Jim: "You look mighty well pleased about something. John. . Whats up?" John: "Just made a nice deal for my whole | crop of peanuts with the Williamston ',? Peanut C.ompany. Say, they're fine folks to do business with, tool" 'n / Jim: "'Yeah. I knoiv. Another thing?It's a fine thing for lis farmers to have a good strong local independent buyer on the market." When You Are Ready. To Sell Peanuts, How About Calling On HOME SI Kvcr\ member of our firm \*as raised right here in this peanut-producing section. We have~ho plants in various oilier localities, ami we hope and plan to continue doing business w iIli llic farmers of this section for a long time. I\\er\ Iransaetion is made with this idea in mind. We real ize that the success of our business is dependent 011 giving each man a square deal, and we will not permit any oth * er consideration to enter into our negotiations. W hen you are ready to dispose of your peanuts, we will appreciate a chance to talk the matter over with you. You will find that we speak your own language; and. while you are under 110 obligation when you call us, we feel that we are. and we wiljsfbe grateful for a chance to serve you in every way possible. WILLI AMSTON PEANUT COMPANY PHONE 90 WILLIAMSTON, N. C.