Your Local Tobacco Needs and Deserves Your Farmers Sett Your Tobacco in NBMGO MAllKl'-'i * '?'^L I . . . , ..... ? y . '? .' ' ? ?' ???... . . ' Market Opens Tuesday, Aug. 26 Tho Merchants, irhase ads appear belon\ are cooperating iritli and snpporling llie II il liamston T of Micro Market Tliey join the business firms in extending a cordial welcome to all the farmers in Eastern North Carolina to sell Tobacco in II iUiamslon. When ris iting the local market, call on the undersigned merchants. ) onr /lalronage trill be high ly appreciated. BUY IN WILLI A MSTON! PATRONIZE TOUR LO CA L LAUNDRY EMPLOYS LOCAL LABOK ( ALL WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE LILLEY'S LAUNDRY Don't Forget The Martin County Agricultural FAIR In WILLIAMSTON SEPTEMBER 29th Through OCTOBER 4th BARBECUE LUNCHKS AM) SANDVk ICIIKS SINCLAIR CAS and OILS Located on II axliiniilon Hood in Front of I'lanlrrt Warehouse Paul Jones FILLING STATION When Selling Tobacco In WILLIAMSTON I-el iih fill your car or truck ?i I li good old (ilJLF Caroline. None Belter! We Wash & Grease Cars Sanitary Rest Rqom Gulf Service CENTER Williamson k Protect Your Property " illi Insuran ce! Fire - W iiiilntorm - Tor imilo ? Theft. In furl. every known type of in Hiirunee. Cull I1*. Tel ephone* I 7-W or 17-J. J. E. Pope Itepenilalile Inturance Agency ?FIRE? Insurance Any Oilier Type ?ir Kind of Insurance ? Call the -Old Reliable" K.B. CRAWFORD FOR COMPLETE PROTECTION Everything Hut l.ife I nun ranee Tobacconist And Tolmcco Farmers WKI.COM i; To WILLI \ M ST ON N i*il Our MoiIi i ii (,'ufr. \\ r < >ii I * the |{r?l. I'riri-t Itt'ii-onalili-. (Central (ail< FOR (?ifl- for Ml Orrunioilrt ? \l llit' price yon wan I lo pay. Jcu rlry ? tty (Jimlity Ifdii II f