Weddings Personals Club Meetlncs Encarements EnleitalnniewO. Society and Personals OF WILLIAMSTON and MARTIN COUNTY rhis Department PHONE Anything for To 4 6 kisit Hrrr This Week Miss Eff 11* Waldo. Miss Lottie Wil- , iams and Mrs. Dave Matthews, of iamilton. visited here this week n Washington Tuesday Mesdames Myrtle Bunting. Dave tiatth* ws. and Henme Ballard and diss Effle Waldo, of Hamilton, vis ted in WasTuiigrnrv Tuesday .'isiting in Charleston Mrs. Johnny Wynne and children, dandy and Louise Mac Wyyvne. and jfiv< F|i-/jihi th Rn.lo 1-f Bear Grass ,rc spending the u eel; end i: Charleston \ H Shady Banks This Week Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rose arc visit- j rvg at S.ha IV Banks-on the Pamlico j his week n Norfolk for Fourth Mr and Mrs. Bill Myers aiid fan - j Iv are spending the Fourth in Nor- ! oik. '? ? i ?pends W eek -end Here Bill Hollomaii. ot Washington City, s vis it. it-it; "relative- here the week ?no Vas Here Wednesday Mr: Jesse Martin, urth m Elizabeth Git v. n Norfolk Wednesday Mr. Victor Champion* was a busi iess visitor in NorioJk Wednesday. -fc * ? ? ! ? Champion Typist First woman to win the title in 20 years, Margaret Hamnia, of I'rot.l; Jyn, N. Y., was crowned world s champion amateur and professional typist after typing Hi* words per minute, a new record, in the inter national typing t ??litest ill ( hicajfrt. She used an all-electric machine. Returns to Hi I nun g ton Mi- Matron' Mahler has return-. r*d to her houn in Wilmington after spending a few days here with Miss Lurene Weaver Are at Virgiinu Keaeh Rev. and Mr:. Z T. lhephofl and sun. Zack.'and George Cunningham, are spending ti e Fourth at Virginia Beach Wei l. i1 : il< re Mi Ruby Wit e. of Rich iiit'id. r y siting : parents; Mr. end Mi. J act". (' n. here "this \ (siting at Virginia Beach Mr and Mrs Jann Bullock are spending tlie week ? nd M Virginia Beach In Raleigh Yesterday Ut and Mrs Johti'U. Biggs visited m Raleigh yesterday1* v-$> . (jetting Along Nicely Mrs. F. U Barnes is getting along nicely * tn>ni injurirer received in" a Tall at her. 'home" Tuesday night. ? ' Visiting in Baltimore Mr, and Mi K hi Webster are spending the week-end m Balti Are at \ irguiia Beach Misses Marv Carstarphen and Ka tin*i me Hardi -in..are visiting at Vn ginia Beach for a few^ days. Visiting in Iraiiklin. Va. " Mi's' Frank ."story" is sp I'M in financing the import*-< lions of Western ewes J 41 ... Commissioner. N ,ii ,,NOlT|CI OK SALE North Carolina, Marlm County Iudor and In virtue of the power i sale contained a certain deed I I, i executed to the undersigned I U 1.1, hy Cms Peterson and wife i ^r ! y3a"",nd? ?2"d d'.'.y uf Nm'?; ptr, 19.J0 dn<^ of rc.c.ord t, . hcj^gistry Of Martin County in I BRIDE ELECT .Miss Rebecca Ellen Knig|)>t-> whose parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Dor us Williams Knight. of Rocky Mount, announced her engage look E-3. at page* 75. tin undersign - ?d trustee w ill the highest bidder fot cash j :he fb 1 low ing described real estate, I :o v. it: A certain tract or parcel of land ! icing section two and four of the Alex Peterson land situated in God3e 1 Nest "TV^yTTshTp. rind shown pti map! m Public Registry of Martin County, -oiitaining fifty acres more or less. This the 18th day of June. 1941. 1. R EVERETT. |20- It Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In Hie Superi >r Court. County of Martin vs. J. It. Cherry. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made by 1<. B Wynne. Cl?rk rrf?4+tr?Superior?Court?of Martin. C-the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Lying and being in Williamston Township, Martiie County, state of Ninth Carolina, containing 040 acres. Tnufi^TTT tessrcornrnonly known and designated as tin Spruill land, ad - joining N C Highway No. 125. the lands of Jesse Whitley, tile lahds of Roberson and Peel, and others, and being the same place known as the home place of Joseph B. Cherry. This the 27th day of May, 1941. ELBERT S PEEL, PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State may come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion. by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by -the unani mous consent of al the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Williamston Hardware Company, In ment last week rnd to ( arroll ?|i. Don'l npt-iul mpiirv unit lo lo?c it. I(r wiw ami protect it with Kirr In Miranri' while in tile Park IIoum*. INSl |{i; WITH I S !NOW! K.B. CRAWFORD s ? All Kimls iff Insurance Sunday July 6 "Tight Shoes" JOHN HOWARD and BIN NIK BARNES ay-Tueaday July 7-? "Billy The Kid" ?obert Taylor, Brian Donlevy, Mary Howard ALIO 8BLECTK Turnage Theatre -- Washington. N. C. WrdntMla.v-TburMUy July 9-10 "Time Out Fur Hli* linn" Rl'PV VA1.1.EE ami ROSEMARY LANE ^ Friday-Saturday July 11-1X "Man Hunt" V, WALTER PIDOEON and JOAN BENNETT SHORT SUBJECTS MARKS FAMOIS HISTORIC SI'OT SITE OF FIRST. ENGLISH SETTLEMENTS.. IN NEW WORLD. 1585-7-BIRTHPLACE OF VIRGINIA DARE. FIRST CHILD BORN OF ENGLISH PARENTS IN AMERICA, AU GUST IB. 1587. * More than 100.MM visitors to the Virginia Dare country will see this marker this summer in connection with the fifth sea son of Paul Green's patriotic drama. The Lost Colony at the birthplace of the nation?Man too, Roanoke bland, N. C. T*a 354th anniversary of the Roan oke bland colonics and the birth of Virginia Dare will be mark ed through Labor Day, Septem ber 1, 1941. PEI1DER Quality Joan Storei ENJOY PENDER FINE FOODS OVER THE FOURTH! etosmc itom^^FXJR jinrr^TH: Closed All Day Friday, July 4th Thursday, July 3?6:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. New Treat SALAD DRESSING. 32-oz. jar 21* Trecsweet OliANGK Juice, 212-oz. cansJ7c, 46-oz. can 27c Navy 44* BEAUS 2 lbs lr SALMON ... 2 cans 29* 55-FOOT ROLL WAXED PAPER 5c N. II. PRIDE ASiOHTMENT, 1-lh. box , 25c SO I'Til I UN MANOR TiNY PEAS, 2 No. 2 cans 29c Double-Fresh GOLDEN BLEND COFFEE 2 lbs. 29c Triple-Fresh OUR PRIDE BREAD 0 LARGE "IC * LOAVES IN OUR MARKET Branded ROUND STEAK lb...29c NECK BONES 4 lbs. 25c SPARE BIBS Ih.. lSc PORK CHOPS . lb...23c STEW BEEF .. .. .2 lbs.. 25c \ .