Launch Movement For Winter Greens Bountiful supplies of winter vege tables growing in the garden of ev ery North Carolina farm family is the objective of a new campaign launched by the State Agricultural Workers Council, according to John W. Goodman, assistant director of the N. C. State College Extension Service. Blessed with a climate that makes it possible to grow vegetables the year around in most sections, North Carolina could easily grow plenty of greens to keep its people supplied with these diet essentials during the fall and winter. H. R. Niswonger, extension horti culturist, has prepared for distribu tion to every farm family informa tion which lists vegetables suitable for winter gardens, best varieties, planting dates, amounts of seed needed, maturity dates and seed cost. In his guide, the horticulturist suggests rape and kale for all sec tions of the State; mustard and ten dergreens for the Eastern and Pied mont sections; collard plants, spin ach, and onion sets for the Eastern and Lower Piedmont areas; and beets and carrots for the Tidewater and warmer parts of the Coastal Plain, Goodman explained that the win ter vegetable campaign is being con ducted in response to a request from M. L. Wilson, director of extension for the U. S. Department of Agri culture. The tremendous campaign in this State will be conducted by workers of the following agricultural and welfare agencies: Farm Security Ad ministration, AAA, Soil Conserva tion Service, WPA, Bureau of Agri cultural Economics, State Vocation al Education Department, and the Extension Service. Progress Representatives of the world's greatest wheat-producing nations, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States, have recessed their session in Washington until August 18 and report "prog ress" in the move for an internation al wheat pooLfor post-war use. Skim milk and whey .improve the body and flavor of dried soup mix tures when used in quantities up to 25 per cent of the weight of the mix ture, government specialists have found Wheat Production of American Spring and Winter wheat this year will reach 950,953,000 bushels, the U. S. Department of Agriculture reports. A CAROLINA CONGRESSMAN,' THOMAS CLINGMAN, FOUGHT ONE OF THE "FOURTEEN FAM OUS DUELS"... Thomas Clingman of North Caro lina vs. William Yancey of Alabama is the subject of 6ne of the fourteen "Famous American Duels" discussed in Don C. Seitz's book published in New York in 1929. Prior to the Civil War dueling was the accepted means of settling a dispute when a question of honor arose. Yancey, one of the most noted southern secessionists, in a value way insulted Clingman. Both were congressmen. The alleged statement that "he wished to have nothing to say with one possessed of the head and heart of the gentleman from North Carolina" was all that was needed to start trouble. When a man was insulted, usual ly he forwarded a note stating his grievance. If no satisfactory explan ation or apology could be obtained, a challenge followed. Each would choose a friend to be his second, who would attend to all communications and arrangements. The words sent to Yancey are typical of those used when one gen tleman challenged another. Cling man's note reads: "Having failed in all my efforts for an amiable adjust ment of the difficulty between us, nothing remains for me but to de mand of you the satisfaction usual among gentlemen." For seconds, Yancey ctiosc John M. Huger; and Charles Lee Jones, of Baltimore was Clingman's choice. The appointed time was three p m.. January 13, 1845; and the place was a spot between the District of Col umbia line and Beltsville, Md. The police were notified and raid ed the hotel where Huger. Yancey and their friends stopped. The prin cipal and his second escaped by slip ping out the back door. Two of the friends were arrested and bound ov When the "challenger" and the "challenged" reached the dueling ground, the duel was rushed in or der to avoid interrupted by the po lice. The weapons were small-bore pistols of the usual dueling length, and the distance was ten paces or thirty feet. The men were hurriedly placed, and the word was given in a clear, I loud and distinct tone: "Fire, one, two, three, halt." Both fired too ' quickly and missed. ' The police arrived and assisted in settling the dispute without further use of ammunition This was the end of the only duel that grew out of the proposition of extending slavery to Texas under the annexation treaty, and there was no bloodshed. ! y. C. Car Owner* Pay 7H Cents Tax Per Gallon Gas The combined federal and state tax rates amount to 7 1-2 cents a gallon. Gasoline taxes alone cost the typical North Carolina motor ve hicle owner $52.50 a year (almost two weeks' income) and they are by far the largest item in the motor ist's yearly motor tax bill of more than $70. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin against Oolphus Brown and wife, Lillian Brown. Ttie defendants. Dolphus Brown and Wife. Lillian Brown, above nam ed will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina. to foreclose the taxes on land in Mar tin County in which said defendants have an interest; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear be fore 1.. B. Wynne. Clerk of the Su perior Court of Martin County at his office in Wiillamston, North Car olina, within thirty (30) days after the completon of this service of pub lcation by notice "nd to answm- or demur to the complaint of the P'""1 tiff in this action, or the plaintiff! will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complamb | This the 5tii day of August, 1941 L. B WYNNE, Clerk Superior Cuurt ol u8-4t Martin County. notice of sale North Carolina Martin County In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. C. E. Ange. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court. Ion Mondav, the lltli day of August, 1941. the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember. 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of latfd, to MBit* ? ;? ? . T . -. ? Adjoining the lands of Levin Ange, the School house lot and others, bounded as follows Beginning at the N E corner of the Ange School house lot and running said school house lot line 416 feet thence N. 21 deg. East 104 5 12 feet, thence S 67 deg East 416 feet to the public road, thence S 21 deg West along said road 104 5 12 feet to the point of be ginning, containing 1 acre. This the Uth day of August, 1J41 ELBERT S. PEEL. al5-4t Commissioner. notice of sale North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court County of Martin vs. T. T. Adams and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. a Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, 1941 the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember. 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, m front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to One house and lot situated in the town of Parmele, N C , adjoining J. A Whitehurst and Bettie Carson Estate and others, and containing one-half acre, more or less, and be ing the same property deeded to Mrs Lillian Adams by A. L. Bellflower, recorded in Book V 2 at page 295 Til is the lltli day of August, 1941 ELBERT S PEEL, u15 4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Jim Lynch and Wife* Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the 11th day of August, 1941 the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil hamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to Witi A certain tract of land lying and being in Martin Countj^amtaimng IS acres, more or less, and being lot No. 1 of the Mary C. Harrell land di vision, as shown by mac of record in Land Division Book No l a'i page 418 of the Martin County Public Registry. This the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S. PEEL, al5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Aaron Howell and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court. on Monday, the Uth day of August, 1941, the undersigned commissioner ?will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamstorr, at?twelve?o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: All that certain piece, lot or par cel of land lying and being in the town of Hassell, Martin County, N. C , being all of lot No. 5 in Block L as shown on plan of the town of Has sell, recorded in Land Division Book No. 1 at page 421 of the public rec <? ids of Martm County This the 11th day of August, 1941.1 ELBERT Si PEEL. al5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In ?The Supeiiui Cuuit. County of Martin vs. Charlie Gay and Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Monday, the Uth day of August. 1941. the undersigned commissioner, will, on Friday, the 12th day of Sep tember, 1941, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, at twelve o'clock noon, daylight saving time, the following drscribed tract or parcel of land, to wit: Beginning at a stake Main Street in the town of Oak City, N. C-, thence running a Southerly course down said street 35 feet to a stake, thence Westerly at right angles with first line 60 feet to a stake, thence North erly at right angles with last line 35 feet to a stake, thence Easterly at right angles with last line 60 feet to the beginning, containing 1-7 of an acre, be the same more or less. Tli is the 11th day of August, 1941. ELBERT S. PEEL, uI5-4t Commissioner NIWS md PACTS... tf SiaUwid* lirUrtsi PROTECTION For ovor two yeara this Committee haa waged ita "Clean Up or Cloae Up" campaign to pro tact die legitimate beer retailing business by eliminating thoae few undeairablea who use their beer licenaea aa a cloak for unlawful as<l?ltiaa : it Law enforcement a'genciea and the brewing indoatry both recognize that no program can be entirely aucceaaful without the approval and active aupport of law-abiding citizena. Weaak your cooperation in thia work. Please do not patronize beer outlets that tolerate anti social practices?that compromise ethical con duct. BREWERS AND NORTH CAROLINA BEER DISTRIBUTORS COMMITTEE ? EdgarH. Bain, Siete Director, Suite 813-817 Comaterool BUg Raleigh rauaa a cooraunoa wm tut united brewers industrial foundmtou Buo/t StanliyriO' f/l (fieuz jimt& XPuo tfkubt) The Record Speaks At The New Carolina Warehouse WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I'aeked from wall to wall, tin* New C.arolina Vt arehonse. \\ illianiston. made one of the highest priee axerages in the entire Bright Belt this week. I'liese are the real fait-, ami the average* listed below support the fuels. V few of the mail); until* good axerage- are listed, us follows: I\ C. \SIII.KY and IIOWVKM llcrlif ( mint \ /tonmls /trice amount 108 :u< $ Mt.n i oo 88. moo 116 S? 15.21 82 _ 10. 82.80 I0(> $152.70 I rertt/ie: SH 7.68 \\. C. I'KI I an.I WVNNK \\ illiaiil-lon IHHintlti /nice amount 22<? __ 31c S 7<>.81 102 37c 37.74 88 30c 3132 128 30c 10.02 311 #108.82 Average: #36.33 J, K. I OKI ^ JitllM'ovilit' linllli' I pouiuts price amount IKK .*?>,? # 73.32 l?)(. 3K< 71. IK 200 27.- 5 l.tM) r.KI $201.80 I rcrddc :$?'{ /..>?> SIMON III.IK/) \\ illiunioloii Konit- I i>. ma ithi vt s Hamilton poll till.1 price amount in - 35c * 39.90 210 37c 88.80 121 39c 18.30 210 _ Ufc 90.00 291 10c 1 1 7.00 372 10. 1 18.80 1381 *539. lo ivorage: S.'W.VW IM.RRY u.i.l PHKI.PS WilliuniMlon pound* price amount 100 32c S 33.12 I<>I ____ 32*. (.2.08 170 ____ 30c 08.01 220 30c 83.80 171 30c 07.80 I 18 30c 37.72 1078 #303.2 Averaffe: $.'{6.00 fn m ml s iincr minium i<m sr. .? ll(. .111. 11.08 io<> vh II..; i :;:;o $125.38 I riTitftr: S.'tT.W Ill I IA anil KIN llt> > liriffius /xtiifii/.i {trier amount 02 :!()<? S 27.60 K0 80. 28.80 io<> 80< i i.hi I I I .80, 14. |(? 802 $1 12.20 ? .4 varan?: JKSSK Kill I. and WOHB1.KTON KvrrHts puunds price . umiwiil 192 __ _ . :??>( # 71.88 70 __ HOc 27.HO 102 H7c _ 37.71 02 ho. 33.88 7? __ . :$7c __ 28.86 1 71 __ H8. 66.12 708 #270.78 I reran*': S'iU.2!i <;. W. TWIOU anil I I I I I I Kvi-ri'lhi IhhiiuIs ftrite amount no ho, 10 0 :<7i 10 1 35< 150 39< 211 HO, # 20.00 37.00 HO. IO HO.HO OH. 10 02f> S2H6.21 A verago: $?'( 7.7 I MOW Mtlt COI.TR Vl\ fiiiiiiiili ftrivf amount no 87<- 8 29.60 71 :$9, 2K.86 I <?2 89, 68.18 810 #121.61 (verana: #88. #9 ALL OF Oi l? PATRONS WFRF JUBILANT OVFR TIIFIR SALFS THIS WFFk. Ri: Wi l li I S, BY ALL !\1 FANS. I OR \NOTIIFK First Sale-Monday, September 1 Johnny Gurkin, W. D. Odom, Sylvester Lilley and John A. Manning At the New Carolina Warehouse WII.I.IAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. 49th Series Opens Saturday, September 6 A LITTLE SAVED EACH WEEK WILL EVENTUALLY BUILD YOU A HOME The average safe investment today is yielding a very low rate of interest. Building and I^oan shares (depression test ed) still offer a good yield with safety. We invite you to subscribe for shares in our new series, which will open on Saturday, September 6th. t For Stability Prosperity and Protection SAVE WITH US 27 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL OPERATION SAVE THE BUILDING & LOAN WAY

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