Throngs Are Expected For Dollar Days In Williamston Thrifty Shoppers To Come Here From Five Counties This Week Leading Stores In Town Cooperating In Great Movement Dollar Day* Effeelive in Kv? cry Field of General Merchandising ? Staging their most appealing and most effective selling event in his tory. Williamston merchants are making ready for the greatest shop ping throngs in the early spring sea son. Throwing their weight behind a town-u ide dollar days festival, the leading stores will offer astounding and super buying opportunities to wise and thrifty shoppers on Thurs day. Friday and Saturday of this week. With few exceptions, the fes tival will be extended to every store and shop in the town, making avail able all types of merchandise at bar gain prices. Designed primarily to acquaint a larger clientel with the advantages offered by Williamston as a modern, convenient and advantageous shop ping center, the Dollar Days will at tract hundreds here from five or more counties in this section of the State. Never before have Williams ton merchants cooperatively advanc- I ed a bigger and greater trade event. While the various advertisements in this paper list numbers of special dollar days bargains for the last three days of this week, there are hundreds of others too numerous to: mention awaiting; the careful and wise shopper. Anjr and every member of the! family who would tune up Tus or hre wardrobe, equip the tool house and make ready for an urunterrupt- i ed work schedule on the farm and in the garden and yard will find it absolutely advantageous to attend Williamston's dollar days trade fes tival tl\e last three days of this week. I It will require a little time, to be sure, to read all the specials listed in ! the advertisements appearing in this | paper, but the buyer who would save good money will do well to read and study every item careful ly. This dollar days trade festival is not an ordinary event; it is one that helps Williamston merchants meet and make new friends and custom ers, and it is conducted on a narrow margin basis and in many instances at a loss to the merchant. Take time out for this big trade event; it will pay you to travel fur for the as King of Spain? An early restoration of the Spanish monarchy is seen with the formal disclosure that former King Al fonso XII, under an agreement with Generalissimo Franco has re nounced all claims to the throne in favor of his 27-year-old son, Prince Juan. The exiled monarch is ill in Rome. l)rii? Stores Oil The "Dollar Days* Front Williamslon's two modern drug store* are ocuipyiin .? prominent place m the frost ranks n's suc cess" was influencing the minds of the people. He- was afraid e?f this kindness, for he was certain that his neighbors would not fight with vim and determinatie>n against a con-, queror who was kind. If the British generals were feared because of their cruelty. Hooper thought the colonists would be* more determined to hold back the invaders William Hooper, being a Revolu tionary leader, knew it was not safe* for him to await the arrival ot Brit ish soldiers. In his letter he suggest ed that Governor Nash secure* an othe r tenant. f?>r he planned te> move immediately. Others were remain ing whom he felt sure would be pleased by an opportunity of living in the governor's house. Iin.iKiiiv lln' |>??l<- ??f the modern i Europe stairs making no prepara tion f??i resisting an invading army. 1 i ' i Mi evacuation. Awaiting tlu' enenn arrival; feeling safe and se cure from haim. dot not seem to l?e tli? >tyle today Pelted Hitler John Ixdsl is pictured in Philadel phia federal court as he became a citizen of the United States. Years ago, when he resided at Munich, Germany, he was one of a group which frequently pelted an obscure rabble rouser named Adolf Hitler with overripe vegetables. But times have changed. Things To ^ atch For In The Future A "Wackeroo.*' It's a small chalk figure with hands coming out of its cars and feet growing out of its neck, and otherwise outlandish en ough to make you want to smash it ?which is exactly what you're sup posed to do. It exists for the sole pur pose of sitting around on a window ledge or table until some time when you get thoroughly exasperated with the world then you pick up Mr Wackeroo and smash him on the floor?then you sit down and feel better Cellophane-sealed hath looms in hotels a couple Of New York hostelries have started giving the bathrooms a violet-ray disinfect ) ancey Turm Tamilie* To Receive 3JHHI Watt rem Xaju income farm families of Yancey County will mako and re ceive approximately 3.000 mattresses beTore July 1. reports It H C rouse farm agent of the N. C State. Col lege Extension Service ir?l* treatment after each guest checks out, then sealing the whole room with cellophane. ready for the next guest'. . A new rocket type motor, dt veloped b\ New York University engineers ?not designed to shoot anyone to the moon. but m- rely as an auxiliai\ ource of sudden pow ei to give additional bursts of speed, as in airplane lake offs where the runway e fiort the cylindeis are four feet lone, m\ nuhes in diumet \uto Accessories \t Bargain Prices I>?llar d:i> .?> in Williamston on Thursday. Friday and Saturday of thi^ week will afford owners a splen did opportunity to get their cars ready for spring and summer driv mv. The Western Auto Store, own ? I ami operated by Miller and Mil l< r on Mam Street, is participating in the big dollar days festival this ? k I \ available fancy sav ings on mto access ?ry purchases and on other items that come in so handy .n( nud the yard and in Hit* hoine lt?ad the ad in tin ectloii arid ?l|o\\ the dollar drt\ u'.lis for bar Woolard HardwareCo THURSDAY, FRIDAY , SAT! RDAY. Mar. h O. 7. ? He IA* I Only a Fe*t uf the Many hint- I nine* Thai Can Be .Securer! At Our Store Set of Six KNIVES und FORKS? <2?1 (Uj Were 81.19?For DOLLAR DAYS 1 ,l/VJ 5-Foot STEP LADDER ? 8 1.50 0? 1 AA Value =? For DOLLAR DAYS _ ^1,UU Twenty-Quart ENAMEL KETTLE? OM AA 81.50 Value ? For Dollar Day a 1 *Ul/ Six Single Horse PLOW POINTS^- U? 1 A A 81.20 Value ? For Dollar Days ? -1 10-Gallon GARBAGE CANS?81.50 ? AA Value ? For DOLLAR DAYS 1 ,UU 3 Packages STOCK POWDER ? 0? 1 AA 81.50 Value ? For Dollar Days lh. 7lli mill lllli nil l?s|>M. IKIII W . SMI Kim ? ^ \HI?S Ki'ftiilur I ."ir I'M NTS For Only $1.00 12 ^ VlSVl ( i;i{S. loronK s1.00 TWKLVK /f t'niilar i (ti ll >wi;is I in (hily $1.00 dm; no. :j W VSII Ti lt mill UNI IIM.H \ur Itl (Ml $1.00 S/..K/ I (//lu ll! I I III I M .I ON KKALLS Sfnu inl I or Ihrllor Ihrxs $1.00 I ni l i: KIN Wil l. IHI'P'K. I III.I I I N W1I I III ( M l . dm: mm: i n wn i w vsii iwsin. wo dm; m i i KNAMKI. IIISII l'\N. S|?.-< i;il I ... Oolhir l>u\??VI I. I OK $1.00 Martin Supply Co. W II I I XMVIUV V < At Clark's Pharmacy?March 6, 7, 8 ?">0. Ilim ^ :il>M V :in11 AIMOM) CKKA.M .-><>?? IO< SQl'lBBS TOOTH I'ASTK m 2.",. SQUIPHS room paste I9? 50c KlkhAX ? 2 txilllcM for . 51c i ?ak.H <:oi.<;atk soAi' i<>? 'I'Kh lOOI II BBUSII ? S|M. iul At 2.*? LAXATIV I BHOMO^I'ININK TABLETS 2?>r I.I \ SOAP ? 2* for onl\ _ 15c r?o. ImiiiIc jkh<;i:\s lotion :??>1111 I II DENIAL I'OAAIMK 39c llciincn'* Slui\">j Cream X Skin Rraecr. 73c Val. 49 1.00 Clark"* It li imi tint I ? hii i Compound, liolllc 79c 13c PUTNAM UVKS, For Hollar Dayn _ l(l< 30. JoIiiihoii It\ItV TAI3 11.11 POWDER 39c Clark's Pharmacy, Inc. Proscription* hilled liy Registered Pharmacist PRESCRIPTIONS OlIH SPECIALTY TELEPHONE 52 OR 53