Happenings In The Oak City Schools The Oak City tchool attendance is very food. Very few cases, if any. of influenza are reported. Quite a number of new pupils have entered the school since the holi days. Classes are progressing nicely and pupils are taking part in a democra tic way. Miss Reba McLamb has accepted the place of treasurer for the athletic association in Oak City School. Mr A. M. Benton, agriculture teacher, is leaving soon and will take up work with the Federal gov ernment at Lumber ton The Oak City basketball teams will play a doubleheader with Bethel teams on Friday night. The school is expecting a visit by Miss Hattie S. Parrott, of the Di vision of Instructional Service very soon. The school library has been divid ed into two sections. One- for the high school and one for the element ary department. The school is look ing forward to the arrival of the elementary library books. The senior class is planning an educational tour in the near future The class is sponsoring a dance for: senior school expenses on Friday night. February 21st. Hal Thurston and his orchestra will furnish the | music. The Oak City School raised $10.00 j in the "March of Dimes" drive for j prevention of infantile paralysis Jump United States exports of process ed milk to the British market dur ing the?first 10?months?of 1840 amounted to 71,000,000 pounds com pared with 274,000 pounds in the same period last year. A newly-developed nicotineless tobacco comprised 5 per cent of the entire German crop in 1940, accord ing to the Forchheim Tobacco Re search Institute. rREE! Silverware COME IN TO SEE US AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR FREE ? Rogers Silverware Offer Martin Supply Co. WILLI AMSTON, IN. C. Poultry Truck EVERY TUESDAY ATJAMESVILLE I k. 10:00 a. m. AT HARDISON'S MILI 10:30 to 12 m. AT BEAR GRASS 1 to 3 p. m. EVERY FRIDAY AT OAK CITY 9 to 11 a. m. at gold point 11? 2 p. m. EVERY SATURDAY AT WILLIAMSTON 9 to 11 a. m. AT EVERETTS 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. AT ROBERSONVfLLE 1 to 3 p. m. Colored Hens, Leghorn Hens, Stags, Roosters WE PAY TOP MARKET PRICES PITT POULTRY CO. GREENVILLE, N. C. Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. Sunday February 2 Aldrk-li Family in "Life with Henry" JACKIE COOPER and LEILA ERNST y-Tueaday February 1-4 "Foreign Corre$pondent" JOEL MdCKEA and LORAINE DAY ALSO SELECTED Wednesday-Tltunday February 5-6 Jiiiiiuir Kmiitrtrll'ii "I'uttlor Hall" With WILFRED LAWSON Friday-Saturday February 7-8 "Long Voyage Home" JOHN WAYNE and IAN HUNTER SHORT SUBJECTS "Melody Comes to Town"?Here February 5th dins roles in many movie hits dur cast of "Melody tome* to Town, hirh school building here on Wed ?his movie, fifty minutes ... length, i.tertainment and educational pro Islev Ue Company. Adm.ss.on will be obtained free of charge at the ? appealing story of a ful leader of a famous orchestra? 1 her homefolhs are", trouble. Its ^ Happenings In The Farm Lite School The honor roll for the past six weeks u. the Kami Ufe School is composed of the following 36 mem bers: Firsi grade: Josi'ph Carroll Grif fin. Second grade S E. Manning. Jr . Daisy Colt. am. Billie Onffm. Jean Carole Griffin, I.eda Kaye Manning. Rachel Hoherson. Kldon Coltrain. John L?lley. i Third grade Earline Cultrain. Pearl Getsinger. Janice Hardison, Leotia Hardison. Onicc Hardiaon. hi vin Lilley, "Pinkey" Manning Fourth grade Helen Daniel. Dav I id Griffin j Filth grade Mary Ola Lilley. H i chel Gurkin. Dorothy perry. Miriam Peele j Sixth grade Mary Dean Hardison. Seventh grade Christine Lilley. Margaret Hoberson. Margaret Mate ning Urace Peele. NadmeTnTTeyTET] I garie Manning | Ninth grade: Hazel Hardison,, Georgia Dean Hoberson, Josephine Hardison, Elsie Bennett I.illey. Nan nie Margaret Hoberson. .... Tenth grade Delea lae Lilley, Martha Atha Hoberson Eleventh grade I.ala Smithwick, Vera Pearl Williams 4-11 (M B ACTIVITIES The Farm Ufe club won the baft ner for the third consecutive time The banner is given to the club mak ,?g the highest score in club work and sending in the largest percent age of complete records The elub won first prize 111 1939 and 1940 for fixing the best exhibit In 1940 we won $22.50 for giving two plays at the PCX meeting Each year projects have been ex hibited at the county fair and the members have won ribbons and numerous prizetn Vert P llanis exhibited a complete school outfit at the State fair and won $5.50 Our club has been well represent ed at camp for the past three years. One year Herbert Leslie Manning was named "be st c amp boy " We have taken part in two lelig ious services. These services were held at the Williamston Jupb.st and the Piney Grove Churches' Lula Smithwick. Leslie Edwards, Daniel. won medals for completing foul years of club work Vera Pearl Williams won a med al for being clothing champion Down A corn crop of lower quality than 1 ast VI.ar's nnus||allv good liaryc^ljti indicated by inspections of early .eceipts at representative Corn Belt markets, says the U. S Department of Agriculture. NOTICE of re sale North Carolina Martin County In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Tom Perry and Other*. , . .... Under and by virtue of an order of resale made by I. B^ Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Mar Epidemic Of Cold Symptoms 666 Liquid or 666 Tablets with 666 Salve or 666 Nose Drops generally relieves cold symptoms the "rIt Jean Parker, who ha* played lea inf the last few years, heads the feature picture to be shown in the ne9day. February 5th. at 7 p. m. 1 headlines the John Deere Day ei cram to be sponsored by the land be by ticket only, but tickets may l.ind.dry slorr. "Melody Comes To Town" is ai girl who makes good as the youth but who comes back to help when Spending Few Days Here Misses Katherine Manning and Nancy Biggs, students at Salem Col lege, Winston-Salem, are spending a few days here with their parents. the story of a "Scaltergood Haines" with a couple of high school boys injured son . . . of a footbatt coach "Old Lady Dunham. " w ho really eluded in the cast are lovely Jean Jr., Frank Faylen. Natalie Moorhe; In addtiion to "Melody t omes 1 inn pictures will he shown. Mr. Lindslev Is extending a cord of this newspaper?and their nei Deere Day, February 5th. Since establishing its motor vehicle license bureau nearly nine years ago, the State of North Carolina through its var ious courts has revoked 32,261 motor vehicle drivers* permits. Last week there were 151 li censes revoked in the State. While the licenses were revoked for various reasons, most of the I drivers lost them on account of | drunken driving. It is estimated that the fines paid by the defendants in the more than 32,000 cases amounted | to well over one and one-half I million dollars. Building At Brajsg Is Mali Complete With more than twelve hundred buildings under roof and with work areas one hundred per cent com pleted. the thirty two million dollar expansion program at Fort Bragg has passed the half way to comple tion mark. Those units-already completed in the largest single military eonstrue tion program now in progress in elude the expansion of facilities at Pope Field and in the officers' quar ters area. Grading, preparatory to construc tion, has also begun on the recently authorized one thousand bed can tonment type hospital, which will insure adequate hospitalization fa cilities for the more than sixty five thousand men expected at Fort Bragg by summer. Formal authorization is expected soon for the planned expansion of the Fourth Corps Area Recruiting Center, providing additional hou's ing, mess and recreational facilities foi five hundred more trainees. Plans ( all for a five hundred man mess hall and recreational building, in uddi tion to twenty barracks, each hous ing sixty-three men, for Negro train ees. With work proceeding twenty-four hours a day on several projects, Fort Bragg construction officials have authorized the employment of ap I proximately five thousand addition il men through the North Carolina State Employment Service These v. ill .mgnicnt thr more than twenty thousand already engaged in mili tary construction at Fort Bragg. HI. VOCATIONS Per Acre Tobacco Tax About $1.100 Tobacco farmers have been won dering just how they will be affect ed by the Flannagan Bill, recently passed by Congress, increasing the official "parity price" of tobacco. Here is an interesting comment from The Progressive Farmer: "The base period is changed from 1919-29 to 1934-39 which automati cally boosts the flue-cured parity figure from 18.3 to 22.4 cents . . . and lifts burley from 17 to 21.8 cents, effective with the 1941 crop 'Will this price increase injure the for eign demand?' we awkwd K Y Floyd, 'How can these few cents a pound more for the farmer hurt anything?' he came back at us, 'when England and most of the foreign countries al ready tax tobacco $3 a pound . and the United States itself taxes tobacco $1.10 a pound??which means a $1, 100-per-acre tax levied every year j that comes on each acre producing 1,000 pounds- and larger or smaller yields in proportion. (Whew!)" tin County, on the 27th day of Jan uary, 1941, the undersigned com missioner will, on the 13th day of February, 1941, at twelve o'clock I noon, in front of the courthouse d(x>r | in Martin County, offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tracts or parcel of land, to wit: A. Beginning at a Sweet Cum, Na-1 newspaper editor who joins forces to help a widowed mother and her and Uie Ladies' Atd iSociety . . . of is a charming. young teacher. In Parker. Jackie Moran, Joe Brown. Ad. and stuttering Koscoe Ates. 'o Town," four other new. all-talk lial tnvitaUoo to all farmer readers ghbors?to be his quests on John I than Mi/ell's corner in Duucoy's line, running thence along sard Mizell's [ line to Samuel Whitley's line, thence along Whitley's line to the run of Smithwick Creek, thence down the I various courses of said creek to Eu j son's corner, thence along and with , Eason's line to Roanoke River, thence down said river to Tattling Gut. thence along said gut to Hawtree Landing. 1 )auccy's line, thence along said Daucey's Ime to the beginning, containing 340 acres, more or less. The above property was convey ed to L 11 Perry from Emma V Stalhngs by deed recorded in Rook OOO at page 41H and by deed from I J. H. Mizell et ux to L H Perry rec lorded in Rook SSS. page 78 Better I description may he had by refei once to Rook NN at page 288 and 0 B. Second Tract It being the tract of land commonly known as Chat | ity Reddick land and which descend ed to G 1. Whitley and S. W Ewell from their mother. Marina Whitley, it is hounded on the North by Leg gett land or Sweeten Water Creek, on the East by Shillings and lUges bee land, and on the West hv the ill Noah Roddick land, and on the S- uth by Monett and Eli Robinson land, containing 297 acres, more or less. The -above property was conveyed t.? L H. Perry by N T Harris et ux by deed recorded in Book L-l, at age 158 C. Third 'Irhet Beginning at a mash Ash on the edge of Roanoke Kiver. thence up th- river to the ! mouth of Sweeten Water Creek, thence up the tun of said creek to Jas B. Kigi he? s corner, thence a straight line to the beginning, con taining 25 acres, more or less ?This the 27th duv ot J^nuarv. 1941? ELBERT S PEEL i31-2t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE j North Carolina. Mann County In The Sup* nor Court. County of Martin vs. Provident Trust Co . of Philadelphia, et als. Under and by virtue of an order j of sale arid judgment m the above I entitled proceeding made by L. B ! Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court i of Martin County on the 6th day of 'January. 1941. the undersigned com-1 inissioner will, on Saturday, the ; 8th day of February, 1941, at twelve I o'clock noon, in front of the court - | house door in the town of William ston. offer for sale to the highest biddei for cash the following de | scribed real estate, to wit: Lying and being in the county of | Martin on the South Side of Roan j oke Rner in Great lW?*sni, butted I and bounded as follows: Beginning at Samuel Smithvvick's corner on the I i iv- i .side where William Gardner lived, running along his line N 68 W 118 poles to Ins other corner, thence N 4 E 100 poles to his other corner; thence N 86 W 160 poles to his oth er corner; thence N 84 W 100 poles along tho line ?>f Samuel Smith-1 wirtr> other patent. corner, then a straight line to the river, so as to include 200 acres, then down -the i river to the first station, containing 200 acres, this being the same land j allotted to Fmil Guonther in a judg jr the [ inent of the Federal Court for F.astern District of North Carolina 1 anil recorded in Book W-l. at 376 in the public registry of Martin County. This the 6th day oI January. 1M1. ELBERT S. PEEL, )10-4t Commisioner ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having thu day qualified as ad ministrator of the etsate of the lata Mr Mamie Tj . lur deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them for payment on or be fore January 7. 1941, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar t?f their re coyery. ^ . AIT persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment This the 7th day of January. 1941. V CI TAYLOR. Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mamie jl()-6t Taylor, defeased. I)K. V. H. MEW HORN OPTOMETRIST Please Note Date Changes Robersonville office. Scott's Jew elry Store. Tuesday. February llth. i Williamston office. Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed.. 10 a.m. to 5 p.nu Plymouth office. Womble Drug Store. Every Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomnlsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the ;?eut of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, nd aid nature to soothe and heul raw, tender, In tl.uned bronchial mucous mem brane- 'l'ell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomul.sion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis Reita Theatre?Washington Sunday -Monday February I S "W MO KM I I II U M >1 U.l.ll ?" with II alter iliel am! II ently Harrie Tuesday February 4 "llimcn lliu v" llt'iiiiis O'KiM'fi'uiiil Jiniiiiv I y?lon "Mrsilliilr Itiirkuroo." uilli Molt Slrrlc Wednesday Thursday February 5 6 ?im:ki: comks ihi: navy" iritli James ('.afiney ami I'at O'Hriea I'riday-Saturday February 7 4 "I'll VMM I SCIIOOM:tts" ivitli Hill Elliott ami Evelyn I tmiifi Dodge A Winner On All 6 Counts Me asked 5,000 Dodge Buyers to wire what they like most about their New Dodge Read their praise of Fluid Drive* and other Dodge Featuret y\FI fcK ail, there was only one sure and f \ convincing way to find out what owners like most about their 194 1 Dodge...and that was to ask them! So that's exactly what we did. And what a response we got! Hot off the wires., .from all over America. ..came hundreds of enthusiastic telegrams! Ne use listen to this typical wire from ew York..."Delighted with my fifth Dodge...certainly got my money's worth in this big Clf...Dodge Fluid Drive is great stuff. Nothing like it in city traffic." These Dodge owners toliJ us 6 vital ways in which Dodge leads in 1941! Mere they are ...Velvet-Smooth Ride... (itnuitie Hydraulic Brakes... beautiful Lines... Liu id Drive... Last of Handling... World Famous L.conomy. And all these are yours for only a few dollars more than smaller, low-priced cars! Why don'tyiM try a Dodge Fluid Drive tomorrow? Then ask your dealer about the Easy budget Terms. on tho Major Bowoa Original Amatour Hour, Columbia Hotwork. Bo??i Original Amatour Hour, Co ? la 10 P. M* aaatorn Standard Tlmo THINK or IT I ?.. DODQE PRICKS START AT ONLY IRTKM U?RT UNCI M LSXI tThia it Datroit dtlivertd prica tad la- I dudet all Faderal cazat and all standard equipment.Trampurtitlun.ttata and 1 local taxai (if any I, antra. Frooc dlrac tioaal aignala and bompat guard l ?light antra coat. Saa 70itr Dodga daai for aaaf budget tanaa. LUXURY LINER ?FLUID DRIVE OPTIONAL AT SLIOHT EXTRA COST DIXIE MOTORS, INC.?Williamston, N. C.