Watch The Label On Your Paper, As It Carriea The Date Your Subecription Expiree THE ENTERPRISE Advertiser* Will Find Our Col umn* A Latchkey To Over 1.800 Home* Of Martin County. VOLUME XI.Ill?NUMBER 99 fFiUimmtion, Mmrtin County, North Carotin*, Tuesday. Ihrrmbrr lO, IV-Hh ESTABLISHED 1&99 Judge J. J. Burney In Short Charge to County Grand Jury Outlines Duties of Body in Fifteen-Minute Charge Monday Morning Assuring them it was a pleasure to return to Martin County and do his bit in enforcing the laws of the land and maintaining the peace. Judge John Jay Burney in his address to the members of the grand jury dwelt entirely on the duties of that body. "We have grown up until it is no longer necessary to make long speeches to a grand jury," Judge Burney said in explaining that he would merely outline the duties to the men and rush the work of the court along. And the judge did not vary from his accepted task. In less than fifteen minutes he briefly re viewed the grand jury system, de fined types of crimes and instruct ed the jurymen to inspect public prpoerties and institutions Round ing out its preliminary work by 10:20, the court was idle while Solicitor Don Gilliam caught up with his work. "The first trial by jury was held in the year, 820," Judge Burney said in his brief address to the jury "In 1368 the grand jury was establish ed in England, and the same oath you have just subscribed to was ad ministered to that first jury," the jurist addressed the jurymen. The duties of the jurymen were outlined in three classes. In instruct ing the jurymen to return bills of indictment, Judge Burney pointed out that it was not the duty of the grand jury to try the case. "You are to hear the State's evidence only. If you are satisfied after examining one witness that there is probable cause of guilt, you need not examine oth er witnesses. But before you return a "no true bill" you must examine all witnesses, and if necessary you may call in additional witnesses where they are available. "There are four capital crimes, murder, arson, rape and first degree burglarly. In these cases you are to report to the court in a body when a true bill is found. Others may be returned to the court by the fore man or by the officer of the grand jury. "You may aid the enforcement of ficers by presenting alleged viola tors of the law to the court. You may call witnesses, and after passing on all other bills of indictment you are to seal your findings for considera tion by the next jury." Judge Burney was quite specific in his instructions directing the in spection of public buildings, offices und county institutions. He urged the jurymen to make recommenda tions where necesgary. He also call ed for complete reports from jus tices of the peace, and directed close examination of guardians' ac counts to see that proper account ings had been filed and that the in terests of minors are protected. The mechanical condition of all school busses is to be checked by court order. Following the death a few weeks ago of Mr W. A. James who had served the grand jury for a long number of years, Mr. S. S. Brown was appointed by the court as of ficer of the grand jury. Man Is Seriously Hurt By Brother Walter Bailey, 40-year-old Bear Grass farmer, was removed to Washington hospital yesterday for treatment following a serious attack upon him by his brother, Garland Bailey, last Friday. His condition, last reports state, is critical. Working at their father's hog kill ing, near Bear Grass, the brothers quarreled over hogs. Garland, the younger brother, was said to have warned the other to keep his hogs out of his garden. Using a lard pad dle, the young man struck his broth er over the head, fracturing his skull. One report reaching here stated that Walter, begging his brother not to strike him, backed out of the yard into the road. The edge of the pad dle did not cut the head but result ed in a fracture of the skull. Appar ently suffering great pain, Mr. Bail ey had to be fastened to the bed. Fined For Violating The Automobile Later George William Collier, Hassell colored man. was fined $10 and taxed with the costs by Mayor i. I> Hassell here last evening in the case charging him with operating a car with improper licenses and park ing a car on the highway. Collier left his car on the high way near the Taylor farm in Pop lar Point Township, and it was struck by another driven by W. S. Bailey. No one was hurt, but dam age, estimated at $100, was done to the Bailey car. Filling Station Robbetl On The Hamilton Road Breaking through the front door, robbers stole a pistol and a rifle and a box of cartridges from the C. B. Allen filling station on the Hamilton Road last Saturday night No other goods were missed by the owner. First Ma rtin County Draftees Are in Uncle Sam'sArmy Now Martin County's first draftees un der the Selective Service Act are in the Army now. Receiving their credentials at a special meeting of the county draft board here yester day morning at 10:30 o'clock. Ellis Clifton Wynne, of Oak City Route 1, and Leslie Worth Pierce, of Wil liamston Route 3. rolled into Fort Bragg yesterday evening in time for supper. The young men, appar ently expressing no regrets and per fectly willing to go to answer their country's call, were given then tickets and expenses by R. H Good mon and J. H. Ayers. of the draft board, and Wheeler Martin, draft board appeal officer. No formal fare well party was held, but friends and acquaintances waved goodbye to them as they boarded a bus for the trip The county's first colored draft ees, Walter Louis White and James Earl Hyman. both of Williamston. are scheduled to enter the Army Friday morning, the thirteenth, but the day and date are not worry ing White, more commonly known as ?Lightning". These four draftees, subject to draft call, volunteered their services before they were called. When the board meets next Fri day morning to see the next two draftees off, its members will prob ably classify about 250 more regis trants. Chairman Goodmou states that the work will be continued un til about 600 men are classified. Af ter sending out 850 questionnaires, the draft board ordered a delay, and little work in connection with the draft will likely be handled until after Christmas when fairly heavy quotas are to be filled. Daring Youth Draws 5-Year Prison Term EVEN DO/EN An even dozen days remain for handling the big Christina* shopping tasks. Williamston stores are better prepared than ever before to handle the shop ping needs of the people throughout this entirr section. The stocks are larger and more varied, and reports state that Williamston compared favorably with the shopping centers in the big towns and cities. Give Williamston merchants the first opportunity to serve you this Christmas, and make the season a happy and success ful one for your year-around friends. S. Benjamin Stalls Ends His Life At Home In Hamilton 1 l)e*|>on<le<! ami Feeble, Aged Man Did Net Wunt To Fare Winter Alone Experiencing ill health and de sponded over the recent and sudden ' death of a brother, S. Benjamin Stalls, well-known and respected Hamilton citizen, ended his life in the backyard of his home there about noon last Friday. Just a short time . ago. Mr .Stall*, nearly 70 years of age, had told friends that he dread- j ed the cold winter months ahead His health had been failing him rapidly in recent weeks, and he was believed to have been nearing the j end of life's race when he brought i it to an abrupt end. Taking a shotgun, Mr. Stalls went to the well in the backyard near the end of the porch. He made himself a seat with a potato basket and breached the stock of tile gun against the well curbing Unfastening his shirt, he placed the barrel of the gun against his heart and pushed the trigger with a stick. He was found a short time later slumped on the ground by Mr. Roscoe Downs, a friend. Death was instantaneous, and Coroner S. R. Biggs, called to the scene, ruled that in the face of the evidence and facts no inquest was necessary Living in a four-room house on a side street in Hamilton, Mr. Stalls lived a lonely life. Acquainted with his condition, Mr. Downs, Hamilton merchant, had been looking after hira and had carried him breakfast that morning. While he was said to have been despondent at that time, he said nothing of any plan to end his life. He was seen around the yard by neighbors that morning, and the report of the gun was heard by several but nothing was thought of that until Mr. Downs returned at noon with lunch for him. Receiving ,no answer to his front-door knock, Mr. Downs went around the house and found him dead. Apparently Mr. Stalls had no fi nancial worries, reports stating that he had no outstanding obligations 1 and that several hundred dollars in I cash were found in a prayer book (Continued on page four) j CATCHES DEER Toby Barber, Williams Town ship fanner, caught a young deer on the W. W. Griffin farm In the island section yesterday morning. Wandering from Its haunts back In the swamps, the deer had Just about taken away a cow's teat from a young calf and was waxing fat while the calf faced starvation. Relishing the cow's milk, the deer refused to leave its source of food and Parmer Barber had little trouble making the catch. After being displayed here a short while, the fleet-footed ani mal was returned to the swamps. Judge Still Sees Something Good In 16-year-old Boy \rnu Wallace I'leuil* (riiilty In (late (llturging Mini \\ itli Rol>l>erv Another chapter in Arna Wallace's crime career has been written in the courts of this county. Pleading guil ty in the case charging him with robbery, the sixteen and one-half years old boy was sentenced to pris on for five years by Judge John Jay Burney in the superior court here yesterday. Boasting that he was out to establish a new crime record and one that would outshine Dillinger's, the boy has now reached a new turn ing point in his life Despite a record of crime that extends almost from one end of the State to tbe other, the youth still maintains an air of in difference, and the pronouncement of a five-year prison sentence was not reflected in the boy's facial ex pression. Despite all that there was some thing in the boy that attracted the attention of both Judge Burney and Solicitor Donnell Gilliam. Charges in three of the cases were dismissed by the prosecutor possibly because he still saw there were the makings of a man behind that indifference. Possibly the youth's tender years attracted the attention of the court and a personal letter from he jurist to State Prison Warden Hugh Wil son is accompanying the youth to prison. Judge Burney's letter reads, "I have today sentenced a young boy sixteen and a half years of age to five years in the State's prison for breaking and entering, larceny and receiving.. "There were four cases against this young man for the same offense and the solicitor took nol pros with leave in three cases and he plead guilty in the case he was sentenced. "This young man has been exam ined at the Stonewall Jackson Train ing School and found to have the mentality of a boy eighteen years and five months old, is above the average in intelligence. He escaped from the training school on three different occasions. The last time he was found in a box car asleep with a pistol in 'his pocket and his hand on it. Previously when he was ar rested once for larceny while be ing conveyed from Wilmington he took the sheriff's pistol and tried to hold him up on the way back. "I feel that there is something good in this boy if it can be brought out. I am asking you to kindly show him consideration and mercy and place him in a ward where he will not be with hardened criminals, and give him work where he may learn a trade and come out fitted to earn a living for himself by honest means. Anything you do for him will be ap preciated." (Continued on page four) Corn Barn Burned On Farm Near Here Fire, believed to have been of in cendiary origin, destroyed the corn barn on the Jesae Whitley farm at the edge of town on the Hamilton Road about 1:45 o'clock laat Sunday morning About twelve barrela of corn and a pet dog loat its life in the fire. Traveling to hi? home in Oak City George Mobley discovered the fire and called Farmer Eli White who operated the farm. Mr. Mobley then turned in an alarm, and volunteer firemen responded, their efforts pos sibly keeping the fire from spread ing to other buildings. The com barn was hardly more than IB feet from the dwelling, and it looked as if the fire would spread to the largt er building at one time No estimate of the loss could be had immediately. 'Big" Court Clears Docket And Quits For Term Monday Spew! Kerord Ksta!>li*he<l by Judge Burney in llan Cling Lirge Docket Opening the regular one-week term of the Martin County Super ior Court two minutes ahead of schedule, Judge J. J. Burney estab lished a speed record in handling a large criminal docket and in bring ing the session to a close before nightfall. Very few cases ever reach ed the jury, and the court called only for the bare facts in the others. In addition to the regular docket, the court granted three divorces and allowed ample time for lunch. Comparatively small crowds were present for the proceedings, and even though there were many cases on the docket the court attracted very little attention. Several cases were continued for one reason or another. Pioceedings in the court: The case charging Gus Forrest with non-support was continued un der a former order Pleading guilty in the case charg ing him with drunken driving. Mil itary Ward Spruill was fined $50, taxed with the cost and had his li | cmse revoked for one year. Charged with violating the liquor I laws. Ralph Dugger was sentenced I to the roads for nine months, the i court learning that he was in feeble | health, suspending the sentence upop payment of the cost and upon__the condition that the defendant violate j no law during the next three years. The murder case lodged against Raymond and Sam Powell was con | tinued. Raymond is at liberty under bond, and Sam is still at large, the case having been continued pending his arrest. Pleading guilty in the case charg ing him with forgery and false pre tense, Richard Lee Girven was sen tenced to prison for from 2 to 3 years The judgment was suspend ed upon payment of the case cost and the amount of the check The (Continued on page four) Warner A. Bailey Dies At His Bear Grass Home Sunday liim-rnl Scrvico llrbl Yesler day For Highly Reaper! ed County Citizen Warner A. Bailey, highly respect ed citizen, died at his home in Bear Grass Sunday morning at 10 o'clock following a long period of declining health. Suffering from a complica tion of ailments, he had spent the past several months in bed, the end coming gradually. The son of the late Lawrence Bail ey and wife, he was born in this county 64 years ago. He spent his en tire life on the farm, working dili gently to meet his obligations and to merit the friendship and good will of his fellow man. Possessed of a quiet and unassuming character, he enjoyed a large friendship in his community and was recognized as a good neighbor, giving of his time in the service of others. In early manhood he was married to Miss Allie Peel, who survives with eight children, Mrs. Alonza Revels, Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Mrs. Claibert Whitakcr, Buie Bailey, Robert Bail ey, Clarence Bailey and W. A. Bail ey, all of Bear Grass Township, and W. A Bailey, Jr., of near Hamilton. Mr. Bailey was a thoughtful hus band and father. He was not pre tentious in his daily walk through life, and while be held membership in no church he was a firm believer in the Primitive Baptist faith and was liberal in its support. He was the last member of his immediate family. Funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Primitive BaplisT Church at Bear Grass by Elders B. S. Cow in and A B. Ayers. Interment was in the Bailey Cemetery just across the road from the home. BARGAIN COURT Opening hi* *econd term of superior court in this county, Judge John Jay Burney yester day frankly announced a bar gaining scheme with the de fen dan ts as they were about to appear before him for alleged violation of law and order. "It's near Christmas, and I don't want to be hard on any one at this time," the Jurist ex plained. "Come clean, submit plaes of guilty If you are guil ty and I will be as light on you as I possibly can be," the Judge bargained. "If yfiu doU't plead guilty and the Jury adjudges you guilty, I am going to be hard on you," Judge Burney warned his clients. "If yeu start lying, "I'll start supplying," he added. One client had already plead ed not guilty, but he Immediate ly changed his plea, the court imposing the lightest sentence possible In the ease. County Commissioners Appoint Tax List- Takers and Assessors For Property Revaluation Work Peanut Deliveries Continuing * To Increase in Volume Here After establishing what was de er ibed as a record last week, the ocal peanut market yesterday was >ff to a fresh start toward capping hat record. The open market, with he exception of the activities at the klant of the Williamston Peanut Company, was dull yesterday and ew purchases are being made to lay to the independents and direct eprosentatives of the millers. However, the rush in the govern nent storage houses pushed on oward a climax and reminded one ?f the hustle and hustle following he tobacco marketing holiday, a 'ear ago. Fifteen farmers' trucks, oaded high with the goobers, were ined up at the warehouses here at >ne time yesterday as large forces if men worked feverishly to han lie the offerings. And while there vere short delays, the warehouse ?perators were effectively handling* the big rush. Possibly the warehouses are now employing more men than they did during the tobacco* mar keting season. Farmers are anxious to sell their peanuts, and unable to find ready buyers they are turning to the storage houses Deliveries were made here yesterday by farm ers from Craven, Beaufort. Wash ington, Bertie and Martin Counties. The crop is how moving ill hum Bertie in large quantities Approximately 100.000 bags of tin goobers have been stored at this point so fur It is believed that the storage space will be ample to han dle the remainder of the crop. The Farmers warehouse has been fill ed. and deliveries were made yes terday at the Planters house There is still room for thousands of bags at the New Carolina. If all the houses are filled additional space will be sought elsewhere Farmers Strong For Cotton Control Plan County (lasts Solid Vote For Quotas In Recent Referendum "iii|t|i<irt Mere llolil* Spotliglil In Noting Throughout Cotton licit II V Li Nl. Casting just about twice as many Kites as were predicted, Martin bounty farmers last Saturday in the otton referendum again supported heir stand for the farm program >y voting 100 per cent for 1041 mar keting quotas. As far as it could he earned today, it is tin* first time hat any measure, political or oth erwise, ever received a support 100 >er cent strong Last yeut in a sun lar referendum two votes were cast n opposition to cotton marketing juntas, but this year that little op iosition was wiped out and the sup lorters of the plan increased their iupport by a margin nf more thim 13 per cent While the vote count was larger han had been predicted, hardly nore than two-thirds of the cotton armers eligible to vote participated j Gt n the referendum in this county Parm leaders are of the opinion hat the opposition in the group that lid not participate in the referen him would he limited to less thanlspi ine-half do/en farmers. in When cotton growers cast less than 100 votes last year and after less han one-half hundred farmers at ended the district meetings held in connection with the referendum, 'arm leaders predicted a vote of lot more than .500. A large crop yield estored interest in cotton in this county, and more farmers recogniz ed the value of the control -program. It was also pointed out that more 'armers, anxious to save their cot on allotments, planted a small arrr ige to the crop and thereby gained he right to vote in the referendum The vote in this county for last fear and this year, by townships, is is follows: 1939 1940 For Vs. For Vs i. ma era ma lametville ? 27 0 Williams 30 0 3riffins * 17 0 Eleai Grass ? 48 0 IVilliamston 134 0 144z 0 [Trosfl Roads 91 0 140 0 Ftobersonville 163 9 236 0 jold Point 51 0 62 0 lassell 73 2 97 0 familton 52 0 68 0 EJoose Nest 227 0 200 0 791 2 1069 0 ed on int of ing tai his cot pe< Hit a I try als we i Ne Or Ian d?M er ter tor \ pec see; All sta bee a i Jurymen, seeking (?? be e\ uwd from service in the super ?r court here yesterday, were eleased upon the condition that hey send other men to take heir places. T. J. Koherson, efiular juryman: wasn't long in radiiiK places with I\1r. W II. Ulkins. Assuring the judge that te would try to get another man i? serve in his place, a second urvinaii was warned that if he ailed the sheriff would he sent or him. A trade was effected, ml the court continued its fork. I ti al CI I af to itlcr Is I'mlirtiiig P iclory Al Kml 01 >ii<j Kiiropcan War ?uiiwhih' (trccks and Brit ish Score Siiccchscm in Al bania and \frica Vdplf llitler in a speech to the rman people early today predict with some reservation, that Ger ny would he triumphant at the t of a long war German's No. I d man threw out hints in his cell?which?was nut?broadcasted, this country. "We have construct liases on the coast that no power earth can take," he said intimat ; that he anticipated an invasion the continent by Kngland Point ; out that blitzkrieg warfare en Is too many sacrifices, Hitler told people that by waiting more 11(1 be guined, that the German iple were prepared to wait. While lcr was preparing his people for >ng war, it is possible that he was inn offset the serious levers -dealt-lite Axis fiowers in recent eks. Assuring his listeners that the w Order will tear down the Old dor as the* latter exists in Kng d and the United States, Hitler dared that work will triumph ov gold, that a just distribution of ritory will lollow a German vie y Vhile Hitler was talking to his iple, the British and Greeks were ring new gains in Africa and jama Prime Minister Churchill ted tqday that preliminaries had *n handled for an extensive offen (Continued on page four) CIIKKK FUND Williamston's annual Christ nas Chffr fund rrtrlvfd its first upport mrr the week-end when la persons contributed a total if (15 that some less-fortunate ot may enjoy the Christmas sea on. Early reports from a survey >f needy and most worthy canes late that a substantial fund will te necessary If the movement s to be successful. A fairly sla ible collection of toys Is now be ne repaired and made ready for llstrlbution following a ran ias of the town by the Scouts ast Saturday. Cash contributions ire acknowledged, an follows: larry Biggs (10.00 >frs. W E. Old 1.00 loel Muse 1.00 lira. J. A. Eanon 1.00 drs. E. T. Walker 1.00 rlary Taylor 1.00 (Continued on page four) Store Robbed Here Early Last Sunday Forcing an entrance through the front door, robbers made a raid on the store of Robert Ormond, color - I'd, on Broad Street here early last Sunday morning. The robbers centered their atten tion on something to smoke, shoot ind eat, the small-scale merchant reporting two cartons of cigarettes, a pistol and a cheese missing. A mostly watch was also stolen, an ob ject that will be of little use to the robbers if they are caught and pen led. No clue on the robbery has been established by the police so far. resent Plaits (la 11 For Personal \ isit Fo All Properties THonnl Pro|MTlv Lifting To ll?' llanillrd Following ^ ork Bv Tentative plans, bordering on a rly definite system, were ad ssioiitrs hi special session here sterduy for handling the revalua n of all real estate in the county ginning early in January. Discuss l the huge task with Tax Super ior S ||. Grimes, the commission - ; delayed final action for handling ? revaluation until a joint meeting held with tin* assessors on Mon y. December 23. The plans us discussed at the meet { yesterday call for a personal in action of all real estate in the coun The appointment of three assess < for each of the ten townships has en recommended subject only to ? appointees' acceptance The as vsors will include the list-taker each district Beginning early in nuary. after a schedule of values s been discussed on the 23rd of is month, the thirty assessors will lue real holdings at random in ch .of the ten townships This will I the assessors in maintaining an uitable schedule of values over the unty. as a whole Assessed prop (y valuations will be determined lenever possible m the presence the owners. - While the assessors may complete e work in a few weeks, they must ush it within ninety days They II he paid at the rate of $5 a day. No trend as it affects the total as vsed valuation has been predicted, it it is believed that the authori 's are looking for an increase It Ts <o believed that no blanket in case will be tolerated, hut that ler inequalities are ironed out the lal list will show some gain Personal property listings will be ndled after the real property has ??n assessed This work will be iTied on at the usual places where r list-takers have maintained eir headquarters in years past tth possibly .i few exceptions Continuing in session until well the afternoon with no recess for neh, the commissioners yesterday rued from the tax problem just ng enough to appoint W E. Early nstable for Goose Nest Township. The names of the assessors, that the list-taker-assessor appearing st after the township, follow: Jamrsville Township R. L. Stall gs. Kerd W. Holliday and J. Lin ;?od Knowies. Williams Township C. Daniel, J Hardison and Walter Gardner Griffins Township George C. Grif t. J. Duwson?I a! lev - -*t>d W Tom iberson. Bear Grass Township A B. Ayers, Urbin Rogers and W. O. Peel. Wilhamston Township. 11. M. Bur s. Albert T Perry, S. C. Griffin. Cross Roads Township: G. G. Bail . J S. Ayers, Gaston James. Robersonville Township: H. S. /efett, Joe Winslow, Tom Roe ick Poplar Point Township: L. G. lylor, Mayo Hardison, W. S. White Hamilton Township: L. R. Ever t, F L IlaisIipV D. R. Edmondson. Goose Nest Township: James A. iwls, Henry Early and Jack Smith. Iiree Are Hurt In Main Street Wreck Mr Ralph Parker was painfully uised and Ins young son, Ralph. and James Allen llnggurd were ightly hurt in an automobile acci ?nt at a .main street intersection ?re last Friday evening Mr. Par >r is able to sit up some now. and e other two victims are getting niig all right. Mr. Parker, accompanied by Mrs irker and their son, was traveling ross Main Street at the Presbyter n Church corner when Hoggard, leged to have been operating a x while intimiratod and without (hts, crashed into him. Hoggard is now facing trial in the urts for alleged drunken driving. i ountry Home Detlroyetl Hy fire Saturday Night Fire, believed to have started >m a falling spark, destroyed the isddeus lladley home on the ashington Road in Bear Grass iwnship last Saturdsy evening at. JO o'clock. The two-story structure ts built by the late Sylvester ebb. The family was sway from home the time, but travelers, seeing the ?e, stopped and removed much gt e furniture on the lower floor, te property was partially covered ? insurance.

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