The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMS TON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. MANNING Editor ? 1908 1938 SUBSCRIPTION KATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year $1 75 Six months 1 00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year f2 25 Six months 1.25 No Subscription Received Under 6 Mont lis Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3. 1879 Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Turmluy. 4/tril IV tl. lime Ttt If ake I /< Having spent the better part of-two years talking and dickering it is now time for the people of this nation to wake up and go into action In a complicated democracy such as ours, it is hard to tell just where, when and how to act Our progress in the past eighteen months has been so limited that we should now recognize something is wrong and that it is high time to correct that something. Here we arc. twentv months after Hitler threw his first challenge to the civilized world, without a unified course to follow The lund berghs. Wheelers. Nves. Clarks. Reynolds and other leaders in national affairs pulling every ounce at their command 111 opposition to the wishes of the vast majority of American peo ple That m itself is one of the greatest draw hacks to our march of progress The old profit motive the wild thing that took a greater toll in suffering and want than possibly the last war is to the front again Eew contracts, if any, have been let without the cost plus clause being written into them in big let ters The very fact that contractors and man agement can guarantee themselves a profit is recognized as the bone of contention in labor ranks As long as we are willing to guarantee management a profit we may just as well guar "antee every working man a profit But what we are doing today is guaianlet'mg contractors? a profit, and turning on labor with an iron hand and with heated condemnation for his acts It is yet to be proven outside the dominated press that labor has delayed defense work more than management A fair idea of America's attitude toward tie fense can be gained right here in out own back yards How many local people have volunteer ed their services in the name of defense alone'' Every man going from lu re to the army centers wasn't interested in bow much he could do to aid defense, but he was interested in how much he could get. weakly hoping that possibly a few manual" strokes would aid defense along the rugged road it apparently must travel. We. right here at home, have set back and criticis ed everybody else. But what have we done to aid defense? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The time has come to wake up and to act Possibly it is not exactly clear what we should do and how we should do it, but until we, the everyone of us, turn from our erring ways and .recognize defense above all other things the fu ture will continue draped in darkness One C.untolaliun As the hundreds of thousands of high school graduates go 'out from the nation's high schools this year, many to enter a complex business world without further education, they have one consolation. It is indeed apparent that no matter what they do and how they do it, they can make no bigger mess of the world than the one in which it finds itself in right today During the past eleven years or so, the 1941 graduate has been drille dpnmarily in the ways of making money Well and good, but the graduate has been drilled primarily in the evaluate the principles of fairness and honesty in his walk through life and to recognize the all-important fact that a Christian character is to he chosen above riches. Kach commencement, despite the dark war clouds and spirit of unrest or other disconcert ing facts, brings a renewed hope, a hope found ed on the youthfulness and ability, of young men and women as they make ready to enter upon life's journey as citizens and as integral parls m the vast wheel that grinds out events good and had. We extend our best wishes to the young graduates and hope for them the best there is in life, 1/ l.rnst ll Ixn'l Slealinn Speaking from behind his mahogany desk a few days ago, a big business executive boldly declared that the tax pressure could be great ly relieved by eliminating the Civilian Conser vation Corps and the farm "give-away" pro gram The declaration is enough to cause one's hlootl to hnil and to question The sincerity ot the " person making such a statement. Let all men know and understand that what the American farmer has received under the AAA program has been earned, that he by all that which is right and just is entitled to every penny a Ihuughtful administration has seen fit to place into his hands At least, the American farmer has not nibbed his fellowman. When the executive's plan to eliminate the CCC and the farm "give-away" program is ef fected. then let the lobbyist's chair in the seats of government be removed Let the tariff come oil all goods the farmer buys Let the laborer in the factory sell his services and soul for what ever price the industrial leader will offer. When these and other policies tending to equalize all effort in America are effected, then the busi iaexecutive inn turn his index fingi r to tin ? government and demand that the farm "give away'.' program be eliminated Until that is done, let the well-earned soil conservation and parity payments continue to the farmer and in cvci increasing amounts ? //ig/i f.iwi of killiiif! * To kill a soldier it cost in Caesar's time a paltry 7!i cents; in Napoleon's day, $3,000; and during the World War, $31,000. But with Am reica's defense budget already soaring up into the 30 billions of dollars, it is costing us more than $31,000 per to keep from having any of our soldiers killed and well worth it The Mc Dowell News A War, A Marriage, And a 1500 Acre* Land Grant Cause The Settlement Of The Cape Fear . . Soon after North Carolina's first town was settled the Tuscarora In dians formed into small bands and dispersed themselves, as if they were friends, throughout the new settle ments. On September 22. 1711, the Indians fell upon the unsuspecting planters and began a terrible mas sacre More than a hundred settlers were killed in less than two hours. The strength of the Indians was not broken until Colonel James Moore arrived from South Carolina with thirty-three whites and a thous and friendly Indians. On March 20, 1713. he attacked the Indian strong hold. Fort Nohoroco. After three days' fighting he captured the fort and took 392 prisoners and 192 "scalps ' Others killed and burned ran the estimated Tuscarora loss to approximately 800 Soon afterward, the greater part of that powerful tribe moved up the Roanoke River and later joined their kinsmen in New York. They became the sixth nation there ? As soon as the fort was taken many of the South Carolina Indians hurried home to sell their prisoners When Colonel James Moore re turned to his native state, his broth er, Maurice, remained. Major Maur ice Moor;e courted the widow of Col onel Swann. and their marriage unit ed him with one of the strongest fam ily connections in the colony. He was a brother in-law of the great plant er, Edward Moseloy. and took an active partTn the affairs of the prov ince. The traveling between North and South Carolina made the people ac quainted with the opportunities along the Cape Fear. Major Maurice Moore became interested in estab lishing a plantation along the banks of the lower Cape Fear River Earl ier settlements in this.region known as the county of Clarendon had failed and a New England group had spread evij reports of both the soil and the harbor.- Nevertheless, Moore secured a giant dated June 3. 1725. for 1500 acres on the west bank of the river. 16 miles below the pres ent town of Wilmington This was the first known grant in that region. Major Maurice Moore laid out a town he called Brunsw ick and invit ed settlers to locate there. The Ma jor's brothers, Roger and Nathaniel, came from South Carolina. Thus the settlement of the Cape Fear region was due in part to the Indian wars which caused the Moores to traverse those lands, and to the romance that made Maurice Moore a permanent settler in the north state, and to the 1500 acre grant secured for him and his friends. Carolina.. Bird - Lore The Brown Thrasher Has the Brown Thrasher come to your garden for the summer? If you live in the east, you probably have had the good fortune of having him all winter and possibly so if you live in central Carolina. The thrasher is a common bird, and most gardens can boast of a nest in the hedge ? near- the ground in some bush This bird is a masterly songster, and when it sings it is usually from a topmost branch of a tree where "in a fine frenzy of inspiration" it gives out notes that are loud and clear though not quite as rich in quality as the mockingbird's for which it is of ten mistaken Several years ago. I was aroused at dawn by a friend with much musical training, who could not resist coming to my room at that hour for field glasses to try to identify the bird that could give such a performance as she was hear ing She returned with a description of a Brown Thrasher. The thrasher is a little larger than a robin and slimmer. He is blight rufous-red above with streaked un derpaid unlike the wood thrush, with w hom beginners often confuse him. The thrush has a bright brown upper parts and a spotted breast and sides Another distinguishing mark is the thrasher's very long tail The two other of our birds belong ing to the same family are the mock ingbird and the catbird. Not* Come to the annual meeting of the North Carolina Bird Club in Statesville. May 2 and 3 and see the thrasher and thrush pictures. N C. Bird Club notht; of sal*: of PERSONAL PROPERTY North Carolina Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain chattel mortgage executed to the undersign ed by H. U. Peel on the 30th day of ! November. 1937. and of record in ' the public registry of Martin Coun ty in Book 92 at page 267. said chat tel mortgage having been given for the purpose of securing two certain notes, default having been made in i the payment of said two notes, and the stipulations in said chattel mort gage not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes, the undersigned will, on Saturday the 17th day of May. 1941, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of Lindsley Ice Co., in the town of Wil hamston. N. C . offer for sale to the ^ughesM)idd^Mor^aslMlu^ollowing described personal property, to wit: One John Deere No. 14 hay press with engine. TTiis the 25th day of April. 1941 JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. of Saint Louis, Mo. Peel & Manning, Attys. a29-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in me as Executrix under the last will and testament of Nora Rice, the undersigned will, on Fri day. the 16th day of May. 1941. at. twelve o'clock noon, in front of the residence of the late Nora Rice ex pose to public sale for cash the fol lowing described pieces of personal property, to wit: 3 beds with mat tresses 1 bureau, 1 hall tree, 4 ta bles, 1 heater. 4 window shades, 1 rug. 6 quilts. 4 sheeyts, 1 food safe, 1 set dishes, and all cooking uten sils. same being the household and kitchen furnishings of the late Nora Rice. This the 25th day of April, 1941 CALLIE LITTLE. Executrix Pee 1 & Manning. Attys. u29-2! NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Martin County. In The Superior Court. Roberta Purvis Latham vs. Eliza beth Purvis and others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment signed in the above entitled proceeding by W. C Harris, judge holding the March, 1941 Term of Superior Court in Martin County, the undersigned commissioners will, on Monday, the 5th day of May. 1941, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the court house door in tin- town of Williams ton, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following describ ed tract or parcel of land, to wit. Adjoining the lands of J L. Wynne. I'rank Everett, Mollie E. Moore, and others, and being the same tract of land that Alex Thompson purchased frorr^^^^\J2iitley^ontainin^l7 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land that said Alex Thompson owned at the time of his death. This the 1st day of April, 1941. ELBERT S. PEEL. HUGH G HORTON, B A. CRITCHER. u8-4t Commisioners NOTICE Of SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY North Carolina Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by Section 2435 of the 1939 North Carolina Code, the undersigned will, on Thursday, the 15th day of May. 1941 at twelve o'clock noon, in front of Dixie Motors. Inc., sell for cash to the highest bidder one 1932 B Mod el Black Ford Coupe, motor No. AB5004022. belonging to N. S God aid. for the purpose of satisfying a lien held by the Dixie Motors. Inc.. by virtue of having done certain work and furnishing certain mater ials to said personal property above named. This the 24th dav of April, 1941 DIXIE MOTORS. Inc. Peel & Manning. Attys. a29-2t DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Please Note Dale Changes Robersonville office. Scott's Jew elry Store. Tuesday. May 13 Williamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Plymouth office, Womble Drug Store, Every Friday. 10 a m. to 4 p.m. Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. colds g% g% l iquid?Tablets nnn s?ive?nom dm* Couch Drops Try "RUB-MY-TISM" ? A Wonderful Liniment DOG CLINICS (Hiiiics for the vaccination of all do?js in accord ance with the State law will he held in thi* coiintv at places and dales specified below: EVERKTTS Thursday, April 24, from 11 to 2 p. f (.Oi l) POINT Saturday, April 26, from 11 to 3 p. m PARMELE Monday. April 28. from 11 to 2 p. m ROEBl'CK'S STATION. la>( Cabin Tuesday, April 29. from 11 to 2 p. HAMILTON Thursday. May 1. from 10 to 5 p. ROBKRSONVI14,E Saturday. May 1, from 10 to 2 p. m H ASS ELL Monday , May 5, from 10 to 3 p. m SMITH BROS STORK Thursday May 8. from 11 to 2 p. m. OAK CITY Saturday. May 10. from 10 to 3 p. m. All dogs not vaccinated at their rrtperlive clinics must be brought to Dr. Os Iwn'i office at Williainston. No return vaccination schedules Hill l>?' made. Own era of dogs not vaccinated will he promptly prosecuted. The price of vaccination is 75c insleatl of 5()c. but trill still be tletluctetl from taxes. Owners are urged to have llwir dogs vaccinated in their respective districts on the dates specified. All vaccinations will he done hy a licensed veterinarian. Dogs will be vaccinated at office of Dr. Oatcen when he is not out on a clinic. C B. ROEBUCK ? i By order of the Board of Martin Couoty CommiMionort S.MD HITLER'S Ih^lUTYJD JAKE IT v%y 1 & f. r 0 L> ?irr-. - o> 5^ Bsofr Stantunci you* * Kl &&c/d jmt& Xfucr tfWb 5% 5% 5% 5% Low Interest Rates IX) YOU WISH TO FINANCE AN AUTOMOBILE? We will finance (lie ptirrliaae of New Automo bile# on a 5% interest rate, payable in month ly inalallnieiit*. to Miil the eonvenienee of the purchaser. If yon are planning on buying a new ear thi# spring. be sure to conic in and let iim explain thi> NEW LOW RATE. Von will he under no obligationx to impiire. Member Federal Deposit Inmrance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Poultry Truck EVERY TUESDAY AT JAMESV1LLE 9 lo 10?00 a. 111. AT HARBISON'S MILI 10:30 l? 12 m. AT BEAK GRASS I to 3 p. m. EVERY FRIDAY AT OAK CITY 9 to 11 u. ui. AT HAMILTON 11:30 a. m. to 12 m. AT CPU) I'OINT 1 to 2 p. m. EVERY SATURDAY AT WILLIAM STON 9 to 11 a. in. AY L\ EKETTS II :30 a. in. to 12:30 p. in. AT KOIIEKSOMII.LE I to 3 p. m. (.olort'il IIi'un Lcgliorii IIi-ub. Stagi>, Roosters V\ E PAY TUP MARKET PRICES PITT POULTRY CO. GREENVILLE, N. C. It's New! Revolutionary! ?and Exclusive to Kelvinator! Foods Guarded by Glass in this "Cold-mist Freshener With All-Glass Shelves fwJ.vX COOLING COILS IN THI WALLS! y One look at thai glass en ctoaed Cold-mitt Freshener with glass doors will tell you that here is a wu- and Jifftr emi refrigerator. But there s more than meets the eye?for concealed in the walls around the Cold-mist Fresh ener is a separate set of cool ing coils. This new system of refrigeration provides s*p*r inoist storage ? keeps foods , fresher, longer. See this big 1 6*4 cu. ft. M-6. Only Extra! la to the coils that freeze ice, there's a separate set of coal ing coils rnnreelort in the walls of the food OttMr *V4 em. ft MMeetirs free l??/W MI n? kitrben mttk r Pira Sfcrtr m9 J t+xt Y*n Mrri txtrm Bit ASH Farmers Supply Co.

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