Clnk Society and Personals OF WnXIAMSTON and MARTIN COUNTY PHONE AnytMac (or rhls Department To 4 6: v In Fremont Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Everett and children visited in Fremont Wed nesday Little Miss Frankie Everett remained there for a visit with rela tives. ? Visit Here Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. B. Goldstein, of Windsor, visited here Wednesday af ternoon. ? Is Visiting Here Miss Leo la Simmons, of Raleigh, is visiting her brother, Mr. Dampey Simmons, ht^ In Rocky Mount Wednesday Mr. and Mrs Dred Darden and daughter, Ann Gray, visited in Rocky Mount Wednesday 0 is Visiting Here Mrs Alice Odom. of Rocky Mount, is visiting her son, Mr C. D. Pitt man, and Mrs. Pittmsinrhere: ? Are Visiting Here Misses Mabel and Jean Harrell, of Newport News, are visiting Miss Mary Gwvnne Osborne here. a In Belhavra Wednesday Mesdames Herman Taylor, Mary Belle Osborne and Lewis Manning visited in Belhaven Wednesday. Returns from Hopewell Miss Christine Jenkins has return ed from her vacation in Hopewell. * Are Visiting Here Miss Katherinc Turner, of Eastern Shore, Va? and Miss Irene Bayly, of Salisbury^ are visiting Mrs J. A Eason here * At Fort Bragg Tuesday Mr. Walter Bailey, of Bear Grass, end Miss Annie Mae- Bailey visited at Fort Bragg Tuesday ? Visiting in Roanoke Mr. and Mrs R W Salsbury and Mrs Myrtle Bunting are spending a few days in Roanoke with friends and relatives ? Attend Farm Meeting Messrs. T. B. Slade and John Ea gles attended the annual meeting at] the Test Farm near Rocky Mount yesterday | ? Move to New Home Mr and Mrs Harry Thompson and children have moved into their new home here on the corner of Grace and Smithwick Streets, from James ville. & Visit in County Mrs. Mittie Barnhill and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnhill and little daugh ter, Jeannett, of Richmond, visited Mr. and Mrs George E Roberson in the county this week Visit in Tarboro Messrs. W. J. Miller. 'Cap' York and David Harrison visited in Tar boro this week ? Are Visiting Here Mrs. Jack Hilry. of Rocky Mount and Mrs. Charles Whitley and son. of Atlanta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J C Anderson here Returns from Ohio Miss Madge Glazener, home eco nomics teacher in the local high school, returned Wednesday after spending the summer at her home in Ohio. ? Attend Welfare Institute Misses Blanche Harrison, Audrey Williams, Mary Taylor and Nell Johnson are attending a welfare in stitute in Manteo today. ?a Leaves for Wrightsvtlle Mrs J Sam Getsinger left yester day for Wrightaville Beach where she will join Mr. Getsinger for a few days' stav. ? Are in Western Carolina Mrs. Minnie Motley and Miss El la Mae Gaylord are spending this week-end in western Carolina a Were Here Vetderday Mr. arid "Mrs. Maiyun Saunders and daughters, of Chapel Hill, visit ed heit a short while yesterday af ternoon. ? Returns from Norfolk Miss Delsie Gardner has returned from a ten days' visit with friends in Norfolk ? Visiting Relatives Here Mrs. John Henry Cockrell, of Eastern Shore. Va.. is visiting rela tives here. * In Henderson This Week Mr. and Mrs Jessup Harrison and children visited in Henderson this week 1 Returns to Virginia Miss Becky Glenn has returned to her home in Prospect, Va.. after a visit here with relatives Continues III at His Home Mr J B Cherry continues ill at his home near here. Return from Norfolk Mr and Mrs J H Allsbrooks and Mr and Mrs. N. S. Riddick have-re lurned from a visit in Norfolk and Virginia Beach In Norfolk Wednesday J O Manning, Jr., visited in Nor folk Wednesday night ?? Returns from Maine Mr. N K Harrison has returned j from a trip to Maine. ? Getting, Along Nicely Jimmy and Frankie Peel are get tmg along nicely following tonsil ] operations performed on Tuesday. ?. At Virginia Beacb This Week Mr and Mrs John Henry Edwards I and son. Jack, visited at Virginia | Beach a few days this week. ? Visits Here This Week Miss Mary Elliott, of Edcnton, was the guest of Miss Mary Helen Boy kin here a few days this week ? In Greenville Wednesday I Mrs John Cooke und daughter, Miss Louise, und-Miss Irene Nagy ! visited in Greenville Wednesday af ternoon. Smart Shopper Will browse through our store and purehase many odds and ends that are be TIlgTloserf out ? Regardless of Cost Because We Don't Want To Carry Them Over So, whether it's a dress or bathiny suit, or a pair of slacks for your husband, come in and buy it now, as we still have lots of hot weather in store for as. WIUIAMtTON MABCCLII | CRO? MP/ s: ) y ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. Percy B Cone announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Sara Freeman Cone, to J. Reginald Simpson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Simpson, of Williams ton, N. C. TTie wedding will take place in the early fall. BRIDE-ELECT ANNOUNCES WEDDING ATTENDANTS Miss Ruby Elizabeth Harrison and Julius Thomas Barnhill, Jr., who will be married in the Christian Church here Wednesday, August 20, at 8 o'clock, have announced the fol lowing attendants. Rev. John L. Goff will officiate at the ceremony and Mr. Henry D Harrison will give his daughter in marriage Miss Nell C. Harrison, sis ter of the bride-elect, will be maid of honor; best man, Mr. Leman Barn hill, brother of the bridegroom-elect; bridesmaids, Misses Julia Fowden Fveren anH F.lla Wynne Critcher; Mrs E. Lee Sherman and Mrs. Ver non Bunting, sister of the bride groom-elect; little Miss Sandra Har rison, niece of Miss Harrison, will be flower girl and Master Fred Pol lard, of Robersonville, nephew of Mr. Barnhill will be the ring bearer. Ushers are- Henry Davis Harrison, Jr., brother of the bride-elect; J. O Manning, Jr., Albert Leon Cooke and Thad F. Harrison. A program of nuptial music will be presented by Mrs. W. C. Manning and a trio composed of Misses Kath erine Manning, Elizabeth Parker and Marjorie Gray Dunn, will sing ? ENTERTAINS BIBLE CLASS The Junior Adult Class of the Methodist church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F E Bufflap on Mar shall Avenue, Tuesday evening. Following the business session, a surprise kitchen shower was given Miss Dorothy Hurley; bride-elect. Master Eddie Bufflap entered the liv ing room with a red wagon laden with the gifts. Mrs Bufflap served an attractive salad plate and iced drinks. Those present were Misses Doro thy Hurley, Martha Leggett, Ruth Hurley and Lillian Bottoms, of Tar boro; Mesdames J. M. Ward, Jack Daniels, Jack Booker, Collin Peel, Jimmie Harrison, and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mason. ? ENTERTAINS WEDDING PARTY Thad Harrison was host to mem bers of the Barnhill-Harrison wed ding party Wednesday night at a steak supper, served at individual tables placed in the Harrison yard, grouped about an outdoor fire place. Gifts were presented to Miss Ru by Harrison and Tom Barnhill, the honored couple. Other guests were Misses Nell Harrison, Ella Wynne Critcher, and Julia Everett; Mr and Mrs. H. D. Harrison, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hold ing, Dan Sharpe, of Greenville, and Albert Cooke. a YVIENER ROAST Miss Annie Mai' Bailey entertain - eel at a wiener roast in Bear Grass on Wednesday night at one of their tobacco barns. Those present were, Misses Bailey, Christine Jenkins, Pat Mizelle and Velnia Bailey, of Bear Grass; Mrs. Robert Harrell, Gus Gardner, of Plymouth; Leon Rose, of Fort Story; Paul Ward, of Texas, and h l) Harrison, ol bear Grass. In Durham This Week Miss Virgil Ward and little Miss Harriet Ward visited in Durham this week. ? Was Here This Week Mrs. W. S. Hunt, of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis Barnes here this week. * Spending Week-end Near Here Mr and Mrs. Dick Bridgers, of Laurinburg, are spending the week end-near here with her mother, Mrs. Mamie G. Taylor. Miss Mamie Clyde Taylor accompanied them home af ter a week's visit there. * Visiting in Tennessee Mr and Mrs. J. B Glenn are vis iting relatives in Tennessee. ? Entertains Local Band Miss Courtney Jenkins entertain ed members of the high school band at a watermelon party at the school house following their rehearsal on Wednesday night. 1 ? Visiting at Virginia Beach Miss Mary Gwynne Osborne is vis iting at Virginia Beach this week end. -r^-e Visiting in Washington City Mr. anl Mrs. Harrell Everett and son, Harrell, Jr., and Mr. Douglas Peacock, of Fremont, Mrs. Everett's brother, are visiting in Washington City this week-end. * la Norfolk This Weak Mrs. W. K. Parker and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, visited in Norfolk a few days this week. ? Visiting Here ffcls Week-end Miss Betty Lou Fletcher, of Ral eigh, is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goodmon here this week-end. e Returns from Charlotte Mrs. F. E. Birmingham returned this week after visiting several days in Charlotte and Wadasboro ANNUAL PICNIC The Mt. Shiloh Baptists Sunday School it making preparations to celebrate its annual picnic at Grif fin's Beach, Wednesday, August JOth Transportation has been arranged to accotaipodate the entire school HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS Br Mary Brawn Allfood, Home . | Service Director, Virginia Electric And Power Company ALL AMERICAN FAVORITES Among the highlights of any vaca tion are the foods which you eat and those which you see. Here are a few favorites which are character istic of different sections, Boston Cream Pie, Doughnuts. Apple Pie, and our own good Southern Fried Chicken. Boston Cream Pie 1-4 c butter 1 c sugar 1 tsp vanilla 2 eggs 2 eggs 1 3-4 c sifted cake flour 2 tsp baking powder 1-4 tsp salt 1-2 c milk Cream butter, add sugar gradual ly. Add vanilla and eggs. Sift dry ingredients, add to creamed mixture alternately with the milk, beating after each addition. Pour mixture in to SHayer cake-pans and bake in 460* oven 30 min When cool put togeth er with cream filling. Top with con fectioner's sugar. Fried Chicken No. i Select a young chicken weighing 1 1-2 to 2 lbs. Dress and disjoint, chill. Salt and pepper to taste, dredge each piece in flour, fry in hot fat until a golden brown on each side, lower heat, put lid on and steam un til tender, about 15 min. Fried Chicken (In Batter) No. 2 2 c flour 3 tsp baking powder 1-2 tsp salt Pepper 2 eggs 1-2 c milk Cut chicken in pieces, dip in bat ter and fry in deep fat. To make batter: Sift dry ingredients, beat eggs, add milk and stir in the dry in gredients. Add more milk if neces saxy hjul batler jhfluld be quite thick. 380* F. deep hot fat?beautiful gold en brown. Doughnuts 2 eggs 1 c milk 1 tsp salt 1-2 tsp nutmeg 8 tsp baking powder 5 tbsp melted butter 1 c sugar 5 c flour, plus ?J? Beat eggs, add sugar and beat light, add milk and melted shorten ing, add sifted dry ingredients and beat hard, add enough more flour so that dough can be handled. Roll 1-4 inch thick, cut with doughnut cutter, fry in deep fat 365*-370*, or in fat that browns cube of bread in 80 seconds. Turn doughnuts as soon as they come to top. Cool. Shake in hag of powdered sugar before serv ing. Apple Pie Select hard cooking apples (Winesaps), pare and slice thin, line a pie plate with pastry, pile high with sliced apples. Mix together 1-2 cup flour, 1 1-2 cups sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1-2 tsp nutmeg. Sprinkle dry mixture over apples, dot top with butter, moisten edge of lower crust, lay top crust on and build up high around sides. Bake 15 min. at 450* Reset at 375* and bake until apples are soft, 45-60 min Serve with sliced cheese or add 1-2 cup grated cheese to pie crust. Lemon Sponge Pudding 2 tbsp butter 1 cup sugar 4 tbsp cake flour Few grains salt 5 tbsp lemon juice 3 eggs 1 1-2 c milk I Pay* To Mix Fertilizer With Soil Before Ridging I J. A. Boyette, Warsaw, has demon strated definitely that it pays to mix fertilizer thoroughly with the soil before ridging to transplant tobacco, says L. F. Weeks, assistant farm agent of Duplin County. Returns from Mars Hill Mr. Charles Birmingham has re- j turned from Mars Hill where he at tended summer school. | Visits in South Carolina Miss Grace Jones visited in An Isonville, S. C., last week-end. -? The Associated Press says Brazil is using wood gas and alcohol as fuel because transportation facilities for imports of petroleum have been re duced. Grated rind of 1 lemon Cream butter and sugar until light, add flour and salt, mix well. Add lemon juice and rind, blend togeth er Beat egg yolk, add milk, stir grad ually into the above mixture. Fold in egg whites beaten stiff, pour into baking dish or custard cups. Set in shallow pan of water, bake at 375* 30 minutes. NOTICE OF SALE , North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. S. G. Burnette and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. I Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, I 1941, the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1041, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the door in the town of Wil bamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving lime, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Martin County, N. C., containing 23 acres, more or less, being lot No. 3 of the Hilliard Burnett land division, as is shown by plat of same in Land Division Book No, 3 at page 19. This the 11th day of August, 1941 ELBEHT S. PEEL. ?15-4t r,nmy,ic?if,nfr NOTICE OF SALE , North Carolina Martin County. In | The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Herman Burn ett and others. . Under and by virtue of an order [ of sale and judgment made by L. B Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August. 1941, the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: A certain tract of land lying and being in the town of Oak City, being lots Nos. 1 and 2 in Block M of the plan of said Town of Oak City. This the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S. PffiL, al5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County or Martin vs. Peter Harrell and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, 1941, the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash In the highest bidder, ill front of the ' courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: Beginning at corner of lot No. 1 on the road leading from town of .Conoho to Hassells Station on Rail road, running 58 K. 16 1-2 poles to a ' branch, thence down center of said branch about South 42 1-2 E. 3 1-2 - ilea, SoiJth^9^^^E^^gole^c^lu corner of lot No. 3, thence S. 58 W. 20 1-2 poles, thence N. 24 1-4 W 9 1-2 poles to the beginning, contain ing o^e ?cre, more or less. This the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S. PEEL, al5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Arthur 8 lade and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, 1941, the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: A certain lot in the town of Wil liamston bounded by Fleming Allen on the West, Elm Street on the North, by the Shilow Baptist Church lot on the East, and by Mercede Watts on the South. This the 11th day of August, 1941 ELBERT S. PEEL, NOTICE OF 8ALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Coantjr of Martin r?. Aaron Hewell and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the Tilth day of August, 1941, the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liams! on, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: All that certain piece, lot or par cel of land lying and being in the town of Hassell, Martin County, N. C? being all of lot No. 5 in Block L as shown on plan of the town of Has sell, recorded in Land Division Book No. 1 at page 421 of the public rec ords of Martin County. This the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S. PEEL, al5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Charlie Gay Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court, County of Martin vs. Mrs. C. P. How all awl Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, 1941, the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil luimston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: One house and lot in the town of Hamilton, known as the Chas. Mann lot, lying between Masonic Hall and the Lafayette Staton lot, containing one-half acre, more or less. This the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S PEEL, a!5-4t Commissioner. and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, 1941, the undersigned commissioner. Will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for caih to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: Beginning at a stake Main Street in the town of Oak City, N. C., thence running a Southerly course doyn said street 35 feet to a stake, thence Westerly at right angles with first line 60 feet to a stake, thence North erly at right angles with last line 35 feet to a stake, thence Easterly at right angles with last line 60 feet to the beginning, containing 1-7 of an acre, be the same1 more or less. This the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S. PEEL, al5-4t Commissioner. TEXACO America's Finest Motor Oil HARRISON OIL CO. Highest Quality Foods Plus the Lowest Possible Prices Spells Greatest Values! LAND O'LAKES DAISY CHEESE ib 25* LARD pure 2 ibs 23* FLUFFO, 2 l-lb. ctns. 33c 4-lb. ctn. 61c SALAl) TREAT MAYONNAISE, qt 35c TOLON1AL SUCCOTASH, 3 No. 2 cam . . 25c SOUTHERN MANOR SWEET PEAS, 2 No. 2 cans 2Sc GRAPE JUICE, Colonial, pi... Ik FLUFFO OIL, pis... 20c qls... 35c FRANKS, lender skinless, lb... 21c Triangle Flour Plain or Self-Rising 12-lb.bag. 47c 24-lb.bag. 93c Triple-Fresh OUR PRIDE m M /. BREAD, 2 large loaves .... 15^ IN OUR MARKET DEVILED CRABS 3 for.. 25c COOKED SHRIMP Ib . 80c Fresh PORK BRAINS COTTAGE CHEESE .. ROUND STEAK Lean STEW BEEF .... Lean PICNIC HAMS .. SLICED BACON .. lb...15c lb. 15c . .lb.. .30c lb. 15c 23c 29c Week-End Specials We also have many oilier items on sale for the week-end. Take advantage of these most unusual priees. You'll pay more, and much more, later. Boys' Heavyweight ROMPER OVERALLS 69c CLOTH 10c yard ? 9x12 Felt Base RUGS BED SPREADS $3.49 59c CHILDREN'S OXFORDS For FALL ? Sizes 8 1-2 to 3 97c 40-inch Fancy OUTING 10c FATHER GEORGE SHEETING Limited 10c yard Darden's Dept. Store WILLLAMSTON, N. C.

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