1 F1 1 . Perfect Teamwork j; Selling . ? Your Tobacco Means Higher Prices Sell With Us On Opening Day And All Other Days For Larger Sales & Higher Prices SELL AT THE Roanoke 'Dixie W a rehouse, Williams ton This firm is knoMii fur and wide for its reputation for Helling to liarco uh high. if not higher, ihuii any oilier Mureliouse or murkel in llie State. (!I,AUI)K GRIFFIN, veteran tobacconist, uml JIM MY TAYLOR, mell-knoun tobueeo iiiun. Mill give this one limine their undivided attention thin year. Every customer, regardless of prominence or poHition. Mill receive our usual courteous serv ice anil each pile of lohacco sold on our floors Mill lie pushed to the highest |ieuk. Ill Mr. BliKI. C. WILSON, of Scottsville, Ky., we have a competent auctioneer. Ilis reputation for selling tobacco cannot be excell ed ami other members of our force will gladly welcome you and give you every service and consideration possible when selling to bacco on our floor. Make your decision now to sell with Jimmy Taylor and Claude Griffin at the Roanoke-Dixie Warehouse in Wil liamston. Regardless of how high or how low, you will always get the top market price for every pound of tobacco sold with us. Claude Griffin and Jimmie Tayloi at the Roanoke - Dixie