Good News for Williamston Shoppers On March 6, 7, & 8 Hundreds of Bargains For Thrifty Shoppers "Dollar Days" In Williamston Are Quite Inclusive # Spec ial BargaiiiM Will Prevail In Varied Line cif Merehandifie Special bargains in reputable goods will be extended throughout the merchandising front during Wil liamston's big dollar days on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of this week. While centered around the I dry goods stores and special shops, dollar days are also holding a place in the spotlight with hardware firms, furniture stores, auto accessory units, drug stores and others. Briefly stated dollar days in Williamston means; exactly what the words say. and the array of bargains will be made av?ll [ able on an extensive scale in one store after another. Sponsored by the recently organ ized chamber of commerce, the dol lar days trade festival is all inclus ive, touching on nearly every mer chandising front as it relates to dry goods, wearing apparel, furniture, drugs, automobile parts and acces sories and hardware. At no time in the history of Wil liamston or this immediate terri tory has a greater array of bargains ever been offered at one and the1 same time. The stage is all set for a really big and advantageous shop- j ping festival, and throngs are cer- \ tain to take advantage of the numer ; ous bargains. Get ready for the big event Stores will open promptly as usual with ad ditional clerks on the sales forces ot better serve their patrons. Sale* On (.00 iterate Strine Market Continue Increase The volume of sales on the New Bern cooperative swine market con tinue to increase as hog prices show steady gains, reports P. M Cox. as sistant farm agent of the N. C State College Extension Service. MOTIVE Forgetting profits and costs to thrm, Williamston merchants are making extensive prepara tions for the biggest dollar days trade event in the history of the town. Prices have been slaugh tered to bring the figures down to an even dollar, and the profit niotivr has been virtually lost. No greater bargains have ever been offered. The motive behind the dollar days event ts to prove to in creasing numbers that William ston is an ideal shopping renter, one that offers dependable mer chandise under convenient and advantageous circumstances. Margolis Prepares For "Dollar Davs* "In addition to our regular large stock of wearing apparel for spring and summer, we made large pur chases for special dollar days items." Mr. Frank J. Margolis .said ih com menting on his recent buying trip to New York. The special half-page advertise ment in this issue of the dollar days section of the Enterprise will prove unusually interesting to thrifty shoppers throughout this territory. It is quite evident that the firm is stretching points to see that its store ranks high in the values that are be ing paraded before thousands of shoppers on March 6. 7. and 8th Williamston. The buying public will see count- j less opportunities at Margolis Broth era to effect substantial savings even on small purchases of articles in i combination and unusually attract- j ive bargains in articles ranging high- j er in prices. The store operators invite every- j one to visit them during the special ' dollar days and see the great oppor tunities to buy dependable merchan- | dise at sacrifice prices. Workstock Clinics Proving Valuable ? Agricultural authorities estimate that 95 per cent of the f 1.000 horses and 305.000 mules on North Carolina farms are infested with internal par asites of various kinds, says C. D Swaffar. N. C. State College profes sor of animal husbandry. Greatest amount of damage and the most widespread is being done by the large and small round worms. Bots are also extracting heavy tolls in the Piedmont and mountain areas although they do little or no dam age in Eastern Carolina A farmer can usually tell his workstock is troubled with worms by the following symptoms: loss of body weight, loss of appetite and di gestive troubles, especially colic and weakness and lack of ability to with stand hard work In order to combat this problem horse and mule clinics were held recently in many counties. State ] College Extension Service special- j ists as well as county agents, veter inarians. and other agricultural workers cooperated in the move-1 meiit. Since December, more than Batting Averages? These three baseball players are not comparing their batting averages. No indeed. They are comparing their scores in the annual baseball players' golf tournament at St. Patersburg, Fla. Left to right: Wea Ferrell, former Cleveland pitcher and defending champ; Heinle Manuah and Rov Cullenbina. 'T"--*'? ? "v.-- \'| 1,000 horses and mules have boon tioni,. and cutting ??xtrcmely long tn*ale floating the teeth, extrac- so been discussed at the clinics. ^ages Go Up As Prices Gome Down Between 1W4 and * 1920. hourly wages in U. S. manufacturing indus tries rose from 25 to 60 cents (aver ages). largely under impetus of war hoisted cost of living, for the latter jumped from an ' index" of 61 to 118 Since 1920 the |M?sition of the wage earner has continued to improve, with the hourly rate moving op..-up from 60 to 73 cents During the same time the living costs have gone the 1 pother way. from the 118 of 1920 to 1 %the 85.3 of l(J40. Taking another and 1 less spread-out basis for comparison hourly wage rates now statu! about 20 pel cent above the level of 1929 1 while lis ing costs are about 15 per 1 cent lower than in that "chicken in- 1 every-pot" year. For the treatment of internal par , asites. Swaffer said, both phenothi- ^ a/.ine and carbon tetrachloride have ? been used successfully. In some cases, carbon bisulfide is used, par ticularly in the treatment for bots i Phenothiazine, because of its less a toxic effect, is rapidly gaining favor n W illiamstoii Ls \n Ideal Trade Outer While it is not the largest, William - ston holds an enviable reputation along with the largest trading cen ters in all this section of the State. It has long been recognized by thous ands as the ideal trade center where dependable goods can be bought at reasonable prices and under con venient and advantageous circum Nt uncos. The dollar clays trade event sched ule d during the last three days of Ibis week is being advanced to at tract more patrons to Williamstons md t*? prove that local store, are in ? splendid position to their ieed-. at .til times with seasonable iteivhaudt |{KIN'S SKKKI'KKS l(ff!iilar rv, I vhmt 2 for $1.00 One (ironp? WINTER COATS ViiIiich lo 82,).7I) Specially Priced Par Dollar Day* $5.00 I?\J \ M.\S <;o\\ \s Mllimiu^wrar, Ha\oii $2.50 \ alius sl.(Ml JACK TAII HOYS' WASH SUITS / ciiii.mti vs iti iKsmus Siiiliiltli- for Spring Sizrs HI /. ml. > Miin?iiiK?v<'iir, Itiil liri^iiii I*\J \M VS \mi com NS $1.00 :ti r\ii