Agricultural Outlook For Fall In County Encouraging More Than Five And A Quarter Million Dollar Income In Sight For Martin Fanners This Year Financial Prospects Believed Brightest 9 Since the First ^ar lohacco Alone Expected To Yield Nearly Two and Half Million in the (]oimt\ <8 Based on price reports coming from the Georgia and Border Bolt Markets and on current listings and announced price scheduler f the crop this y? ui and the yield wlil average When the busy "peak is past,..pause and // 5* YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY A pause for ico-cold Coca-Cola plays an Important part in a busy day. The buoy ant refreshment of this delicious drink makes a little minute long enough for a big rest. So when you pause throughout the dey, make it the pause that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola. ?OTTUD UNDOt AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. _ GREENVILLE, N. C. LAUWPKYMAN J J. Kason Lilley, operator of ?the modern laundry bearing, bis name, moves around under a series of titles, farmer, lumber man. *i>ortsman and a leading citizen. Things To Watch For In The Future 1 More maroon automobiles?latest survey 1>y"Pontine 'shows the dark red now. ahead of the standard black in popularity; and with gray and blue in third and fourth places ... A kit called "Sew Your Own," con taining all materials needed for mak ing your own gloves ... A radical ly new phonograph record-changer are 5,000 acres planted to the crop this year, the agent stating that more fif?y beanh were-- Mtlid planted" this year than ever before, that is the beans planted independently of oth er crops. The crop will sell for ap proximately $50,000, it is estimated. Twenty-three combines are now available in the county and it is be lieved that a" large portion of the crop will find its way into the com mercial market. Approximately 800 acres of Irish potatoes were planted this year, but the growers made no money even though the crop sold for nearly $80.-1 000. I Small grains will boost the total farm income, but reliable estimates cannot be had at this time. Quite a few farmYrs are planning to harvest seed from various crops, and while the total is not at all impressive* there is noticed a definite trend to seed production. ?1-- . : ? Turning from farm crops, the far mer in this county is apparently making progress with his livestock, especially with swine. Martin Coun ty farmers will fatten between 25,000 and 30,000 hogs this year, and Farm Agent Brandon sincerely believes the income from that source will amount to an even half million dol lars or moTe. Cattle raising is gain ing a fairly firm foothold, but on u small scale. More interest is being shown in beef cattle than at any other time, certainly within recent years. Poultry, while amounting to hard ly more than chicken feed as far as the cash jingle is concerned when compared with the income from to bacco, brings in from $20,000 to $25, 000 annually. .When the cash income from crops and livestock is figured, then the farmers can add around $200,000 more to their bank accounts in the form of soil conservation, parity^nd I cotton price adjustment paymentsTTt^l ,is possible for Martin farmers to earn $150,000 in soil conservation pay ments. $40,000 in parity payments and $25,000 in cotton price adjust ment payments, making a total of $215,000. Based on crop estimates, yield and price expectations, the following crops will bring the farmer the fol lowing amounts: Tobacco * $2,470,000 Peanuts 814,000 * Corn 550,000 Cotton 270,000 Sweet potatoes 225,000 Soy Beans 50,000 Poultry 20,000 Irish potatoes 80,000 Gov't Payments 215,000 Others 35,000 Hogs 500,000 $5,225,000 which will play both aidea Qf a rec ord without turning it over, can run through a whole two-hour concert without any human-hand help what ever, plays symphonic sets in old style "one-side-arid-then-the-other" as "automatically" as it does the mechanical sequence sets . . . New in the toy line will be magnetically operated ones "By" uenerai Electric; magnets in their bases enable them to be put through magic-like antics. OPKKATOR The Sinclair Service Station on Main Street here Is handling an rate naive buslneee under the direction of Its operator, Ami I. Call For Gardner's Velvet Ice Cream LAST YEAR WE MOVED INTO OUR NEW PLANT, THAT IS MODERN AND SANI TARY IN EVERY RESPECT, AND IT IS THROUGH YOUR PATRONAGE THAT WE WERE ABLE TO INSTALL FACILITIES TO GIVE YOU DAIRY* PRODUCTS. L ALL MODERN / U THE BEST IN \ Gardner's Velvet Ire Cream is as smooth as its name. The tobacco markets of U'illiamston and Hoberson ville are Rood markets . . . Sell your tobacco icilh these markets and refresh your self icilh Gardner's deli cious Velvet Ice Cream. GARDNER'S VELVET ICE CREAM IS SOLI) IN MARTIN COUNTY IN W1L LIAMSTON AT THE SODA SHOP, CLARK'S PHARMACY, EAGLES STORE, RUS STATION, MRS. ANDREW'S STORE. ROOSEVELT COLTRAIN'S STORE . . . IN ROBERSONMLLE, AT THE WINE STORE AND THE BlG APPLfc. Gardner's Dairy Products I'lanlK In ROCKY MOUNT GOLDSBORO a and I'll rive you back 15 seconds Says Paul Douglas, well-known radio announcer So, imebody whistles a few bars of a catchy tune. Others pick it up. Soon the whole country's whistling it. It's a hit. Sor >mebody lights up a cigarette. Likes it. Passes the word along. Soon the whole country's smoking it. It's a hit. IT'S CHESTERFIELD. The big thing that's pushing Chesterfield ahead Is the approval of smokers like yourself. Chesterfields are definitely Milder, Cooler-Smoking and Better-Tasting. They're made of the world's best cigarette tobaccos Blended just right to give you more smoking pleasure. But even these facts wouldn't count If smokers didn't just naturally like them. Once a smoker finds out from Chesterfield What real smoking pleasure is, nothing else will do. Yes, fellow smokers, IT'S YOUR APPROVAL X THAT'S PUSHING CHESTERFIELD AHEAD. - c?rrri*a mi. Umn > U>? T? lv.rv*h"? y?l8?