Weddings Club Mectinci Encasements Entertainments Society and Personals OF WILUAMSTON and MARTIN COUNTY this Deportment PHONE Anythiaf To 4 6 Laeve for Atlantia City Mrs. Camille Fleming Turner and daughter. Sylvia, left Saturday for a two week*' visit at Atlantic City and Long Island. N. Y. g_ r Visiting at Virginia Beach Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Jones, Sallie Mobley and Grace Jones are spend ing this week at Virginia Beach. * Were Here Yesterday Henderson Mizell and C. C. Waters of Jamesville. were visitors here yes terday. * Visit Here Friday Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Salsbury and son, of High Point, visited a short while here last Friday. They were on their way to Manteo. a In New Bern Last Week-end Miss "Potts" Lilley visited lin New Bern last week-end. Are Visiting Here Mrs. Harold Harper and daughter, Maria; Mr. George Dale Proctor and Miss Dorothy Smith, all of Balti more, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A Critcher and Miss Cora Proc tor here for two days. ? In St. Louis on Business Mr. Dred Darden is a business vis itor in St. Louis. ?? Return from Nags Head Mr and Mrs Herman Taylor and daughter. Lib; Mrs. Jordan Ward and daughter. Miss Martha Rhodes, and Mrs Ira Harrison and daughter have returned from a week's stay at Nags Head. * In Raleigh Saturday Miss Ann Askew visited in Raleigh Saturday and Sunday. Were Hern Sunday? Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Preddy, of Raleigh, were the guests of Mrs. Ja nie Knox here Sunday. They were accompanied home for a visit by Miss Alberta Knox. * Visiting Relatives Here Miss Evelyn Harrison, of Durham, is visiting relatives here. -? Are at Ridgecrest Rev and Mrs. J H. Smith and family are at Ridgecrest for- three weeks In Scotland Neck Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Godard, Jr., visited in Scotland Neck Sunday. ? Visiting in New York Miss Ruby Barnhill is spending two weeks in the Catskill Moun tains. New York State. Visit in Scotland Neck Miss Emalyne Evans and Mr. Hen ry Griffin visited in Scotland Neck Sunday. ? Return from Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King and daugh ters, Jane and Patsy, have returned from a stay at Pamlico. ? Arc Visiting Here Jean and Marie and Irving King, of Pelham. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J E King and family here. ? Return from Texas Mr and Mrs. W. T. Martin and children have returned from a visit with relatives in Bay City, Texas. * Spends Week-end Here Tom Crockett, stationed at Fort Screven. Ga.. spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. 'land Mrs. C. G. Crockett, coming especially to attend the Crockett-Knight wedding in Rocky Mount. Returns from Wilmington George Mahler has returned from his vacation at Wilmington and Kin ston. ? At Bayview Sunday Mesdames Roy Ward and Mary Belle Harrell visited at Bayview on Sunday . * Spends Week-end Here Miss Lois Taylor, of New Bern. visited here last week-end. ? ? ? Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Dora Mae Hughes, of Norfolk, visited here last week-end. ? Visits in Robersonville Mrs Mamie G. Taylor, of near here, visited her parents, in Rober sonville, last week-end. ? At Nags Head Sunday Misses Ernestine Barber, Mary Brown Allgood, Thelma and Eve lyn Lilley visited at Nags Head on Sunday. Visit at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Godwin visited at Pamlico last week-end. ? At Atlantic Beach Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Julius Peel, Mrs. Eva Avant and Mr. Harcum Grimes were among those from here at Atlantic Beach Sunday. ? Visiting in Newport News Mr. and Mrs. William Gurganus and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin, of Jamesville, are visiting in Newport News and Norfolk. ? Are Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. J. O Bowen, of West Palm Beach. Fla., and Mr. Eli H. Robertson, of Hawesville, Kentucky, are visiting Mrs. J. H Robertson here ? Spends Week-end Here Reg Manning, student at Duke University summer school, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manning, here last week-end. In Trenton Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hargett vis ited in Trenton Sunday. Spends Week-end Here George Booker, of Elizabeth City, visited here last week-end Visits in New Hern Miss Polly Dewey visited rela tives in New Bern last week-end. Is in Hahira, Ga. Mr. J. B. Taylor is located on the tobacco market at Hahira, Ga. On Georgia Market Jack Hardison is in Douglas, Ga., for the tobacco season. ??? Was Here last Week-end Jimmy Barnhill, of Colcrain, visit ed here Inst week-end ? _ . _ Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Blanche Anderson, of Leg getts, spent the week-end here with her daughter .Mrs. C. A Harrison Are at Pamlico Mr, and Mrs. D. V". -Clayton and family are spending two weeks at Pamlico. ? Returns from Birmingham Hershel Miller has returned from a few days' trip to Birmingham. South Carolina Kelt Markets Will Open August 12tli -MULLINS Tobacco Market Now Open Receiving Tobacco 12 Mammoth Warehouses Positively no floor space reserved?First come first served fcr 4 SETS BUYERS REPRESENTING ALL LARGE TOBACCO COMPANIES AND INDEPENDENT DEALERS. The only tobacco market in South Carolina with four sets of buyers and the largest tobacco market in South Carolina Belt, which includes border markets of N. C. COURTEOUS SERVICE AND ORDERLY SALES Mullins Tobacco Market rr ^ I^trgett Tobacco Market in South ('.arolina Belt f MULLINS, SOUTH CAROLINA. Crockett - Knight Vows Heard In Rocky Mount On Saturday Mi*? R*heceu Helcn Kn.pln Wed* (lurroll G. Crockett, Jr. in Methodist Church ? Miss Rebecca Ellen Knight, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorus Williams Knight, of Rocky Mount, became the | bride of Carroll Godwin Crockett. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll God win Crockett, of Williamston, in a ceremony of dignity and charm sol emnized in the First Methodist Church Saturday morning at ten ? clock. Dr. E. L. Hillman. pastor of the church, officiated. The date al so marked the marriage anniversary of the bride's parents. I The church was beautifully decor ated with while flowers and green cry The altar was banked with Aus tralian tree fern and palms. White gladioli and tuberoses were arrang ,(, lh/' altar vases and'fair white standards were filled with white gla dioli, dahlias and euphobia. Cathe dral tapers burned in tall white can delabra. I t lor to and during the ceremony a program of organ music was ren dered by Mr. Mason Bell. Included in lus selections were, Schubert's serenade and Ave Marie, Schubert I Love Thee, Grieg, and To a Wild Rose, McDowell. For the procession al he used Wagner's Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin and for the recess ional, Mendelssohn's Wedding March from Midsummer Night's Dream. Willie the vows were being siioken M m played Lieberstraum. Liszt Miss Margaret Weaver, of Rockv Mount, sang Cadman's. At Dawning aa D'ilardelofs Because. UaWm"? The bride entered the church with r u'r by whom she was g" ? m marriage. She wore a powder blue alpaca suit fashioned on princess lines, with a lace yoke and collar and a short fitted jacket. Her hat w^ a large felt of the same shade and she d ,navy accessories. She carried an informal bouquet of white bride's -X"-M's,_.cuphohin aadlubuoses. _ Miss Elizabeth Knight attended hir Sister as maid of honor and wore of n?nt*nd,hi" "f ,he same shade and bio Tt Cani''d pink avab.osa and blue tuberoses made into an at tractive nosegay. ? Mr Asa H. Crawford, of William attended Mr. Crockett, as best '"a": Serving as ushers were Mr W' "am C Haislip, of Hamilton; Mr Malcolm T. Simpson and Mr Abncr RockyanMo"nrt F,,'tCh<T M H?rp"r' ?* Mrs Knight, mother of the bride wore a dress of powder blue .ha dow chiffon with white accessories !!. F? 'saKc Was of pink roses. Mrs 2 *":?:,hfr <!' thr bridegroom, i?" uriae wore a printed sheer dress with ?ivhitr n. i 7 r oress with gladioh CnrSaKr WaS of wh"'' Immediately after the ceremony Mr. aiid Mrs. Crocket Heft for a wed s"ate Aft .1 wt'slern Part of the -State. After their return they will be siss"""1 ???. iLT man s College of the University of North Carolina. She was a p p^lar member of the faculty herTC Die bridegroom received his edu cation in the schools in Williamston and attended Christ's School in Ar ?ak Rld?'' Military Insli st j Vl""W connected with the Standard kertilizer Company here stunU we,-,t0 gUCS.t8 'rom Wi"iam i ,yMr. and Mrs. Paul Dil lon, Mr. and Mrs. C G. Crockett Mrs Abncr Brown and Mrs. Samuel Emmcrt, of Hagerstown, Md , guest Mr. and Mrs. Crockett. After the rehearsal Friday night the parents of the bride entertained and Cak,' cu,tinK Punch was served and a three-tiered wedding cake cen tered the table. Mixed white flow / ''Vy and candlelight made the dining room very attractive. Mr. and Mis. Asa Crawford, Mr and Mrs rolmrTHSBr?Wn' Mr and Mrs Mal" colm T Simpson, Miss Nell Harri Lndd ^ WiMiam C "at'l'P, .tended from Williamston Ton Crockett, brother of the bridegroom stationed at Fort Screven, Ga. was also among the guests. $ * ?? In Tarboro Sunday Jack Manning visited in Tarboro and Rocky Mount Sunday. ? In Rocky Mount Sunday Ernest Mears visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. * At Bay view Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pittman and son and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Man ning visited at Buy view and Pam lico Sunday. ? Visiting in Florida Mr. W. I. Skinner is visiting in Lake City, Fla. ? Return from Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Sherman have returned from their wedding trip to Atlantic City and New York, and are at home with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Price. ? Visiting In Durham Mrs. N. R. Manning is visiting rel atives in Durham for a few days. Leaves for Fayetteville Mr. Jesse Melson left yesterday for Fayetteville where he will undergo treatment for a few weeks. ? Spending Week in County Hildreth Rogerson, with the arm ed forces at Fort Jackson, is spending this week with his parents in the cdunty. \ ? Visiting in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wynne are spending a few days in Richmond with relatives. BKinr-runv honored Mias Florence Adams entertained with a lovely bridge luncheon Satur day morning at her home in La Grange in honor of Miss Ruby Har rison, of Williamston, bride-elect of this month. The den, living room and dining room were artistically decorated with summer flowers. Five tables were arranged for bridge and the honoree and her mother, Mrs. Hen ry David Harrison, were given cor sages. Mrs. J. W. Fields, of La Grange, received perfume for high score, and Mrs. Gray, also of La Grange, was presented bath powder for con solation. Miss Harrison was given silver in her selected pattern. At the conclusion of the game, a delicious two course luncheon was served by the hostess and her mo: ther, Mrs. Roy Adams. Guests from Williamston were the honoree and her mother; Miss Julia Everett, Mrs. H. L. Barnhill. Mrs. H. B. York, Mrs. J. C. Manning. Mrs. F. F. Pollard, of Robersonville, and Mrs. A P. Barnhill. of Everetts. al so attended. * Visiting in Washington City Mi's. Wigg Watts is visiting rela tives in Washington Citv. ? Visit In Hamilton Mr. and Mi's. Scott and daughter, of Durham, visited Dr and Mrs. E. M. Long in Hamilton over the week end. 1 Located on Georgia Market Mr. E. P. Cunningham and son, Ned, are located on the Valdosta. Ga , tobacco market. # Were Here Saturday Ray Alzack, Art Grahame and Steve Joyce, of Pittsburgh; George McCormick. of Beaver Falls, Pa., and Henry Kaplan, of Philadelphia, were the guests of friends here Saturday Slinnnv ? Visit Here Sunday Misses Eleanor and Sarah Taylor, of Norfolk, visited relatives here on Sunday. ? Visiting in Maryland Mrs. J. O. Manning, Jr., is visiting relatives in Pocomokc City, Md ? Were at Vrginla Beach Mr and Mrs. John Tulloss visited at Virginia Beach last week-end Better Chicks Mean More Eggs In Basket Here's a tip from C. J. Maupin, extension puultrymnn of N C< Stato College, to the poultry grower inter ested in increasing his egg produc tion Buy only certified chicks sired by pedigreed cockerels. The grower following this advice would boost his average flock pro duction by 25 or more eggs per hen annually. Then. too. the general use of such chicks in maintaining the laying flock, together with good feeding, care, and management, would provide several billion addi tional eggs a year for national de fense needs. To qualify for U. S. Record of Per formance rating under the Nation at Poultry Improvement Plan, cock erels must be from hens laying more than 200 eggs a year. The NP1P is a cooperative effort to improve poul try flocks. Because the sire and dam are equally responsible for the level of production in the offspring, Maupin predicts HOP cockerels, or males of equally good pedigree, used in the average poultry flock, would raise the State's average annual produc tion of 85 eggs per hen to lit) or more. This increase, the specialist ex plained. is midway between average farm flock production and the pro duction of pullet flocks from which hens are selected to produce ROP cockerels. One way to make certain that chicks purchased are sired by N C ROP males is to get them from Cer tified or Verified hatcheries. Coun ty agents have available lists con taining the names of these approved hatcheries, or the information may be obtained from the poultry depart* ment of the college. Soldiers Eat Ice Cream In Bulk Fort Bragg?It takes a lot of ice cry.on to help the soldiers at Fnrl Bragg keep cool these hot summer ' days. It was announced today that 20, 1000 gallons of ice cream were sold I through the 30 Post Exchanges here I in June, w hile 5,740 gallons of Com i missary issued ice cream were serv j ed in mess halls on the post during j the same period. Chocolate and vanilla are still the I favorite flavors Latest Additions To The Enlerprite Mailing List ? I.istt-d anion# the recent additions I to the Enterprise mailing. list are tha I following: Mis. 11 T Brown, Robersonville; j Ethel Barber, Washington City; S. W. Manning, Williamston; Claude Hoberson, Williamston; A. C. Harri son. Williamston; Mrs. Carrie Biggs j Morrison, Virginia Beach; J T Nich olson. Norfolk; Corp Richard F. Ev erett, Charleston. S C . Mrs. Harry Waldo. Hamilton; C. W. Cowey, Oak City; C. I) Bullock. Williamston; Buck Rogerson, Williamston; Mrs. G. W. Smith, Jamesviile; Jack Har dison, Valdosta, Ga.: Asa Johnson, Hamilton; S. W Fleming, Kansas' City, Mo.; Raleigh Harrington, Hun tor Field. Ala ? (lorn Project* In Martin Ttt Make Record Yields ? Corn projects, conducted by Mar tin County 4-H Club hoys- will prob ably make record yields this year, reports A E Eagles, assistant farm agent of tlie N C State College Ex tension Service. I'he World's News Seen Through j The Christian Science Monitor Art Internattonal Daily Newspaper ~Ti T nnhftil?Frrr from Sensational iati ? Editorials Are Timely am* Instructive and ltsl)aiiy f eatures. Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. I he Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price ^12.00 Yearly, or 51 00 a Month Saturday Issue, including Mag.trim Section. 52 60 a Year Introductory Offer, 0 Issues l*> Cents Name Address SAMPI I COPY ON Rl QUI ST BELK - TYLER'S Mid - Summer Clearance SHOE SALE! Sal.-! NAT1TRAI, IJKII><;i. ARCH SIIOKS All Natural Bridge Shoes in whites and brown and whites ? rumps, straps and ties to seleet from. He sure to buy several pairs tomorrow! $5.00 VALUE *2.99 SALE! SALE! DKKSS SHOKS A good assortment uf styles in both drwi and sport shoes ? Whites and brown and whites in pumps, straps and ties. Fur ther drastic reductions for quick clearance. Value? To $<1.50 $1.97 CHILDREN'S SHOES Final drastic reductions In chil dren's shoes. Tin, straps and pumps to select from. Whites and combinations. Good ranee of sizes. See these today! Sal.-! SHOKS Bargain Hark! One large rack odd lot of white, brown and white and sport shoes in a good assortment of You are sure to rind Just the pair you want. Values to $4.00. 88c SPORT SHOKS One large rack of sport and dress shoes in white and com binatlons. Good range of siz.ev He sure to see these. Value** To __ $1.84 Sal.-! MKN'S SHOKS All men's sport shoes. Whites and brown and whites at these GIVE AWAY PRICES! $2.50 Sale 811.69 $3.50 Sale $2.59 $4.50 Sale $2.99^ J55.50 Sale $3.29^ Sftorl ami llrass S || O K S F.xtra Special ? Sport and dress shoes in a large assortment of styles. Loafers, sport ties and novelty pumps. Select shoes for the family at this low price. Y'ulur* To $2.50 $1.29 ODD LOT SHOES 50c Broken sizes hut extra fine values HOYS' SHOES A close-out on Boys' sum f mer Shoes O.I.I Lot MEN'S SHOES $1 Krai Valurs?Closr out* of odd lots. SEE THESE TODAY B elk-Tyler Compare JDEPAftT/"\E/MT STORES J'

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