Primitive Baptist Corresjxmdence in 1 Meet At Greenville Mini*l??i> from Several States Participate in Special Service* By ELDER S. B. DENNY The Union meeting, composing the churches of the Primitive Baptist Correspondence of Eastern North Carolina was held with Great Swamp Church in Greenville, on Jyne 28 29. Several able ministers were pres ent from Georgia. Virginia and west ern North Carolina. On Saturday morning the meeting was called to order by the pastor, Elder S. B Denny, of Wilson, and after a few brief remarks the serv ices were opeiueki by Elder P. E Get singer, of Jdmesville, after which I Elder R. G. Lewis, of Cairo. Ga.. de livered a very .kind and fatherly dis course. and expressed his apprecia tion of having had the pleasure of visiting the good old Tar Heel State lor the first time in his life. Elder Lewis was followed by Elder T R Crawford, of Cairo, Ga . associate editor of Zion's Landmark, who de livered a wonderful and powerful discourse from Isaiah 62-1, "For Zion's sake v\Ml I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I \\ ill not lest, until the righteousness there of go forth as brightness and the salvation thereat ' a: a lamp that burnetii.' Elder Crawford has done more to unitr the Primitive- Baptist Church and to bring the-m to.gcl.hei as one large family than any one m;m in the- slate- <>!' Georgia believ ing and preaching that every church has the God-given right to govern and rule its own house without the molestation of associations or dicta tors. Alter -lunch the congregation met again, and Elded E C. Oaks, of Lees buig, N C delivered a beautiful and lathe-i I\- di.?.course i (incerning the talents, and lie was \t-ry tender hi giving instruction to the young and to those who fell t?? be the- leas in His Father's house. Elder Oaks wa> followed hy Eldei -J?B?Laa Four Oaks V (' wt.o spoke for a few minutes m that miPf . gentle way te> the comfort ?>1 all present I Sunday morning the congregation ? met at 10:30 anji after a lovely song .siervibe the pastor called on Elder A L Harrison, ?>f Front Royal, \'a A former Moderator of thut ton t .Association, who opened the service with prayer and delivered an inspir- f mg message from John 1st*chapter | and first verse. "In the beginning j was the Word, and the Word was"j -with God. and the Word was God * Elder Harrison said that he was in- i deed glad to be-back to his old home j state, having beeri born and reared , in Washington County. Eider W. D. Broadway, of balls bury, assistant moderator of the Ab bott's Creek Association, was the next speaker. His text was Romans 1st chapter. 18th verse, "For I am , .not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; | vatioii to every one that belieVctii; ! to the Jew first and also to the j Greeks " His "discourse was apptv ciated very much, and his admonition 1 to the young was very timely. ? to preach on S'unday. and lie was! blessed with much liberty and de livered another inspiring message to j the comfort of all present. This brought to a close one of the best unions it has been my privilege to attend in many years Elders Harrison and Crawford de . liv'rivd two beautiful and sniil-chri'i -- ing discourses in the Wilson Primi Workers Mass Colors as Defense Plant Expands Hundreds of American flags wave as workers attend Philadelphia ceremonies at which a new armor plate plant was dedicated and the cornerstone laid for a $076,000 boiler house at-the huge defense works of Henry A. Disston & Sons. The tbol and machinery company, with plants throughout the country, is turning out armor for scout and fombat cars, tanks, light naval craft and airplanes. Increase In \ allies To Support Lower Tax IJaleThis Year (Continued from page one) ? !l, > than ili'>-.?? for Ih3!i. mean ini that the property value trend check ed a downward niovi and jumped Up to shov. a gain of almost a mil I .nop (ioTTaTT ?: ; Last \<ar tin total valuation of | $12,201,039 wit h a general tax rate id SI 15 iri laised $-170,95# in jtniw'ijl taxation1 Tin new i-timat . ? ?d valuation would rai.> a similar I amount with a .rate, n! $1.37, uccbid ling to unoltieial\rjMkoniiig ' The round up "t non-listers will ! ri' materially affect tin total valua ! I f?n.- .since most oi thusr tailing to i>U;! 'i . ' its on the l)o\>ks <W'li ;: 7c < ? i uopcrty It is believe.d, ; '1 i-nvt vci 1 the number of poll tax aee ? will be greatly in-1 ei i.Jed, t! .it the cup lit) will like ly ciJth 'tj1 rtjini or Itiui-e ill poh taxes | this >eiu compared With about SH.500 no\\ mii the honks lor.the 1940; tax yeai Opening Likely In Office Of (loiuitv Court IVosecutor (Continued from page uuf) ^ | older from military service Should Solicitor Jo I in son be call ed on utily .23iil and he i.-> accepted ~trn 'service, he will d;t?relieved of the task of prosecuting nun tax listers in this county It: now appears that several hundied persons will be call ed into court soon attci the 23rd-of this month to show cause why they "have not fTsleil tin u pioportics foi'L taxation. Ami then it is possible that [ Solicitor Johnson arranged it all with j the United States Government to i have the Army t all him on that very j [day to escape the mean and thank less job ?'l prosecuting his fellow j | men in numbers Sin. Rmlist Chlinii Sllliitnv rvrmnu i to 'aiL.appreeiative audience. A Fine Feathered Friend Mrs. William ( ha I men* found Donald Robin half-starved and injured in a garbage bin near her Chicago home. As she fed him and restored him to health, he became quite tame, and now eats out of ^ her hand and answers to her rail. Near Five Indies ( 011 vain Injuirr June is remembered hero as a \ d'> month, but it ,s a., actual fact I 1llal Precipitation 4 !?4 niches Uas Were scattered, and it is quite ev,- 1 ll"" while the rainfall was ,'mrmal at the uea.h.a- s,atl?? ?? i H-Mia.kejtner here, the,v was a <ic-T nc'cncy TiT iTTTfer-cdihihu nfticsT" r? i onv i''w Iai"fa11 '"tailed wily 1.52 inches to s.d a ne w low ,,, ,l"' ten-year period, ho low.,,,. ,s a brief review of the *' f'"' II"' month of May nisi '??'""-?i '*>' "" United States Wca Can,In,a''-'1' <" North" "I only linn ?f an ,,ich Night tvete g< nc,ally I " " t-ery Short time early i? | lie month and four to six days i.ear I middle Ot the month. Otherwise ?".s warm, the p;ir( unu,. I f lr 'b,''akm|i h>*h '<??? I month of May oc ! lined m many sections during the I - I-W days in May The ,05* 'a ?? lhaven on the 29th was the high ! s f<" Ma> "? "ii no oi lecvi d ? ? ? VWI tl Rainfall was extremely light in "II sections of the State, and there was an average of only four days on winch ruin occurred There was a" deficiency for the last six month, f over eight inches. Whili wcather was favorable for outside work soli mois ore w^s being seriously de pleted over large area, especially m,mi?a P'""? and southern Pied n lit ulcus. Serious forest fires wore UMprogrcss parts o, coast a, com? J<><' Sialin Admits Situation Serious hi Talk To Nation ??t? % 'Continued from pagt, une) , 7y W1,h kieat effect yesterday trv ?n'VVL 'S linderway 'n this coun thc Br'niM*"?Tm'celand a"d relieve nnLi idlers in fairly large ,S m r " equipment in quantity ? to I*. moved there the latter part "us month A request has be, renewed for holding one-yoar ln service for more than ,,,, hut isolation lata declare tin. mfmTTh' Wl" re,u" a deter mined hgh, ln Congress along will tha P '" to take over Iceland Mr and Mrs, Ben Hopkins of her1yL "e "Pending . few dsw here with relatives y U. S. 'Panzer' Chief Maj. Gen. Bruce Magruder, com Blending the First -Armored Pivr?-? sion, at Fort Knox, Ky., has held every rank in the army from buck private up. He is wearing; the new type helmet, which affords greater protection than the old one. The American version of the panzer corps is ready to go into its first large-scale maneuvers. Damage Suit Tiled In County Against Soil Drink Dottier (Continued from page one) plaintiff became violently sick a short while aftciward. had to be tak ?n to the hospital, was confined to the hospital for scyeral days, was violently sick, had to have the at ! tendance of physicians and* nurses and has suffered both physically and mentally as a result of said decom ,posed, mouse entering his mouth and stomach 'from tin aforesaid bottle of Pepsi Cola That by reason of the negligence hercmbcfoie complained of. and as the direct and proximate result thereof, the plaintiff was made ill and sick as aforesaid, vomiting and suffering excruciating pain, both in mind and in body and has been in jured and damaged in the sum of $5,000 00 ..." Incompleie I'lans Caiman Man To Delay I deation Unable to dH'Me wlieie to visit, Closs Hoberson. local man. stated that his summer vacation, scheduled to start today, had been postponed indefinitely. Explaining that he had caught up with and passed ahead of his work, including the firing of a wash pot, lie was all set to take a niijch-needed vacation, but could not decide whether lie wanted to go to Conoho, Sweet Water Creek or Rocky Mount, Repetition The National Industrial Confer ence board reports that living costs in both the United States and Great Britaiir- are following the same course as in World War I. Reduction In Rate Fairly Certain For 1941-1942 Tax Year (Continued from page one) rate in that department can be de creased. While final action is entirely up .t(i the county commissioners when ithey tackle the budget problem next | Monday as to fixing the rate and whittling down or boosting budget (figures, the following figures offer a general picture of the tax rate structure as it is based on prelimi nary reports and figures: Schools County Poor Old Age Aid to Children Health Debt Service General Fund 1940-41 1941-42 $ .555 $ .535 .138 *\38 .052 .052 .03 .03 .0? .06 .51 .51 .095 .095 $1.45 $1.42 Registration Total Is Slightly Higher Than Was Expected {Continued from page one) While the registration moved along j smoothly, there was a big rush in j the afternoon, but extra help was j <;fMed in, and no long waits were necessary, for the most part. . /Those young men forgetting to n gister Tuesday may with a valid ( xcusc register now. Those who wil fully refused to register are subject t-? prosecution in?the United States courts. Reports state that employers, land lords and others cooperated in mak ing the registration as near com plete as possible. While tenants ar)d , "onie other employers were late get- j ting to the registration place, the landlords or other employers furn ished transportation. The registration cards are being Shuffled and serial nunibeis mil be placed "on the cards immediately in i preparation for the second national I lottery to be held on Wednesday of next week. Unofficial reports state that many of those registering Tuesday will be subject to call within a short time. No official check has been made, hut the registration in the State did not conn up to first expectations, lat ? estimates placing the registration toll below 25.000 It is fairly appar ent that registrations in some of fhe counties are small compared with some m smalle r counties. (onlily lotillix To Holer CCr. Service \exl IT eel Six white and five colored youths are planning to enter the Civilian Conservation Corps next Tuesday. They will report to authorities in Washington for physical examina tions early that morning. Judge W.H. Coburn Calls Ten Cases In The County Court (Continued from page one) The cases charging John Moore and H. U. Peel with drunken driving were continued, the Moore case un til next Monday and the Peel case until July 14th. A motion, made at the conclusion of the State's evidence for a verdict as of non-suit, was granted in the case charging Moses Spruill with resisting arrest. The case charging J. M Davidson with issuing a worthless check was continued until next Monday. Appearing in the court under a former judgment. John E. Cooke, charged with non-support of his child, was directed to pay to the sup port of his son. Tommy E. Cooke. $15 a month for a year. The defendant is to appear before the court at the expiration of one year for further judgment. Mrs. Thurman Griffin, of Balti more, is visiting relatives here this week-end. Wants EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY FRAN rhisf open to capable distributor for line of peanut butter sandwiches, salted peanuts, cakes, candies. Re ply Box 387. jy4-8-ll DELICIOUS SANDWICHES: "THE best sandwiches we've ever tasted" is what our customers say Have you tried them? The Martin. X. Ward, proprietor. Open until midnight and on Saturday nights until 2 a. m. WHY NOT GET THE BEST? . . . Ward's hot dogs, with Chili. The best in to\vn. Try them and you'll agree w ith us that they are the best. The Martin. X. Ward, proprietor. Open until midnight. Saturdays un til 2 a. m. CLARK'S MALARIAL TONIC For Chills and Fever. Guaranteed, or money refunded. Clark's Phar macy. m23-tf FOR SALE: 60-GALLON ELECTRIC water heater. Good condition. Price dirt cheap. See G. G. Woolard. j20-4t STENCIL SHEETS FOR SALE. EN terprise Pub. Co a25-tf SINCLAIR MOTOR OILS are refined FROM OLDEST CRUDES TRY SINCLAIR MOTOR OILS-THEY LUBRICATE BETTER-LAST LONGER IMt lg BUuUU U*n?i*0 Cbmwy (/Mj N. C. GIIEEN, Agent Spend Your 4th Weekend Oil Historic Hoanokc Island See The Nation's Patriotic And Historical Drama THE LOST COLONY Depicting the liirtli of AnglieAmerican (]ivilizalion At The Dirthplace of the Nation ^<NOK? (lu?l of 200 Uluinlt-r* ami ProfonMonuU (ioloiiy Cliom, of 30 Sin^'r# FIFTH SEASON July 3 thru Labor Day, Sept 1, 1941 Manteo, Hoanokf Itlaml, l\'ortli l.arolina Important Information Ki\?- performances weekly, nightly ex cept Monday* unil Tuesdays. \ilmis sion, Adults, 91; children, 50c. Plen ty of cool. s|Mitle**ly clean anil cotii f or la I >li- rooms, with bath anil other modern conveniences on Roanoke Is land, Nags Head and Kitty Hawk Beaches at 91 per night per person. Hotel rales from 93 to 93 per day, in cluding meals. Delicious meals, tnak ing a specially of seafood, moderntc ly priced at hotels, inns, tourist homes and restaurants. Ample accommoda tions for thousands. Vacation Wonderland Ouict. peaceful, restful, ?sQ can have a joyous vacation here on n lim ited budget! Because the Lost Colony l.and offers a variety of sports, his toric sites, natural beauties, without the taint of commercialism. Miles of clean, white samly beaches, golden, mountainous dunes, a inanitions pan orama of picturesque beauty. Sport fishing jn_ilut-Biirf..or the quiet waters of Roanoke Sound ... A visit to the Virginia Dare hind will forever dwell happily in the memory of all visitors. FOR RESERVATIONS OR DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE W1K EOR WRITE DARE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 'Manteo, Roanoke Island, North Carolina livery American Should See "THE LOST COLONY" Special Piices On Fruit Jars Tobacco Twine laiu;k stock of each A> Tobacco Poison Cotton Poison Cotton Stamps Accepted Here We Don't Open On Sundays Martin Supply Co. WILUAMSTON, N. C.

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