i tog next Monday The appointment of the list-takers is expected at that meeting It was. suggested at the meeting yesterday to name to assessors for each township and arrange for them to' visit and inspect each individual's property With the list ? taker. The plan is not.at all definite, hut it is - fairly certain that the new hoard is - -tuily- determined to iron out the tub? mitted inequalities in the property assessments as they appear on the old books S Harcum Grimes was reappoint ed tax supervisor, and hi- was also appointed to handle the pergonal property ' insolvent " tax accounts He is to receive 1 it of the epllec ( lions. Waiting for the old board to clear its desk, the recent elected authori ties were late;getting started on tlu ir work yesterday Subscribing to the oath of office at 10:35 .the coniniis sinners immediately settled down to their accepted tasks The appoint merit of D. Klphonsa Johnson con Stituted the first official act of the hoard following its reorganization which placed Commissioner R. L. Perry, of Beat' Grass, in the chair man's seat Bonds were next approv ed for the various officers, as fol lows: Treasurer R H Smith, $40, 000, Register of Deeds, J Sam Get singer, $5,000 and the same amount for Mr. Getsinger as county account ?nut: S H (irilTHS, special tax collect ^ or, $2,000 Bonds were reapproved for the clerk of court, deputy court clerk, sheriff and coroner. Completing its reorganization, the hoard appointed E S. Peel, county attorney, the appointment providing a $100 retainer's fee. John W. Bland was reappointed superintendent of the county home for one year. The tangled up situation in which thi' township constabulary has found itself recently was partially clear ed by the hoard, hut there is some doubt if Clarence Sexton will ac cept the appointment as constable ol Jamesville Township. The entry in the board's minutes as it relates to the Jamesville Township post of constable reads, "J H. Hurdison hav ing forfeited his claim of election to the office of constable of Jamesville Township, the board upon motion of Commissioner C A. Roberson, sec iContinued on page fix) Volunteer Firemen Receive Two Falls After a long period of little ac tivity, Williamston's volunteer fire men are having a fairly busy time. During the week ending last Satur day, the firemen received six calls but the law of averages should give them a brief respite for a short while. La4t Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock the firemen were called to a tool shed belonging to the contracting firm of Kiker and Yount near the river. The night watchman built a fire near the shed where the ground had been saturated with kerosene overflow ing when flares were filled for on the river fill. The oil was soon heuted and the fire spread rapidly to the shed, wrecking the small building and burning up the con tents valued at $300. Several truck tires and a number of grease pumps were in the building. Saturday morning at 10:50, the firamen were called to a small grass ftre on Washington Street. No dam age was reported there.

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