Employment of Aged Pensioners To Stop Checks Temporarily Pensioners Gainfully Employ ed To Notify Social Se curity Board Office * ? Increased .employment, resulting from the national defense program, means jobs for many older men who have been without work for a long time. Some of these older workers, who retired from their regular jobs after reaching age 65 and claimed payment of monthly old-age insur ance benefits, are going back to work for business concerns or in dustrial plants. Most of these men understand that no one has a right to monthly payments of old-age or survivors insurance benefits while, at the same time, he is earning good wages in a job that comes under the act. They know also that they should advise the Social Security Board when they have found work so that payments of benefits may be discon tinued while they are so employed. However, a small number of such workers have failed to notify the So cial Security Board that they have found jobs, although they have re turned to work in factories, shops, stores, construction work or other covered employment. This statement was made today by G. R Parker, re gional director of the Social Secur ?lty Board, Who tmld also That -each claimant has had an opportunity to learn that he must report such re employment. This information is given to him in connection with his (1) application for benefits, (2) in the award letter, (3) in succeeding letters, and (4) in verbal explana tions by the Social Security Board field office. When government authorities learn that a worker has received or is receiving wages of $15 a month or more and has also cashed his old age and survivors insurance check, it becomes necessary to assess a pen alty. The minimum penalty consists of loss to the recipient of the amount of the benefit which he received for the month or months in which he earned good wages. The penalty may be double that amount if the claim ant, knowingly, failed to report. Mr. Parker explained that, in this case, "wages" means earnings of $15 or more in a job that is covered by the Social Security Act If total earnings of wages is less than $15 per month no report is necessary and there is no loss of monthly benefits. A beneficiary might earn as much as $14 99 per month, on any sort of job, and still receive his monthly payments of old-age and survivors insurance. But, if his wages in cov ered employment amount to $15 or more, in any one month, his old-age insurance payment for that particu larjnunth will not b& allowed. The retired worker, taking a job is re quired to notify the Social Security Board, only when the job is one of those covered by the law and the wages earned equal or exceed $15 in any month. He may work in other types of employment?such as farming, domestic service, public school teaching, government service ?or he may have a business of his own, and continue to receive his monthly payments. The regional director called atten lion to the fact that the Stune legu lation applies to the widows or to sons and daughters surviving deceas ed workers who were insured under the system. For example, an insured worker's widow who is receiving monthly payments of survivors in surance might take a job in a shop, store, hotel Or in other covered em ployment. If she earned as much as $15 per month or more she should notify the Social Security Board at the end of the first month she works in this job. Her own benefit pay ments will be discontinued during the time that she is so employed. Under ordinary circumstances the ? monthly payments will begin again ! as soon as the beneficiary leaves reg ular-employment. It was pointed out that a child's benefits will continue even though the widow's payments are stopped while she is earning wages in covered employment. Like wise, a son or a daughter might fincf a job and thereby lose his or her ben efits during the period of employ ment and still the widow's monthly benefits would continue, if she were unemployed. Any field office of the Social Se- j curity Board will furnish a post card form which the beneficiary may use to notify the board that he or she has gone back to work There is available, also, another card which I the worker may use to apply for re Farmer ltnilds IIor Self Feeder For Fifteen Cents F. C. Turner of Ht. 1, Reuisville, has built a hog self-feeder for 15 cents, reports Rockingham County farm agentXF. S. Walker of the State College Extension Service. > 1 Plastics No more plastics will be available after thus month for the manufac ture of advertising premiums, mech anical record players, toys, amateur cameras, novelties and similar arti cles. instatement of benefit payments when ho ajfain retires Doth cards are supplied free of charge and. if requested, the field manager will as sist in filling nul the form. SYMPHONY OF WAR ?failed by Censor* r looks like a xylophone but it's a row of Bren gun barrel* being gauged in a Toronto munitions plant. Canada which made no weapons of this kind before the war new possesses a factory that has the lsrgsst output of any automatic gun plant in the world. Many of the workers in the plant are women and they have proved themselvee to be adept in this kind of employment. All the requirements of the Canadian armed forces are being met by this one factory and large numbers of Bren guns ars being supplied to Great Britain. For these guns and many other muni tions required by Great Britain, Canada is finding much of ths money, During Canada's present fiscsl year, the Dominion expects to finance British war purchases in Canada to the extent of (1,500,000,000, which if equal to (23,000,000,000 in terms of American population and The Canadian taxpayers are providing the cash. STATEMENT ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. Liverpool, England Condition December 31, 1940, As Shown Bv Statement Filed -Amount oL-fttottitoiy Dcpo.sit $_ 500,000.00 ?ts, Dec Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st previous year 21,933,211.98 J Income?From Policyholders $0,051,132.60: Miscellan eous, $1,160,838.17; Total . 10.211,970 83 Disbursements To PblIcyFu)TJers, $3,472,087.93, MTscel laneous, $6,812,694.55; Total / 10,084,782 48 K'weu di Fire Premiums?Written or renewed during year, $26,235,677 96 In Force ^ 52,423.561.36 All Other Premiums?Written or renewed during year, $19,282,614 78 In Force ASSETS Value of Real Estate $ 1,512,432.00 Value of Bonds and Stocks 15:931,956.24 Cash in Company's Office 4,125.00 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 2,402,109.91 Agents' balances, representing business written sub sequent to October 1, 1940 2,393,579.96 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1940 115,821.46 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable 591,120 40 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks 17,562 20 Bills receivable, taken for other risks 3 276.32 Interest and Rents due and accrued 69,569 30 , All other Assets, as detailed in statement ? 394.843.32 | Total $22,254,149 31 Less Assets not admitted 090,225.70 Total admitted Assets $21,563,923 61 LIABILITIES Net amount ol unpaid losses and claims $ 1,147,506.08 Unearned premiums 8,654,180.34 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 35.267 92 Estimated amount of Federal. State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued 492,675.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 68,378.70 Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies 18,683 76 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 306,783.09 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $10,721.474 89 Capital actually paid up in cash $ 500,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 10.342.448.72 Surplus as regards Policyholders 10,842.448 72 Total Liabilities $21,563,923.61 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1940 Fire Risks written, $21,830,326; Premiums received $77,851 00 All Other Risks written. $16,666,677; Premiums received 13.019 00 Losses incurred- Fire, $45,544; Paid 47.891 00 Losses incurred?All other, $6,549; Paid 6 876 00 U. S. Manager: Harold Warner. U. S. Home Office: 150 William Street. New York, N Y Attorney for service: Dan C. Bonev. Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh. N.C. State of North Carolina. Insurance Department. Raleigh, April 29. 1941 I. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Royal Insurance Company. Ltd , of Liverpool. Eng.. tiled with this Department. showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1940. Witness my hand and official seal, tin* day and date above written. (ScqD DAN C BONEY. Insurance Commissioner. S T A T E M E N T ~ RUBBER MANUFACTURERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Boston, Mass. Condition December 31, 1940, As Shown By Statement Filed Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st previous year $1,951.539 07 Income?From Policyholders, $648,087.27; Miscellan eous. $85,981.79; Total 734,069.06 Disbursements To Policyholders, $60,865 01; Miscellan onus, $592,073 67; Total 652,938 68 Fire Premiums -Written or renewed during year, $1,408,216.71. In Force 2,120.712 08 ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks $1,650,774 38 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 333.300.53 Agents' balances, representing business written sub sequent to October 1, 1940 ^ 42.797 86 Agents' balances, representing business written prior lo 1 Ichilu l 1, 1 940 Interest and Rents due and. aeeriud All other Assets, as detailed ill statement Total c $2,046,884 86 Less Assets not admitted 69.477 21 Total admitted Assets . $1,977,407.65 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 25,986.77 Unearned premiums 752,54966 Salaries, Hi nts. Expenses. Bills, Accounts, Fei . due or accrued 4,678 82 Estimated amount of Federal, State, county and municipal taxi s due or accrued 6,654 47 All other liabilities, as detailed m statement 9,236.34 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital .$ 799,106 06 Surplus over all liabilities $1,178,301.59 Surplus as regards Policy holders 1,178.301.59 Tut.tl l.ial>ititu\s $1,<)T?,407 65 BUSINESS IN NORTH ( AKOI.1NA HI KINO 1940 Fire Risks written. $6,029,362; Premiums received $32,121.00 Losses incurred Fire. $17,446; Paid 13,796.00 President: Kdw. II Williams Secretary: C Henry Clough Home Office: 60 Hatterymareh St. Boston, Mass Attorney for service Dan C. Money, Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh. N.C State of North Carolina. Insurance Department Raleigh, July 22. 1941. I. DAN C BONEY. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Rubber Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company ol Boston, Mass, filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1948 Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written (Seal) DAN C. HONEY, Insurance Commissioner. STAT E 1YI E N T OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY Hamilton, Ohio. Condition December 31, 1940, As Shown lly Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid up in cash $ 600,000 00 Amount Lodgei Assets, Dee "'A 1st. previous year 8,015,555.18 Income From Policyholders, $7,391.274 63 Miscellaiieous $273.246 93; Total ?7? . 664,52156 Disburstments To Policyholders. $2,432,902 81; Miscellan eous, $4,568,812.52; Total 7,001,805.33 ASSETS Value of Real Estate $ 149,333 12 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 426,133.21 Value of Bonds and Stocks 5,337,314 45 Cash in CompanyV Office 4,173.33 Deposits in Trust Companies and Hanks not on interest 2.410,520 37 Deposits in Trust Companies and Hanks on interest 3,803.17 Premium in course of Collection 1,126,854 84 Interest and Rents due and accrued 25,907 63 All oilier Assets, as detailed in statement ' 408,801.47, Total $9,892,841.59 Less Assets not admitted 194,949 59 Total admitted Assets $9,697,892.00 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims ? " . $2,617,006.54 Expense, Investigation, a rut Adjustment of Claims 20.000DCl Unearned Premiums 3,396,299 49 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Hills, Acgnunts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 12,000.00 Estimated amount of Federal, State, county and municipal tuxes 346,234 44 Reinsurance 58,276.00 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement 1,250,074.93 Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital $7,097,892.00 Capital paid up $ 600,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities 1,400,000.00 Surplus as regards Policyholders 2,000,000.00 Total Liabilities $9,097,892.00 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IX KINO 1940 Fidelity; Premiums received $ 87 00 Surety; Premiums received 1,002.00 Burglary and theft 30.00 Total; Premiums received $1,110 00 President: lb.ward Sloneker Secretary: Martin J. Wep Treasurer: M H. Sloan. Home Office: 136 North Third Street, Hamilton, Ohio. Attorney for service: Dan C. Money, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N.C. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department I. DAN C BONEY. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company. <>f Hamilton, Ohio, filed with this Depart ment. showing the condition ?>f said Company on the 31st day of Dec., 1940. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written i Seal > DAN C BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. Ql'EEN INSIRANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA New York, N. Y. Condition December 31. 1940. As Shown By Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid in cash $ 5,000,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st previous year 24,467,824.40 Income- From Policyholders, $7,970,063.22; Miscellaneous, $876,608 81. Total 8,846,672.03 Disbursements To Policyholders; $3,078,286.31; Miscel laneous. $5,280.748.23; Total 8,359,034.54 Fire Premiums Written or renewed during year, $11,274.166 02 In Force 21,712,550.03 All Other Premiums Written or renewed during year, $7,613,481 46 Inx Force 5.781.150.17 ASSETS Mortgage Loans on Heal Est at? $ 6,050.00 Value of Bonds and Stocks 22.843,417.66 Deposited in Trust Companies and Batiks not on interest 1.041,199.02 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 25,874.49 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1. 1940 1.142,130.83 Agents' balance, representing business written prior tu October 1,1840 98,872.68 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable 256.769.80 Bills receivable, taken for,fire risks 13,383.60 Bills receivable, taken for other risks 2,034.19 Interest and Rents dtu and accrued 99.948.28 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 128.138 05 Total $25,144,279.00 Less Assets not- admitted 1,380,912.99 Total admitted Assets $23,763,366 01 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpdid L i s and claims $ 1,023,553.16 Unearned premium 7.620,307.47 Salaries, Ki nts. Expenses. Bills. Accounts, Fees. due or a-'crued 29,044.75 Estimated amount of h'ederal, State, county ;uui municipal taxi s due or accrued 957,501.00 Contingent eomiviissions. or other charges due or accrued 58,566.04 All other liabilities, as vh tailed in statement 792,682.90 Total .amount el all liabilities except Capital $ 9 881,655.32 Capital actually paid up in cash $5,000,000.00 Sniping over ;dl liabilities 8,881,710.69 Surplus as regards Policyholders 13,881.710.69 Total Liabilities $23,763,366.01 BUSINESS IN NDRTII ( AKOLINA Dt KINO 1940 File Ri.-ks written $7,974,659; I'lemumis received $38,672.00 All Other Risks w ritten $2,976,812, Premiums received 9.913.00 Losses Incurred Fire, $3,215 Paid 3,976.00 Losses Ineui red All other. $1.244 Paid 1.489.00 President Harold Warner Secretary Sigourney K Nininger Home Office 150 William Street New York, N Y Attorney foi sci-viee Dan C Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N C. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department Raleigh, July 31, 1941 1. DAN C BONEY Insurance Commi . loner, do hereby certify that | the,.above is ;i tftir and correct abstract of the statement of the Queen InstiTUnee Company of Anier ica. of New York, N Ytiled with this De I partineiit, .showing the euudiUuu of said Company on the 31st day of Decciubfr. 1940 Witness iny hand and ofticial. seal, the dav and date above written I fSeal) DAN C BONEY. It isu i ance Con 11n isskuicr H I \ I I M I N I ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY New York, N. Y. Condition December 31, 1940, As Shown By Statement Filed Amount of Capital paid up in c.edi . $ 2,500,000.00 Amount Ledger A wt .. Dec previous y,-.tt 35.520,001.09 Ineoipe From Policylioldei $13,589,403 06; Miseellan * "oils $ 1,294,800 19. Total 14 884.203 25 i Disbursement: To Pidieyliofdei-.. $57215.252 31. Miseel laneous, $8 024.367 19, Total 13 239 819 50 I \ssl is Value ut Bonds.and Si.?;iiij. ,m,t Hanks nut mi interest 2.105,272 99 1 'it-II i mil is in riiui'.-f ul Collect inn 2.714.513.til Interest and Hunts dim and aiirued 148,341 47 Hills Kcccivalili 184.00 All othei A ut ,.s i tut in tu.t in statement 055,30t 85 Total $37,312,780.31 lass Asset s nut admitted 1.045,353.67 Total .idiiiitl.d Assets $35,007 132.04 I.IAH1I lilt s Unpaid Claims $13,Hit,321 00 Kxpense lnVeitligatiun, and Adjustment id Claims 350,801.00 Cnuiiriied Pienilums 0 171 553.09 CnlllinlsMi.il. Itlul.ul ape. Out .. 111 tl ell.u 9. due 5113,367.00 Salaries, Hunts. Fxpi lea st Hills Auumuit 1-,, , . due ur an 111. <1 :o5 olio Oil KslnuuU'd aiin.unt ut Federal. Stall 1..1111H and mum. 11... I taxes t,55,000.00 All other I.i.i1111111. a detailed in statement 3! (184.390.55 I'l.tal anil.nut ul all l.ial.ililie, exee|.t Capital $28,107.432 84 ( ..pi I a I paid up $2.5(81.00(1 Oil Surplus nvei all l i.dnlili. . 5,000,000.00 Sill plus as Hoard. I'utieyl.nldn 7 500,006.00 tel..I I laliihlu , NFA' Insurance Commissioner. Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Aug. 24-25-26 irilh Bob fi o /te and Dorothy Lam our "Caught In The Draft" Wednesday-Thursday August 27-28 "l>r. kihlurt'V WnMin^ l)uy" l.ew Ayres, Foraine Day, I.ionel Harrymore Friday-Saturday August 29-20 "Wmm Over Miami" Dun Anieche, Betty (irable, Robert (umminfs ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS 49th Series Opens Saturday, September 6 A LITTLE SAVED EACH WEEK WILL EVENTUALLY BUILD YOU A HOME The average safe investment today is yielding a very low rate of interest. Building and Loan shares (depression test ed) still offer a good yield with safety. We invite yoti to snhserihe for shares in our new series, which will open 011 Saturday, September 6th. For Stability Prosperity and Protection SAVE WITH US 27 YEARS - OF SUCCESSFUL OPERATION SAVE THE BUILDING & LOAN WAY Martin County Building & Loan Association