Sir Walter Raleigh Wins Tobacco Wager From English Queen (ieorgc A rent k* Collection At Duke I niverMity I)atc? Back to 16th Centura The history of tobacco from early periods down to the present is chock ed full of oddities, and while we are astounded by the early record ings telling of the oddities of the per iod it is quite possible that those in centuries to come will consider it quite odd to learn how completely a burning weed could hold us of to day in its grip ^ . Reviewing thr George Arents col lection of tobacco lore, an historian recently picked out the following oddities as they relate to tobacco and little happenings associated with the golden leal Weight of Smoke An interesting wager between Queer Klizabetb and Sir-Walter Hal etgh ]. recounted in the "Epistolae Ho-ehanae," London. 1650. by James How el: Raleigh?Ui'Llami?that h?* could weigh the smoke of .< pipeful of tobacco First lie weighed tin- to bacco. then the Ashes -the diffei lie contended, was th? weight of the smoke " Many an alchemist exclaimed the surprised Queen, "hath turned their gold to smoke, but you are .the first to turn smoke to gold." Rudyard Kipling's famous line, and a woman is only a woman, but a g-n-d rigai e- a sn.oke;" was first included in the fourth edition of "De partment Ditties" m the poem. "The Betrothed." This edition was pub lished >n Calcutta. 1890. and is in the exhibit. pt.-hably the in-ost famous of all the literary poems on tobacco is Cllulies' Lamb's "A Farewell to To ? bacco," written about 181^ A holo graph rnanusi i lpt n in the exhibit Lame, u is said, postponed pubic cat-l'-m??tus?pi.iem Innir pi year, and his resolution to quit smoking seems to have been aban doned Hi once expressed t.h? wish that hi would draw his last breath through a pipe and exhale it in a pU', The i al lies; ant-! tobacco tract lii Fnglisi: is tli. Work for Chimney - Sweepers." by .urn Philaretes. a pseudomyn. pUtJtushed in London in 1602 The author expressed .disap proval of social smoking, warning smokers that they would make then hraii] sooty and admit they had ac cepted J he c(r\il Huge i MarbeCki in the same yc.ii wVote A Defense of Tobacco," defending smoking ai a social habit, pmvided that it he pi aetii e j in moderation Snuffing Snulling/is another divis 1*011 ol to bacco lore, treated in tjie exhibit Snuff was pit [ >. 11 ed for mediclnS purposes in the 16th and 17th cen tunes, and by 1655 its us. foi pleas ure was chiefly" popular among the clergy of Spam. Italy, and France "Traicte du Tobac. en Sternvt&tolre,* by Louis Ferrant. Bourgos, 1665 points put. Mullen s | ia> I ,c Festin d? Plena open- with .1 inock eulogy 01 miff PuKenzed scented tobacce w us then b.eci ?niiiig- ext-i finely pop uluL?in h l e!n 1; siirii ly?u Inch?wa: developing an < iegant technique foi its correct usi Tlie Moliere item ir the Aleuts collection was publishoc in Amsterdam 111 1688 Snuff Wat mixed wit 1 various fjoweis in or di 1 to Mit;! it, iirid with red and yel lew ochres to give it color. J Bruno Pi Pans, wrote m "l^e Hon Uuaees di 'oUdlc. 111 1YUU. 1718 a I>>ndon publication Box" stated?that apo plexy, vertigo, and palsy were amonj the diseases snuff would cure Of (hawing Tobacco ]i 1935i L<>rd Stamp. delivn mg _ the Dukt rumnnncenient address, referred to an acceptable academic thesis that had been written in re cent years tin dish-washing. One now wonders if he were acquainted with tin medical dissertation of Johann (; Schul/e. of flalle Mudgeburg in 1744 "Of Cl.iaw ing Tobacco," Schul/e i- nsidered that the chewing of t?> hat t o was. beneficial in. bilious, scoi butii and othei conditions An ll luiTunating sidelight is his it-marks | Quet-o i aroline uf England "in bulged in this masticatory as a morn ing dentrifice." The exhibit at Duke contains rare items concerning the botany of to bacco and illustrations of the plant, and in another group are works dat ing from 1602 oh ceremonials, rit uals. and the mythology of tobacco. There is an almost priceless group consisting of reports on tobacco and Mnokmg^-tyr rarfy explorer* tft Mi erica and the Orient. Other groups in the exhibit are related to com merce in and the manufacture of to bacco and pipes, and also to legisla tion, monopolies, and taxations re lating to tobacco. Almost half a century ago, Mr Arents began collecting books relat ing to tobacco. For the last 13 years a msiory ol tobacco based on this collection has been in preparation, and which, When completed, will consist of four folio volumes. The first two have already appeared and the last two are expected to be com pleted shortly. (Gibraltar'b Tobacco Although no official statistics are available as to the tobacco imports of Ghb/altar, it is estimated by trade sources that under normal condi tions about one-third of a million pounds of leaf tobacco are import ed annually for use m the ?m?H to bacco industry of the colony. About 20 per cent of the leaf imports are from the United States. North Carolina's 1940 grape crop was the largest on record, reports the State Department of Agriculture. Sixteen Churches In County Century Ago TOBACCO-PEANITS According to figures compiled by Clemson College agricultural authorities, it costs the average South Carolina farmer $92.26 to grow and handle an acre of flue cured tobacco. Tests conducted in Georgia showed > that treating peanuts before planting with ceresan, the same material used to treat cot ton seed, resulted in increased * ields at harveat time. Livestock History ()n Farms in State Since the Civil ^ar ' j\se stuck ty President Johnson. Thb appointment caused the people of the state to mistrust him, for they hac been fighting against the govern IMPROVED With limited markets and no apparent craving: for things be yond their means, Martin Coun ty farmers in 1850 were slow in improving their lands. At that time, according to the 1850 cen sus, there were only 54,763 acres of improved land in the county. There were 149,506 acres of un improved land. All farms in the county that year were valued at only $741, 953. ment of the United States. Later he was elected governor by the forces that rose to power after the war, and his administration is considered the darkest period in the history of our state. The historian, S. A Ashe, said that the state officials during the Ttmr~TTf-rtutden's party "wiecked the state," that "they dissipated the state's assets," and that "they de stroyed every hope of any early am elioraion of the unfortunate condi tion of transportation facilities." The assembly was guilty of fraud, brib ery and corruption. For all the foregoing reasons Hol f jden was a much disliked man; but i his real trouble came in 1870. He pro claimed Alamance and Caswell ' ; -counties in a state of insurrection ? because of the activities of the Ku 1 Klux Klan. Colonel George W. Kirk ? j of Tennessee, was ordered to plact Need Is Urgent To Diversify Program On Farm In Future (Continued from front page, this section) larger income of many families in cities and towns, and also through out the rural sections, it would ap | pear that the demand for food in larger quantities and of greater vari ety will make it easy for producers | to sell surplus crops. Unless cotton and tobacco farmers are willing to supplement these so called money crops in some such manner as suggested, I think we i have distressing days ahead of us, but I have confidence in the intelli gence and ability of southern farm ers to look ahead and to make pro vision, generally speaking, for a bet ter living on the farm. the two counties under military rule. Known as a desperate and brutal [ character, Kirk proved the aptness I of his name. In North Carolina his tory the invasion of his army of more than 700 men is known as the Kirk Holden war. The eight charges in the impeach ment trial centered around the gov ernor declaring the two counties in a state of insurrection and the re j suiting military crimes and disor der. liolden being found guilty on six of the charges, the Senate adopted a resolution removing him from office and disqualifying him from holding "any office of honor, trust, or profit under the State of North Carolina." Vance is quoted as saying, "It was the longest hunt after the poorest hide I ever saw." SELL Your TOBACCO On the Williamston r > We Are Interested in the Farmer's Welfare Whether Selling, Buying